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Show ,nB8CHIE-''LSE , OOK T YOUB LAST RECEIPT ACCOBO"'Ct-Y: " FfiEaH Trout t W. L. Price &. Co's. my21 Choice Sugar Cured HAMS at G. F. Brook'a. my4 Shootiug Match. The first competition for the badge presented by Mr. Thomas Stone took place yesterday afternoon, which was I won by Mr, J. H. Latey by a acore of 43. REFRIGERATORS AT H. DIN-WOODEYH DIN-WOODEYH al4 WATER PIPES LAID to order by HEE3CH & ELLERBECK, Old Constitution Building. al6 Cohh Bbos'. ia theplace to purchase your Parasols. It ia the Cheapest Store in the city for everything in the Dry Goods' line. ' my5 All kinds of WATER, GAS and STEAM fitting done by Heesch & Ellerbeck. Old Constitution Building. a28 ' The Disinfecting Influence of Glenn's Sulphok Soap, in all classes of co i) tag iu Da, has been as marked as its cures ot infectious, skin diseases and painful rheumatic and neuralgic ailments have been signal and permanent. per-manent. Its success has teen such that numerous imitations have been put afloat by unscrupulous speculators, specula-tors, and are base and inert or injurious inju-rious counterfeit?, of which the public should beware, and should ask lor Gleen'8 SuLruua Soap, and take no other. Sold by druijgieta. -Depot, Ckittenton's, 7 Sixth avenue, N. Y my21 FASHIONABLE CI.OTHING-Tqo CI.OTHING-Tqo largest and best seleotiun of Summer Sum-mer Clolbiug.at my2 L. Goldberg & Co's. We abk prepared to outfit houacB from cellar to garret. Furniture and house goedd of all kinds. 12 Babratt Bros. New Waguu skein. The beat Btcel akein now in uao is oe we have seen in the Mitchell wagon. Ita advantages over others are that the strength lies where it ia most needed. It it fastened to the atle by two flanges secured by clips. The axle retaina ita full siie to the collar. Tno Patent Steel Skein is only foi sale by L. B. Mattison, at hU yard, half block south ol theatre. my23 SPECIAL NUTICK TO WOOL-GROW WOOL-GROW KRS. The Provo Manufacturing Company Com-pany are prepared to pay the highest market prices in cash for wool. No House in Utah can pay better prices and our U i:itiea for handling wool are excelled by none. Be eure to give us a oa'l beforo disposing of your wool. Sacks and Twine furnished free of charge if returned in good condition. con-dition. Apply to James Dunn, Supt., Provo, or Jso. C. CoTLB-t, Agent, m'9 Silt La.ke City. JOB If you wish to travel by the CHICAGO shortest, quickest,oldeBt,&e AUD and the safest route betwoen THE EAST. Omaha and Chicago, you must buyyour tickets via the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Its farea are as low aa the lowest. Pullman Palace Hotel Dining and Bleeping Cars are run on ita through express trains. The celebrated Pullman Hotel Oars are run by this line and by this line alone, between Omaha and Chicago. All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via this route, Buy 1 eS by no otYiw route. We have a FINE SELECTION of Cheviot, Percale and White Linen Sbirta. L. Goldberg & Co. my2 PARTIES WHO WANT TO BOR ROW MONEY at a low rate, or having bouses to rent or wishing to purchase city property or farms, will make money by consulting FRED. ANDERSON. He gives the heBt of rpfcrnncn. See him. a25 Fob Sale. A house and lot. Both are in good ooudiliou and well situ- ated. For further particulars inquire at the office of M. J. Egan, Federal Court Build ins. m12 WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! STAMP COLD, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED BRONZE, SATINS AND B-.ANKS, OF THE LATtST DESIGNS- ALSO A COMPLETE COM-PLETE LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS, FUR-NISHINGS, AT 2. C. M. I. CARPET DEPARTMENT. alC BEER Wageuer'a 5 CENTS beer on A draught at GLASS the MILWAUKEE BEER SALOON. a!6 PIONEER POULTRY STORE. General Groceries and Provisions, Freeh Buiter and Eggs a specialty. Fruit and Vegetables. No. Si First South St. Goods delivered promptly. a26 W. C. Bowrino. GENTLEMEN deeir ngto purchase a Stylish Summer Suit can aave 25 per ceut. by calling at mv2 L. Gold DEf. a & Co's. For SALE.-blXTY YOUNG HALF BRED BEKKSHIRE aud POLAND-CHINA Pl'iS-very Sue. i Apply to Etward PiUs, at Walker Bros' stable, Seventh Ward. mylS Coiin Bnos. offer the Largest Stock of Ladies Ready Made Suits ever brought to tbia city, from $1.50 up wards. mv5 I Boot and Shoe Making-v Making-v J HOOPER, opposite theatre, repairs and fells BOOTS and ,-HOES at the LOWEST RULING i'RICES. He will guarantee all ha work and material. d-3 Pearls, Rubi-es, Precions Stones, Aid all kindaof Jewelry; at Swaner Bros., Manufacturing Jewelers, two doors below Godbe's drug Btorc. al4 One thousand mes wantep to call at W. R, McCjuius' Silunn to buy his fine slock ol Wiuee and Liquors. He keeps the best brands in town, mil Cohs Bros, still maintain their well earned reputation of keeping the I Largest as well as Cheapest Stock of all kinds of Embroideries and Laces. my5 We have just received some Clothes-baskets, Brushes, ClotbB, Artificial Art-ificial Flowers, Trunks, and other home made goods. John 0. Cutler, Agent, Old Constitution Building. , ml2 Moved 0. K. They Heusser & Bro. have muved into their new premises, once the "Saddle Rock," where they are prepared to attend to customers and sell Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Fishing Fish-ing Tackle, etc., or repair anything in their line. They have a No 1 Shooting Gallery in connection with their store, 100 feet deep, to which Ibey invite shootera generally. m!7 YOUTHa', BOYd' AND CHILDREN'S CHIL-DREN'S SUITS, AT ALL PRICES AND STYLES, AT all 8IEGEL BRO'S. Grain, Eoed, Seeds. Wm. B. Folsom & Co., 78 First South Street, keep a full Bupply of Grain, Feed, Groceries, and Farm and Garden Seeds constantly on hand. Give them a oall. ftlG Gold and Silver Given Away r manufactured by Swaner Bros., jewelers, in exonange for CurreLjy, two doors below Godbe'a drug store. al4 Household Goods Wanted Cash Don't oell your household goods and traps until you consult John Crane, west of Theatre. Ho pays the highest cash price. "1 PURE MOUNTAIN ICE at Ibe old Ciawson Ice Depot, between Dweret'Baok and Theatre. Dodqe & Clawsos, rj2 proprietors. " MINING PATENTS. Full sets ol blanks for application for Mininji Patent approved forma to ba had fct the HERALD o&ce. STALLION BLACK PRINCE. IMack StHllion, sixtonn hands hinh, foaled in 18li8 at bpring LfilJ Farm. Got by "Dictator." "Dictator" by Kysdyk's "Hambk-tonmn','' dmn, the dm of "Dexter," by "Arnoricnn Star," grand-dam grand-dam the darn of "Shark," dam "Madura Loomer," chestnul, got by " Warrior," by "YouDit Meesoofror." by " Win thro p Messenger." is of as lino and pure lint-of lint-of iroiter as there is now in the United States. Kind and gentlo. Also tho STALLION CROMWELL! Three years old; hnlf brother to "IIIhck Prince," got by "Dictator," full brother to "Dexter," brown, foaled 1803; frot 1t llysdyk's " Uamblctonian," dam, tuu dam ot "Dexter," by "American Star" e d; tho dim of "Shark," dam "Ldy Kotchum," bay. gt by an import-d English biond horse, dam "Mudnm Lo'-mnr," chestnut, got by "Warrior," by "Young Mesie-iRor," by " Winthnp Mefsengar," by imporLud "MofiBouKor." For further particulars apply to D. H. Hillhouse. PRICE, - $35- Wool Hats, Good quality, only $1 at tbe Grsv Slaughlering Sale of m15 Li r man & Davis. Snspcudeis, Good quality, only 30 cete, at tbe Great Slaughtering ?ale of mlo Lira as & Davis. W hite Vests, I Good qui'ity, only $150, at tie I Great Slaughtering Saie of ml5 Lu'mas & Davis. 1 White Shirts, ! Good quality, only 75 cent, at the" Great Slaughtering Sile of I mlo LirMAN 4 Daws. 1 Linen Dusters, First-class quality, only $1.75 at, the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo tt LiruAN Si Davis. Cheviot Suits, Good quality, only $10, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipman & Davis. Fine Silk Bows, First-class quality, only 15 cents each, at tbe Great Slaughteriug sale of Lipman & Davis. ral5 Percale Shirts, First-class, only 75 cents, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of mlo Lipmas & Davis. Merino Underwear, Good Quality, only 25 cents, at tbe Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman &. Davis. Rrown Linen Vests, First-class quality only, only $1.50 at the Great Slaughtering Sle of mlo Lipman fc Davis. Silk Handkerchiefs, First-claes quality, only 75 cents at the Great Slaughtering Sale of ml5 Lipman & Davis. Cassimere Over-Shirts, ,f First-class quality, only 75 cents, at J the Great Slaughtering Sale oi t ml5 Lipman &. Davis. Brown Duck Overalls, j Ten' ounce, only 50 cents, at tbe Grout Slaughtering Sale of : ml5 Lipman & Davis. Cantoj Flannel Underwear, Good quality, only 50 cents, at the Opcat Slaughtering Sale of inl5 Lipman &. Davis. Alpaca Ulsters and Dnsters, Frist-clnss quality, only $2, at the Great Slaughtering Sale of ru!5 Lipman Al Davis. EGG PUNrill 9IIKU I'INCII! The Inimitable Aukr & MunrnY who over six years ago croatod so much ei-ci'.ennonL ei-ci'.ennonL by osUbiiabing a "Bit" House wh-ii all others wore selling at (wo bils, are now readv with better facilities than ever beforo to di-ponso to their numerous customers and the thirsty public, ail the most nTodern cooling bovtiragcs, in a practical manner aa only Bur keepers of. experience can do. Thoy have the llnost Mario thn city, and also tho choicest selected se-lected stock f Liquors and Cigars, at iho "occidental," -No. 35 First South Street. a-" In Pamphlet Form. The "Act to provide Revenue for the Territory oi Utah, and the several counties thereof;" The "Act providing for the registration regis-tration of Voters, and to further Regulate the manner of conducting elections in tins Territery;" and The "Act Amending City Charters" Tbe above Acts passed by tbe LegiB-slative LegiB-slative Aasembly, approved by the Governor and authenticated by the Secretary, f nished in pamphlet form, at the Herald office. Price 25 cents. f26 Oub Million Pounds AT gllLwriiiL & ww. i3. We have jaal recived onlert !r,im several of the largest EASteni Mn-urrnirers Mn-urrnirers for Wool, aud are now reaJy lo contract lor miner a mated or market price. , . , , . , , We will advance 6ftv per cent, on the amount of ool contracted lor, and will p.tv Ibe Uigbest Market Price in O -A. S HI. - Wool Krowera will find il lo tbeir advantage to call and see us before contracting. , . , Wool S,teis FarnhhtJ. Sh(a:s,or &ilr. S1EGEL .t CO., Up Inwn office al Siegel Bro'a, Cor. 1st South and 3d West SlB., SS Main Street. Near the Depot. Citron I c Loosen rs at tlte Boircln, r06u s troio imt-vrioct diKexicn. nnJ this nRAin frum sloniKcmc irf ctularilics and tn-lerruptioaf. tn-lerruptioaf. h emov tho ciu-d nil of conro Nolaro, uttUtf ovrborno by drasilCS, will resume ht-r work, ieintreine tho bowels, and malfiDtt tbem In tbeir turn aot proptrly. Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, ia just tho thin for this work. It mission is to clean io and fortify. I Dvrfuilg, mj8 .sULl) HY ALL DttLUli 16Tc. MALQUI8T & FUZET Olivo Street, one dor N"ol of 1 liain Wagon Depot, BlacMlis ail lap Mate NEW WAGONS WSDE TO ORDER. Air, Krn' ltvrAiRlvn P.ivt-. i HORSESHOI5IKC IN THE BEST 1 STYLE. j Work Warranted. "iy5 ;sr:, BUY ONLY iftW New American. A-W Self-Threading Slivitfcle. It has Self-Setting Needle, Never Breaks the Thread, Never Skips Stitches, Is the Lightest Running, The Simplest, tbe Most Durable, and in every respect THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Tim "NEW AMERICAN" is easily loarned, docs not got out of ordrr, aud will do more work with leaa labor than auy other machine. Illustrated Circular furnished on application. CANVASS E RS WANTED. O. 11. R1G03, myl9 General Agent for Utah. '- Office at Dayneb' Music Store, opprwiie Hkkai.p Office. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT. 93 BARRELS ST. LOUIS BEER, At Twelve Dollars per Barrel, OIF SIX JDOZElsT Q,TJ-AJETS. 17 GASES SAINT LOUIS . BEER, At Two Dollars and Twenty-fivp cents. Wo ill pa.v Three Oollurx and I'ilV.v VnlN for eaeli liiekiij;e 1 !ii.v Do.en ItoltleM ami Jtarrel relumed empty in good condit in. MUST BE SOLD 1 VIM EDI ATELY. DEALERS, PLEASE COME AND SAMPLE. NO FOOLERY N THIS PROPOSlTiON, WE MEAN BUSINESS. " APPLY at OXt E, (Mi lOl W1LLBKTOO LATH, Walker Bros' &" Col, orrosrm poktoffich. motions, GROGERIES, STAPLE AD mi DRY GOODS, ? V t HARDWARE, CROCKERY Ribbons, Hosiery, Slbfes 'i stoys, F-ANS,' 1A11AS0LS, if -1 B00TS AND SHOES CftRPETS and OIL CLOTHS, WMSB rCLO,Nf' liitO., .I-tc., E,C. All New Goods, Just Received, . AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE INVITE ONE and ALL to , CALL Aud Save 2Ioney by Examining Quality and Prices before Purchasing Elsewhere. W3IV JEHHINGS & SOHS, Ka(;le F.mjtoriiini, Unit I, a he if.v, I tali. Aaents Dupont's Soortina, Rifle and Blasting Powders. |