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Show te J" I - WOULD ARISE ANu'dO- titff 6MY "T father.-;;;;- : - ": - I Baritone solo. "CnnrTi ohn Robinson. Brief reports.' srnlrA linne eternal arms, u uoa, v ...Taketis, Thine erring children, in; too boldly trod, " r from dangerous paths From wandering thoughts an3 dreams of sin. -- The Benediction.: We A all at length come to Tbeeti Lord, againj . ..." guide of. trembling steps yet be! Give us of Thine eternal powers! . Thy " : ; Hymn,' Our God we raise" tohee," " trusted hope, and. pride, and strength; d . ' Our strength proved false; our pride was vain, dreams-have-fade- . AFTERNOON SESSION, 2 P. Riiard through helpless years to be; not our maturer days; leave Oh, still We areTieJpIess without Tfcee7" Our - r- arms were round our childish ways, - s us with -- ''-''- A We 19 AddressCounsefor Annie Taylor Hyde. tu-p-;- THOMAS WENtWORTll UIGGINSON. To EXPONENT.' . . So shall all paths lead unto Thee, And life smile on like childhood's hours. Prayer. Hymn, "Come let us answ.11 Remarks, Mrs. Julina L. Smith, baran Jenne Cannon, Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, "riurse worK instructor. Soprano solo, "Heaven Hath Shed a 1 ear. ' Reminiscences. Sarah M. Cleveland and Elizabeth Ann Whitney, by Mrs. Emmeline d. wens. THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. while. speaking to Mr. Ctioate expressed a desire to visit this country. , Mrs. May Wright Sewalljvill spend the coming winter iriXambridge, Mass. Liliuokalani of Hawaii is to be married again, this time to Prince Ari Pal of Tahiti. Ex-quee- n MOTHERS' WORK. Sk'el- - PANGUITCH STAKE. Hymn, "Redeemer of Israel." THOMAS MCKELLAR. The dinner partv criven bv Oueen Wil- helmina of Holland to the heads of the various delegations to the Peace Conference, at The Hague was one of the memorable features of the meeting. The queen presented toJeach. delegate a beautiful-meda- l in commemoration of the second conference in the interests of peace between all nations. When the. "dinner was b , Solo, violin obligato by George' ton, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas Edward. I 1st. Life and its responsibilities, why are we here? Unity, love and loyalty in ' home. MONDAY A. M. II BARRATT , HALL. pain 2nd. Have an aim in life, that of makI choose not for my good. A golden chain, Testimony meeting, President Bath- - ing the home happy. Good cooking an is A robe o( honor too poor a prize sheba W. Smith presiding. Order, cleanliness, important factor. To tempt mv hasty hand to do a wrong Hymn, Guide Us Oh Thou Great Teho-.- .. environment. Unto a fellow man. This life hath woe 3rd. Hygiene and sanitation. Prevenvan." Sufficient, wrought by man's satanic foe; ' of contagious diseases, (i Plenty of tion And who that hath a heart would dare Prayer. prolong Hymn, 'Hail to the Brightness of Zion's sleep and fresh air. (2) Care of bedOr add a sorrow to a stricken soul rooms, (a) boys, (b) girls. (3) Proper Glad Morning." That seeks some healing balm to make of cellar, yards, etc. care Testimonies. it whole? 4th.. (1) Industry necessary to success. Contralto solo, "O Morning Land," Mv bosom owns the brotherhood of man; (2) How to teach children habits of indusFrom God and truth a renegade is he Miss bdna Dwyer. Who scorns a poor man in his poverty, try. (3) Benefits derived. Idlers shall Testimonies. Or on a fellow lays his supercilious ban. not eat the bread of the laborer. D. Hymn, "The Time is Far Spent." w C. Sec. 42. . Benediction. Sth.. Obedience (a) Willing, (b) Blind. GENERAL RELIEF SOCIETY CONFERENCE. Do not expect more than: AFTERNOON, TWO O CLOCK ASSEMBLY HALL. we are willing to do ourselves. Children's The general conference of N. the Third quinquennial W. R. S. rights to be respected, . of the Relief Society of the Church of a 6th. Courtesy, children should be taught Hymn, How Firm Foundation." Saints will be Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y to be courteous. (1) How? (2) Why? Prayer. held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall in Courtesy is uplifting as it leads each to Hymn, "O Ye Mountains High." this city, on Thursday, Oct. 3d, 1907. Roll Call: Reading of minutes by the render respect to another. Meetings to commence at 10 a. m. and 2 secretary, Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells. 7th. Cheerfulness, how obtained. (1) p. m., as usual. (2) Count Duet, "Bright be, Our Pathway Till We Show gratitude for blessings. On Monday; Oct. 7, there will be a Meet Again," Mrs. Lizzie Thomas Ed your blessings, not your trials. Do not testimony meeting in Barratt hall, comward and Miss Edna Dwyer. always bring another's faults before mencing at 11 o'clock a. m. It is hoped Remarks, President Bathsheba W. them. Commend their good deeds so that there will be a representative from Smith. their minds may build upon good rather ' every stake organization of the society, than evil. Transaction of important business. and a large attendance of the members. 8th. Moral training, our girls aud boys, "We Thank Thee O God For a Hymn, The first presidency of th Church, what they shall be taught, and who shall Prophet." Of C apostles, patriarch; council seventy, Benediction. teachjt. Associates; show the evil effect of going into society too young. Rebishops and other brethren, also the sisr ters of the Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary tainthe confidence, of your children. association, are invited to attend the conThe third Quinquennial of the National How? (1) Share their joys and sorrows. ; ference. Woman s Relief society will convene in (2) Never betray a child's confidence -BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. the Salt Lake Assembly hall, Monday, even to another member of the family." ' Is punishment nec Qth. Punishment. General President. Oct. 7, 1907, at 2 p.m. for the transaction Annie Taylor Hyde, essary and what is its object? What of important business. faults in the parents often result in pun- Ida Smoot Dusenberry, By order of the president. ishment for the child? Give examples: Counselors. Bathsheba W. Smith 10th. Reverence for sacred things. (1) Emmeline B. Wells. Reverence for Deity. (2) Reverence for Secretary. the house of worship. Irreverence comes A Conference of the 'Relief Society will be held mostly from thoughtlessness and not Thursday, Oct. 3, and Monday, fromdesire. Oct. 7. The first meeting will convene at : 7 ": NOTES "AND NEWS. nth. Give plan for serving. (1) Break 10 a. m. on the first date named, and will be held in the The land . of the Nile is beginning to fast. (2) Dinner. (3) Supper. Give menu Assembly hall-- - President Bathsheba W. Smith will preside. Mrs. educate its women, and has just welcomed for each. 1 2th. Social duties. What claim has Lizzie Thomas Edward Js musical direcits first girl graduate, the B. Ar degree time of. tor, Miss Edna Coray, accompanist: haying been recently gained by a Moslem society ahd:the Church on the. chilWithin the last few years young mothers? What rights have SabHymn, "Come, come ye Saints." girl student female education has made great strides dren to. entertain in the home? (1) soPrayer. Sabbath night Hymn, "Zion stands with hills sur- in Egypt, which now boasts of seven bath visiting, and (2) ' rounded." government schools for girls, the in-t-teach-er- s cials. R. b. 1HanAHACrosby, JPres. of "Greeting and welcome," President Bath Sarah D. Syrett, Sec. R. S. sheba V. Smith. Women's Normal School at Bonlak. Benediction. If any man must fall for me to rise, Then seek I not to climb. Another's . . . -- . from-childre- semi-annu- n -- al . v ; - . . . - -- - " - ' . - which-have-been-train- ed: he |