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Show ' i' y.l 11A 111 m.m- ' m- -- - the names so has said Holland led mankind. Motley "While religious persecution raged that they will get in.somefUheir own says over all the world besides, this Republic kind. The women of Colorado have" been. in became the refuge, for the --oppressed pf EMMELINE if. WELLS, Editor and Publisher f Hp nact'verv careful to attend the pri all nations." Not only did our pilgrim ANNIE WELLS CANNON,' Atsutant Editor: are careless in fathers turn to Holland but the persemaries, but """" cuted Huguenots" in France turned their "this respect. V . Uuh. Lake in Salt City, Published ' monthly, they prayed. In The writer is well aware that it is not faces to Holland when Terms: one copy one year, $1.00; one copy si month s in facts of if the view but many history relating tn alwat .1 desirable place to go, 50 cts. No reduction made for clubs. City papers cts. Ki mttri fnr nniface one vear. theDutch Republic and religious tolera , J women turned out in force they could ..VViU, m;i ,U.,V..... ten err Ea rates: j b8o squarrr Aaveriising soon chancre the atmosphere of the pnj tion, 11 is uuu- dULuniMiiuK uul inaeed it space one time $2.50; per month, $3.00. A uoenu ujsseems a natural consequence that thegos-ple,o- f count to regular advertisers. maries. South Iempie EXPONE.VT office Room 509 Templeton, the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat This year primaries have been held and Street; .Business' hours from 10 a. ra. to 5 p.m., every Saints should find so many fodelegates for the convention nominated, ter-da- y day, except Sunday. Address all business communications tc etc., etc.. but there still remains the vot llowers in the Dutch provinces, and such B. K. WELLS, Mrs. for the city, officers to be elected in freedom arid liberty to teach and preach Salt Lake City, Utah. ing its doctrines. November- One of the recent writers of modern There is yet a chance to vote for the Entered at tk$ Post Office in Salt Lake City, Uah, at best men, even if one has let the oppor- times says, "It was in accord with poetic attend class matter. tunity of attending the primaries go by, justice and the historic fitness of things who values her self respect that the capital 'of Holland, the land of Settemper, 1907 and no woman Salt Lake Citv, Utah. or the welfare of her family or the public Grotius and Erasmus should have been weal should vote for a disreputable man,-wh- chosen as the seat of the most august and PATRIOTISM AND SUFFRAGE. for the saloon ejement beneficent Congress of modern times; Saints love their and such like immoral places. .Ex- for such surely history will pronounce the That the Latter-da- y on the ticket and study two Peace Conferences at "The Hague." country goes without saying. But it is amine every name of the men whose .It. was from the Government of the Nethnecessary to do something to prove one's carefully the character To be sure the boys from Utah names are before the public. This is erlands that the formal invitations went love. and adjoining states and territories have true, genuine patriotism. Be sure and to the nations. On the beautiful Mayvote counts just day in 1899 wnen the first conference gone freely and in. some instances gladly vote, for every woman's is the It impera- opened, the flags of nearly all civilized and proudly; to the battle if necessary ; the same as a man's. like others some have been wounded and tive duty one owes to the state, the coun- countries were thrown to the breeze from the public buildings of the Dutch capital, some nave died, and the mothers have ty and the city. and in the afternoon the representatives been brave and heroic in giving their sons of twenty-fiv- e nations met for the opento their country's service even though ing ceremonies in the Orange Hall of their hearts ached at the separation. HOLLAND AND THE CAUSE OF PEACE. the famous "House in the Wood." And thereare other ways and means M. de Beaufort, the Netherlands minThe year 1907 will be remarkable in which women as well as men can prove hv ' ' j their manyrespects; and one very important ister of foreign affairs, called the meeting loyalty and without such great sacrifice as war demands. Women can. help and notable event has been a real "Par- to order. He said: "Her Majesty, my maintain good' government, can assist in liament of Man-"- . The first Hague con- august Sovereign, has put at the disposal the cause of good citizenship, and it is a ference in 1899 had .'representatives' from of this Conference the most historical nations only, and that was a monument she possesses. This room, "duty as well as a privilege to prepare sons twenty-si- x and daughters to take part in good gov- beginning, but this year, 1907, the con- decorated by the greatest artists of the ernment- Especially is it essential when ference holding its sessions in the "Old 17th century, was erected by the widow women haye equal suffrage as we have in Hall of Knights," at the Hague, we may of Prince Frederick Henry to the mem-- , Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and "Idaho, say represented the civilized world. The' ory of her husband." He then explained nations whose delegates were some of the allegorical figures of great that they should take advantage of their forty-si-x the Peace enters opportunities and be active in promoting, gathered in that august assembly, what- merit- - One where . r t W good laws, measures and regulations. ever may be the achievements, mark a room to close the iempie 01 janus. He expressed the wish that it might be a This is a valuable use to put one's ener- significant period in human history. Looking backward ih' history, Holland good omen for their labors, and after degies to. There is need of woman's help and men are not slow to take advantage has made momentous progress for the liberations were concluded. they couldsay of- the ballot when they become candithat Peace, which is shown to enter the peace and welfare of the world. William Penn, in his remarkable essay, room, has gone out for the purpose of dates for election to any office. Very often women are not vieilarit enoueh to published in Europe in 1693, a few years scattering its blessings over all humanity. make themselves acquainted with what is before his last visit to Pennsylvania, con- It was there that on the 29th of July, coming, and their opinion of candidates tains some astonishing statements on the i8qq. the arbitration - convention was and perchance their vote before, they are subjected what is termed today interna- signed, which provided for settling differ tional union. One paragraph reads: 'The ences by arbitrament of reason, instead properly informed concerning the man " i f h o r t e d u t v ts e United) States-o- f Holland, established at of arbitrament of arms. of the Temple Kf By and by election day comes and a Utrecht in 1 579, was the great Precursor The corner-ston- e carriage calls for the ladies, and they are jof the. United States of America, and the Peace at the Hague has been laid in this busy with home duties and hurry off with- - prophecy of the U nited States of Europe. " memorable" summer of 1907? and of the rvnt hfirirr nnir enrp rinvv thpv shnnlrl vnt In this age it is apparent that great Parliament of Man: an event of peculiar tViAm nnneiAow'' if 11 ttmn ki14.1v woe rritron 1.110 powers are working for what the poet significance to Americans because of the hi viii r uuuoiuwi fVo ajThis wishould not be the case Tennyson, who is so often quoted, called munificent gift of a million and a half of matter. with any woman witn gooa natural aoiu-- "the federation of the world." dollars by Andrew Carnagie. This is the The motto of. the Dutch Union was material semblance of the good time ty and common sense. Men may be in "By concord little things become great." j coming, and may the spiritual influences men talk aboutthese things, and do make . It is said that the first large and con- also be a nrnnfippv nf ffi trne spirit and ud their minds and unless over persuaded spicuous example in modern history of power that shall come through eventually vote as to mean : they generally "was given by faith in God, and the everlasting gospel, liberty and Women do not give sufficient attention Holland. Its Dutch Republic antedates viz: ''Peace on earth and good will among to these important matters in many in- the English Commonwealth as it antemen," as foretold by the Divine Master, stances. Another phase of the subject is dates the planting of New England which the .." "Prince of Peace." that women are afraid of the primaries. it so signally promoted. Latter-daThe y Saints are working for And that is where men, and frequently New England owes a debt to Holland and for religious toleration in the bad men, go to the primaries in force and for its generous hospitality to its exiled peace, strict sense of the word,: and they mainmake up a slate and stay there and slide forefathers. ' : . tain the for which the ConstIt is worth while to note the principle itution pfprinciples ir enrougnrsenamg aesignmgi-intnguin- g, our country stands, and on bad men to the conventions, and c.nn. of toleration in the ot them oppressed for m: the own their kind to be they put quently up in .this respect one of the greatest writers all nations." ' - Woman vntpH fhr if Dossible. or mix Exp onerit . . . . -- many-wome- n ' dellv-mwm- . " A - - ; will-stan- d , . . - 1 . -- " J - 'I:-..- . self-governm- ent history-of-Hollan- dr is-MAi- rasylu . |