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Show LEGAL 50T1CE. -t the Prvbt(c Co.irt within and for the Cvit'itij o' H dt l.ke, m the Territory of L'utit. la tho mattor of the J'-stato of Kdwin U. Ki.-Ucy, Docjastd. ,. Sotia and Oram' of rublicution. Jomuh'in 0. Koyle, the eiecutor of the tvtato of KJwm K. Kirtley, deceased, hnwiiK rendorid and preoutod for settlement, settle-ment, and tiled in eaid Cuurt hh flnal nceout;t:i3 such executor oi liiaadminis-tr.ilioa liiaadminis-tr.ilioa f said ostnte, tigL'thur with a reoort ot his luhuimstration tberiof and a jK'tiiion praying for a linal setllem-ini . of his aeeoui.U as such eitcutor, and the adjudicsiuiii, adjulniedit and seLtlemenl of'iiu It Riicics in'jiiiioi.ed ia iho will ol said doused, tho approval and conlirma-li. conlirma-li. ui by tho court ot Uvaciei uuder snid w:ll a:roady pa;d and delivered, and the further ordur and direction, of said cour. as U tho adju?tnii;uL and distribution u other leneie mentioned in sriid will, ud tr his rmal diicb;iri(o as such executor: And the court upVi the ruading and con sidaraii'in thereof, hiving tixc-d and ordered or-dered the besrins tbcreof to take plac at the Court Koomof --aid Ttobatu Court in the City and Cu ,iy of Salt Lake, ii tho Territory ot V'Viion Monday, the 3d dav of June, A-D. lTt?, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of that day. JSow, therefore, it U by said Court ordered thai all persons interested in lh-sani lh-sani otato of, and tuo Bid v. ill of, iht-said iht-said Edwin H. Kirrtey, deofased, be and appor before the said Probate Court ai tne place and on the day and hour Us at'ores.iid, then and there to contest tin taid settlement ot saivi ac-'oums or Ui. irantiiiR otaid peLitioti, if they see tit so to do, ami then a-d thera show cause, i anv they have, why the prayer of said petition and relict akeJ for therein an.Hitd not tw RmiiU'd. It is further order!, that a copy ot this order be pub li-hed for four succisBive we-ks before i tie sid third day ot .lune, A.D. in tho Salt Lakk Daily Iihrall-, a news im-er pri iu-ii and imt'iished in said 'ity of Salt Like, iu the Territory oi Utah, E. SMITH Probate Judge. I.Ie-l April loth, 1STS. D BOCKUOI.T, Clerk of sail Court. Xirsitort ot Utah, ? lm x oi" Salt Like. J I, D. Bockholt, Clerk of the Probate Cirt, in and for tba Cour.ty of Salt Lake, in the Territory of Utah, d i hereby ceruty that tho lorex-jiDR U a full, tru-and tru-and correct copy oi Older ot the said C.iurt, in the sa:d matter of the Estate oi , KiwmU Kiri'.y.deo-ascd, as appears of record in my ollicc. m 1 In w;tn?s whereof, I have i i hereunto set ni 7 baud and - L.3. atl'ixed the seal of said Lourt, I ) ti.is tlii-:''c!ith diy of April, A.D. 1M6. D. BOCK HOLT, rroh&to Clerk. |