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Show . I . 'Lilt Boulder Dam Seen As Symbol By Nations Head BOULDER B CITT. Kcv.,8ept. IXSv-T- ho It Roosevelt's speech dedicating Boulder Dam today follows: years ago the. place where Roosevelt Uses Speech wsTen are gathered, was an unpeopled At Dedication To fotbtddlng desert. In the bottom of a gloomy canyon, whose precipiDefend tous walla rose te a height of more , Spending than a thousand feet, flowed a turbulent, dangerous river. The mounContinued rrom Page One) tains oir either aide of the canyon ere difficult of access with neither private industry must bear the road nor trail, and the rocks were principal responsibility of keep- -. protected by neither trees . nor n the processes of greater em- -- grass from the b raxing heat of the sun. The site of Boulder was a plojment moving forward with cactus covered waste. ' city d- -e accelerated speed." I GREATEST DW Defends Projects I IN ENTIRE WORLD Mr. Eu0$oelt also cnleied an The trnsformatloa indirect defense of the usefulwrought t her Is a Twentieth century marvel, w . ness federal proj-ec- ls are here to celebrate the com pic which have drawn criticism tlon of the greatest dam in the T2S world feet , above the rising because of their temporary naof tho river and ture. f Everybody now agrees, he the geography of a whole altering region; said, that Boulder Dam, is a to see the creation of the' largest artificial lake In the world IIS great project because of the man- miles long, holding enough water ifest benefits it bestows upon the to cover the state of Connecticut to depth of ten feet; and to see people and industry of seen anearing completion a power house states. But, h'e ssked, is the small which will contain the largest gendam costing a millionth part of erators and turbines yet Hstalled in this country, machinery which can Boulder Dam, a, waste of continuously J.I ii.899 supply . money? And Is the expensive horsepower of electric energy. All these dimensions are super-lat- h high school. useful expenditure, c. They represent sod embody and the little wooden high school the accumulated engineering "a wasteful extravagance?" knowledge and experience of cenwe and when behold theyn, It While we do aiUof this," lie turies, la titling wpay tribute to the gensaid, we give actual work to the ius of their designers. g unemployed and at the same lime I HIGH THIBcTE I we add to the wealth and assets i PAID TO BUILDERS! of the nation. These efforts meet V e recognize also the energy, rewith (he approval of the people sourcefulness and seal of the builders wbo, under the greatest physiof the nation. this In a little over two eara thia cal obstacles, hate pushed work forward to com pletion two work has accomplished much. We years in advance of the contract have helped mankind by the work requirements, but especially we exthemselves and. at the same time, press our gratitude 10 the thousands of workers who gave brain wo have created tho ntwatry brawn to 'the work, of constructhe and power to throw in tion. clutch to start tho wheels of what Beautlfm and great as this strucw rati private Industry. Such ex- ture Is, It must also be considered In its relationship to the agriculen worke. alt of these penditures tural and Industrial developments great and small, flow out to many and its contribution to The health beneficiaries; they revive other and comfort of tha people who snd more remote industries and live in the southwest. To divert and distribute the businesses. of an arid region so there shall Stimulates Industry he of rights and efficiency Money la put in circulation. in security is one of the greatest service, finanle Credit expanded and the problems of law and of administracial and Industrial mechanism of tion to be found In any government. America la stimulated to more and The farms, the cities, and the peomakes ple who live aiong the many thou-- . Labor more activity. . aands of miles of this river and Its The use of materials tributaries, all wealth. depend for their per- makes wealth. To employ workers manence in value upon the con. and piaterlsis when private em- servatlons, the regulation, and the division of Its ployment has failed is to translate equitable water supply. Into great national possessions W hat has been accomplished be on tlie Colorado In working out energy that otherwise would wastedBoulder dam Is a splen. such a scheme of distribution is did symbol- - The mighty waters Inspiring. Through the cooper of the Colorado were running un- tlon of the states whose people used to the sea.' Today we transdepend upon this river, and of late them, into a great national the federal government which Is In the general wel (are, concerned possession. I might go further and suggest there is being constructed n systo you that use begets use. Kurh tem of distributive works and of 'jrorks as this serve as a means ofc laws snd practices which will other national pos- Insure to the millions of people making useful sessions. V at deposits "f precious wlm dwell In this basin, and tho metat are scattered within a short millions of Olivers who will come distance of where we stand today. to dwell here In future generaof tions, a just, sale and Thdy await the development permanent cheap power. system of water rights. Empliaaixe Kam ' Both President Roosevelt and iU. & RET.AMATION BIREAU TAKES LEAD; Secrete rv of the Interior Ickes. I who pt'eceded hint, emphasized the Moulder-DamIn fact 4n devising these policies snd the s. they Insisted upon It, especially means for putting them into tire the bureau of reclamation has In Is this taken, and destined to taka fn Republican newspapers Inter mountain country have beenjlhe future, a leading and helpful condurting almost a campaign to part. The bureau has been the Instruhave the project called bv the name which the Hoover adminis- ment w hich gave effect to the legtration gmve It. Hoover Dam " islation Introduced In Congress by Ickes. In his Introduction, first railed attention to the fact that Senator Hiram Johnson because of the legislation which sponsored the the state of hia health." whole project Was jointly IntroducThe name of Hiram Johnson. ed In Congresilby Senator. Hiram said Ickea. firmly, la probably Johnson and Reg Phil Swing, both (more Intimately with associated of California Apd this was later Boulder dam than that of any oth- emphasized by Mr. Roosevelt er man It ha often been said What they did not stats was that that If It had nut been for Hiram t the outset Mr. Hoover, then sec- Johnson, there would bo no Bould'v retary of commerce, waa opposed er Dam to the project. Mr. Roosevelt, In hi apeech, at Later, when the frgislation was,,, credited Johnson and Swing enacted, Kay Lyman Wilbur, his with originating the legislation. secretary of the interior, who let On Motor Trip the contracts, officially christenthe president's speech ed th project 'Honvclr Dam." In- hePreceding wa taken for an hour's motor stead of Boulder Dana which If around the trlp project, viewing waa originally named. from both the Nevada and Arizona Stfll later, when the Roosevelt sides Colorado of th river. Accam administration into power, companying him wer tha offithe name waa restored toV'Boulder cial seven th of states committee Dam.' Tn hi introductory speech to govern day. Ickes regretted th absence of etc.Mr. Roosevelt excontinually orcised his amazement and wonder at th vastness of tha project, at tho appalling, physical handicaps that had to be overcome In construction. Today's was hi first visit to Boulder canyon and h wax genuinely Impressed. Th Inspection trip wa made In tha brilliant hot sunshine of the desert country, and the president, in a panama bat, frequently mopped hi perspiring brow, Cl 11 aUau&1 iStu-iiuEE- 30 ii 3 1UA3 Salt Lakers ; Greet President With Loud Cheers The Porter this greiwt power gdant In tbo form of a mate pones' lino. Beamed In Ms Imanrsng by the and tapping the natural, reaonrrep of tbo More Than southern Nevada. DonbUeaasals-lan15,000 Meet same policy of financial bo can authorities state to At Station To See . followed in tho development of Nevada's stater state. Arizona, on Chief Nations Ihe other ante of the river. With it alt, with work proceedContinued From Page One) v . ing every1 one of the more than nation W three thousand muotici tn the'nmli you than when I was hers 4I ruled Statue, end of a Tastlyhree yemrm ajfo. PROVIDES MEANS number of locaJjl'vionsj greater lament Dern'g Absence TO REVIVE BUSINESS .J J of -- government, the "I am sorry not to flpd another on of government agencies s f old friend but It is my fault In a little over two years this stronger and safer basis than at hers, v.c work has accomplished much- - We any titn in the past but years. iThs secretary of war has left to1 hav helped mankind buy the works M.anv stales ba j represent ms at th Inauguration themselves, and. at tha asms time rd their financial position in the nf ,he new commonwealth govern-- , tax mrnt in th we have created tb necessary pur past two years. Municipal Philippine. Tour chasing power to throw in the recipts are being paid when tho friend and neighbor will represent tax arrearage and due fall what of laxea atart to clutch the me wheels and ail tbw ) people and I am are steadily dechning. we call prlvaie Industry. sure that Secretary of War George I fact a government It Dvrn on of these simple Such expenditures all your former governor will do It well works, great and small, flow out to spending Is beginning to xhw con"1 congratulate many beneficiaries; the revive oth- definite signs of its ef feetthoon Philippines putton the election of their first preser and more remote Industries and sumer spending;to that the work by of To people ident. mo ing circulala is la businesses, money a remarkable it put and fine thing that a nation w hich av tion. credit la expanded and the go vert men I has put otWr peoemT ha acquired territory as a result financial and industrial mechan- ple to work through private that fn two years f war is now giving that territory ism of America la stimulated to ployment and more and more activity. Labor and a half we- have come to tho back to Tie people. Ws are goegg for the chief executive's breakfast and produce whereprivate Industry ing to see the independence point makes wealth. The use of mater- most of from Vtahs larms were loaded aboard the special during tts bear the responsibility of the work-- , To ials wealth. makes from Fhflipplnee in a very few years Fort soldier as employ Douglas a hero yesterday, of slop greatthe processes keeping emIt er is a fine thing to know that and materials when private . Mood guard. er employment moving forward this nation t has kept This ployment has failed is to translate with accelerated speed. la an into Illustration of tha' fact that the great JtaUoqsJ, an , intereating ' Job, possessions If denator Hiram Johnson and Con- public improvements, and Tn fh'ese enerae that, otherwise would - be f this country believe S. A. Thorpe, Vtnehington. ' BENEFITS t tha people of pastn two jears all we have done warned. gressman Phil Swing. their word. This la a Ii, C.. ; Piillman porter said 4 TO ENTIRE NATION i in to accelerate that prothe As an unregulated river, ' Is a good mighty Bnoldep dan bow splendid thing (or th world. yesterday . when asked Colorado added little of value to the gram. We know, too, the reason Symbol. The mighty waters of stay and visit lie liked his assignment to tho of the Untied States withI wish I could region this dam serves. When in for this speeding up was the need tire 4 dorado were running unus- areThe people but w have to mov on president's train. Attached la tho proud of Boulder. Dam. With to a you, flood the river was n threatening of giving relief to several million ed wo transthe sen. ceremony which repreeebla presidential special bo traveled exeepuoo of the few who are torrent. In the dry months of the men and women who earning ca- latetnthem into .Today a national another torward. great Atstep the people of the with Hoover on bis campaign trip year it shrank to a trickling pacity bad been destroyed by the . . and has been with the Rooae-ve-ll lantis seaboard, the people in the Hopes To Come Bark stream. For a generation the peo- complexities and lack of thought of possession. 1 might go further and auggekt west in and the the .middle lived people of during their term of office. tha bid had past to yen that use begeta use. Su tha economic eystera farewell and hope to you I ple in Imperial Valley must sorely recognize that come back Again and sea you next To him the president In one - works as this serve as a means of 'south in the shadow of disaster from the generation. will . which national Itha benefits swell guy." No sensible person is foolish making useful Other national pos-- j year." river which provided their livelidertVed from completion of this Tba lasted hood, and w hich Is the foundation enough to draw hard and fast Clas- session. few a speech of precious only nt deposits mak, themselves felt minutes gome delay was experiencor the crops or themselves snd sifications as to the usfulness or metals are scattered within a short every tatl, Tbey fcnow that ed at tba station their children. tn gening the need. Obviously, for Instance, this distance of vhere wo stand today cornmunm or dutreca poverty large crowd an close to tbs platgreat Boulder dam warrants univer- They await tho development miles thousand may two away I ity 'FLOODS. DROUTH as possible, but even tbit sal approval because it will prevent cheap power affect them, and that prosperity form NOW THINGS OF PASH floods and flood damage. but benot us up the full tint and higher etandard.of living across cause It will irrigate thousands of train's PROt IDE YARDSTICKS several min the whole continent will help them utes thestopover. For Every spring they awaited with acres of tillable land and because t I OR PRIVATE CHARGES president stood' smiling on back home. dreed the renting of a flood, and it will generate electricity to turn Today marks th official com- thsrear platform with Mrs. Roosenearly every autumn they feared a tho wheels of many factories and These great government power pletion and dediratjojt of Boulder velt, bis personal body guard. Gus their illuminate countless homes shortags would destroy Genrer.ch, and Governor Blood at project will affect not only the dam. the first of four great crops. But can we aay a five foot brush-noo- d development of agriculture and Inunit- - This fi an hi aide. regional The gates of the diversion tunof headwaters The crowd clamored for a greet- Deficit Rill Be Under dam across the and mining in tha sections engineering victory of the first or nels were closed here at Boulder an arroyo and costing only a mil- dustry will prove der-- another great achievement ing from Mrs. Roosevelt, but she also serve, but they they a Declarei Estimate dam last February. In June, lionth part of Boulder dam. Is an useful vardstirka to measure the of American resourceful newt, akil smilingly resisted, saying to those of waste or great flood came down the river. undesirable Unit-e- d and determination. That m why I around her. V hat cost of from project power the speech throughout It came roaring down the can-- ; money ? Can we say the great brick Budget Summation mates. hubg the right once fcnore to eon that on member of the family was yonx of ihe Colorado through high school, costing 12,090 000, is h stood with a bouwho have created enough is my belief that the gov- eraiulate It yon ' WASHINGTON. BoulGrand Canyon, Iceberg aiyi Sept. 20 (ATI a useful expenditure but that a lit- ernment should proceed to lay Boulder dam and on behalf of the quet of flowers in her arms and President Roosevelt told tho noder dam. i tle wooden schoolbouss project down the first nation to nay to von Well doo-- ' a basket of wild blooms at her from Last year a drouth of unprecefeet. It mi auch a picture of tion In import published todsv, federal dpfc'Mit dented severity wax visited upon the nation's chief executlv and thatlance as originally M.Tmatd snd the west. The watershed of the It rat lady that remains with Sait os his critics ore irrons srhsn Colorado river did not escape. In that Lakers today, for so they stood as July the ranala of tho Imperial the train slowly pulled out of th they sa y tew deal spending fplU boosts in taxes. Valley went dry. Crop losses tn depot carrying the presidential par- heavy that valley alone totaled $10,004,-00In a "budget summation which ty, through southern Utah towns on tq Las Vega amf Boulder City marks a new departure in AmeriHad Boulder dam been comprocedure, he declared for today a ded.cation of the great can pleted one year earlier, this loss that economic conditions hae Boulder dam. could have been prevented because better afr?-e- d grown "decidedly Dal rolled By Soldier ? the spring flood could have been tax receipt -- ar tnfrfrer-th- ao that stored to furnish a steady water Chief of Police W. L. Payne axfd expected and estimated that Major Carl fc. Dngge. of the the de'lcit lor Ihe current fiscal supply for the long, dry summer Thirty-eight- h and tall. wer da year will be $S.2l.0.eh, InRaitry, Across the San Jacinto mouncharge of the policing arrangeless than bis estiments tains southwest of Boulder dam, For hours before the mate last January. scheduled time of arrival, th the, cities of southern California The tprevaiting rate of recOv- croad began to gather at th sta- cry," he said, point to th speedv are constructing an aqeduct to eost tion. The passenger yard of the decline pf federal expenditures for $220,000 000. which they have Union Pacific in all directions waa emergency raised, for the purpose of catrying activities Colowaters th the regulated of patroled bv armed soldiers The Unless the AAA's process'-nviaducts crossing over tbs depot taxes an knocked out hy th surado to the Pacific coast, ISO miles and tha one on North sway. preme court, he Argued, the go street were patrnJed. and 7 Temple police ernmsnt will not need new lave, I sss'xted th woldelrs 'and mingled or Increased rates in FURNISHES POWER existing taxes I throughout th crowd. Also on WATER IXJR CITIES! the expense of its neceshand were secret service opera- to meet annual operarionet," sary tives. Across th desert and mountains (Talma Recovery The hig crowd behaved splendid, to. the west and south run great This will ha true, he said, despite As the train pulled In th depot, ly. line by electric 'transmission erroneous and gloomy predir-- . and stopped, one of th rope har- tlona" which factory motors, street and that "heavy increases In tax- - s riers wax fully 290 feet from th atfon will household lights and Irrigation be required to balance rear of th train. Acting under pumps will be operated in southorder of th captain In charge of the budget and retire our pubt if ern Arizona and Callforna. Part debt" the train, ths soldiers and police nf this powcrwilL.be nsd In, Hi moved th line to' within 25 feet the This Is the way the Colorado river looked tiefarr RouUler Dam a a Marled. The dotted line pumping th water through doin many quarters ax e th rear piatform, making It retarded of wide at mile quarter-miland a structure of top. show Ihe heigh th of the glganiD aqueduct to supplement the follow-u- p to hla recent declaration poasibl for thousand 'to be withmestlc supplies of Lo Angela and business that a may expect in th sound of th president s surrounding cities. I voice. This accounted for some breathing spell." Navigation, of the river from budget summation, designed delay, but wa expedited as ef- to The Boulder dam to the Grand Canyon fake account of economic Tvtd ficiently as possible, and within a has been made possible, a and congressional approfew changes minutes the train had V' stopped, and after stretch that had been traversed secret service had priations alnc ths budget less than half a dozen times In hiswas presented to Congress In Jansurveyed tha crowd, the president tory. An immense new park has stepped through the door of the uary. Jtrwse d reports of better been created for th enjoyment of economic car and conditions waa received with a i i all our people. This la a subject to which the mighty cheer. At what cost was this done? ts president referring frequently as Post for Pictures Boulder dam and th power houses Th crowd wax composed of h travels across the country, and togethrr eost n total of $10$,000.040. f administration leader are seeking Inwith all of which will be repaid young and old alike. Wide-eye- d i to home tha argument terest tn 10 year under th conchildren, those who wer fortu- thathammer the improvement prove nate to get close enough to see, the tract for aale of th power. Under worth of new deal policies. In a thrilled with th sight ( their hes contracts already completed radio last speech Postmaster eost night. be repaid. f not only will th smiling president. ' General Farlev told th adminishot th way is opened for the pro-During ths Interval between thg sm&r' or'" critics to- - look at the vision of needed light and power close of his speech and the begin- tration's market reports. to the consumer at reduced rates. the' ning of the Journey toward Hill Keep Contract In the ezpendllur of tho price Boulder dam. the president posed Tn bis 1 budget summation, - the of Boulder dam during the depres- for many pictures, and chatted oc1 president gaM that if the AAA 'work wa provided for with friends on the should years, casionally ha ruled unconstitutional A. aaa men, most of them heads of platform, and nodded a smiling acthen w M familieo, and many thousand more knowledgment, when an occasion- problem ofwilt have to face th al member of the crowd, bolder financing existing conwere enabled to earn a livelihood for benefit than tho rest, shouted out a greet- - tracts out of through manufacture of materials some form of newpayments taxes" He did not promise a hataneed the president's policies. And this hi true tn regard to the thnoaands of project andertakra Those who joined th presidents budget for the next fisc! July t, JS2. That budg-- I by tie federal government, by tha party at bait lake terynak Ihe state and by tho municipalijourney to Boulder dam wereGov-ento- r with a view to binr prarr'f Oversharpie- deers Th In recent 8ties yean. Blood, Marrlher Eccles, Jhs spread between income governor of the Federal Reserve and outgo" whelming majority nf them are of definite and permanent oaefnl- board. Robert H. Iffnckley, assistflsti- -e H's or tba present fivant national relief administrator. es! ver were based on the premWilliam R. Wallace, chairman of ise the that 990 $4 900. flea f xg'k the Utah water storage commission relief MERELV SPEEDED j money win be spent and a prominent Utah Dempcfkt. HISTORIC PROGRAMS 1 VKaar The works programh said Wilson and i' Mcfarthy, president of hi moved more ip, slowly thsn ths Denver and Balt lake railThroughout our national history hoped, but la now accelerate road. w have Here to IM dam when It wa about half romplrird. had a great program of with reasonable assurance- - of providing adequate employment costing I It. St t. la a wasteful extravagance? Is It fair So approve a huge city boulevard and, at tho aame time, o disapprove the Improvement of a maddy far to market mad? While wo do all this, we give actual work to tho wnent--I dosed and at the same time add to the wealth and assets of the nation. These efforts meet with the approval of the people of the won-jderf- ul oe -- - v -- f f-- i- . A has-bee- t narrow-v- -- isioned, I A President Sees '.Drop In Federal - -- I 1 Emergency Costs nt yand-Jhi- Before The Dam Blocked ThejColorado 0. - -- 'n tf-- ' t . prac-Icke- i 115-mi- le rrt i . v?r ' a V; s - 1 1 it:'n j - ' 1 Of th asrtfh At th's low. of the homes in America, .reclamation ef 2,100,000 acres, adequate irrigation for millions moreJ flood control and settle river, and forming the world the water supply problem of a largest artificial lake iwaited dozen southern California cities v inspection and dedication by for all time. Included in the 1165,000.000 Preaident Roosevelt today. dam project is the The huge trueture, undercenat for irrigating Imtaken with federal funds, will turn the sometimes rampaging perial Valley, which produces river into - useful ends in one 1 00.000.000 in foodstuffs and coif on annually. A closely renf it wildest and most deso-lalated 'project is- - the 6220,000.-0aqueduct nOw' being conRrcenlJy completed the dom structed from .the Colorado is the central unit of a fJTO. 000.000 program. It will pro- river near Parker, Ariz, to Los vide, at maximum, enough elec-- Angeles and nearby cities. ot The We power Iq .ripply. high dam he. , BOLLDEK CITY, Nev, Sepl. Man greatest dam, Colorado the mighty taming 30 "(AP) 1 le 00 ethtrS ? one-eigh- th i t- : nnv. wa-'te- proud moment In (hr life of a railroad engineer - sltown above ns R. A. White, ITT north West Temple. U year In tho amice of Ihe Union rariflc, awnHs tho signal pnll Um gnsldentlsl apodal" out of th V, , r pur-cluri- A V ", d bed-ro- - LAKE - - X- SALT Fresh Eggs For F.D. R. text of President -- ' NEWS Full Text of Presidents Boulder Dam Speech -- vJrV UL8LHLT 777-fo- been completed in Biack Canyon of the Colorado, boundary between Nevada and Arizona. Installation of tho Jasl of 15 power unit will be completed some two years hence, furnieh-in- g a maximum horsepower of 1,835,000. . ' . Impounded behind the mammoth structure will be (he lake, world's largest man-mat!5 mites in length. This lake eventually witlVonlam 30,500.-0arre-fe- el of water or tff. 000,000.000,000 gal'npjf. enough for nearly 5.000 gallons for each person on earth. The dam is 1,10 feel Ml de 00 length, ' 650 feel thick at ftp bottom and 45 feet at the lop. It wilt prevent recurrence of the feared tidal bore" a urh as audden great flood caused 68,000,000 damage in 1906 in Imperial Valtey. swamped a Mexican steamer and drowned 85 persons at the mouth tf the river in the Gulf of Lower. California in 1922. and even In 1538 terrified a coutor Hernando Cortez, in search of Ihe fabled seven ciLe of Cibola. After 20 years of surveyirg govof numerous sites e ernment, and f eight years of legislative battling, an act authorizing . tha . Boulder Dam by-th- was nafurt by Congress IDA, Construc-Co- n beaan about four and one-- ha tf years ago, and the work is now far ahead of schedule. Long, difficult preparation, including blasting, construction of diversion tunnels and clearing of the river bil, we necessary before pouring of tha dam' eoutd be started. The project was too much of y one rooslnictton a job romrany. and the' contract wa awarded to a grftup of concern winch banded together under tba name of the Six Companies, loe,' employing an average of nearly 3,000 men- - Tha work, la in overseen for the government by Walker C. Young, reclamation -service engineer. Boulder City is Is "model town built by the government, for dam workmen and execu-tiv- ej. Jxrenibtr, Although the dam first waa called Boulder Dam, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wil-b- dr in 1930 changed the cam to Hoover Dam, in honor of then Hoover, recognizing his cff'-rl- s ir behalf of the project. After the Roosevelt Sdtninist ation came in, Ickes however. Secretary changed (he name hack, to Boulder Dara. , Prc-idc- nt Gvr-an- J -- dit Industry Inventor! ha shown aaaimt th rurrnt n ' seasonal slackness and ontput and trad ar expanding. Capital, Far, conditions are fivori Me, Crops are expected to bo laraer lb and to yield farmer nice income than la the past yea. Deficit Elen res Cot Estimating that th 'deficit fiscal year, ending on Jtin S9, 1939, would b SJ09.990.999 leas than In the pravioua twelve months, be added: This reduction can t ra!t'd. however, only In the event that no new Items of xnndUi?T are added to the year's pros-amThis was tat.r$ In quarters as a reference to the $2,095-00- 9 09 sndlers' bon jj. The , document estimated tha revenues for the "present fl93t fiscal rear wouJd be S4.4T.Ot 990. This compare with estimated in January, collected la iJS In 1S34. kt ." S3.S91.-000.9- -- A |