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Show V THE DESERET NEWS SALT IAKE ' CITE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1935 Activity In Real Estate Is On The Increase. Buy Nov Before Prices Go Higher... As They Surely Will DISPLAY CLASSIFIER SALT LAKE, UTAH STATISTICS nUEn ni nos KIOWIEDGB AT is rowKK rrrui pn blfUMthl SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Tb1 rlft4 Uir wonderful tft tu ik hr tinea child, hood. She haa astonlahed and helped thousands of people In every walk of life, Mia can hell TOU no matter who or what won are Jfo mattor what hope, fear.or trouble font come and aeo this areat Worn-a-la,n. Eullau dentlaU fltrtetlr KEADIXr.g If Cano. A. M. TO F. M. CULLEN HOTEL Room 201 ' Merchants Salvage Ns?e te LAHCLR k CARTER 9 MARRIAGES UCEXSKS Prm, 6W, la Mlt lAiM City. Cfeariea Harold ft, Kimberly, Jup, 4 JadUb ToiBf. 21. Salt La ke City. Warren WIer U rathe, 22. Laramie. Wyo, and Leak Gas lialso sl , Vre am 11, V Ilford MU) lam Beck, Jr.. Black-foo- t. Idaho, and Cleaner May LJeaea, Naperviu in. ' HOfd Basel Gilbert Pulley, 31, fttmarfcaa Ferk. and Ali Sh!piyr Si, AmerV san Fork. Samuel Belt Johnses, II, Oram, and pbyllt Pyaa ft, Orem. Lea 6. Andrew, 24, La Grand Ore- -. Fra- Qrph p- - Kelson, was, sim ad TRANSPORTATION OGDEN Burnell G Hardmaa, ft, Meade Idaha. Sylvia Bailey. 12. Arbo data Lewla Eemeley. 21. Ogden, and Kanesvtll Alta Andrew. Leonard Bert fibiper, Si, River-dal- e. and Oreila Fewer II, Beeper. UNION !, PACIFIC STAGES LOGAN .Daniel William Slight, 91, Rupert, Idaho and Lather Psarean, 42, Be pert, Idaho. i4 m piece living rn. Breakfast et 2 pc. Automats Washer A.. -- WAMTCIt 129 1431 133 1939 199 1931 1431 334 1934 50 PRUNED from So a roll to the beat eb ta nabl We specialize la Draperies, tli potato aad picture framing Sanding machine and elec, floor polisher fur rent. CoArmstrong-Engber- g WA1 t!ll lt WEST 1ST SOUTH. WAS. 1366 FIRE SALE CONSOLIDATED BUS GA each fk. Piac BualneM Certeg ESTATE 25 124 374 41 494 fill 94 Vfutk.";., Was. 4308 $30 TO $125 NONE OVER FORD Coupe .$ 25 94 ft aedan Kgx CllRULEH- Cone Wfl.LYb-KMGU- SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING alaaei Seuih Tempi hor Lumber co 22ft . TRUCKS .... c4 7913. tv ax 25 HOLD WAJiTED John Dougina It W QUALITY b,!. ft .or lilt 11 lilt 2nd JEWELER. - rtH iUIUAU Inqnlrs Funeral aervh.ee 4r 9U7 mbont enr special storage price mead ihambere uiU be held Toeoday nt 2 pm. In the Larkin dunrmi chapMr UnuD CANVAS GOODS el. Ilk east South Tempi here Mae member of the 2.2nd field Serartillery of Utah national guard.Colon- SMITH ADAM mfr. unt owning vians will be under direction ef and eaavaa good 229 Edison At, W. el Hamilton Gardner end Cbaplaia C. 1144 O. Jeaaen. Friend mny enil nt the until dFLRM Toot A Aw from 1 Ca, mfr. water- chapel Tueodny The body will be !roof cover tost awa 279 9 W. time of nervier shipped te Fair bank lnL, for Into-me- CHAMBLUA Y. t NGRAVLNG li hu HADLEY STEAMSHIP J St af room batwsan psrfaet condition. Baadqnarterv' for l4 housa Drrta cat -- In. Truck ..... J I ' to- a WICKS CO.w E. ' t,l TT FREE I berriee an the saatn highway coop-aa- d garage. AU dee Reasonable terma ee trad JTT OFF MAIN AT. north ef ths Temple Snar coxy modem brick duplex, t room, aad bath on eark std Herv'e a bom and tnaema lor yen and eniy 93.950- - trm COOPS FOR 144 HENS, ft gere good poiL bam. garat abed. Comfortab e home a pared At Is county. III, Duplex houses EAST-BEN- . To WATCH REPAIRING WANT Furniture, rug range sloths Call Wax 2321 etc Cash paid WATCH BBPAIHINU Oiosi your temoce the modern voenum FIRST CLAM AaMk 4549 AlORR PAT way aad save; furaace and atokor WAt for nhsd ferJnimn (tw lit State Free net. OtMsaa Coa; Co al tor mg stoves, washer pianos 172. was boot tuk Capital Faraiture Ca 120 WILL SWAP tae at. Ass W. GIBBS CO. (ft Ifk.'S. Wa " Ine Aeeuritie K. FARMS CH COLONIAL DUPLEX Montana yearn old. ena af tke prettieat in the city. Extra large room electric refrigerators and range auto- nt 49ft 45ft )5 ETABU"HED CARA WKWm J9S rtfciMMr AV -- ,9 4i "fir..,.:: IIUIKK Lour ............... .. .t. 1III MJ.D9CW Mu IHR7SI.IB 71 M.n 19)4 OAKLAND Sedan ... 1931 STt DE.x Con edaS LYMAN-OBER- TRUCK LOT 444 440 475 325 USED CARS All Have Passed State Tnspcetmff 4T i- -t 2)5 HI 95 195 b 95 CONSULT Mm Merle en all year problem 74 Mat 4th Sent We 9433. Paprhe-Aealy-- Eleanor T27. Hy MRS ERICKSON. gifted reader, kdvtc 94 K. &dy. Apt. 441 jwmoe1401L Keiiy, Semieb Motet. Prof. Mathew 4. Rosa I Ratn Wk S HT. STEAM - AFTi Frtvatn MONEY TO LOAN AM- AUTO LOAN tncKr-f- t M U a 547 SO. MAIN BROWNING ,,. WA UK Reduced let B. Pi NlcB sunny room cioea ta. ham 799 south 2rd East. G 11 MTiikM CHEAP J. B. BURNHAM CO. $t H'K Coupes 50 TO Seda. - . Lota . MANY OTHERS I 5M1S Iftft.nt BROWNINGS 200 OS Jftft.OS no 6TH SO. AND MAIN It, Jos. 13I mod. I. FOKU WB. UJ-.- FflRD FORD Itt-to- Speed. 1914 71 body pkknp good rendition 249 body. panel mec al 499 model INTERNATIONAL W. B, duals STCDEBAKER, . d uale Vf, KL, fl. M cg-ton- , JL W. Jt dnau.. IXDgE, panel, srern aides fPVFPAf, fte ff 4 Jk 33ft HARNK.TER COMP NT 4N ,0. Or., Tkn WANTED BEST CAR 1159 CASH and 1927 rubber, A- -l Rtndebakvr, new xnechaalcalty win boy. at Fair Grenmda. Bee Jehu 8Ma ghev ii UK4 17.41 Kit M.M 4L0I 11 Si It t 44 tl 4 0 141 1 11 24 41 PEOPLES Finance Thrift PutBitar.,Co. 147 State Wie. me TO $5 $50 & oncK withoct eECTBrrr A XOTB TAKE THE J40VET INTERNATIONAL W I 1 IOX 30,1 L. 9 . Ptys Witt. to r 1 Tl 1 Ii KM 1IK 11 K 8urtt, 192) medci. rk era tusTis11,000 ikm Monthly A. to UW It, dua e tNTFRNATlONAL, l',-to- KOT CHEAPEB CAM MEAT EM OBTAINED THROUGL C HLlmOX FORD Tudor. 1174 LA PALIM ESSEX Sedan. Hy IP KAtILT iu maictm mt bm, mucmi COXEIDEKTIAJ. U PACKARD Seda NASH Ceup 1470 1429 1931 1929 1014 lltl ttl'IDANcB and advice. 47 SVwb? hi l. 39S 1931 1934 i SELWOOD, rhaie ......... fieda...., wanted Fair aad conference ter large heated med. caPia tunvia ay shower, heoaekeeptag faeiiltle toner pring mattreeee radle, laundry pnv garage, very raaeonabl UN COLM IOLIUIT CAMP. 1195 A Mala. a Better Truck ;m 630 SO, MAIN ST. WAS. 3350 Astrology, Nnaaereiogy, Lenses Raadmgw 157 B 9th ATTENTION ....... ... t) O SL For Rent Furnished Rooms dump.. ... apt. for light 47 L ........ A. E TOURSSEN Meath, cosy Private bath. mpg. TRUCKS 24 WEST 5TH SO. mrTkCKxm for $14 ti:i Sedan 40 BCICK Sedan 15 LINCOLN 1 pete ed clean. 144 CARH LISTED BELOW AT STATE ST. t I) CADILLAC 9 W.W. Sedan. ..1795 1929 LINCOLN 19 Redan 1932 CHEVROLET Matter Coach $4tt 431 CADILLAC Conv Coupe 791 71A ' PONT IAS LA 1934 OLD 4 BU Coupe SAI LS CADD1LLAC 224 51 SO. BUCK Sport Coupe STATE ST. WAS. 6707 295 193) RlD K Sedan 1922 ATUDE De Luxe Sedan ...y. 445 1939 FORD Feeder Sedan Mi CHARACTER .AN ALYSIS 1944 OLDS. Touring Sedan 9)5 434 MUR BALDWIN 1933 OLDS. Touring 141 East 2nd South-Wa- s 574 1931 OLDS Coape J445-Oifted advisor, readier ' OTHER FINE CAR?, Ufrft to 1350. dally. BHil'UET MOFER, card aad eharaeter 232. Waa readies. BiUon Hotel. R Irtl laAUREN Estate Mi 4 1914 CHRYSLER Road. 359 1932 CHEV. Coupe 1?1 1931 CADD1LLAC Redan, nleaa 191 1913 PONT. SpI Coupe PONT. A ffW.wain 1033 FORD Coupe 424 lilt PONTIAC tOACH 47ft 1931 STL PL. Coups .TOURSSENS FURNITURE II5I-- R 7, ABR PROVING GOOD INTC8TMTWS RFNT8 ARR GOING FKT HIGH- Near Rmeroon and Uh Lit Lupin ft rooms each side. Juet 9 gears eld. hse electric refrigerator and range tile bath, tile drain heated garage Everything included tor 9ft09, ......... AEB 110 QRESS lit Hy. M-- GOOD VALUES HERB-f- t DANDY MODERN APTS, eloeo to. eec std Incetn about 9394 pee month. Oaiy 912.90. Terute or trade on 5 or horn IN BEAUTIFUL PARK HIGHLAND a vary cosy comfortable heme; ft air reoms and glaaod sleeping porch. Dandy furnace targe lot. higbly lm prored with aroren af fino fiewern aad shrub 2 car garage, paved At, Homs Loan term. Only 3 BOUNTIFUL HOME FOR STORE 13T city or county, boat clean, modem ham about obe acre of fruit aad tt SHARMANS .... 4224.J Hr. npos niwikmua suc.wuJ22r morrow. 4 -- rm. abingfa oft 2719 Bsvtrfr for only 93759. Yon will Uka ths charm of this delightful home Homs loan 1 pay-ab- to 924 91 par mo Modern ht avry reaped with good urnsas, lav ly planted yard aaAart roady ta mova 1st .......... ...... ...... ............ ...... - ....... Lt tut ' ius3f(czfi!sH Funeral services for Owen FURNITURE REPAIRED AUCTION conducted MILLER LOAN buy trade loans Edvardo Street will be suit gun at It an. la the rose old geld. 1 w watch Wedaeoday wood 2nd South room. 44 east Seventh South. Bishop JAi 5 FltHf Udop AH kind BIG SPECUL AUCTION work. Faralturo Repair tag nod A Gllea of tbo Fourteenth Jamee npholotertag, J54 warn 2nd WINDOW SHADES Friende may call ward ernciating. DE LUXE South. Wax 4444-- J continental room is the mer. the at nau In THURSDAY. Oet. 3rd at 19 '2ft - tuery until time of service Was. 5925 Interment WILLIAM! FURNITURE REPAIR Ca. SANDER WINDOW SHADE 565 So. Statfe new ' will aales room 43ft south State my te Irr Lehl cemetery under direc- Finishing, enameling, npboletoring fee Fro - sample 949 go. State pries street will to sell the bidder FORD B- -t ! highest fickup. l.r ' tion of Deseret mortuary. 749 east 4tb 9 Hy. 4f9 795. uausttai lot af beautiful furniture up overload body, epre H. D tires, ta the mindta aad Ilka sew. da sot NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CO., lew mileage. McBRJDE S, 7th go. SliARHOLRE I pbolstertng JAbop. JOHN PON Funeral eorvlcee for Carol full ta attead this aaia ns nil must "be . Ouar expert alenaiag end rspttrilg end Mam repairing. 1194 E. list Lonne Johnson will bo esndtctyi Wia. 424 429. said. Aama policy ham a la old wars-hoe- s to the roe room Thales M Derrick. Auctioneer. AUTOMOBILES at 1 p At Seventh South, Bishop Albert GENERAL REPAIRING BUSINESS Opportunities WM. H ADAM. AUCTIONEER, 1414 A. Eicgrea cA.cJu.ng. Frieads may POlTH STATIC. HY. 414. all at the gold room in tbo mortuary SPECIAL vaeuum. PARTS Ml Buetoeeoma tHALEd M. antll Urns of service "Iifterment la IDEAL RLPAIR washer DERRICK. Auctioneer Sells bookkeeper, WILL give cash fw late model used ee-Wamtch Uvn Bwel pork, under di' wrisger roii ail makes fa rep. Ideal! salesman. Must tnvsat. Big salary everything. Must be good, ta My. 0494-My anywhere nnyLms, L Deseret Rowe ruction of the Deseret Mortuary, 2331, Repair, By, 2UL mi ft lUk E, Ennday After H aw NTRBET Main Car? 1:i coMotor car East PESERETM0RTUAW1Tt - i 2i Safer JACKSON AU Mekss aad Medela. CHEVROLET Sedan Pellrery repair DINING ROOM 9 Pe. WslauV chair 1939 DODGE Btake Waa buffet table 132.50 Rad e 10.59; 1929 FORD JMckup J4. It Plane me CHEV Fteke pe Living Room Suit Reaeet-eb- if INTERNATIONAL Dump . III. 6ee us for tfcrgams In h wheel Emith payment plan U DbtEKNT FLRNI-TlR- 1924 CHEVROLET laed Fsmitor 217 base stake body 44 eentb CORONA TYPEWRITERS, JACKPON a new iocaue 94 Richard CO, 4 West 2nd fouth Wit 3939. 1134 FORD Panel Ms , fap 1934 OtfBV: )5t room classes, Monday NEW and Used Typewrite Weedstoeb THk liTini 19444 o'clock. Wa rubber tbs city, consisting of dining room, Agency. 217 Nana Bldg. We 2U4, 1929 FORD Plrkap bedroom, kitchen fumitur rug Axk Te About Trucks aad range Tbeee goooa are MAKING UMBRELLAS clean and up ta dat and you can 605 SOUTH MAIN ST, the regular buy them nt one-haFAY MORE Salt Lake MM BALD IN dressmaker, ehaamf PARAhoLCl-Umbreltfrtco BHT covered, repaired Ca 137 east Broadway. aad dystsg. hsmstrtrhmg 4e yd Beu oast gad Aouth. Eaa locattw have no solicitor Utah Imbrelia 7!5W. Work 1)4 East 1ST Oeuth. WANTED BETTER CARS a .UUk Payment Terms INC. FURNITURE FOR SALE Hr. I a a .... C, FCKNACE CLEANING - Tiama at s nth Eastv Oak fieura in front roam mspu in badran Extra Ursa boms an bsautifal lot with lot De Luxe Hot Water Mu .... Tie TYPEWRITERS (AsJ 'Vj H17-- farms Farmam have the beet epportnaltp fta history te fl nance the purchase of farm of their own, Orow berth pea petatoa on Irrtgawd tend matic furnace and water heater now nailinghay.for gram 95 U per acre. Beautiful planted lot. Ail far 4354 Writs K, L Melsa,fitAgricoiturmi Deveiep-me- nt coneider a goed I room home as part Age at Great Northern JUiisey Co. Idaho Fall Idaho, 27 Broadway. payment. 4179-er Alder Call 3fy7424-.With Every Used Car n. SPECIAL In farm Bashing-tobargains Wallace, Hy. Oregon. Idaho, Montes Term i Sold Over $100 WOODBURY CORPORATION Irrigated, cat ever, prairie. Improved, unimproved, overhaad low. literature, 1915 Temple REALTOR Ba 104 199 DURANT Bvdan,ivwpfttfit .,94 JraparueL advice. Mention stats, tl W, 1939 HUDSON Sedan, w w .... 34 Haw. ift Norther jpacJLo Rail way. TRAINING At, 1939 CHEV, Coaeb, avw. pilot a... 294 EMPLOYMENT Pammip 1933 CHEV Catch, new tires and CLOEINO OCT tbs Joist Stack Load 4 435 paint QU1SH SCHOOL Rank. We have farms and reaches 1935 FORD CoacK clean 95 for sals 44 Is 14e asre tn choice no 1931 ES4LX Coups 245 OF BEAUTY CULTURE Ilea Utah A Idab E. T. CAPENER, 1139 CHEV. .Coup like new THE BEST V9 THE WE4T 1934 CHEV. Couch, tusk Salt Lab rtf Mevbsnas Mid. Be bid. WORE Art featorea ef BEAUTY 951. Hy. 4354. 45 1LI CHEV Truck, good 15(9. Catalog sn requosi 1934 FORD now tiros .... 21ft Phone 9Ba Esre Thompeen Bldg GOVERNMENT, homestead Vaacvavar 194 CHEV Ton. Ilk now .... 494 Wi4t R Dertghtfei eitmaie, geod 1929 INTfcRNATIONAL ft MOLBA BARBER OOUIE Kara sou watss. and aad 115 full while parties-to- m Map BAHbLR learn Iba yen good chap 91. H. 4 M. Aecnrtty C. Vie-to- rt 1I CHEV. 1. W, , dual wheels . 244 Taught la n short tlm A B. school ntaedsrdixad approved by. 99 OTHER CARS AND TRUCKS year state. Special tuition. 219 Regent At. S L. C. Utah. Cannon-Ashto- n WORK VCR -- UNCLE SAM. Start 9105 HOTELS Chevrolet te $175 month. Pleasant work. Men-wo4788 S. State 3115 Hy. Try next bait Lake City examination. Common education usual- TUXEDO Hotel 44 R State at, reputable clean, homelik race. Free gar. attfficlvet. Experience unnecessary ly te fran hat positions Full particular sad teote FRLB. Write WHY NOT? samp! today Rent Housekeeping Rooms sure, FraekHu Inetitut Dept. 443 F, a... Sda Easy BRIM Funeral gerviee for Acne who passed Brim, 91 year of ag CO, tialf away Sunday morning will be held DB BOUkB K tone' color plate 144 Bogeat AL Tuesday at 2 p m In the Twenty-fourt- h WU. 3443. ward chapel. Bishop O M. Olsen Friends may view the remains THE best aad coot lem. Prompt service at the home of Mr Paul T waive 12 RIDGES ENGRAVING. Capitol TheTYPWRITER Servic ribbon Center streot, Tuesday morning until ater Bldg Hu. 27t3 M D, Uoggaa, 221 2nd Av time of sorrtree Burial will be In A. L. 4540. City cemetery under the direction Of DANCING SCHOOL the Union mortuary of Bountiful. kW gad rebuilt typewriter Service Abo ve Alf Fv Call Eveninra and Sunday Waa. SOUTHEAST. SPECIAL. room a, Ihtervst. Near Emeronn school Tile Drain f.nrga rooms TEHMS ARRANGED. HIGHLAND; i PARK $iocREDn; II) 4JUAX W- MI. 9 74; pee, 94. $3760 r. LOCATION I brlek onlr Tears old. A-- I Kicol lent term. chool dietricL DON'T VI AIT. A""1 ........ lilt FUNERALS $3500 I -- Better cup, him... C(Ou, Ixxan. fp.nlth Fork. lit. . FREE! FREE! lui, lilt WANTED New Type Brick, tch flntuh.d- - tn berwond GOOD INVESTMENT. TERMS.- - at ItHant car 9x13 Wilton rug. 134 Hampton. to4 tn.r. Dor b jf car m tbm frtoM iBAi bttn, nsao. in A-- a commion. rrw at Roch eater, N. Y. Eetabitohed 2349 1 Used prtr. ed a a low at 93 14 up. Granite iFurai-tor- e t. DO DUE D. Co.. 105 IT M NOT FAIR TO TOURKBLF OB HEVPrtILU DIESEL ENG SCHOOLS East list S 475 BUirK Md 4 TOT-TO MAKB THEM FAMILY Exeluelve Dleeel America e ,ortg. USED PIPE FArKARI) KM 15 RirE IN A MACHINE THAT M IN erhooi It Fait Kid. S. U C Wa oup. ...a 4,099 fast ft la. pipe, 2 009 feet A In. All 1IU PACKARD 45 SAFE ORAHAM Ca.I. Kwl.n Maes pips and fitting Moassy Iron 5 197) CfTEYROLFT 1 STCDEBAKER K...I Bti. 4742. ftS THREE yooag men te work far the Coups A Metal 70 A 3rd W. W 455 tat! 19)3 HE KOI ET Redaa tail chevK WLoTERN ELECTRICAL COLLEGE PIANOS, high grads instruments, tuned i 193$ Plymouth Aedaa tia pen ted., 123 Regent lb Karaing te apply on 45 mi PLYMOITH vetoed, csss and action in good wand , ft45 REDAN HIDAOV tuition 49 sack, why psy mar A 155 By. A437 1 495 4 Seda 1935 ThKB PACKARD Pta. Ktda, J.. P. O. Box 412. YU UTAH BARBER COLLEGE, 141 Regent IIS 19)1 CHRYULER Aedan ItSK PACKARD I MD S 19)4 ThKRAI LANE Aedaa H2t PACKARD DfLaxt 5$ At. Beet in the weet. Stom while learn45 445 dAB 193) For.D De Luxe Seda PACKARD Clab dr roll parts and pervie Apex Rates 495 TERRA PLANK 193) Redan PACKARD 1t i CDP IB. 171 AouUu Aervica Ifd and & M5 TKRRAPLANH Coupe laid PACKARD Cob. Coup,os W. 4449. 1931 HL lON Coup 245 Otbor KaUBlir Crtot K.rlntt 1929 NAH Redan tJnoiUr Cor. 335 elans condition 914 up. Graaita Furhl-tnre- , It.) HI DftON Sedan Bonded oervtc Insuranc Cargo Drive 1944 Fast 21 So. Small Doum 195 IliO 5H8EX JL A Coup China packed by expert Gtsemoteod. Coach FvefcX Its lit Dependable Ratee aad delivery when MAYTAG parts aad servico. Mosrs May .,, Monthly A . tvdaw-.144 imrYRKVTGHT tag fterrico Phop. Was 345. 424 Rtafa promise 92 1924 CHfctROI.KT Sedan RKDMAM VAN STORAGE COMPART NEW A USED show cane 245 LYMAN-OBER- G 1939 III ICK Redan restaurant Ms REMEMBER. If you buy need tar and atom fixture gait Lhke Cabinet 22 Richards AL from n U must make good er 1 uUi A Fixture C TRUCK 231S. TIMUM CO. 1932 FORD Dal Sedan A--l 37 South 2nd W IA(T BROADWAY For 6a ta Majetie Cmil Rang fa good W. B. WAS. 11T dodge i la ton condition, new water jacket, good baker Safest Flees te Buy a Used Cmw ehneete and cab. A- -l vnerhaA-l-aii- y, CaH kt 1040 Lgan Ave 6. I. C, with very good tire . . $424 TICKETS 192 DODOS t.ton and cab, t,t M BUNGALOW site plana, only STREATOR-SMITtfree . 2f Homo wervlcs Co, lt4 E. 3rd. Bo. Baa perfect rendition, 1994 tHFV, IH-to- x L. W. &C.4C.HI iMOKHtriON, all itae toure and 2349 CHEVROLET DEALER 1934 CHEV. 4 ton pick. A- -l cruise 44 American Express 29 W. REFRIGERATOR new floor Electric, 1930 FORT) Tab A Chase 195 l.w Peeond Aosth. Wo 244. TRUCKS . W- - B. 1933 DODGE H-744 sample greatly reduced. 171 R rd A lilt lJd fcJMJUl East South Richard atndaUi W. M McCCNAHAT. LIVESTOCK ......... gt, 1424 O tu - 5 Heater, Installed 1124 t on ACRE LOT. Water rm. e, brick with Klaaacd in elp. porch. Walklnc dl lance la ntreet car, ani achooU, ONE-THIR- D Foor Boom ID.D.SAIIIIMONS " PLUS The Ford Comer Aoutk Main ' FORD Pickup. FORD Pickup. LINCOLN fade Tsrinn sirangad. $3300 tSBideDUPLEX -- BUTCK Sedan. BCICK Coupe. PONTIAC Bedim. li:l ESSEX Aida 1939 HUPMOBILB Sedan. 1931 WHIPPET Ceup 4932 WHIPPET Coupe. 19 WHIPPET Coach,. 114 99 FORD Chassis and Cab, long 930 wheelbaoe, new rubber RiH quick sal dressmaker a mirror 193 325 FORD FUkup. Few paint cost 920, sell or 919. Simmons Studio l30 CHEV. 224 Stake matcouch 915, leather davenetle with 1922 CHEVROLET. body, long eak tress 914, steel cot, spring 94 245 A real bay wbeeiha 547 East 1st So. BAKER MOTOR COMPANY AND HEATERS RANGE Used AUTHORIZED FORD DFA1 ER LARGE assortment of eoal or etec-iri- c. & 3rd 3rd Ranges and floaters Bargain DESERET FCRN. ca, Hy. 454. CHEV, Master Catch. PLYMOUTH Sedan. PLY MOUTn Catch, PLYMOUTH Coop DODGE Da Luxe Coup BCICK 47 Baden. CHEVROLET Coup Eads FORD FORD Da LoxetTigSof, FORD Da Lotf Coup FORD Ceup FORD Apt Read. 9 LUMBER PERSONALS 193ft 1933 1931 111! 1939 1939 1939 3W Liberal Terms and Trades GAS RANGE 193ft 1930 193ft 193ft 1st beautiful white porcelain 1229 FORD V9 Tudor Medan, guaroven and ... 47S anteed, fine bay broiler. A hi rang is in excellent coc. 1934 FORD 4 Ford or Aedan, an' 415 dition. Only 937.54 installed. 9ft dewa nousual opportunity 193ft FORD Vt Coupe, radio, deluxe and 91.49 per month. TOt-94 MOUNTAIN FUEL BUFPLT equipment, tike new .......... 945 Was 3Zfe Piouth Ftate 1939 FORD-4.Cy- L Tudor Aedan .... 325 Sd FORD For dor Sedan .... 25 14 192ft HUPMOUILE Sedan lift Sedan SPECIALS on eblcken coop ga ruga 192ft W1LLYS.KMGHT 144 screen door her fire coal, ta hot end 192ft STUTZ Aeda clean. Anchor stoker nr beat. AN. Like new, finish with 1934 1931 1931 1133 1134 a........ Was. 5925 , Fir, ST $3250 CLOSE tlMil II 7th South and Main T So. State. 155 94 4 9 A.E.TOURSSEN HEATROLA arnali room tt McBRIDES $3000' LOOKI EAST BENCH LOCATION Fin Boom Fira Brick Bung. Finished in Hardwood Through out, with Antongtio Foraaco-- - with Hot Wmir Plant on TSxlIt foot lot OWNER WILL TRADE. it Exclusive Used Car Dealer $2700 WALKING DISTANCB TO --XTTwo story brick homo with PIVB BKDROOU5. two eompleto batbn Good Holland ypraaca CAX BE HAD. . KHAR ISRD SOUTrt room b rifle bun.Aloir 7i i DlRWT gedan .1...... OU9 began dedan OLD. Sedan lor smaller $3375 Several Cheaper Cars Easy Terms Liberal Trades p. a. trade SoulbAAt AS INVESTMENT EocAtlun. Double bUA. on, .lx room ,nd on, four room apt. on lnrte lot. TEHMg CAN BE ARRAN jED. 5 25 WASATCH Kd Five room brtok month east loratloa. wiU $2500" v IS 95 f home, 5 413 23 4 - CO. $2300 WTJLL LOCATED Room' SIX Brick homo with HOT AIR FUR. NACE and kbs water beater ut ft foot lot TERMS ED. ,$1850 1T UNIVERSITT 315 214 474 Truck Moreland, new tire 194 HL1 K Sedan CHEV. Koedxter GRAHAM Sedan .1. DURANT Sedan EASE Coach flHHl,KH Sedan m RANT Sedan FORD lt-To- a AAATCH .172 234 Norville Motor Co. This Will heat three heatrola la miahed In beautiful ma- ,565 Installed for waly hogany. Cempittelydown nd fi.99 per 541.40. Terms 94 month, ftce today. MOUNTAIN FUEL BUFPLT CO. M a 139. 34 South iRtate. FEMALE HELP WANTED Day. ev lit ESTATE WAS. 2303 FbW WAGON eoltlpacker nail le lb. potato digger plows of alt kind tons of emooth fences for quick sale. wir Extra Low pure te All Paints m ll Owner 4fr ' 8th South and State 1931 1231 - ND MACHINE CO. at S 3rd West. R. L. Warehouse, row culiivntora, Biding beet lifter COM cUumnmi 1939 WALL PAPER SPECIALS ill Aritraa Shin Cat Phoenix tHR Hsgitiff III 23 MAIN BUS DEPOT TMPLB HUU HOTEL Dallf lerrfre te 242 ... 444 r.rrT .f 792 FORD Pickup a. LABOR home Hs-ff- 44 44 J 174 74 Zxsirua .. 117-l- a. -- . IU-Ts- b $1700 AST TSRJfB F!- -o room Well Nome, large well arraas-- d room nloalF Impror, lot. $1500.00 lit .... 1151!5 tt t:5 .... 15t picks, P.n.l a 1120000 KAST SIDE Ptred Rtroot. PIT, Kooib bom, on lh aatt St. Tcrmn NEAR SUOAhHOCRB EJto Km. home. Owner will decorate to ult, 9&09.99 down, balance likft mat, 44 BARR " CHEVROLET- ...... imTOUGg 1923 O M C. state. So. ........ b llil DOBGR I Coupe DO DOB I Sedan HUDSON Sport Sedan NASH Light Sedan PACKARD Redan STUDEDAKER Sedan STUDS. Com. Sport Sedan BUN K Special Ceupe ... f AND I CyL Demonatrnier Kg diaeeuat - 470 So. Main 127 IVMla 3.11 CHEV. CHEV. 1739 FORD Boa deter 1930 PLYMOUTH Sedan 132 PLYMOUTH P. D. Sedan .... 4. 17.5a Davehett, revovered ..... Bed Spring A Mattress s- -t of I dining ehairo ... low so Odd dining table Lasy Terms Used Dept Western Furniture Co. t Uvr Fif CrmHliir II pelntu Xertkf BmIIl EMt 2544 ,3 Days Free Tral 944 I 24 it 4.S 24 Sedan mt chev. mi CHEV. 1: 1531 CHEV. Trucks Dreoser OLD 124 OLDS Sedan !: imBKYELLOW , ,520 SO. MAIN FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 Was Ntfw 921 CHEV. Rport Boadeter... ,.1211 924 1421 CHEV. Coupe 224 2i 132 CHEV. Coup radio ...... 4IS 275 1434 CHEV. Coupe 24 224 344 12 121 CHEV. Coieh 1434 CHRTBLLR Spt. Rdatr. , 14 13! 44 40 127 CHRYSLER Sedan 134 DIRANT 4. Door fdnn .. 244 141 12 DURANT Coaoh ......... Jtl 1H 4424 DODGE 4 Poor Sedan m 13144 2i 75 121 ESSEX Sedan 244 245 131 FORD Tudor 315 954 132 FORD pe Tudor 14 4 T434 FORD-Cou. rr.. 134 GRAHAM 4.D. Sedan ..., 254 III NASH Std, Sedan ........ 144 1 74 127 NASH Special Coeth . JV 15 4 1127 REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE THESE BUYS OUT THEY GO! PRICES SLASHED! IS m PONTIAC Sedan Sedan IF Sport Coupe. 115 132 PLYMOUTH Cottpa 4S OAKLAND Coach, clean ITAB Coup EVERT CAR WITH INSPECTION STICKER TRUCKS ROOF CHEV. DITHKANT 124 CHRYSLER ,1927 I. EFFECTIVE OCT. Pilita Hi l: E Coal range, leg base Safe Place to Buy Comp. gpeclar 1124 TERRAPLAK Seda local docdriven by tor vary clean .......,..,...9174 1122 FoRD ri Tudor, new meter., 2I 114 FORD Boedeter 1434 CHET. Master Bed like new 444 1422 CH EV. De Luxe Sport Cenpe.. 21 121 CHEV. Sedan, clean an pin,, 34 1424 PLYMOUTH Sedan, rddia .... 744 1134 PLYMOITH Had an 444 1413 PLYMOUTH P. D. Sedan .... 424 14:2 PLYMOUTH p. D. Ceepa ..... 444 1432 PLYMOUTH P. A. Seda ..... 244 DB iMTO 4" Alrfiow 74 444 DODGE T ...... Lnxa Sedan ..4,,.. till PONTIAC L mi Sedan, rebored 113 PONTIAC (late) fed. new meL. 214 14?4 PONTIAC B.g ftta Cearb ... 144 1439 GRAHAM ellM ftdan it fS3. TwtirTgntthni 4 fedir-- 4 mnfASR 14:4 NASH Ten Ignition I Victoria III 1427 NASH I Pbeeton, new ttree ... i 143C BU1CK Standard 4 Sedan ... 214 .............. 1127 BUCK Coupa If 1434 DtTlRANT 4" Coach 124 GardGARDNER Eugenia H, moral . r ner. 74, af West Jar dan. at ham Otden Tent R. and IDoretfcy Holbrook e'en, daughter; Robert X. and -Friday, age. SMITH Gieteo Davie Marekei non. pteben I Jennie W, faith. It, oa 122 weet Third North a treat, at loand Verna Garner Haase cal hospital Saturday; heart dio- Herbert A, and Vera Merby Farley, daugater; Petrie L. ud dfatUd 1 Getck Stoma Annie Stone fHE VERSON daughter; Edward Fa. and flarjene J&. Porter, daughter! Severe 59, of Sandy, Ltah. Mon1 Joseph (, and tillma Buaxtedt Hay, faady. day morning dang hter; John J. nod Lillian Omari THOR VT Ia Juana Maa Thornp. son; Harold K. and EH a Daley, hawi d daughter af William Jensen bteiao daughter; Gilbert F. wtr-mo-nt Elixabeth Wilford aad Eetber aai Alice Loavitt Hunt, aaa; Sylvea-te- r Kartf Thorwp, All Fourth EaA berg A. and Emma Spark UalL aoa. Meal hoepU! treat. Saturday at Pern B. and Ida Baitera htauffer. " aoa, Altoa V. and Selma lochias TayDIvdfCES ASKED lor. eon: (Harold P. and Mamie C, Dagmar Hearty from Char) Swain ehur daughter; Clarence A. Hearty, cruelty, William G. Shelton, and Cat henna Jtuoeell Manning, aoa; attorney. Klm R. and Grace Otbbe Caspe Elnora' Antonaen Llijengnirt gram 4 Dpretfey 'Mannon; Strtid'B. Waideman Alexander Lifjenaulit. non; Severn and Cgr ley Johns men Marunea Hwatmlrt, daughter; and cruelty; Barclay h nenaupport Thomae L. gad Mabel EdvmUoa, DraBarclay, attorney per, daughter; Bpeneer B. nod Mabel Lewder from Wna Dalton Emily Payne Butler, aoa, Chester W, and D. Bio W. Aowder, arneity; Uoh Martha Smith Dillea, daughter; , attorney. Claude H. and Katbry Healy ArmDIVORCES GRANTED strong, non; Rudolph and Lydia Eggio . aad May Sever, ea; Edward Lama Wycli'fa Jahnaan from HelSharp Papplaton, daughter; Oeraid demrtlon. Judge en Louise B aad Kathaleem Kelly Ettertoi P. C. RvaJohn, daughter. FILED DOTS William and Mari Pule NEW far Murdock, daughur. Dau H Smedley bjr blr Vxther, Daa C hmadJey, againrt Jack Pav. i DEATHS id and O. J. Lavid to recover J. . Johneom Carol leone Johneofl, It, 441.27 for automobile accident inW. tAlva Full Irma and of daughter gjolmgTon,tAaderoa A Boa-eel- l. juriaaf vn-mer JoJhfcSou, 43Sege attorney local hospital Saturday; Heart AliZion Benefit Banding aoelelF ment. Ernest A. Eckerrtn had Ev Me Beth Diana B. VeBetk. TI. ggamet Bek or I in, te rechvdr Oil. IS an hot widow of J. C Me Beth, f onday at forecloae mortgage aad guiet title, Frank homo af daughter, Mra. Moyle A Moy.e, attorney' llerrie, - after lingering iilaas BrimCedar Mefckntlte 'store edTpenr, Agnea L Bnn, 41, Sunday at home at daughter, Mra. J. P. petiUon for diaoolutien af corporBryant avenoe; ere. ation; Begley, Judd JUy,v attor-he- y Ridge. I4 DAY IDSOK Etta Whipple Da1C Vida Harriett against Joseph BarSeventh aat street, vid. nett, for separate maintenance; JU Sunday In local boepital; complicaB. ClufL attorney. tion following operetta LOS ANGELES $3 ROUND TRIP ,, $14.25 IN 'A COURT ITEMS Announcing Special Excursion Barr Chevrolet Co. Clearance Salel LYMAN-OBERG- S t Bail Woodrow Proems 22, Dei. Irene Orta Cel, and Theresa rrg tea. dwtitarg, 1, LaMar Rhode Wilkta 24. fait' Xake City tad Dm Paralleo Mile 2L fait Lake CUy. .Cwtk Med ore Green- 1. Murray, d Hannah Woodard, II. Delta. Frank Raman Bfi, 24. fait Lake City, and Virymla Maclaad Favter. 24, Bait Lake CUy. Mannel Atrncie, 2 fait taka Ctty, and lelia Varna Homers. 21, gait Lake CUy. t , Etna Cunningham Brady. IL Ua Ion, and Eilea Eiaiae Coomb ZL Lark. Wf. ii, 141 East 1st So. MARRIAGE 1 A!fM UpM, BIRTHS REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Salt Lake Credit Co. l3.r RESQV BLIXI. t g iSJ) wx ANU LF W1TMOLT SLCURiil Hundreds ef people have used sue ervle fpnnd It helpful ecd send Tbtty fnend There maet be a reaaeac 44 VALLEY FINANCE CO. t 4 W.lk Bi.k Bii. LCKC4 W. Cl BBS CO. Btel SmiuIU U S. luututA Kir r EMattw ku. W, .J |