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Show WO MAN 'S.EXDO-- E , t HJ-rr-r- - 23 " " " good instructions-General and Stake officers of the Relief Society presented and sustained unani- ;rSOm.v V mously. 'v.. le-part- ; . President Lemmbns said that the Gos-pe- l should be taughrat home," said" that t h erevas nq6rganization in the Church that was more help to the Bishopric than . the Relief Society. s ; .who had .takenpartin2helpinie. IN MEMORIAM. Lorette Chassi Bigler in Lincoln, Addison County, was born Vermont, Novem- ber 7th, 1822, her father died when she was seven when years old; she was eighteen years of she first heard l he gospel of Jesus Christ; her Uncle Ezra Chase cams to Vermont aud converted her to the faith" in the fall of 1840; three years later she, with her mother and two brothers, went to Nauvoo, on June 18th, 1844, she was married to Jacob B. Bigler, just nine days before the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were martyred. She came to Utah m the fall of 1852 and made.her.home at Nephi, Juab County. Utah, where she died June 8th 1907, fifteen weeks to the day after the death of her husband. Patriwas the mother of 10 arch Jacob G. Bigler. 8 whom still of are children,' living. She was beloved by all who knew her, and lived and died a faithful Latter-daSaint She was one of the noble workers in the.Relief Society cause and held responsibe positions in the Society. She was chosen as secretary when it was first organized in Nephi in the year, of 1868- and held that office in honor until 1879 when the Stake Relief Society was organized, then she was chosen as stake 'secretary, and in the year of 1883 she was chosen counselor to the Stake President: she held that office until old age and poor health came and she ' ' resigned. She was at Relief Society just a week before she was taken sick and bore a strong testimony to the truthfulness of the gospel ol Christ. Shewas a subscriber to the Woman's Exponent froai the time it was first published. She has gone to receive the reward of a faithful and well-speCommunicated. life, , ae S-i- unknown." . nt V - ' . roClT spoken of, and wish every Sister would take that paper and sustain it better, Sister Ernnieline B. Wells is such x busy woman and si ill attends to our valuable paper, and she does so very much' other, work .that we veryofteh' wonder how. she can accomplish so much May. we be faithful in our 'missfbn and strive to do what' is right. - '. ise . RKSOLl TlONS . - Resolved, by the sisters of the Lay ton Ward Relief Socirtv, that we mourn the loss and appreciate the puiity of her lift. That we extend to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy, and pray God that His comfoiting influence may be with them; for there is joy and comfort in the knowledge that Sister Packer is entitled to all the blessings promised to the faithful. Resolved, that a copy of these reso.Huions be presented to the family, and a copy placed on tha records of the Relief Society of Layton, Arizona, and a copy sent to the Woman's Exponent. Alice K: Bekue, President. "(Signed; R. S. REPORTS. BEAK LAKE. - Minutes of the ing. We should sustain our paper. It helping any one. Have been interested in meeting with you. Let us be strong and steadfast in our efforts to do good Eight annual conferences of the Relief; Society of this" stake have been held in the Tabernacle of Paris ; zzri, Sunday. August 8th, 1907, 2 p.m. After the choir and congregation sang, 1 prayer was offered and singing. . The Sacrament was administered, arid while it was being dispensed, the sweetest music was rendered by the choir. President Lindsay said, There is a spirit of Jove and union among our sisters of this stake, but some are careless in at- tendinf nnr mpptino'c,: iPrvpA Gnr In bless the sisters who are with us that - Bear Lake Relief Society Conference which was held in the Tabernacle at Paris, August 18th, 1907, with a they may say something that, will help us in our work.- r very good attendance. r Officers' meeting, 10 Sister Grant said she did not feel timid President Julia P. Lindsay presiding. in speaking in the presence of our brethShe said there were a great many who ren as she once did; she camejo instruct neglected their duties, but she knew our the sisters; knew that President Lindsay Father in heaven would wake them up to had the love and respect of the sisters; their line of duty. Sjpbke of how well and when the time comes for herrelease of she felt about our paper, the valuable life, will feel a satisfaction in knowing Exponent for women, and we should she has done her duty. It is our duty to support it better than we do. We have help the Priesthood whenever they need Sister GrantWith us, also Sister Shipp.J help, in addition to the labor of caring Felt weir in having some of the Stake for the sick and the poor. The speaker Presidency present to back them. It has dvyelt at some length on the importance been said by way of encouragement that of implanting faith in the hearts of our the Relief Society is the most interesting, children; should teach them while very thrifty and independent auxiliary organi- young to pray to our heavenly Father; She believed the we should teach by example.. She enzation in the Church. Latter-da- y Saints to be the best people joyed the - love and confidence of her on earth, although the people of the brothers and sisters more than anything world are so beautifully dressed and re- - else. Did not come with any new docfined in manners, she would not tor any- trine, but to remind us of our duties, for thing in the world, change with them;. we are all forgetful. She was one of the we have the gospel and the spirit of revel few who knew the Prophet Joseph and' ation. How we are blessed, we should al- Patriarch Hyrum ; was twelve years old ways give with a charitable feeling, then when they were martyred. The Prophet man; there are the ones that receive would rejoice and was a superior-lookin- g him justice. be happy indeed; but remember we .are non e of his pict all getting old, should not be harsh. The We are. always blessed in blessing others. Teacher's duties are very great;' alwaysl. Prayed God to bless all who are engaged i inri '11 in this noble work. 1 ne money you collect carry a smile. Sister S h i pp said : Wi t h the grea t r is nothing in comparison to the comfort resting upon me, I feel timid; you may be; you can all do some good, when in the line of duty. May the Lord we are. here to fill a sacred mission; we should make our homes all they shopld bless us all. Sister Susan Grant was pleased to hear be and beautify them; woman's mission the instructions to' teachers, and would is to make others happy; husband and have been;very. much pleased to have wife should work together and help each seen more present; very much pleased btherlinheir labors" with th'e childrenr to In her early life, had a happy home; nev to know you have grain and places ' and mother speak a keep it. It is very gratifying to have er heard her father house and "lot of your own in which to cross word to each other. Spoke of the covenant and meet Should keep good records; and sacredness of the marriage those that have not granaries should hur- of the seriousness of divorces. Spoke of the faithfulness of President Lindsay ry and get them and store wheat; should who is now eighty-foyears of age, and also be punctual at your meetings. The the joy she feels in laboring; she does Prophet Joseph Smith said thateverye not wait to be waited upon for work is .virtuous womanlshould have hejiam to"the soulr-;.C- f ean homes enrolled, because, from the books we shall what trtngs joy food and a smile be judged. Was pleased to hear the Ex- - and beds, good nourishing . a-- . - . a-w- Mamie Freeson, Secretary. e y kt .74 iVV-- feci that wo havo counselor antt- 1 ic3iuciutt . niLirraj picuacu iu illccl a true fnend; but our Ios is her eternal with gain. us in. officers' meeting. Thought We hope to meet her again where and sorrow we pain got more substance out of these meetare . tomake the conference a. success. Closed' by singing dbxology, and benediction. Eliza A. Hawkins, Cor. Sec. ed ,he e Sister.Dixon announced that our next conference will be held in the Tintic district Sep. 21, thanked the sisters and all Mrs Amy OBITUARY. In memory of Sister Mar A. Packer, who this life February 19, 1907. Sister Packer was a aud faithful worker, a ministering ansjei to willing the sick, and a true Latter-da- y Saint. She has filled many positions of honor was a? Jnif ltt the Laton ward.. of theonng Ladies' Association for. apresident number of years, also a teacher in the Sunday School. At the time of her death she was a counselor In the Relief Society. . " RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT FOR SISTER ELIZABETH GASSMAN. t . Kind words cost nothing. In the midst of life there is death. Whereas, our Father in heaven has, in His infinite mercy removed from among us.'our wot thy and dearly loved sister, Elizabeth Gassman; and whereas, the long and intimate relation with her in the faithful discharge of her duties in this Society a3 secretary and president, makes it fitting that we record our appreciation. Wherefore resolved, that the wisdom and ability which she exercised in our midst by service and counsel will be held in grateful remembrance. Resolved, that the removal of such a life. from among our number leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the members of this society, and a serious loss to the community because of the exemplary life she lived. Resolved, that we deeply symvathize with the bereaved family and pray., our heavenly Father to sustain and comfort themin" the hour of trial; we express our hepe that even so great a loss to us all may be overruled for 'good by H im who doeth all things well. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be recorded in the record book of the Relief Society, a copy publishd in the Woman's Exponent, and a copy handed to the bereaved family. Millie Hooper, -- ures-that-- da : ur Robbins, whose playvVotes. "is one of the sensations of London, is a native of Louisville, Ky. zabeth for .Women, : |