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Show El HOPE. THE TURKISH CONSriCACY. London, 22. The Turkish censor ship suppresses the particulars about the adaira betore Teherwg in palace, ot Monday. Aa fir aa can bt gvh.Ttd from the details permitted j to i:'jiiie through, tiiere wan an org ni . iz-d conspiracy tu restore. .Morad, wljoj was iu the Tclieraj;au pniare at ll e t me. Murad denien any know edi; ol the conspiracy. It ia reported that hi! liaa since been removed lo Topka paj. The number nt revolutionist;1 1 u variously estimated by tlie corrts pondenta of London journals at from 110 to 500, though ihe goverumeut, in a circular to the Turkish repre sentalives a L road, says the number was thirty. Correspondents agree that the attempt, as a political demon stration, was a complete failure. Ali Suav'i, who was the leader and organizer of the movement, was a hot headed adventurer, who bad been Eeveral times exciled. He lived some years iu London aud Paria and waa engaged in iurnaliam. He was recalled to Couslautiuople after the accession to the throne of Abdul Hamid and appoiuted director of the lyceum, but whs dismissed for mismanagement. mis-management. He became needy and went among the refugees and under a pretence of organizing an expedition to aid tho Snmlope insurgents, he Becured a sufficient number of adherents ad-herents lo make Monday's attempt. Persons arrested are said to ba compromised com-promised by papers touud in Ali Suavi'a house after bade ttl. The affair created (he utmost consternation in commercial and fiuaucial circles in Constantinople, ltiseaid 'he outbreak waa carefully timed when all the generals and prominent officials o! the aeraakierate were abseut at Buyukdere. It is believed the posi tiou of the war minister is compromised. compro-mised. KOU.MANIA AND AUSTK1A. Vienna. 22 The relations between Austria and' Houmauia have become closer, and Emperor William advised Prince Charles to yield Bessarabia and abdicate if the Roumanians raised any difficulty, but the prince refused and went to the army. Germau interference has given offence at Vienna, aud General Manteuflel han arrived iu Vienna. It is expected that be ia the bearer of an autograph letter from Emperor William to Emperor Em-peror Francis Joseph. It seems cer tain the feeling in Austrian ministerial circles iB distrustful of a peaceful htiua and more and more anti-Bussian, |