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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. ' Y 1 I iL.i .4 T i JminiKtnrAirfn warns. n m. with singing and Deneaic- - lauguu mai a x auiu uiui.u tu until nave we mra practice trie good- tnings of the aged? that the Lord would take . heard we have sufficient said. She said tion. Afternoon session of the Keliet Society, Sister Smith, she brings the greetings-o- f rresiaem of inspiring others to do their duty. who is interestedin you. 'Made mention presided over by Stake Morning session closed' with singing and Saints Tyson. After opening7exercises, Mounof the opportunities the Latter-dar- -prayer.--was Relief reported View by tain Society honored an have and what people they PresiAfternoon session. President Eliza J. are. "Can there be a truer mission than President Graham: Randolph by After singing and condition and Dixon presiding. a wife and a mother? She needs, know- l- dent Celia Spencer in good Wells Cannon of the Sister Annie fully organized; Cumberland was re- prayer Pih'e. nil thnt she cm obtain to m a keh er : 1 J' j . 1 Doaru. iur .Buine rime. well. uenerai spuku one can reacn ner in- ported doing fairly a better woman10 De rrayea ior me opiru 01 me fant obedience. Control your home by ' Solo sung by Ada Rollins. The general apd Stake 'officers were with us all; said President Bathsheba W. love, itwill do more good than anything Smith sends her love to the sisters of the acrree- - presented and unanimously sustained. '!; f nthpr: must hf rheerf uland Teach Sister Julia Farnsworth spoke of the' Kelief Society, as she is not able to visit able under all circumstances. them personally on account of her many children to be prayerful and honor the woman's building and' of the storing of "duties and Temple work; but her love and grain, said we should not care what the Priesthood." who are President Joseph R. Murdock endorsed people of the world say, .so that we are interest are still with the sisters I feel this afterall that had been said. He would like to keeping the commandments of God. engaged in this work. of Wondered if the mothers realized the noon that the. Spirit of the Lord is with see every good woman in Zion enrolled in thev Relief bociety, that positions they occupy in raising children, was the place for them.' He knew the there is nothing that should interest us are making for themselves a heaven." sisters were, doing a good work. Urged more than the care of our children, they Sister Cannon talked of the mother's are our jewels which God gives to us. Ad- work; we are proud of our Relief Society, vised us to visit the sick and not be and above all, sisters, be proud of mothIn the afternoon session General President 13. W. Smith's address was read by boastful. ' We should endeavor to grow erhood, the happiest- time in our lives is Sister Margaret Murdock. Recitation, better and wiser every day so that we when our children are small, then is r Don't let Millie Montgomery. may be prepared to go back to our Father when we can. teach them. them say anything against the PriestRemarks by Sister Ann Murdock one in heaven and receive our reward: A musical selection by the Osborn hood. Tell them good stories. She also of the first members of the Relief Society sisters was rendered Sister Morris, mis- spoke of the moralcondition of the young, in this Stake of Zion. Elders E D. Clyde, and James C. Jen- sionary, thought it.was a great thing to be advised the Relief .Society, to take up a sen of the Presidency spoke a short. time. called to this work. God is merciful and work with the young.uplift and better their Advised William1 Young, a returned missionary overlooks a great many of our faults. He moral and spiritual condition. mothers not to send their daughters to from New.Zealand spoke a few minutts knows our desires and will bless us acand also sang a song. cordingly. Said we should not be dis- Salt Lake to work on account of the evil contented with our homes, for the Lord influences they are liable to come in con, Stake Secretary. had work for us to do here He will rule tact with, said that there was a commit1 - , . y -- 1 . 1- - t- ' 1 1 1 - ra ; . " , this-Stak- e ' . . the elements for our sake. WOODRUFF. Bishop Graham of Mountain, View made a few remarks.' Bishop S. Brough thought that the Spirit of the Lord had been with us, felt well and gave us good instruction. Solo sung by Minna Marshall. President Tyson felt to rejoice for we have had a good time, we should have the Spirit of humility, and faith, and "Count our many blessings," should visit those in distress and honor the aged, cease finding fault with each other, cultivate the spirit of prayer. Closed by singing and benediction. Minutes of Woodruff - Stake Relief Society Conference held at Lyman, June I5 I907," Stake President Sarah Tyson presiding. From the general board Sister Julia. P. M. Farnsworth and visiting sister, Lydia Morris, of Salt Lake City, were present. After the usual opening exercises Stake President Tyson made a few opening remarks, she was pleased to see so many young sisters present,and exhorted all to attend to their Relief Society duties. Counselor Ellen Anderson of Lyman Katie H. Eppich, Stake Sec. reported their society in good condition. NE130. "Sister Julia Famsworth spoke of the noble pioneers, read from the Exponent The quarterly conference of the Nebo x icbiueiu jDaiusneua v. oinun s greeting Stake Relief Societv was held at Payson, to the sisters. Also spoke of the San July 19, 1607, President Eliza J. Dixon Francisco disaster, and of what the Represiding. After the opening exercises, lief Society.bad done for them.. Said we Sister Dixon welcomed the people. to our . ,H were growing in intelligence, ana we con f erence and was proud to have sisters should endeavor to cultivate our talents.. from'.the general board with us; gave a Spoke. of the poor and of the annual do- brief report of the Relief Society work. nation and by doing those things we were Nebo Stake owns 8 halls and 9 granaries fulfilling our duties. Referred to the with 1095 bushels of wheat. Our object lecturesof the mothers' work, wished the is to have our children grow up to be Saints. young sisters especially to take interest in good Latter-da- y them. Sister Ann Nebeker recited Peti Pat Sister Ida Hamblin sang "Guide me to and Tipe Toe. Lesson on parents class work given by Sister Edna Brockbank, Thee." Sister Morris expressed- - her willingness subject, habit ; she also Tead a poem, e to do what she could Relief Soci"Hanging Pictures on Memory's Walls.". so was much there we ety, thought could, ,Sisters Quigley and Daniels, ,on, do in that direction. Old Homestead." "The Brother George Eyer spoke of the labSister Hattie B. Harker, missionary ors of the sisters in the Relief Society from the general board spoke on the and what a grand organization it was, cares of mothers, both in the family and closed by invoking the blessing of the outside, in helping others by older sisters Lord upon all. giving their experience to the younger Counselor H. Telford thought the sisters in raising their families. "We are mothers' work was a great help to ns, all working for the one great cause. We benefit ourselves as we benefit others, it said it was a commandment from the ser- - is better to give than to receive, and -- , - . . - J.-- . for-th- . -- tee of sisters to get good homes for those who do come to SaltLdketo work; spoke of our girls going to other towns and set- tlements to parties and riding home late, felt it was imprudent. Relief Society teachers should be the very best women in the wards, and pray for the Lord to guide them in their labors, and live just as near like the Master as possible. We need the young women and the young women need the Relief Society. Sister Cannon spoke, of- storing grain against a day of famine, felt that when we lend our wheat we should have good security. Advised us to read the Testament every day, especially when we are discouraged. She mentioned especially the Savior and His prayer while- He was in the garden of Gethsemane7 and ol His forgiving spirit. Sister H. B. Harker also spoke on the Garden of Gethsemane, and felt, we should understand the Gospel ourselves and then we can. teach it to our children. We should teach our sons as well as our daughters morality, and if we don't have much of .this world's goods have their hearts pure. Spoke of the nurses class as a noble work for our sisters in Zion and that the nurses's class would commence in September. , Dr. Shipp to conduct the work. Spoke of the Woman's Exponent; and advised the sisters to subscribe for that valuable paper. x - - : n High Priests quorum, spoke a short time. Said try all we could to have all our sisters enrolled in the Relief Society. Our whole souls should be for the welfare of ourselves and our brothers and sisters. Song by Sister Ivy Done, entitled ' '! need Thee every hour." Brother Beddoes another member-of the High Priests quorum, addressed" the conference, said that the Lord would fit V . -- |