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Show THE 13 DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITY SEPTEMBER MONDAY 30 1935 and tears About what other Judge Rejects. Political Motive In Riot Evidence l. caP-lto- urges aa many cltlren possible to attend the quarterly meeting of the Utah State Safety council at the Newhose hotel. Salt Lake City, at 2.J pm. Friday. 7 Oct 4. In the morning, there a a session of tho Propaganda Has No Bearing On Case -- Bale pro-gra- m -- -- A number of founders of JPir v Rex-.bu- cross-exami- o-defense- I 4 i I not like dirty Bobby Deneo Harrison Kelly and Junior White an two now pupils in tho Hamilton school. They like an very nice boys and they net they know the rules of tho Hamilton school and bow to keep tbera. Tho, an vary courteous, good, sports out oa tho playground and I ia tho school budding. Utah Farm Bureau To Aid Defense Of AAA - I Funeral Services Held Mr Mario Ledrrmaa waa laid to final rest In Wasatch burial' park yesterday following funeral services la tbs Seventeenth ward chapel under tho direction of Bisb- - Ka,n TJ McKay, Levi Edgar T onng. L B. Needham. Barnard jstewart And Dr. Roe vers Thomas E. ,, Phttdrcris Cold5 g, Idaho were present at tho ceremonies Saturday ' which marked tbs unveiling of a monument there, it waa reported today by Eider George Albert tho Smith, of tho Council of tho Twelve, and president of LandUtah Pioneer Trails and marks association, today on his return. the Elder Smith dedicated monument' Saturday - afternoon and on Sunday attended tba three sessions of the first stake quarterly conference. The stake was organized' three months ago from a part of tho Fremont stake. Ho ks shown at right The monument, which honor In the founders of Rexburg, March Its;, waa dedicated durAtexercises. ing appropriate tending the ceremony wra a number of the original group who founded tho community. Thoeo people are teen In tho abov picture. The other picture shows Elder Smith standing beside the monument r Tho stake Is In excellent condition, Elder Smith said, and tho community to experiencing as a result of a bounteous ree-or- "M Rex-bur- if Mane T eprrnsn,f The Hamilton keep them dean, school children d r- thing Mr. Lederman. a former Instructor at tha L B. L university, died in n local hospital Believing that tba agricultural after Thursday an Illness of five day She adjustment act Is the greatest siJ- -' had been, active in educational gle piece of legislation over enact- work for the past IP years as a ed by Congress for the American teacher of needle work and Gerfarmers." the Utah State Farm Bu- man handicraft She waa 72 year reau will support full ythe Ameri- of of her death at surJean Fisher Imagine my can Farm Bureau Federation in andageJived the tim at 174 North Main prise when I discovered wo wen to defending , the AAA before the street. . have ink. jBuch fun wo an bavins supreme court when tho proper writing with It-- Ton really dont time for such action arrives. Tracy eon wrus until j kno how wail you Utah secretary, an with ink. nounce you have written . 9 wnb Heosevetrs "President In Mrs. Smiths message to tha effect that tho AAA Billy EmersO Yield jjuicker to V- In we tbs room hove big treat principle are to be continued la doable action of sixth grade. Ws have writing pad heartening pews to every farmer and aa alphabet card, and wa an of the state. Hr. Welling believe The national federations direcwriting in Ink. War Just received resolusome new cards from which to tors oa Sept II passed cellohas Smith mats Hr tion copy. supporting ths AAA and el phane paper to cover oyer them to' fering assistance. j . ! T will be Utah-Nevsd- Society. The afternoon by Th state loat a bard fought ty will include eddVMiri hattla today la tha trial of sevrn Assistant Attorney General Grover "The Responsibility of when District A. Giles on First alleged rioter by Aid," and Rendering Judge Allen O. Thurman refused Judga C. F. Dalbq on the City to allbw evidence of the alleged court on .Procedure In Handling political motives back of tba ,rlot Traffic Cases."of Preparation,- - Ed A program Aug. 21, at ERA headquarter ucation. Enforcement, to bo tol Defense counsel had asked ques- - lowed by all organised units of B uooeufhius the objeoilves or the Utah State Safety Council and. tha unemployed counsel. Calvin to start simultaneously at a date IV. Rawlins district attorney, and f. Parnell Black, assistant, seized on Bounced At the meeting. tho opportunity to get evidence still much room Kr There before tho Jury to support Governor the says d fcontentiou Chat tho Salt Laki riot improvement, accident Tg was only an incident in a national Blood,In this"thgtrafftc state and the nation snd communist movement, , . on our highways is, Tho Jury was excused during the Safety must always be, of vital concern heated arguments. Hr. Black said to every citizen of tho state. he bad n right, to show that the council was organised by communist leaders In Bolt Lake and Funeral Held For magazines and printed propaganda which bo offered were printed at John Spence Finlay tho same. How Tork address as r.5. 3 'Stww .. The Communist" and written l.y Funeral services were held today Herbert Benjamin, communist ed- (or John Spence Finlay. 41. Utah itor. mining engineer, who died in a loTho state Is having a bard time cal hospital yesterday of corn plito refute evidence that each de- cations following a. mine accident fendant was acting for himself. some years ago.u For many yeans This would bo an offense in each Mr. Finlsv has been engaged In case, but not the offense charged mining activities In the Tlntle diswith trict. spending most of bis time in which is acting in concert others In participating In a riot. Eureka. He was born In Port Judga Thurman ruled that the Stanley, Ontario, November It, state could any wit- 172. ness oa matters brought out by Surviving are bit widow, Mrs. tho defense, but that other evi- Kathleen E. Finlay; four sons, dence can not be used unless cou- Ralph P. and Keith F. Finlay, Eunseled with tho present ease. reka; John D. Finlay of Portland, ba . been caref ul Ore.. amd James A, Finlay, Plumas to ask each defendant only of bis county. Cal, and ena brother, J, R. Finlay, Guogue, L. I., N. T. personal beliefs and motives. Hr. Black Insisted that the state Services today were conducted can show that the purpose of this in the S. T Rickets mortuary by organization is not to get relief tho Rev. Theodor G. Bliley, pasbut to take advantage of the tor of the First Presbyterian need for relief to carry out cer- church. Burial wan in Ut Olivet tain political objectives through cemetery. concentrated action, directed from Scientists havs discovered that communist headquarters. , Because Benjamin advised con- In tha first five years a childs face evidence grows mors horisontally than vercerted action ia not tho tically and after that more vertiagainst these defendants" Judge ruled, unless U la connected cally than horizontally, also that up In oome way to tba riot heads of males continue to grow later In life than females. charged s year heard saying tbs very first day of school. Wi chose gtria and boys to The first day of watch the stair school helped tha children to walk add not run. Wa help tho children aa much as possible. . Torn Welling The new traffic police an thrilled to thing that they an going to help younger boys and girls to learn tbs trsffis rules They an all watting for Hr. Harvey Peirc to bring badges and nr badges and bands; we then will n Uev the senior traffic boys for awhile. Governor Henry JL Blood la letter mailed today from the CoDrt Holds Communist 4 1 chil- srs getting acquainted with In Attendance Urged Monument Unveiled to Rexberg Founders dren their schools At Utah Safety Meet Members of Original Pioneers Present at Dedication Ceremonies Winona Wells Pleas keep hands off tbs banisters" I was WSB2 rg prosperity harvest Some b t tho original pioneers spoke at tho conference session. Those In the above picture are, left to right: Stand- ta ing.- - Hlnnts Black Garner. Gunnell, Orson Ricks, Luke Briggs. Charles B. Briggs, George H. B. Harris, Thomas Jen-net- ' 0tii a car with LaFaqefte's 0 f r engineering advantages would dare invite the comparison! X-K-AY W. Stoddard. Ella DalUng Hogg. James H. Ptneock, Frank Wal- Fred Brigham Rick Smlfb. Caroline Smith, Winnie Robert Rick Hans Jensen, Helena- Flamm Jensen, James Dianna Eckemell, Adlms F. McKlnlay, Parley P. Parker. ter Eck-erae- ll, George Oyrmeti. EphThomas W. Archibald, William Chandler. Joseph D. Hertxlg. Josteh Hendrick Rolls Harris. William A. Rick R. N. Jeppsen, Thomas E. Dali-inElla Rieka Jeppsen, Frances Rigby Flamm and Daniel Flamm. Kneeling raim Rick WERE CELEBRATING OUR g. Junior Journalists "If how useful chickens ara to nv In Room T wo bare made collection of Insect- - Mo nr also studying eenlc effect to art and have made Mtea H. Eula Parry, the teaeber posters illustrating these various advtatir of the Deseret News in our scene Doreen Cutler. school, has chosen our reporting staff. The staff consists of an eJi-to- r Joe Barney of Room 1 The reand room reporter porters for the sixth, fifth and fourth grades ara Myrl Bell. Dorothy Whelan. Hazel McEiroy. Elmer Lee, Claudia Smith, Gordon Shugart, Diamond Chrlstopolo Doreen Cutleg and Arlene Thomp-sonsoThe reporter for the third grades la Shige MaUurkawa. a sixth grade pupil; for the second fifth Cbalwood Jeokm grade grade pupi; for the first grade Marilyn Stevens a fifth grade pupil; and for the kindergarten Jovce McDaniel of tne sixth grad The We editor la Alan CulUprlest. think this staff will be successful school throughout the year. Aten n. -- -- CoUiprles4-A,Riot- n 1 inviting you of the most wonderful bargains in our history 1 System lets you Amazing SEE with your own eyes the sur- INSIDE the cars ! prising differences low-pric- ed youve been in the habit of looking AT cat TWyear, look inside the With the System, see with your own eyes the amazing, hidden differences and get the surprise of your life! The remarkable, new System, now In use n all - NashLaFayette showroom gives you just plain facts . . facts that you as a car buyer have a perfect right to know. In simple, picture it reveal the cars leave out the vital tilings that mostlow-pricecars include. And it shows you, too, things that field gives you that LaFayette akme in the lowest-pric- e 6 or 8 vital features that txptnsitt tars ntttr mill Theres no guessing necessary. You dont have to listen to clever argument With the System you simply tee the whole truth the bare truth about all leading d or cars And when you see that LaFayette alone in the lowest price field it completely bw3 and lubricalti and powtrtd like the highest priced cars then youll see bow much safer and smarter it it to buy a LaFayette this year! Remember Nash is Out to Win America on Value Alone! The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha. Wisconsin. Iff the fast, car The System shows you the astonishing differences inside cars of the same price. For example, wood pillars in bodies usually 'I t referred to as low-pric-ed all ttod. low-pric- ' X-R- : !.. ... d reveals that this steel body The gives you only wire mesh and fabric over your head. LaFavette elont has a completes' L seamless body, top, sides and floor! y ! I - high-price- r Iho pupils of another first grad havs made n pretty border all around tha room of mother goo rhyme Thera ara pictures such as and "An Idol Hung On X Red Brick wait Their teacher Mins Helen Van Gunten, also baa made a set of posters of mother goo rhyme which Is very attractive to all who enter tha room. Marilyp Stevenson, reporter for first If THE HEW 1 1936 TKZ HASH WTO BALLARD MOTOR CO. distributor ' r ? work.--Mildr- ed - m a a Getting acrhyllls Gulbranseo Is lots of fun. We quainted week TO r ' V 6th South at Main jfd t$ ' A J YAGH Panto "Ff" GOODS Fad Extra besyy doty to inrara good wear, and soft enough t iruure comfort. Regularly Retailed at $1.88 FANCY GCCEIO r foM Colors EXTRA LOW PRICE! Solid color BromMotfe. wide Shirting Remnant auortment colon. 1 U j patterns and have to write about it this week in Iauiguaxe- - That te what our rlaa lores to do. Our class said that it u totet fun to road th newspaper 36 fa. wide Assarted The sorb yon need at next to nothing price. Coed assortment of colors and Rsyoa Sock r patterns for fall. Sizes. 10 to 12. r.lcno Flannelette PAJAT.IAO nyf yr 36 ia. usd from CHILDRENS Jw rials sained to Wc, 19 Tari , 40 fa. wide .Lace Trimmed OLIPO j m JV - Pantio Dresses 39c Size 1 (o S f 10,., Rayon Remnant U oV. Rayon Taffeta For these cool nights. Whiie they last. if Soiling materials. r raw jfi - le B3gsa Conviiilmf terms, m tew rates tferoogk Astteriwd Nosh Finoses Ptau MENS bowl. WO-- y d Cut Prices For the ANNIVERSARY SALE! Sizes 30 to 40 r brought some guppies Thursday. Guppies ara tiny f ah about an inch long. Tho pupils have their guppies In pretty round bowl with a plant In it. They also have ten snails all about tho same six In their a Every pupil In Room M Is glad to bo In school again, - In Room 11 English Girl Writes we are studying about chicken Miss Eva Hansen, tfur teacher School Differences ,Of helping ua to - learn all wo can of Onequa School Betty "Keen writes: Salt Lake city Schools ara f different from the school In Hull, England. Students there are not classed in grade bat In standard They do not have th platoon system as in Salt Rake City School Th teacher takes a group throughout ths day In ail subject The pupils are graduated at about the ac of 14 ta the achools of Hull. They are given a government examination and If they pass they need not go to school any longer unless they want to. Even If yon bare suffered from Betty ami rforii England Just t six months ago and wo are very Pile Fistula or other rectal trouble for yearn send for Dr. glad to have her attend our school. Joanell Swift report Under the McClearya Book. Get the beta direction of Mis Lixzette that have brought rebel to over the and of the fourth, fifth boy 10,000 sufferers. girls and sixth grades are having audiFree; flturinf ed Book, bised CUT a piogiant torium on 30 years experience at the ,s given which Is Friday characteristic of worlds largest rectal institution, th weeks work-R-oy explains bow tenons complicaGillespie report for room t tions develop from what msy We are In the fourth grade now and teem n minor affliction. It de:n the tipper platoon- - We hav six scribes the mild tucceasfnl new teachers and are enjoying our McCleary method of treatment. Campbell. Editor; Eugene McCUnfock. Assistant. Simply mail coupon below and you U receive the Book in phua wrapper. If you desire writ a Hamilton Students personal letter describing your case as accurately as you can Vi rile Of Activities No charge no obligation for Jack Forrin consultation or advice. came the sound. Into the room It earn Thera etood n little K COSPCX J black puppy who wanted to get .McCLEARY I acquainted with th new teachers lust like tho children. Harrison I . Elm Bird., j Kelly and I took the pup and put It I outside. Wbifi we I Excelsior Spring Mow got half up the pq stain I almost stumbled, and there Dr. McCleary Please send waa th poppy again. Wo took him I Book and Reference last of for- again and then we went up and j out finished retting acquainted with our new teacher. Miss Lund. on Limited Quantity J wJ HAWTHORNE MOLE SKIN if X-RA-Y confi- patronage, News of The City. Schools Oquirrh School News Staff Chosen 29th ANNIVERSARY And to show oar treat appreciation of your ... we are dence and to share In soma Special for Anniversary sale. Beautiful patterns in prints. Guaranteed fast color. vV J ik iV. . |