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Show T j 4 v V Fbl- 1YOBK SpL ff towtng 5 the coinploto official list ef w; B lb today (stock (nnwcuou lor it lpch Axct'anx: i stink s Salt jb buodrroa) Salra. HigH-Lo- Scattered Specialties ,Sus tain T' Wavering-Stock- dare a Exp Air Roduc List A'isk l I t Lhg y VICTOR EUBANK 22 1 4 1 .. If 14 14 11 14 o tlnod Stre oper-atio- r Jib ... Alleghany Writer) jAfieciatM Preas Financial AP NEW YORK. Sept. JO. Strength rf automotive iaauea and scatter.. epccialttea today tended to austam an otherwise wavering stork market An early break in New Haven bad a temporarily unarming effect on the litt, but reTrto appeared Iti the Inal hour. Th trading pace lowed, however, Transfers appro 1 mated 1,350,000 shares. Tha close -eernss wit Rallying eigns followed estimate of the American Iron and 8t la atitute that current steel mill had bounded up to ft(.8 per cent of capacity from 43 per cent last week (This was the highest fate for any week since the one ended Feb. H, when the output was also 50 1 per cent Tha sagging of New Haven was coincident with rumors that the able te fully meet Its Oct 1, interest charges But informed quarters stated there were no indications that regular , amounting to lees than pavments 51 000.000 would sot be made. At the same time the RFC announced has agreed to lend the Great , ft Norther I&0.000.090 to help meat " a bond maturity neat July 1 A spurt of wheat prices at Chicago brightened the speculative picture. Cotton failed to follow through. Bonds were 3mixed,5 hew Haven loans were off to points at their worst, although some of these later cams bsek. Foreign ex changes were quiet. Motoi and accessory shares re ponded to growing expectations of accelerated buying when tha new models appear. United Fruit lost t points and ns tlonal Biscuit I. The New Haven Issues had about halved their extreme declines at the finish. Ban la Delaware & Hudson. N. Y. Ctn F. srai end Pennsylvania were easy Most of the metals were slightly under water and the steels were ruling out of new taxes by President Roosevelt was encouraging to tho financial sector which interpreted the reassuring statement as a continuance of the breathing spell policy for business. Predictions of a big cut In the deficit for the "originally estimated was also helprurrent fiscal year ful to the sound money forces Mttch .Interest was shown In the declaration of William J. Cameron, spokesman for widely regarded as "the American Henry Ford, that mind has made s remarkable recovery of equilibrium" and that economic signs Mhavs already ohanged for the better. Considersbls uneasiness was still vldent In brokerage sigcles over the confusing European situation, some hat hopes were expressed that sort jo settlement would be- - arrived at before the outbreak of boBtilto tie between Italy sad Ethiopia , tut. 1 1 4 24 27 : Allis Cb M 141 144 Am Cta 4 ? Am Can . Am Cl Alep I7X 2 14 Am Cy duf U 4 Am A Am ini U Am Loco 24 Am Uvt&l . , t t fi.. PAL, Am atT a Am Tob W 14 24 tT It i414 4S 17 52 3AF All Kef Aub At , Arilt C , BaldlwoSB r ww ' 4 3 44 44 49 3 3 It 1 34 7 47 13 49 22 44 9 44 14 49 24 l: 14 22 2: 2 . T 1 h ... 44 24 '47el 42 aj. Cal Pack ceil cai 13 52 43 29 54 44 1 Certs de Pa has A 'trine, 14 4 2 Cbt 1 5 M S P ft F 1 14 do pf . 144 74 Cbryslei 241 Cota Coh ..t34 12 242 11 11 H 42 12 0 34 42 229 24 14 1 1 ... ..... 7 12 54 94 Jontatnrr A MV Cob OU J F 1 R ft IA. .. Plrest T ft B First N Btra Freprt T Q Produce Price! UB Am Ins ties Aaphlt Uea Bak ... IWI Iik. 1WholMal Baity ErsAseU) io Sice BMt Ms PoodB First Crade Mot ... 39 (ooni red ouiotto . .It Gold Dust..... Iwset Croanr (Parchment wrapped He ho) Goodrcbr Cboctet odyr T R M Full Cream Leaf tirhm Pg H Full Croaro Triplets 411-- il -3w f5(tt 14W Bg 5 24 Nippy Triplets ftl )L O. C. Pitta Fillers I 143 141 Hail At! 50 .. 1 50 H ow 2nd AP U NEW TOR. SPt 14 V 14 111 Mt Huden 2 2 poaltrv barely steady. By fratbti.r1riek-31 Mot Hup II fowls broilers wnqueted, 1 turkey 1SU37; durks 111 Cent 14 SJ3; roosters 14;ehtekons 14 It 14 24; broil by express; 33 11 33 It; By rs unquoted; dressed poultry steady, ladet Rnd 102 2 104 fresh: Chickens 17274. fowls I32i. lag 4 ducks lot Harv .. Id roosters 17 19; turkeys 20 int Nic Ca Froson: Chicken D0H. 9 karhoya la T T ... fowls 13014; eld roosters 4 - ducks 18.12 543. stradyfefirro Johns Ms II H T4 lift 38, 'Butisr Receipts K erssmsry. higher than extra 34 027. Klvnatr 14 19 extra (Jcero 24; firsts (M-- tl ocormi 34 S4 Mnscot 33 seconds (Mftlt score) 29 29 . scors fM contraliaod 15. C24H; 21 ... U hrg Ore Chose. Bsesints 98.184. way. L 1981 whole flat fresh, fsner. 11; held, (amlbrt ... fancy te sperlals 1120C3L 413. irregular. Nied Leh V HR. Receipt F O- - 115 44 Hons from L b polors special packs er sele I etsndards and Ug ft M ... ft fresh receipts 21932:22C24U: 215 114 ... B firete do commercial etaodards 21 lbe 24C5i dk Llq Car ... 27 i; 4t gnediums, 44 34fl; U 44 Lows undergrade i go. I. S3 lbs, . 24 rh-kLorilard P M 14 25 ;io nr mull M .Mftai rfr1.rtor, 27 fl iviis firm. .i.nJ.rii.TS'iS: 14 50 4 Mcy R H dutme 2S checks 31. 7 7 4 for premium marks Bora Mdl Resale W kite eg js Inciud-In- , 17 7 P I ,, packs Mrlnty special 41HC4; nearby 7 MK ft R tl premium. 91 VI am Mttrn 'hennery, .tnh.nje iop . I--4 14 4 14 nearby end ynt9nelem .snhmno Md CPt a, mc i 3, MKT Pac pi'l,ToCy.ei n5tum -- !! J94l W Vat J5r ft Tar mTjTt , . at P ft L.. eaters standards 21922. Poultry inieke, ataady; hen ca 24 5hS i ii; iki leghorn hna 14. eoiored 144M4: hj 20. 14. cBBg ducks Sucks 144 5 ? . 27 25 ... ... 9 ! 1 215 22 44 25 1 1 4 Nat Tea ! 1 1 21 42 17 41 17 Ui S!1. 14 s ... IH jn.t 15 11 1 iu 1 lf 2 1 jirsp rr-- 4 9 Id lo . 9 H 4 341. CfnCAOO, tre it: Uh. :49?9; firsts 22W23, centralised carlctfi 25. extra first 24 (94-1- Potatoes, 2VtV.. Sspt 144. ob 1 595. OF 6TAFLB PBK'W Th. Anr!t SEW TOWC, ed pres whofewtle prfee rndex ef-- Jv 14.23. Mile commodities todayweek FVeviotM day 74.14. bo 14.44. month age 79.41, year gs 53.99. ftaage sf recent years: ntHO lift 44 1 1914 1531 1 15 M T5 54.14 14.51 1435 average equals 145). High iLow ' Mmrlj Hills' Ltt Angela Ra Kcna Ro . ft . tfO Ren RP0h g ... tu... 9 Rey T B Royal t Jos i, .JSinceipijl ' twenty yean (hit company Vat tervtd investor and trader in western title as a Ilf 8. og-er- t me o 4.54 4s fe l us J S. 4. L Bank Gain Clearings o ,. In 4s ill Lk gpt 4e 4s a 5s Fy Sheep Receipts Reach New Peak 5s PHse ds "' l'i Il r, 4s 4s Great Northern To Get RFC Loan ti nti115tr Mali A. L M. E. Regional Meet Set For Oct. & r' & CO. v ff ahlr, In H; Holly Sugar To Pay Dividend Local Securities cmcniixu ..,...19 Hi - 94' 5s as EtuAUsktd 19 IS Of 4s H. J.A6)4d ... Ds Mxmbxm New Yosg Stock Excbakgx tmDiegt leltLnkt , Radi Kadi J. A.HOGLE MAersfieU If 4s m broker in ttocks, bondt and commoditiet. OFFICES: New York Curb 5s 41.27 Seaboard Oil Fears gob... , R. h bundsy 44 end, steady, supplies liberal, demand -sacked per cwL.Xds-h- a trading moderates P. Ns. S, 1 44ft. 15; tl. fteSfU V. WiecensiB Cobblers V.y No S. 1.14: to. Round Whites, K o No. 2, email to medium THVTTff" Triumphs fair quallle and eondi. tlos 1 44: Washington Rpsssts-U- ft 4 Jptum 5s 4s noth ftDA Stfftp) track 372. total U ft shipments aSturdsy Cites 4s 4s4s POtCUItl steady; Egg , freeh graded first current receipts 2325. refrtgeratcr ex- 35, firsts 14. standards tras 39, 4 If, at,lE 5s 4a (90-f- i) seconds S . . 9 hW. k Mining Man t 5e 4s 49 1 27 11 ; frt 54F54; Standards (94 9) J4 h. 193 store) extra bw 4 rr ..,.... 0toek Alta Tu Am. Mti B BiU JZJi A 1 1 Imr ... i &.. L ..Mtl .. Black Mei .. Bonaoxa Mining . BriKtri Ihlror Bullion Cardiff ... ... .... Colb. tt- - Utik .. Rmll frraBt (Toff E- Tin tut. Kant .... .. ( oaL Tin. Coa. CUb Eurka . .ti 43 49 43 .41 .44 .94 -- 42 .! , .48 . .23 .92 .3 to. 51 .ir .25 .74 . 4 .42 .43 9 41 41 42 .91 .27 .... ... ... .... .4 .91 i Lehi Tla(4 txMfftri . Mill May Mga9lia Load Mammoth Michigan Utah MHier Hilt .43 .94 .14 .45 .97 ,42 .r4 6.14 42 .... .41 1 1 24 .. .41 ..... Monarrlr., .4 .43 .91 .44 2.44 .43 .45 .... .014 Mteaoort Mckow Mt. City Mountain 45 5f -- .48 ... ' 54 43 .4 .94 BuiUo KnnMC .. ... Kentockjr CUh Knkont . Minr 94 .43 .42 Euraka Uly koroka Mmra ... Eoroka standard (o)d Chain .... Grant B wtora Horn ftllrar .. Howell Indian Qomb Ito King , .t 48 '' EaCStaiidard H. - .fti .99 Crown Point - r- .L .44 kiffla Crown Point Dr 94 49 14 ,4 ,ti MetaU Oombinetl Ntb .13 .43 V...; ei'.o .. --.42 C Clayran Stlrar Con. t'olorad edar Till Akd. - ...... Co. ML Bsngfcom t ...... ... Cor-oa- Ttow Naildnver Prarolor Qutory Vorth Lily North Standard xw vw Ohio f..... Copper Prk Bingham . Park rif? Con. Park Kmg Pork Konold Park Nelaon Park, Premlor .......... Park Utah Pforho Brfatol Plumhlo Mine Plntno Pnoro Con. Praa ..aaMasraMA Rlro Artrenflne ......... tilvtr Kmc roil, IT rat 4Uer K PUer hiH .......... Wlw SUndard Slouc Mi Iron Bloraom . So. ...... .......... Standard Swanraa Con. Tar Baby Tlnrie Oontral Tlnlle Teod T ntle Sfandard tnion Araociatod rninn Chief Cfah Con. ttah Met. A Tun Tt. Wyo Con. Oil Iriitor Con Wlkr Wrat ...... .... ........... .... ........... . Miring Toledo Wilbert Tankrt Con. Znm .44 44 45 FNUATED STOCKS . Arealc Sur PM. Wag. A Mch. tH. Flra C!a,y Id Fug. Com. do pfd Ut P A L U Pfd do (7 Pfd Z. C . ft. L o. tt 2 ...... Sum, .... l ......II19 Et Weft, J9S.44 J.fft 25 44 99 .,34 33. ft fit 1 1,99 A 191 4ft 1 4 Opontnr at 8 Gtr 1,Wt Park Bln . 1,494 at f Park C. Con, m at 72; Park Pram 34ft ot 8 Ttoitfe Sd. 794 at (.44, Malker, 244 at Mt B'ng 241 at 144 5 at 94. t.u. (loainf Past Utah 1.404 at 5ft. City Cop, 459 at If Crm m c. 36(6. Went. 149 at K. Tintl Std 709 at 8 24. 3. I2 Sirtoen speeds forward and In reverse ere provided by peweightlic control for lathes. 4s 15 rock eprioM broiler 2 rolr-bartbacka 1M914; leghorn ebiek-sn- s 15; hen turkeys II. rooater Toros 14, eld 14. ho 2, 14, white 4 P 14i 11211 14; colored 14; geese 14. firm; creamery special ro-- a API 34 CHICAGO, kept. 3 n nearby mark paciea. prhate aaree from stonrwww. T.a I, 14 JV 34... : Mo ... putri IreeS. .hell treat .4 or liner. Her 7HA Both Led t.nd.rd Peclfle ioet Itu; .a Pacific t'ce.l, .h.l! trwe. or tl.em Mot Prd ... Burrer C mad'ume 336!. Pnelfln refrl.erelor, P.clfl. Com. Nash NMot .. ni.ett II mcfllnm. 31H2! I.re. food Nat ILeuit.' 53 ond ereotern fency JSS4 6 33. ere..rn C R .. ,1 Nl to rrlm. 3463Si brown, rmal. or 3 "d . pl Pirttutii,, Tlc , Ik" S42; Tli:. Trerel rilK. pw lt, ,t Grain Provisions 4- li I 144 57 10 11 l, 4 1 193 50 14 3 243. :: $5.80; I lid; Fa Drop 5' 4s lVr 4694 in r Takes Fi Livestock Ci4 ; F ;i. 4s 4s Nod It lui(l 3a 9. 12 14 Jt Bl ABtO Kl Pew ft spV ... XffSu Air Doug Sri 1 r i4r 1 Cera Prod , rk Crows Crown Zelr Cub Am hug Curt Wrgi D Deere A Co t Bast X 27 17 .if- - tih . 12 241 11 It II Gas ;oa OU 1 29 52 14 4 Bond Index tf smpiisd hr (he Associated Tintic 1- 1 19 42 dolm Cxrh a Conti Uf4 Corel SoIt . row Soup Cob Trading In a 52 2 49 44 2-V- ANN. ... Ceg Palm SI. i oim a A V9 79w 24 water Trot Jalaaese . Follow ciowag New York Stsca (AP; sack total salts 3ft 19 1ft 199 (AP) YORK, W1. s Rails. Indus. LHU For. motor V. ft bOUftbkm BONDI Slow , Except Standards Breaks Mock, - IrnepjUr, Vet .32 utieb .1 unch. (Doiisro and WSS rail. strenstli (Ah 21.7 19.2 97.9 47.5 1 4b Monday n bbalos f cwrrter. j RoiuB. Mltol, Few Isolated Otliers flip 12 9 9 4 97 9 47.5 .Tp day 4u High U Ud Previous - torn, Month age ...a. 21.4 lift 97.1 47.4 tnity. llkrt) I 21 ft 17.1 93 4 44.1 L 145 11 144 11 15411 V oar age Hold ith 4s. Cnesea. pectIUe t Curly Spots high W... 27.8 99.4 81,1.1 14 uh 41,. ti :i v 1 149.1 194.1 104.1 1939 adtanee. 1935 low 75 4 93.2 14 4 45 Tiamiji WtalmsM la indirMual ftpota By BERNARD 8. OHARA, tvrelRn Eachucea Eay. Aa.oci.ted 1934 high 4 114 4 lilt 99.4 91.9 22.9 74. 4 4!. 42... 4 114 --41.7 Fmurl.l. Writer 416th 104-42.3 94 J throughout ths market ehrncer-ise- d 124 lew 144 7 J04.T 111. 4346 .... gold rarWicie, off .llshtljr, t YORK. NEW (APJ Kept. 44-4 44 41.2 the ftpeBinf cf the week on 1931 6. 45.9 a 12 lot 24 149 24 MJi 94.9 local low ....... tad The Bend market continued In Cottoa Quiet, 1912 high ...... 141 1 92 9 192.2 144.5 the Bait Lake Stock Fgtchange. 44.64 19 1111 southern hedge wlHn. narrow range price wIm to- : 44-- 4 Yield H Rends very 194 4 lew 194.1ft 1wl2 i: Trading waft light and act i we interhuger Qutea, trade buytn. Intarot incor-a IVi .747 fun .1429 .ft 1 144.19 144.14 14.14 .... to market operations was lackest Burring Monday special day. . 41 Uoffee Higher, foreisn 109. ft 2 MU 194.34 mil few widely .ottered groups of Previous day ing. - ft was 314. 44-103 3 .... Month age .. lV3.it 109 29 103.2 porate classifications trading fore Tintic Standard suffered a sharp 44-- 4 .... 104. 2 ! f 192 21 102 :i 192.35 Ynar ago at a alow pace through the break. Ths stock dropped ftft cents 1 101.23 192 39 13 2ft . 114.7 1955 high 31.. ,4-4- 6 dcs noon. CHICAGO from ths ptpvions close, "going to 9 15 3 ..... Jo 34 3. 1934 111 Over 11,24 11 11 Ralls had rapport Ire apota. how-eWheat Is. ftft during ths turnover of 200 Higher, Aryeetta 4 142.12 143.9 102 9 r, 3. 144. 2 . .......107 6166 1934 hgh the carrier liet as a whole, shores. There was no particular 4 19 19 149 99.1 99 99.22 99 rains failure. low a. lto( moved cautiontly tiiaiiitdiiMii 14 4 reason t band for this weakness, 7 45 1V9.5 Corn IH. 209.4 the Fed htfll . . flurried, September If leestraders T7t favorably of impre.aed with a lack of interest in the other than 94 9 F. low Kt 137 ob record. tbs general run Of secondary in- 1 97 eqnals top issue. Only recently the stock Tintic beee uA reported 3 4ft was firm and nettre-arou- nd ligations (2.5ft tru; nder roadau 44 Off. ability of.certaln Park City Consolidated regained Immediately 15O. Kin; 29 toeabtp to proceed to another lower, top 1UJ- - with up Hog point, selling Defer43 9 41 144 M 3s AM 1941 reorganisation plana. cents during ths turnover of 839 4 5 9 29 9 1 21 94.35 : 39 .... ment of readjustment was associatCity Copper open6DA shares. Mountain CORPORATION NORTH SALT LAKE, ftspt. BOS DU ed with a alow recovery In earnS. L. Bank Clearings 83.9ft and eased to a close ) Bogs Recsipcs 1114. through ed at iSaiss hi 41.44) by the affected roada. Walker Mining held Saturdays bank debits ....i,4.)71 4 ings with dull Rales High Lew Last Biwcmenta ineJsde 455 te Lee Aagolce of (2.85. Were U Governments 8. 3.K3.74l.9 Sams day yar 79 ! little change. Alleghany is 54. 1 79 packers; 137 .to ftan Diego peckers, 347 strong at $1.75 80ft shares chang showing 2.393,729.43 values 14 Mondays ctsarmgs 15 17 14 Alls 5s 55 eta te Los Angeles market, about steady mg hands. ff0 2i. of ltt2 f"d TreasuryLoan Sams day 87 141 141 5 Allis Silver King Western which has 4s 191 Cbai with lest week's eloss? top 19 45; odd Were slight A A y P Is 2424 49 74 Ownera Corp. la 74 79 tots mixed butchers 19 49014.44; pack- been inactive for some time, reStoclpfndex ly lower. 9 112 Am MiG 112 112 49 sows i 1.54R4.54. guoted at 28 eenta Bingham Meting sponded by a were picked up Small gain 113 113 direct: als traded at 8 cents, and aftt Utak 45.. 24 114 KM 554: lift Cattie Rsceipta sold Am American Smelting it which 10 Am 190 melt 5s 4f 1 209 Ineluds 149 ts Lee traded at 2( eenta 'branch (Compiled By The Assoc laud Pram shipments Paul St. Ke St 4s 1M, Sauls, 19 213 Am TAT 5s 45 213 212 at Angeles pseaers; 31 te booth 4m Fran-rieStpc 4. 55 Del 4s 5ft. 214 94 93 1ft 25 93' 19 ill. Columbia ti.s At Electric i market; 44 te CeUferma dairymen: e Arm 1 157 147 - ladle AT5W ert 4g4S I'M Steeks 6s at Mi. Great Northern 4M HR 17 25 te Lo Angeles market; part ear and 191 1L International Telephone it l, ATOP 4 46 .... 24 149 Not thg. .4 .... 24 Idaho heifers 5.50R4.54; few com.l good 1611, BAO rf 5e 95 . 6a ,at 24 41 21 Si 47.5 25.5 24.9 45.5 ;i North American mon kida .49; few modi am cows out rf Monday i 14 and heo tl 5s 95 . Jf 75 U same load 75R4.7i; few lots trucked 57.4 24.5 k.l 44.4 kouth.rn Railway 4a at 411 Prsv day 4 1WWtet medians Ahettsm- A.72 4i5 114H 115U 11154 Ha common .fecommon ftlotsk age 54.524.1 3l.i 47.5 United Drug 6a 1 ft B T 4 is te medium cows 4go 47."i4.r 'it. 5 27.2 Declines ranging from, t 5.50, odd lets 0th S rf 5s 4ft.. 31 112 112 11) 1.754.TS. 19J4 high ...... 55. ft 37.5 25. ft 54.9 point appeared in Chile CoPPr gutter grades down te 2.35. 4 144 M T 5 Bk 145 w 14 44. ...... 41.4 ' A odd 40.5 Gas 4.35R4.5A; bulls IUgood veal csDei, high il, 24.3 Erie is, Kansas 32 7 149 But G M 1934 low ...... 45 2 22.2 11 29' 7 543. S8; eotnmea kinds down te 9 94. ft.l National Dairy products 6 is. North- Cn 34 195 144 R 52. 195 M 19 374. ship- W. heTciDcpt niMst Yasn Receipts ftheop and 4s Wade Says Business Young.town troughfeeders: Pad fie 44 do 1932 W .w... 17.4 6 21 144 14 14 ments lacUds 9414 te Callforn?a 2.7 34. ft 15.1 ern A Tube 6a. Sheet 143 4 13 143 1939 high 153.9 154.2 147. 1574 to Celorade foodors; 935 te Utah 1b thf foreign Can N ii (l v The bloc Will Boom Left Earopeeo 21 142 143 1937 low 41.4 95.2 51.2 51.1 13 feeders; 913 te Lee Angeies packers: 1793 losses Caa PP 4a5s 94 net slanted downward, but 93 Caa 44 pep M 51 44 to eastern ftesdsrs. lew lota trucked In . .. 14 dervel , It 1- 5were ot beftvy, xcept in Qnrmnn Cea P 5s 49 .. 14 27 27 f7 Alone 7.15. ambe 34ft to 9 HbU Lolsn 42 .. 12 21 7s which ) ielded ift pomu 27 Certotd 25 H ailror ft C H H 92 A 19 114 ..149 Tt 119 UO Hog OGDEN, fttpt. 19. fUSDA) 14 14 15 Aimovoas ... tfa C B Q ft ( It , 4 145 government win continue 15 105 Receipts 544; through shipments teclods If 11 dkaliy Oil 'll Ch tt 4s 59 .. 24 22 31 Jl 82 ts Los Angeles packers; early sals it breathing spell tot business" 11 ae docoay CM ARP ga 4s 29. 4 44 44 44 best hulk i Z with ii class; last 42 will be genuine busi-wyek thers steady P ft policy pug. io do 5s 75 37 21 U U Iriviiai 19.45 down; ens choice lot 19.75; ness recovery 21 Sou Cal Ed it do ej is toot. throughout th na4 4 lew few mixed butchers 39.59 down; 14 13 NKVr YORK. Sept. Sou pae ... H'William 48 14 R. Wgde, prominent 9 CNW 9 9 tion, 4 packing sows 2.44. Sou Ry ... low las Is th, official It Chile 47 2 144 C ts 5s it 1M Tork New K.cbrae )44 1154; urh Cattle mining engineer, dethrough Receipts 11 22 UK ... Hons OS tho New York hood Sperry Corp. Civ V T 5s W 14 95 99 99 include 34 to California dairymen; clared on hie arrival here tods. , traded; 12 13 dtd Brands . vivmg )1 stocks end 77 G . llHf de ! An91 91 54 109 to Omaha .Low.i.aat. c market; Hd. Sakw B 2 Btd G ft IV-gMr. Wadiv who i president, and Cottnb o te 4 :: Std OU Cal , packers and 24 to Denver market; 5 con O NY 4t '7' 45 S5 I 144 194 14 geles A-limited early 'sales about steady; load general manager Cf the Perk City ,1' 14 24 Sid Oil sd 4 42 191 147 CONY 101 local fed steers Consolidated Mtnes company, plans from end 11 medium good 42 did Oil ft J I 2 .41 ti &v to remaur in the "City "fo- r- several - 93 ot, ftj feed 14 let, 1974 the. 1.54; Stewart War 244 11 crt B D A R G 4s 14 1K H aS 21-! Z 5 lead allowance 5 11-cent J 7 J.l shrinkage per 6 Am Fdrs Stone ft Web 2 eom. Del Bd 111 41 24 111 24 111 794 lb. good 29 34 Montana feeder steers, day in tb Interest of tb A 'ft' tei-3Superior Bti. -Bra rf Is 75 .. it K 6 j,,, tt Am 1 94 P .75; odd lets local steers 4.4404 75 pany. 6S few O 1 Cat dyamgtoB A 4 4 heifers men "Business load Idaho have 5.99; copmoa T e alpf. a a fay already Goodrich ft 45 .. IT 10 ft 12 5.2fT. medium and good cows opt 4.44 demonstrated . that they can work At! Corp .... 96 Texas Corp . 42 tK JM6 JM6 Godyr TAT 5s 51, 1 166 1616 16U 04.15$ part lead good Idaho eowa 4.75 . 196 Blue Ridge Tex Gul Sul 14 hetter fiKKl without interNor Ry Gt government com35, , odd 4. 61 85 lots out. . H.TI6 W Uu heifers Mar 14 "94 toy Cbb weigh 96 Tex Pao L T i, 1? mon K 'l 77 B IT Gt Nor Mr. "Wad said.- - The 61 and medium local heifers 4.590 ference, Ilk Ot Berv HH TempeoB Pro 24 It 4 it 5s 57 HAM 616 sows, rig driven common medium and E K , tiK present ft Tide Wat As 31 fotm .59; 96 K breathing IK pf Mi spell lit B Tel 4s 54 ; 1MS6 1 K 1MH 3.35A4.49; lowsr grades, 3.59 down; few has 66 96 Trok Rl B. 44 16 shown that. 66K4- - K Confw Ed . ill Cea 44.. 1 tt 4 61 mulls, 4. 35 A l.fto, medium and good 7 7 Traasamertca It 7 96 ( on ft E B . There is an abundance of cheap lCACj&LANO43 A 1 dosn common 4 kinds . Cor 4.9vft Cord 1.99; Trt Co Cor. 14 414 vsaltrs, 94 K K inland M am 16 166 lti-money, be said, pointing out that 4.25. Dw Ch ...... If1 I, ,. 6i g ,I5t JS J54s ( Shoep lm,.k. 12,559; 241 direct, there was virtually twice as much Receipts Vl Cart) Id. 14 644 7K 96 Kl BB ft ft ft ftPf ... Int oment 6, 121 ,6 If Joe to 8t. Include io 10a OH i0, through shipments 171. .37 Vn in tho country. "Ths banks Int Hyr 6 6, 46 IT 44 -2-44 i..4 U 44 55 3349 to Illinois feeders; 257? to gold 2 Pb aP .... MW 1 5 T!6 TK market; Iowa feedera and 225 to Colorade feed-ea- e. want to loan this money, and' If 96 94 fnit Ar L v 13 IK daf dnb 66- -. 49 TX Tia can bs relieved of the fear of lambs In early feeder t, trucked let they rut! Are? Cr II1 K 96 Era. GAB 446 34 4 1 lot jJs at 7.59; ear 25 lb. Idaho lambs weighed government interference, much of SI 4 Unit Bis .. 96 94 IT 116 146 dundajr, 3.50; 15 out at 7.50, two leads, the idle money will soon 7 Unit Carbon. K go to 14 1(4 1 MIh 73 lb. Oregon feeders. 3.04 lead mixed Cnlted Corp, 696 4K ... TT work," he declared. TT TTK $ 3 lb. Idaho Iambs, 4.94. Unit Drug . JK 1494 94 6 11 on Th rail shipoutlook for NOTfc: Above 11 Unit rruk 66 quotations 11(6 higher silver 1 ments reflect variable freight benefits on prices I good. Mr. Wade said. The 116 ll 1m Culled ( UK 1 61 for 12(6 cattle and V 8 Indus AI 44 bought sheep -J west will be the deciding factor in 4K 19 T T T tr 0 ripe . . , H 36W 12 1 next election and silver will UK tiK-n- ij V B Kubbw . DEFR, Sept. 39. (AP) tDA)six the . T 66 141-V n Bm R. M6 ,6 Cattle Receipts 4,399; calves 49;- fed 166 H play an important part, he said. H steadycars U 9 Steel pattformas direct, Pi4 11944 M, 1156616 219 ,4 6 5, steers fed T1 9.59 grass steers 7 Rf7.il; fod NT(RhR4.11 de pf .. T VTPh8.L 76 I ,, heifers 9.89. grass heifers ft.49 down, NWKH6H 4((. tl M N I cow beef 4.85s.59, vealerS 9.99 down: Norf 6 W , 4, 2 1146 1 stockers and feeder steers 4.4VR7.7: 1I4!14 1 Wabash ... By, 1 1 Nor Am C 6, 4t 1,1 cows ft. 25 down: stock heifer stock 4 1., Wstgreenlt7 ... Nor A B 6a 60 T 4.994.35. 7 ft Warner P1t (44 7 Nor Tao to 341. ft i,4 1.294, 12 singles diReceipts Hog M. ? ... Warren rBo ?H to 3a 2841 13 I 13 te California. 15 ff 35 lower; 175- 13 44 rect, West 0 Tel. 52 i1, 4a 15 ti Jb. botchers 19. 49R 14.35. (topi; 13(6 13 183(6 21 J oWetfngh Air 14 fS 1 ! II 15(6 15(6 good sows S.75R9.44; smooth 9.35, Writ .Eft AC t 7J Jt. Pae TAT 5a I.37.. Wo-o1W(6 185 16 15(6 feeder pig doll. ftl Show Increase Of worth , H 11 Ponn 6a 41 A Uu 34,599; 4,504 through-underton- e Report 1 1 1 ft Fheep Receipts Ten Trk ft rt Pen RR 4 (6a 4 B on range lambs 35 lower; 181 6 13(6 21 4 24 13(6 60 f Ka 16 .... 64 61 rBgstftftT. Business below9.25: 9.49 and asking 66 talking Activity 66(6 O Tl A C Ch 5 187 in lain be steady to weak at 87 17 8tracked P.ra Mar4(,, lalj ' 99R 9 99; plainer 1 04, sheep tesd) : Region Pb R CAI te TJ 18 Mk 57 K 57 feeder lembft fat ewes 4.i4R4.99: 1 Business throughout Salt take i8i i8i steady is weak; range feedsis 2.59 phir?. 14 74J 9.9ft. 74 BT JOHN F. BOCGHAN j, City and surrounding terirtory was Poet 63 61 61 ii fat 15 Mxrket Frees per cent better during SeptemEditor) (Aoeiated Roahy 416,67 A . 6 RANMSrtTT, ftept. 24734 2,(1 18311 CHICAGO. R.m Rnd flat 47 . 14 15 Rapdirect- - very ber Bept, 20. (AF Hogs Receipts 8,50. 184 184' j84(6 compared with tho same Bl id end wide fluctuations In price Or W ft tales te Ut uneven; early (1 II shipper llftii month last year. If bank clearings (Rates la 58.444 gf of dal-ln- g Ala Tow 83 Ft Hp 5s44 4 99 lower thaa Fridays average, later Arade ar 13 11 57 today attended the wind-u- p 99 99 any indication. el Pow 4 df, te packers mostly 2$49 off; top0 44 in September delivery of corn. damn Cs 5s 42. . 2 14 1Q 14 A report released today by R on choice 349 lbs.- - early sales good te ouBee 1 193 23 72 The market for September jump- Alum in D Is 42.. gf 13 192 12 12 s 9 10 lbs toshippe-'o Pc Choice 19& Ore If ii 95 11 ed in the late trading to exactly m J ft JS s 2025 25 195 59?i, S. Hay, secretary of the Salt 14 f South Ry gen 59 99 later trade on 79 lb, and down to Lake Clearing House association, 59 54 3ft 2515 .0 19 even with the seison'e topmost fix A PAL ?' (hi, J914R4 packera 19 99R19 59; o K r heavier 191 141 24 101 11 mostly 191 191 uretr, s rise of 2 cents a bushel Am .K Nil 41 1. 31 of nine 4 45 4 scarce, medium ts good 149 shows that the tudibih tf rit 44 87 51 weights 55 5 from Saturday's close. Increased of As Flee 5sB 54... 189 I be. 9.9091499: sews 4.4909 Si. Salt Lake City institutions-I- n Sep24 Em El P 4s 47A I 99 24 5s 55 2 24 As ft ft 91 9 Tarings before the finish however As 24 i:. 55 9 34 stek pigs 89014 lower at 9.54 down. tember Increased fT.26M5t.3S, or Tx P 8 fts 5ft 22 27 4 94 tumbled the market back suddenly Baldft ft B Is 18 599; 15 2 4 55 44 calves Teg Crp is evf 44 Receipts 19.999; little 195 19 per cent, compared with Sepabout ft cents 114 114 3 n killing classes ef cattie elow; IndicaBell T $Z 4s 57 S 7.. T 104 144 J3 J04 Vi ith a last mlnuta rally, tUFWN-tions steady te 35 lower with most de- tember last year. 42 .. IH It 19 14 Can Fae is .94 90 weal-r- s for September HJ5. cm 98 95 corn finished at the season's top .are P ft I 5s 59 21 93 steers cline fed Clearings short western I ft Rub 1st, 7 ii fti 97 7 91 91 4 ! The corn market as a whole closed 91H steady; stackers and feeders steady were I55.3tf.7tf .13, against t'tsh P A L Ss 44 ft 0 IP 19 51 51 41 te strong with last week's close: red PAD in ft E I s 14 47 th 45 irregular, lower to 2) cents highfor comparative 1 154 1 44 ftPI 14 pets bisher- - beet fed steers held up Vssndiom is 41 . er than Saturday's finish. Sept 84k rhi t 19 93 22 43 52 te 1154, selected vealera 9 94; bulk month. Hslwth 54... SI 43 1 J5ww V8&. Dee. wheat H$2J Ct Per 5s 42 5 7ift57 ca men con51 Bankers and 45 ' hurts atockers cho'ee and feeders 1.7507.75; Wnlwnrth t s tl t, ft fti CSP de oats at 14 up. pec. 921615 ftft 153 13 1i- 51a -- 99 Com K 4s tl F yearling steckers ft. 35; stock steer cede that bank clearing are one Western 9ft fine to 5 5 adance, and S 152 O calves up to 9 59. le; 147- Wheel Ft (Up i rit A . 3 11 of the best measurements ot the 14A 5 cents to 15 cents gain. ipi 107 2 147 t on V 19 a. Te A T 71 Bbeep - Recelpta 1.599- - run inetadealhO 31 99 9w iix through73 Cos GAB 4g 49 ft 23 75 - 75 slaughter lamhs steady, sheop pact of business activity. FOREIGN HONDA KANGR Or ITT! RES 58 44 El AL, Is 2924.. 38 PS strong; choice 78 lb. range lambs 9 75; igaies in 21 oo) CHICAGO. 57 47 4 43 42 ept 39 -- ( AP - Class Km Oft Re t 75; most sales 1 59075; Aeis. High, Lew. Last bet natives S 3 Wheats High Lvw A 42. r 1 lamba d-range ewes ft.lOj-fsed- ing Fair Mor-d- 79A FAP 22 a 4 38 is t, ... 94 ft 94 91 jou t. F.a F 'pt. 2 19U 95 Arg 95 Fsh.. 9$ : IHr" item Bras e 49 t: 97 miCAGO, ftept. 39. Hogs Receipt 10,999; moderate amount esm: of early tradirg 35 te 35 lower than Kept. .i Friday' e best time er around 34 tower OGDEN, Sept. 36 receipts Tt. than the average; later trading practic- for September up toSheep Saturday toMsy top 11.25; paid taled 365,252 at standstill; ally early head as- - oompared SUU for ens load choice 339 lb average; bulk with a Dee. previous high record ot 353.-76- 6 and choice 894 te 334 Tb 14.1035. Can 4S 44 J 10: 103 l&f good bead In September 1933 and Msy ... few 149 te 139 b 19.25 011.49; later tniers P 5s It . 8 JM Chile 4s 41 Feb;. 1 33 II to Jamsa H. Phelps, trafIi wfffl on according Ks. more all As 54 d ) 74 bids Int P weights practically Col 4s 41 Oct UTl I DK 54 V 71 sews early 4ep yard trader 9,850 fic manager more sheep will 'hart Inters Cepea ft) .. 111. few 6(6 . . Dee. been received and sold at tha Og19. assorted lots later f balk, J G PJAL 4n 4t0 14 11 141 141 4408, li S7 ' Ziarlsy sorted kinds around 9.75; few pigs den Union stockards during Septu I 1Ti6 3T8(6 with Mpt, MHj tember, 2935, than during any II it II-tf . 6 :i . 14.59 Dec. Net fettle Receipts 89 999 few strictly month tine tha beginning- - ot th 31K 'K isr4i choice steers hnd s.s yearlings stockyard In 1917. 7 66 67 (, good and 1 M 14 74 tt 14.19 18 round about tor th first 36 Apt. ,..tf 15 Nev setting te shippers on asrly classes 66 (6 14.75 14 44 days of Septem14 IS 4t 6, steady; ct. .v.14 very . .. B ether grades end 781 t 1 1ft. 44 11 181(6 U 44 sheep sates at Ogden were more 9 74 . Norway is 43 Dee. ...13 44 j 12.49 54 steer trade week te 38 ber X slow; generally MSP Pom 1st 44. 14 4s 14 I 12.95 99 than 166,099 bead as compared with 99 5 14 93 1 111 1b steers 12.15: holdJen. ..!! Nor In P ft 5s 49 choice lower: 84 1 .. 2s Poland K t 11.909 for tho lama month a rear 22.54 11.45 1 144 1 54i ft). 54 49 ft ...12.51 P O B ing beet above 13. ftft; long yesrUsgv Rhine West ftft l!y 2 TT6 616 331 lb ago. and as against ... 8 11 . 11 94, J9 bead Femes. averaging 1 lift lb 32.75; choiceweek Roms 66 43 .. 66 9, It. 15 P P L s M te told during September, 19X1 the 4lt U 24 stock HepU ...jll.ll most she 11.49; heifer ao 7a 44 fit Paulo K .TTI6 TTH 15 showing tteicers 9 19 143 142 P G 1 C cs 57 O. ia record. choice few This th second previous 41 CU TK T((, 5U semelower; Y1MH1.K CHAIN 2tfPtT 9 199 3 14 Tokvo 4 91 F P fstrength; bulls Mow, about steady, consecutive month in the history of - Ha d..ft '6 686 68(6 Vruguay AP) The YORK, kept. 30. slow, eslrsu frw Supply one veslers when heavy the steady; 9 Jl6 fnly 41 .. Toko 7 .. yard 3(-K moptlis sheep 7 74 74 15 sf American gram isva pUp de 4S 59 D rib)s weak; stokers and feeders fairly active. 12 57 99. sales ezceedsd 70000. 2 54 the following changes tu burtiels: Wheat Re 1 R 4s 51 . Meady; holding range heifers ftbova, 8most Also during September a new sli-ti143 cows 4.35; 4 ! increased 4 413. M. eorn decreased 101. 5TA. cutter 13 E G Is Rwst weight strong record for cna moixth s re98 eats increased 2.49. rye inereas-- d nw h P 5s 57 Aw 4 93 weighty 9; 232,909: grass fat cows 4.590-9:-ef sheep via truck was 2 t 1 A barley inrrsaesd 584.444, w P h l44 9tui ausags balls 1.71; selected sealers 19.90 ceipts with 31,000 head handled TS 4ft 5 a Itttlt The 39 trucks 4 41 91 14,494: HT by IT L wry iargeat prevlou. 45 ra tft P heep Receipts Cotton 9 99 Tex E ft 5s 44 .. S3 95 sheep dene; early and indications 2 5 and Fiore record for drlve-i- n 197 reached 191 weak; larger 19,110 in Ausuat 1934. lambs: with sn sheep U fat lower II WARHINOTOK 6. Ml Fvpt. on bulk downward 49 9 89 Cotton 156- head of truck-Tbmd to IT it 6 Only Th Cor- Interests bidding NEW TORK FP )9a 7AP) KeconstruictUm aheap Finance native lambs, best held around cam from outatd, th Mat. Toteds E Is Cl . la m the desirable motd withm nnww pries rsfrgs poration agreed today te lend 52 t n L R 4s 75 yet nothing dons on range Ismbs. f 43 -- 53 with sOftht ssrly gdKenoes follow$50 004 099 , jsNorthern Great Railway feeding ewes 2.7504.40, native U , ed by setbacks under futrhrr southern R ITR on July 1, 193ft. to help meet a bond scattered ft 41 4 41 I duality rather plant hedging end scatter inf HeuldsUon. Oct U P L to 2931 A tssus of 9105,259,00ft maturing . 00 lamb 45 ile h44 relstixsjy stesdr on csewlng ond Vlr F ft Ig 44.A Ift date. that --7 45 9? Mib'buTTTnDitirBVt '7ighey in the vgr The loan announced by Jests H FORVSGH BOVOft market while later months 3 2 24 24 Jones, corporation chairman, who Money MetaU $ mads hewed net losses of S to ft jurists. The Gsf C M ? 47 . crop public a letter to !President (atK.m.nt rin at local mntllernt nrsl Wf Th prlrats Th annual foziotiAl mooting 40 of tha railroad, Kenney, tmllcated subject ths yiotd os reports Issued placed th Atnerlcon Institute ( Minins to approval by the interstate com- 8Hvw. ner 11.531,494 at tl, 4lf 094 bale against ..8.775 nnd Metallurgical Sugar Copper, per pound... Engineer will commission. ! ... 4.594 month. NEW TORK, ftspt. IA AP Tre merce pound bo hold th per Ran Lead, at hotoL Pglac the Jones' letter said ,4.114 corporation DOlox- FrApgfCttv OctotwM lower. ts nuiredthat the rallroxd pay $F 2W9M futsrse market today and Fries was It announced hr. 850 from today. 90ft In Its cash wormng vers narrow and fcenflstd to a TOBC. tev. YW m.t A largo number of members ar of Vt .. rmngs of I ts yslnftta Dscerobe after balance and that ftoft.OOft.OOft ail tmehaofM at 6,16. te attend from Utah and Dee. fanning d.5t end bonds be issued at 4 per cent In- On, is eiltag at I fti, reacted th Intermountain regiorv ar Jsn. th terest to "mature in 2ft to 25 year May eo'd off ironrl 19 Is 2. It XDNDON. Bart. Production and portion of th Mch. (U ths market In ths lats trading heM'nf Present bond holder would have advanced te )41a penny Miv ,, various motal will around ths lower isvsia ev 1 point high- to accept new bond at par ftod hr and equivalent 234.73), er ts 1 point bet lower. July a peakers at the mooting. The prin-cr- pl interest or tako not less HI Bar Raw sugar was quiet early today and accrued Spot steady; midling 14 54. (AT) addror wiH b givon by Dr LONDON, ftept. and one-half in new bond 2ft were reported, pries vers thaa ns ns at ( rer steady, unchanged Henry A president. the remainder In eaah. unchanged at 3.44 for grita ft. equivalent fti. 82 ceuta). In refined withdrawals wars again Foreign Exchange wer liberal 24. of (AP Copper proportion and pries' LONDON, ftept fttandard spot 24 17 4d; ftuure ftft k CAP) For- unchanged at 1.94 for Rne granulated. NEW TORK. Sept. 24 44, electrolytic, spot 34 Is; future eign exchange irregular: Orest Britain Tin ftpot 231 10s; future 312. is dollars others m cents MARKET Stocks The 5au IT OVXB fOrvTCT TFTt and future sa-bLead Spotlight l, 4 pot Crest Britain Demand. QUOTATIONS Eiae ftpot and futura Id 7s ftd. NEW TORK. Re pi. 2 4.ftiW-44 49. (API.) Rales, 4 COLORADO SPRINGS, Sept. 10 day Ml-aFranco Demand. 4 tl; cable 5.51. losing pries and nst change sf the 25 Directors of th Holly Sugar TORK, ftept. 84. (AF Om-p- (AP) NRW aettvo most stocks today: ItsiyDemasdf 1.14; cables 4.14. Getters! divitoday declared Bit. Akd. . 44,599 Motors Quiet: electroiytle spot sad futner Corporation 6tck Demand? dend 37 s ahara on th preferred f 2.74. Ciak Bob. 4.40; 44.27. export Ida. 15 frbe Pf, 54; Germany hrysisr Belgtam .,39.494 ftft.88: stock. and r Tin C. IT pf, beaiby Utak O. inner; spot ..31 44 Rgr teurish 27.28, Reg. Comm t 25.14, Rad'o .... . .... This dividend covers th fonr ac'future 49.74. . 99,504 ctah Hama Fir ! Packard HoPsnd. 47.14: h'orbay 24 55; ftwede i-Eastern cumulated dividends for tha quarft, FOB. Iron Quiet, Me; TJtak Oil Btfialttf ...... (.16 25 33, Denmark 21 94; Finland 2 15, Murray Crop ..,.....37 744 12.54, ters ended May 1. August ), NovemI.X Buffalo 1.66 19.(4; n Gas ,..66..r.23 94 Pennsylvania Utak Sratkant OH riwltserland 23 54; ftpam 13 57; PortaBOND Alabama 14.44. 31.544 ber 1. 7916 and Februarys 1, 1935. ge! 4.41: Graeco .94: Poland If 7, Hudson Motor Bid. Aeked Lead fttsady: spot New York 2.490 Brata rtechosloxakia 5.144 Jugoslavia 2 29. UbbyMcG A Libby ,..J 904 diviWith the payment 4.55: East 9C Louts 2.25. 499 .. Anaconda tt 61. t .lift. Am.it Ausfrta M 57Nj Hopgarw 24 79N; dend tha accumulated beck dfvt--ten4 E. no Dull, East ftt. LenlggM aa2 T Crntral .......UP4 Mutaal Creamry fa Brasil ,xt; Argentine 32.73N: on the wlli stork preferred 8 4 TL .. foture 744 . 15 y U Tmnlaal tt 116 f 5T.V- Tokyo 29.53 Shanghai 4.35, Reft Rand hav been reduced to I5.2K shsrc. . Alumisam 19 99033 4 ...... U. O fa I Hongkong I '69: Mexico t tty 27.99; Varmalee Tran ,.,.,.14 44 mad be November wnl 1 Payment M. .... re Antifneny To-15 k ftpqt ......... 1'tih Gas Caka 92 Bow Hares I7 Mntreai In Nw Body 6 1 to stockholders of record October 18S 6 J 49.54 i. Utaa-ld- a. Bn (a 13 18. A Co ,14.444 York in Montreal 1U.U. . Wr ie Art Van ...mUm A6-14164. Cull SaMl 6164 IULa 161.M D4.HI WsUiaeltt-D.l. l4 AM.. G ud tu ftsrhaage bond. 0. rr Hi 4 Buna Budd Hhal . Butr Butt v Byem ... 2 A Hee . l O A .. ut las FasI ... .... vSM J J.lev (AP and s iss Salt Lake Stock Exchange lt 21 37Bia 94 25 . Min'. J4 24 24 4 7 .. U 49 4 24 27 2 19 Barits Beadut At Bens U U Beth hit Boe Air .. . Bobs A1 Bord . .. Borg War t- 14 4 4. 29 12 41 4 Amiiprp! ... At it -- 24 NEW YORK. 9c pt. mg are today bgh With offends Tintic Issue :tl F nr m 16 Anaoondw . Arm 3J) .. ., Arm II pr pf f 24 ,52 47 24 144 12 -ii i- 17 AmfWks. ns Wooies f ... 4 Marks Time YORK BOND MARKET 14 27 24 4 A .. 141. T 15 - xew sork KEW NEW Bond Market 1 Ire. V. i! R Ate Am Rom M . Am 4m A ft Am Bl t'drm Am Hy Kel .. 1 4 Markets At A Glance .r. A -- A YORK STOCK. MARKET NEW Auto Shares Lead Market A NEWS SALT LAKE CITY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1935 THE DESERET 18 & T Legal Notices stockholder Tbo underifa4, meetino special atockholdera and hoklara of mora (baa onoiourth of tbo out BUnding caplUt tock of Opoboago Mining Company, haraby ea!l ap octal mooting of tho itockhoidera of aaift com pony to bo bold at 908 Kearna Salt Laka rttf, Utah, on Monday. Bldg Octo-b1. 1938, at 19 a.tn. tho pur poo of oiocting dlrctora and of dear a of company. ROBERT B. MARK and FRANK A.VOH.NMON. NOT8CB OF MLETIMa OF 0TO4 KHOLDEKS CLAYTON 1N LAMENT OOMPANT. Kotk-hereby givan that a aporial mratmg of tho otockholdora of Clayton Invoaimont Company, a eorporatfod. iia boon duly called end will bo hold tbo 3od day of October, 1935. at 11 at tb off ica of tho corporation, t wit: 133 Recant Stroot, ia Salt Lak Gtty, Utah; that tha ebjoeta and pur-p- ot of aaid noottog chall bo and aro to oloct Board of Truotooa, and to traeMft otic other buatnoM aiay aaid mooting. tawfuug oomo bofor ARTHUR WINTER. YV BENaNEITV t - JOHN A. CLAYTOV - IHERBERT A. PNOW- EKASTUS p. snow. Truatooa, Clayto Jar. ftrpt 11 'Oct lat fneluaiva. eNOTK K TO SATC8 I SEES 6tat Enginoor Laka Offico, Salt City, Utah, dopt 7. 1935. Kotic lo horoby gtvoa that S. M. truatooa Saitna, Utah, ba mod fr i PPmtL an C. appilratloa la accordance with tb law of Utah, to ehango tho point ot diror-io- n and placo of uao of 4994 ao. ft. of water from Sovier riro r in Piuta, So trier. oounuo-rtah- . Said water ba horatoforo boo torod fa tbo Sevlor Brtdgo reaortrolr, tho cantor of tho Impounding dam of whleh bears South Ii dec. 35 nun. g . 973 foot from tbo SW cor. hoc. 18. T. 14 81 3 W, I. L E A ft. Tbo voter 8, Ha Boob reloaood from atortgo tho Irrigation tftaon and allowedduring to flow In tho natural channel of th bo-- ir rlvor to tho Intake of tho Bolling tun canal loratod at which bear North 484.74 foot and point East 737.97 from tho SW cor. Soc, 14, T. 14 ft, R. 3 & 4 M and thor dlxorccd fot L land nndor tho Boinpgton eapol aitoat-e- d ia Soc. , T. l s . R. 7 W . and Bo. . 18. 12. n. . 73. 52, rr. and 34, T 15 8., R. 2 W, S. L. B. A M. It i now proposed to store aaid watra ta tbo fiottBC Pluto rorarvotr. iho center of tho Impounding dam of whili boars W. South 54f fMf from Go N cor. 8k. 3, T. 29 S., W ft. L. B. A V Tho water will ho retraced from Worago during tho Irrigation 000 on and allowed t flew in the natural channel of Sorter floor t iho Intake of tho Pluto project canal situated ot a point which boar 3974 foot and South 449 foot of tho N cor. See. 37. T. II 8, A ( W, I. L B, M. The water will bo used a a aupploment! nupply to Irrigate 7904 aero of land tot embraced of Sac fti. 82. 72, 39. hrta T 11 I., Stem. 6. 6 I. 6 sod 16. T. !l I W Stem. I4' 36, It an 6. 3 66, T. . IV R. 1. 6, 4 6. , if, u. it, 16. 16. 24. T. 16 . It W.. Stem. R-11 t . U n R3 Wt 6Js.il! I.XU. I, S. t b4,x.T' TUI It ..pliMtiow b tfMiassieO la th CXftc. as EU. Na. All prnlMt. ths cnstla, mt M th. num appllatlm, Ot.ll bt it.tln, thefor. is srrid.vit rabipm.6 fern n4 l. duplicate, aenuppenled by m fet rf 61. ,6 and Med Is this .trie. Withis J d.jr, titer mmpl.ttra mt tb. pubilestios ef h tb. t uelic,. T. H. HUMPHERT. Slats Entlsm. . ! wlcm,,OT" R kept- lvT 1 Dsts sf 7 Ut gubUcatm. Ocl. J, ' lilt. ' V s t |