Show COMPOSING ROOM FOREMEN attention union lino operator wants situation competent 40 per week or over IT II E blake jr monticello Montie ello utah i EAGLE HL ILLING LIlli 6 N 4 4 AND 4 4 I 1 4 H M M I 1 fresh halloween llowen Ha candy 4 carrots t baggage potatoes pure cider vinegar for pickling 1 fruit jars lifts R I 1 P r S U nice line of fresia canies i q 40 M 14 fl A the most uce proc 03 gream is that of f savina 7 early and often state bank of sah hau I 1 WANTED plowing to do good work guaranteed prices right will take wheat or cattle in pirt part payment bert belt Mee Mec haro liani lockerby Lock eiby utah 10 16 at REPORT IT made alado to the bank commissioner of the state of utah of the condition of the state dank of san sail juan located at monticello in the county of san duap juan state of utah at the close cloo of business on oil the day of septem ter t er 1930 RESOURCES loans and discounts Dia counts aei overdrafts drafts stocks bonds and securities etc bank house furniture Fuini Fuin tuie iture and fixtures due from other banks iC cash items gold cold silver currency total cash on hand expenses interest intel est paid taxes paid 1234 total suspense ins miscellaneous S stockholder tock bolder tr fiust I 1 Q 03 0 1 I 1 TOTAL 1 liabilities cantal stock paid in 00 surplus fund undivided profits Pio fils Int interest enest exchange rents safe dap dox doxcy es commissions net undivided ded profits D duo due to other B banks a n ks E 0 0 0 0 0 total demand deposits total time deposits ac I 1 suspense 6 C I 1 1400 service chas IBS 50 J shareholders trust cash over 1 1 TOTAL STATE OF UTAH SS county of san juan 11 II C perkins Pe ikins being first duly sworn according to law deposes and says that lie is cashier of the above named bank that the above and foregoing report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the day of september 1930 IT C PERKINS PERKIN S cashier correct attest CHAS REDD A J REDD IT D BAYLES WAYNE VAYNE 11 II REDD directors director 8 S subscribed u and sworn to before nie me this lath day of oct 1930 FRANK HALLS SEAT SEAL notary public my illy commission expires the day of january Jani iary 1931 STATE OF UTAH office of betik commiss commissioner toner 1 I IV 11 dark dank commissioner on of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a fult full true and correct copy of tile statement I 1 I 1 of the above named company filed in my office this alth day of october 1930 W IL HADLOCK bank commissioner subscribe scribe for the san juan record WANTED ironing to do mrs mae pipkin 29 at dr W J rogers DENTIST DOLORES COLO monticello CREAM STATIC SWIFT COMPANY buyers of CREAM EGGS POULTRY G S STUART manager 9 V ry on 15 4 TRY GRAND MESA SYRUP 1 A maple syrup in the price range I 1 of corn syrup j can A at rrean ut butte 4 I 1 can 14 WHY PAY MORE i 1 I A t carro 1 4 X irn eperu 4 et i 2 ME T V 97 hii y 4 41 ac lit y M A I 1 N IPA k I 1 t monticello UTAH it 4 4 1 I P aa f W H t 1 A y L tak TT hii W A t v C A t THREE STYLES t screen grid super Hetro dynes 1 4 to W W 7 I 1 i inquire of CHAS REDD MOTOR CO LA SAL UTAH 4 4 4 il |