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Show j you - regard as genuine f:. Aft a r -- Self Control. - He who reigns : within himself and rules passions; desires and fears is more than a king.". 2nd. Parents should be masters of themselves. 3rd. Be what you wish your child to be. Anger begets anger love begets love. Lectnre I. hospitality. Lccture 1. i-- a XA 1 n ?XCtltfli 311 U . Stake Secretary Annie M, Wilson, snowing the society to be. in a very prosperous condition, Sister Annie Philipps and Sadie Rasband of Park City sang a beau-- . . t seiecuon. uiui . o a Unselfishness." No other quality is so in the home as this. The duty of of member the every 11 family to learn to be me conoisier orani1 iimen aajresseu, unselfish. 2nd. When- - one member-shirk- ference. She was, very much gratified his duty the burden falls more with the splendid report of the presidents heavily on some other of the family 3rd, throughout the stake, and spoke at some . to beiLQ.Qd citi2noneinu5Lleaiii.tQdo Li rSpiritnal-Developmentr"Lecture his part, and not withhold, his services . . " 1st. The progress we make here goes while he complains of what others are net bociety work m its various lines. us into eternity. 2nd. Insincerity in with ' Sisjer Pnscilla Evans of Coalville sang, doing. .. all At times be what you seem. "Change Not - the Old for the New." religion. Sister Mary;, H- - Neeley read a paper on 3rd. When you attend meeting go with a Lecture 12. Patience. ..... 1st. The struggles of 4esire to gain a blessing rather than f3r only in the "Mother work' Prest. Moses W. the grave. : Sorrow is the common lot of Taylor appreciated tfie work done by the pastime. all. 2nd. Do not magnify your own Relief society of the Summit stake, parLecture 3. Ideal Mothers. troubles by dwelling on them. 3rd, Bear ticularly in caringfor the sick and poor. 1st. Do not abuse your bodies by overSister Mattie Salmon Baker of Alberta, in patience all the ills ' that you cannot work, for, the mental powers are weakfor without a cross there is no Canada, sang a soloened proportionately. 2nd. To govern a correct, Prest- - Pack was pleased with the unit v crown. family arighti the mother should ''enjoy existing throughout the wards- - in the Annie Laker, Susanna Pugmire.' Emphysical and mental strength. 3rd. Try ily Richards, Hkrmoine stake and the general prosperous conHart, Commit-- " dition to be happy under all circumstances. of the same.; Fourteen of the sevtee. 1 1st. ... far-reachi- ng m 1 . 1 1 . 1 -2- ' I m - m m - -- life-en- . . . - Child Development. 1st. The forming of brain cells and nerve centres. 2nd. How to strengthen a good trait and weaken a bad one. 3rd. Direct rather than check a child's act ' ivities. Lecture 4- - - Lecture. 5. ures. Respect for all God's Creat- "Ridicule is the weapon of A plain face 2nd. the ignorant." and plain clothing should not be the basis of our estimate of people. 3rd. Should learn to value the conduct and qualities of the mind above all else. 1st. . Lecture 6. Judge not. .., ist.'Be careful in talking of things that do not concern you. Children easily acquire the habit. 2nd. Be just and merciful in your estimite of people- - 3rd. Look for the good in your fellows and you can always find it. good for indulgence harmful. children. 3rd. Do not indulge self and demand too much of your children. 4th. Treat them in such a manner that they Self-deni- al self-governm- ent Lecture 8. Unity of Parents. ' 1st. Parentsshould not oppose each other in correcting their children. 2nd. Thewife should not oppose her husband in. business matters, rather suggest and advise. '3rd. When one parent finds it necassary to deny a child anything, the other parent has no right to indulge the child in that particular. Lecture 9. Mothers as Public Workers. 1st Is it selfish fora mother to devote all her time to her family. 2nd. Benefits received from working in the Church organizations. -- 3rd. - Woman's .advance- : Lecture Hospitality.; 1st. A hospitable person is usually unselfish, finds pleasure in sharing what he has with others. 2nd. Hospitality does not consist in elaborate preparation alone, but- - of theJdndnessthatprgmpts our treatment of friends . 3rd. Give cx- 10. Caine. Reports of the Orangeville, Huntington and Clawson wards were given. An selection was nicely rendered by Sister Maggie Cox, and a talk on the "Life and Works of Emily Hill Wood-mansewas ably given by Lucinda in-strum- enal Curtis. In the afternoon, reports were given by the presidents of the Castledale, Wellington, Ferron, Molen, Desert Lake and Castlegate wards. The speakers were Sister Annie M. Larsen, Elder U. E. Curtis, Patriarch Franklin D. Young and Sister Caine. A duet was rendered by Nettie Crawford and Fannie Cox. May Poulson sang, "The Picture of My Moth er."- Sister "Nathalie Andersen gave a talk on nursing. A good spirit prevailed throughout the conference;-an- d good singing, was furnished by the Orangeville Relief Society, assisted by the brethren. The day was perfect and everything seemed to combine to make our conference a success. An officers' meeting was held between the forenoon and afternoon sessions, at which Sister Caine gave special instructions to the officers and teachers. Mary H. Neelev, Sec. WASATCH STAKE. The annual conference of the Wasatch Stake was held on Sunday, June 16, 1907, in the Stake tabernacle, Heber, President Annie R. Duke presiding. After opening exercises, a welcome address was given by Sister Lovisa Alexander, she was pleased to see so many present and was thankful for the beautiful sunshine and for all the many blessings received. She knew this was a glorious work. The reports that were given show that the 9 Wards in the Stake are in a flourishing condition, the sisters are trying to do all the good they can. The attendance in some of the wards is not what it should be. Sisters Elizabeth Wilcox and Dr. Ellis R, Shipp of the general board were present at the morning session, but returned home in the afternoon. Sister Wilcox was pleased to hear the reports that were given. She spoke about mothers attending to their meetings but not to neglect her children to do so- - The greatest object of a mother's life is to take care of ' her children. The object of the Relief Society when . - .- - a. , The Emery Stake Relief Society conference was held at Orangeville, Wednesday, May 15, at 10 a.m. The conference was well attended by Relief Society sis- ters and a number of brethren. There was present besides the Relief Society stake officers, Sister Margaret A. Caine of the General Board of Relief Society. During the morning session the speakers were President Mary A. Sorensen, Couselors Caroline A. juymon and Mary J. King, Elder Alma Jewkes and Sister - - husbands. 4th. The first requisite to successful life in any capacity is to love ':..-ythe work. EMERY STAKE. e" Lecture 7. Rights of Children. 1st. In dealing with children do not forget you were once a child. 2nd. Over- will learn RELIEF SOCIETY REPORTS. enteen wards were represented at the ' .. conference. An officers' meeting was held in, the Relief Society hall on Saturday and Sunday morning, the hall being crowded to its utmost, many having to stand. Annie Maria Allen, Secretary. and help the sick, and it is also for the saving of souls.' The sistersr.should become acquainted with the principles of the Gospel. If we do not do some good each day we are not doing our duty We should ask in humility every day for the Lord to help us. She knew the mother's work was a grand work and was growing rapidly. She urged the necessity of train-- . , intt mircoo f Kof tViA 1 -- mnfrliArc nrA ll'fflA ones might Shej commented on the work of teachers, they were the backbone of the soci Mothers should know where their ety. children are at night. Provide the proper kind of amusement anaV make home pleasant and attractive that they will love to stay at home." Paper, "True object of the Relief Society Work, by Amelia Cluff. Song by JDrOlUCr IVUUCIta anu ,JUiyauj have-the-proper-c- arev felt-tha- SUMMIT STAKE. ' - The Summit Stake Relief Society conference was held at Coalville, June 16, 1907. , Sister Susan Grant of the General Board and Moses W. Taylor, Thomas h. Allen and George W. Young of the Stake Presidency, Prest. Celeste Y. Pack and Counselor Sarah C Taylor of the Stake "Relief Society Board wefe present- r- t -- |