Show r doctors 3 RU RULES LES big help to bowels what a joy to have tho the bowels bobela like clockwork every dayl day I 1 its easy it if you mind these simple rules of a famous old doctor larink 1 drink a big tumbler fal of water before break breakfast fasti and several times a day 2 get plenty of outdoor exercise without unduly fatiguing yourself atry try for a bowel movement at elac exactly aly the same hour everyday every day Uve bowels need help at times buethe but the thing to use iida Is dr Oal Cald dwells syrup pepsin get a thorough cleaning out and it wont leave your insides weak find and watery va tery this family doctors pre script loin Is just fresh laxative herbs pure pepsin and other helpful ingredients that hurt a cilla but how it wakes up those lazy bowels 1 how good you thith aej with your system rid of all that poisonous waste matter clean up that coated tongue sweeten that bad breath and get rid of those bilious headaches A little syrup pepsin will soon free the bowels from all that waste li matter that makes the whole system sluggish eat better sleep better and feel better like the way dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup byrna pepsin tastes the way it works will delight you big bottles au all drugstores DAW DK W 8 SYRUP PEPSIN n c A doctor family Lax laxative laxami afi fa for r 00 talce take Bos chees a syrup and nd cou coughing ing stops sto at boncel 0 Relieve sw ere a contains nothing injurious but oh so effect effectives ivel guaranteed Bos chees at all syrup drus slits wl fa aay 13 iwas nervous and rundown and weighed less than a hundred pounds ofelt tired and weak and often had to lie down I 1 took lydia E pink hams vegetable compound because I 1 saw it advertised now I 1 eat well sleep well and have good color in fact I 1 feel any better and I 1 weigh one hundred fifty five pounds lam iam I am glad to answer letters from any woman who wants to know more about the vegetable compound mrs mm bertha stephens a 2 i 1 E ross street lancaster ni casta pennsylvania |