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Show SALT LAKE NEWS THE DESERET 8 CITY f SEPTEMBER 30 1935 MONDAY Program For Rites At Lees Ferry On Oct. 11 Seizes . -- ; POSTERS. IN S. Lt Approximately M0 poster ' of, RICHFIELD, Sept. 29. Sec net propaganda were torn. f sixty ago will be recUdan-J'-,'-own yesterday and todsy by po- and condition, ol that Urn, will be 1,c ect.on. of the c ty. vnnou possible when dupUcated a. near con.trne the porting the tiret annual eelbbratian is bold! folit.Hane 5 Louis Marcus, 0' hr Lee berry on Oct. It, 1 and others ascribe ibe poaH wlio mayor 'US. to honor those pioneer to German Kail. Efforts are jicronsed ib Colorado river at that me to locate! being made 'point bbtwFen 1X3 and I8JS- - to those who-- m4e Ihv, porting, jz establish settlement . Action a. fosters were found yesterdai Lil Many of these pioneer. southliving, tout who hate pot seen inland today 1tti rous non! the of the and norfbentt section, for fifty or silly years. Radio c crossing thcieity. pollen patrol, have will be there to cams .long bask, of the Colorado alter the been ad' wed of the porting and or. rame as they did in the early days dered to vest all persona impli- white waiting for a favorable urae cated. P to make the crossing on the iro-- ,- The poster was from the American Nationals party, for general previscd ferry. After contacting nation-wide distribution with many of the pioneer, in both L'ub - and Arizona It has been decided to at Los Ar.gelfs. arrange the pioneers and their r, families in groups according to the ' I .com pan lex In which they made the ; thus making trek, into Arizona,friends to meet It possible for eld and recall memories of the trips rn itm h -- ): I F j t "T .. -- jrt New-Yor- Ll, iri t Attendance At program Detailed . The celebration la being sponbored, by the Associated Ulub of Southern Utah In cooper- iuoa with Coconino Jr-county, Arte. - of Benjamin Cameron field representative of the (Civic clubs Is general chairman of while G. A. London, , iLe affair, immigration commiMiener of Co- canine county, i in charge of the .arrangements for the Arizona peo- Plana for the first evening cell . for camp fir. programs among the various rroup. with appropriate furnished by cowboy. "and Indiana, to give it the setting as - . was the in it .arty day , r.The big day of the celebration ! will tie on Saturday. , A program I will bn Jjqld in an amphnhealer 1 near tbs old terry .Its where a . j platform is bang constructed and r toga will made bc L lent -- 1 t New Low Prices Given Credit For Huge Crowds JcolfT DUCHESNE. Sept. 30. The great success of the first annual Indian fair, which was held et Fort Duchesne a tew days ago, indicates that th Indiana are certainly on an upward trend' In their affairs and that they want to make it known. . Utah Attendance at the lUS Slat. Fair la far in excess of any previous year, officials announced today. Eleven thousand persons visited the grounds yesterday." Earnest 8. Holmes, fnlr manager, said today. which makes it the largest Sunday in fair hiatory. V rr expect between 30.00ft and 33.909 persona especially children, to visit the exhibittona today, he Exhibits Of .the handiwork of Utah's Indians typical o display. shown at their own recent fair in Uintah. The hospital' booth all whit, and spotless was made to look Ilka anAndividual ward with th. necessary equipment for one tirnt, a model baby bed, and Several articles made by the patients. Two very interesting display, of handwork and canned goods were furnished by the Uintah" boarding school. Beside th. exhibit, tber. were many things that helped to make success: Tha Indian the (air village, various contests, the concession, baseball games, the Uintah high school band, Indian and public dances, and last but not least. the the .thriller.1- There was atM per cent cooperation of the Indiana both in attendance and exhibit display. Tbs fair, board and the to thank all who participated in and supported the first fair, and they invite a still greater public to attend next year and the years hoe-pit- al Ho well AppawoO, a Indian, was given the title of master Fanner of the Reservation.'' He not only is the mas- T; t 5 f A? 4 all exhibits was the Indian arts and crafts display, which consisted of beadwork. basketry, rugs, paintings and many other articles of splendid handicraft. s' Th exhibit was well represented by many articles of cookery, cannery and ncedlecraft beautiful pita and pastries, Just so canned fruits and vegetables and lovely pillow cases, scarfs, dresses pil, lows. and quilts. was farm There minlsturs with modern buildings, fences, and correct forms of gardens and , fields, exhibited bv the extension department. From an edexucational standpoint, the hibit of the irrigation department, showing a very prevalent tvp of farming and irrigation vs. proper type of handling, was probably th. outstanding exhibit of the fair. Th. Indian forshowed n estry department great variety of harmful, harmed and unharmed forest specihome-maker- . merry-go-roun- d LOGAX BepL 30. Collei ward school children were In school toschool day for the first time since let out for vacation Inst summer-Th- e school strike wa definitely ended as n result of an agreement College between East and West factions and member et the school board. ' It has been decided that n or three w ill be appointed,-o- ns person representing th Young district, another th East College district, and n third, n disinterested party to make a survey of every area and ascertain home in which aits for a school building they favor. Th school building will b erected on th nit that receives th majority of votes. Those suggested ar property, originally selected by the school board, opposite the L. D. B. chapel, and th H. W. Hansen property, one half mile west- of this spot. The decision will be brought the school board and work on thn new building will begin Immediately, th eshool board bas promised. com-mitt- ee th. - Green Reprieve Declared At End . Has Three Prisoner Possible Chances To Escape Death Purse With $65 Is Stolen From Table In Home w, w Newspaper Man Dies In Salt Lake At Home Of Friend visi-Tor- s. L D. S. Activity In Special Meet Today Called 1 Northwest CrowsTo Lay $200,000 Bu ilding Program V Children Go To Clases For First Time Sinve - Vacation ; Fat today moved Delbert Green convicted . slayer.- one more step closer to eaecution in expiation for ter farmer for this yeer. but he the crime of killing hla father-in-lahis mother-in-laand ate has been for many years past. said. of wife, when the state board Martha Washington, another Mr. Holmes the record attributed Indian, van the pardons terminated th reprieve . XLTaospeskera will be provided byof attendance to the new policy ' of master from death granted by Governor R. TillQtaon.'nprtMendent housekeeper for the low He said at noon today i tna Grand canyon national Henry H. IVood last summer. greeter honor park. that prices. had could any what I on. to tell nearly 3.099 children Now Delbert Green, woman wish for? the a model of of following. tb. geology 1 the grounds." The exhibits were, amazing in prisoner at the stgte prison, must country, and the otb-- f the history entered Schools were dismissed today and BOY MISHAP HURTS be artistic and to tha time of the first cros-- l Davis returned to 'tne county abundance, quality, 30. Jimmy TOOELE. of the children and teachers took up their arrangement. In most vegetable Sept. B. A represenlauvs Jail again to face Judge E. Inga son of Mr. and Park. of Second the district Church will then take up the sub. educational work at the fair, study- and fruit booths the products Pratt n Knight Lefflngweu Clspp. 3. 35 and bear, the death sentence court I deck and continue with th. Church ing with interest the displays in were attractively- - arranged oil Sirs. George S. Park., received a proresident In Utah for the past the manufactures and agricultural shelves and tables, in one nounced th third time. Twice, scalp laceration Sunday afternoon j iustoryv years and a former employe of the Green L when he was riding in the back of A danc. floor in being eomtruct-- buildings. Special fireworks have booth they were being emptied suhas been saved by died Salt Lake Tribune, yesterday a truck and the seat he wan rided and dance, will be held on both been arranged today in honbr of from a large horn of plenty. preme court action from, execuat the residence of Mr. A. B. Dy- tion. feathe from schools, the visitor, overturned. on A mens. add to of recent the' decision and beautiful of ing most th On Friday Saturday nights of er.Ill Third Eva th. entertainment of the turing inanv comic displays. avenue a Jtriwiidi M1 court refus'd the Third d la-eemail purAfter making7 . To He Give. Prize. Favorite tune, of many yeans in whoa, home! 1,101 court Jurisdiction In n aan-bhom chase at the doof of her as Tomorrow will be Utah manuLago will b. played by bad lived i11? hearing, delegating It to th 133 north Flrt West street, Mr. facturers and clubwomen's day at La part of tbs music. " seven years.!80011 district court. Saturday the for M. left C, Davis, her. lyingi purse of ourt refused Delbert Special provisions ar. being the exposition and hundreds C a p pa uprem Mr on tbs dining room table. A few; i .mad to take car. of everyone prizes. Including 'two round-tri- p on this point death. from c,rSeveral rehearing minutes later she went to g't the' avenues Its airplane tickets to Great Falla --who attends been us. of th. short-J'abefore natural cauaea Green purse and found It gone, together! Moot... will be awarded winners of housing and feeding Arthur Wool- t attorneys was to with preceded she 55, police reported in C. ot Ogden-sh- ould Places where both by companies having displays , by no aliment ley and Johnwish Davis today. j 7. sandwich's and regular meals will the manufacturer, building-judgin- g to save their clithey or lllnees and ent Ballard Reports Lojan School Bond Vote Police searched the city today McBeth of displays in the mann Elder Rites from the served are being arranged for, An ap- - a squad: firing Mjs. bine passing for two highway robbers, who SatS Mr. Cameron ay There will be farturers building was complet'd . Great Jmprovement without plication for commutation of the , Before held up two men. 4w a s night Be urday Required Held And To were Tomorrow announced results today death sentence can be made to .uff)eient water and food supplies S. W. France. 225 west Fourth' suffering,! anv the alJ available for those who cars to aa follows: for th roost artistic Oct. 22 pardon board, n request kind. During Decade reported that while! Funeral services will be held to- North street, of (l refused this an their own cooking. Tents will booth, Beckers Product Co ready summer; New in Born waiting for a etre't car at First first prize, special, mention f b. available for housing. ! Ogden, York City, Mar. appeal may be made to the Unitfirst time LOGAX, Sept. Jl. A epeemi morrow for Mrs. Diana Elmer .Mc- South and Fifth East street, he ii hi office for the Jlelvin to Ostler Candy Co.; for the most since board was of widow IS. the 1851. Mr. ed States supreme court on i th & Beth. highway-maEider lone 13, a held of 77, by J. Logan up meeting McBeth, Sept. city Lake ground that Green's constitution-- g the celebration will be the moter-:c.d- e educational booth. The Salt menof the Council of the of education baa been called far who died yesterwho robbed him of 32.59, a wag Clapp Milk Untrol Board, special starting from Nogales, Arl u ate o7lal rshts have been violated; or a Twofw. today reported a1 tour of this afternoon to formulate plan day at the home Hr. fountain pen and penal, and rad Clapp for Western Co.; the Garment tion, Ky hearing may be ordered !tt9.909 building program of her fjon the Mexican border, which will the inoet novel lb Northwestern Stales mi.wron, for Citvl Nett gray hat daughter, I exhibit, the Utah the dedication of the new Domestic to bethelaunched soon far a Fait Lake City In j, 'trnyel a 291 2 east Fourth college and a member of Deita lh18co"-Nelson. a Carl because of .d,Lr,c f,?.urt'1UHow ' JE.' Frank Mr. f first prize for their dis- Science and Arts building at the b South street, reported that he waa Kapoa. Epsilon. He married Emllyif L. 10,1 be j, tints to attend October conference SugarofCo., allotment of 390.099 Harris, U39 Her-- . government a "sugar shackd special " play remote, since Juries ' gV'l5 i of the I D. 8. Church, before held up at the public library ami Broadbent of that city and came,)1" fWA. through' fol- - h bert avenue, R. T eve-llanufactur mention, to on th whetThe!1 Lee's Ferry Hardesty rconl I turning at Logan and attendance at quarrobbed of 31. I'rovisions requiring that bids be lowing a linger- - t to Utah 35 yrara s adc m 61.rffUfi?. Insanity. mng of October 11. The 79 Hlgh-- i inr Co- - for the moat effective terly conference of Hyrum atake called lor by OcL 22 and that work lng Illness. Catting n screen from n rear has been engaged In accounting! 1 - way Association yf of Arizona will or-- vertising display. Z. C- - M. I., special at lfyrum. j window of tha home of John Cruz. b started by Dec- - Is, necessitate accountant and) since, having been rv, Mr. McBeth fet Xante and handle this feature tin-- ! menttun, the I.ogan. Knitting Co. 1929- - south Main streeL The visit of Elder Ballard to great epeed in arranging n bond was thieves cashier at th Salt Lpk Tribune viLLra- -l TO 1 LK6 born In Pay-soAction Ill'll lays Numerous tit the vnotoroesde reaches the the Northwestern States mission election to eecura retire-- ! automatic with an his pistol, to 373.099. of several up escaped years 'or .Decpart Utah, Action exhibits are more num- wan in the nature of n ' Utah stale line south of Kanab. a gold watch, crystal bracelet and ment about seven years ago. Hf tbo SS per cent of the cost which 1933 fair than at , Detinue plana for taking ear of erous at the he said. Sixteen years ago must be furnished by the sponsor aember. 12. 1357. .car rings, two diamond tings and wit died soon, after th wend of w a. daughter with many displays he was released as president of The school board has 333.909 on the caravan after 3? reai he, Utah j, Xvill war. Th couple were th parent 'a fox fur. Hyrum and Jlary he made when the exact time featuring demonstrations of manu- that mission after having nerved hand. of one child. Roger Clapp, a lieuElmer. She has Lit will enter the state ts dclcrmin-- f facturing and novelty presentations for 19 year He noted growrth tenant In the V. 8. Army Air serv The federal grant will pay for lived In Salt Lake such a the talking kitchen. ed. R. W. Greo. head ef Utahand improvement over the year eonstruction of the new g m for the past five ire who was killed la Germany in was all In The Salt Lake Chamber ; 'state highway patrol, will be asked ef Judging proceeding that wore marvelou he said. 1918. nasium building on the Logan ben year. t to furnish ' 809 and Commerce board, of governors toOre In of the fair Portland departments Iced to a today the meeting to Mr. patrolmen the was converted KtlQOi eampus. Th. pro ,or Clapp bigh is She survived be will available Seattle to were , results to dec.ded at referenn complete and conduct attendance, day party. bv seven , , Church about years ago includes a new grade grm seven sons and soon officials said 80 attended 'I have not seen so murh enthu- Mrs. Dyer, who has special praise dum among its members on ths Stop Arranged school building to replace the pres- by daughters. Melvin and Elmer Mc- siasm among Republicans in the last for his Xisltnrs from outside tha state That was more than double the ent Benson he made at several of .' !( the"Stops will life. He was a advisability of construction of A wchool. exemplary Improvements Beth, Payson; Frank McBeth, Mrs. sax as (here 3s now in the member of th local lodge, B. P. cl vie Auditorium nt this Urns. towns along U. 8. highway 8 have said that the Utah fair ex- attendance at any such meetings to the Wood ruff. Ellis years Wilson and Viola Warner i J on the and Mrs. Maude Har- east," President Don B. Colton of O. E. A The boards action followed way to Salt lake City ami ceed any other state fair In the when I presided there." he said, school and equipment for the gymes ris, nil of Salt Lake City; Mrs. May the Eastern tha mission it nasium. mission said If time permits. It will go throuxh quality and quantity of entries in and throughout Mr. Clapp Is survived only by report from ths chambers special M. In was rethe Nev.; auditorium Elko, and tha in Gilpin, the stock the name; the which with committee arrival membership section Sterling today upon hi, city. distant relative In New York CHy. Bryee canyon national park. The possible At Its meeting Friday th. y,.rd McBeth, Bakersfield, - return trip will be by way of r. 8 exception of beef cattle. Sheep, many of the larger district and birad tbo President Colton, n former mem- Bunsl will be in Salt Lake City commended construction of Cal.; 19 Mrs. Frances a for- grandchildren and 13 ran for the Senate but funeral arrangements hnv not building tnd ths referendum. Each ber of Congress, highway 91 to Anderson's June- - Swine and homes are alt reported branches has doubled, and activi- mer teacher in the Barlow, Gran tie school one and will member Mrs. William ties Increased of have a he chambec accordingly." Senator the sister, from Utah "Irion. Ind thence via Zion national' leading the t. Rr been completed- part time in the McBeth, Salt Lake City. , Mary H. King in against - eark. the M Carmel tunnel, and Do you favor construcasked 1934. He wan particularly Impressed, district, to teach A ftower ohoir bt hold toof jXanaH. home economics. department Services will be held at t pm. tion a municipal auditorium st While not giving attention now morrow ot the roltMum. edees he wnd and It was natural to see The made at the home of Mra Harri. 1150 appointment - was his time?" and the question wilt Remen and grown girts who In to politics." he continued. Civic erifanUaUon Ton thf day is governor's day snd Govern- vouns through with special arrangement acbe Herbert now in avenue. were hi children east Burial very will phrased so a to require route 'Ml! t day" be In publican activity to rntertatn or Henry )l. JDood will attend and the college and stata department ML Olivet noticeable. The Republican plan positive or negative answer. cemetery. Sthe visitor for & frw minute in be honored by a fireworks display tive hi prle.thood quorum and of education. old Mrs. G. B. Forbes, chairman of ol campaign is being mapped now, IYArai town tn order to rest the featuring a portrait of htftisell in auxlllarte. He met many Barlow will teach one class ths Salt Lake council of womens but details will have to wait for the friend. In the Church organisa- at Mrs. fire. Mr "people Jn fh pur tr. the Junior high school and two decision of the Supreme court. tions In th communities where of legislative committee, guest Bestd Kur jtsosrWednwday brlnem people 'td fhc classes at the senior high school. Twelve speeders and twn reck- tb hoard at luncheon, said that K the major laws of ths new formerly he was acquainfed Th These Ferry celebration, the mo-;jlea ere not added to the eh was being deal President decided are favor is of ths building. unconstitutional, less drivers were sentenced In th said, under threads f expected, to emphasise were Mra W. W. Other such as the MIA and AAA, then of Is In pro, curriculum but will relieve the Joseph Qulnney. great need for Improvement tn city court ef Judge C. F. Dolby nt Emery, guests teachers of their so present classes Moroni course Mrs. will missionaries the th Heinr and ay Republican rendition, perdue connecting link V, 8. highway Mr they may devote more dime Frank Page StewarL tbat we should have proceeded to- the police station today. are working hard wnd are getting that tha two qtatea. Tha lV from the recent folSbtween ns wer to L'SAC Recovery and Intrainees. Speeders finqp on ar ward members constitutional recovery the results, end fc fntrvslouo scenic route, possesslows: la starting in the west and lines." terested and ejiv to their duties. Llng mat rommerrja.1 Importance. I. H. Jacob. 1 9; Wesley Emon Tooele Democratic was eastward Ballard Elder at in of the opinion moving M, Grae tZ. 8parkee. eerrery. $5;. M. C. Gygi. 95; Lynn last Friday. The new building on , Lakformer of the Yavapai county chant- Salt Brown, Benjamin Mcar. 815; Dr. M. Smernoff-ciarcn- ie i Committee bummoneu jary of commerce and Hi hiftb th v . er. now Of New York, practical:-- cjmpu. he raid, if. Allgaier, 5; Max TnThe one tTilnd of of finest the economist U. A. and PS L. the RAsnciation lCtrChCnlatl president of TOOELE. SrpL 29. Tooele city and Kobert n smart, speeding and driver's liProducers -- - entire country. Moove, Up prudent of the armin' ... Distributing Agency, Democratic committee will n -t In cense, 311; C, R. Bennlon, 315; J. Representatives of the various At the Hyrum, stake conference the Salt Lake district's II represen- M. Jonea both Freevott are directly hvj horsa ehovua throughout the court room of the Courthouse Inc., who arrived In Salt Lake to35; Jack Park, 35; Jos- federal and state welfare agencies the annal meeting of the tatives to the Utah Education asfor bnd thev report Hut fher trr. All ihe showa he has judged yesterday he spoke at largely at here Oct. 2 at 7:29 p.m., day in Utah met this afternoon st ths J A. 33. David, meetings and observed a to O. E. Baker, chairman.according Northwestern Turkey Growers a sociation's house Of delegates meet- eph Jes than 1 50 car to!thia summer were sold put, he tended o;epoct Douglas Leg ran was fined 315 Chaipbcr of Commerce with offi- fine spirjt among' the people- - He which tomorrow sociation. bi- - as were this opens selected The make lbs trip. ing month, will decide rials of tb National Youth Ad-- n meeting balance on reckless driving fine. sd. upon ct a stake patriarch. Mor- the time, y session at (he to map out a targe group' of new entbtiai-at- s mon apart of drunken place and manner of for a hotel. arg member driving a D. formerly Byrd, in are becoming interested today at th Ntwhoua hotel ns against Kenneth Larson was reto aid the education Tooele of AH priesthood holding a convention in council. of the high Mr. Brown that follows: report to general nominate candidates for hore feeding activities and horae and auxiliary units are completely City duced to reckless driving and h youth. nr business conditions Miss TVealthea elec-tloV office for Klrkham T. a. Improving Mr. W.' the Francis Learned," ows should be popular and wan city municipal fined 320, wnd all activities of the iaAbej9MtJwt-JUiaL-recoxery-ls dtreclor for Utah, presided. Nov, t. . the future Mr Cun- organized Hyrum more pronounced Jn the wesL rie. E. Foss Richards, Matthew of the original Only 'TtTnfngharuraaid todayr I Tlentlng'' el out the D. that puri Noell. E. theory .bearing Fred Fowl Powelnon, 859.999.999 Thry. Loomis Family appropriation 'for' fka n the m o ms wilt e i " 1 the power most be firat Im- er; Joseph D. Millerberg, D, - G. Eureka Considers chasing t C aid been has exhausted. It youth ff - North, South Davis "sof a falk ghen fey Grant g'iXn eLCilOOi utdlt IaHOSCH was reported and it was decid'd proved. The east Is largely de- Spencer. P. S Marlhaka. James Sanitation Plans Reorganization Project f otate horticulturist, before HEBLR CITY. Fept 28. Try- pendent upon the west for s mar- E. Ilaeism, H. C. Tanner, Ml, Helto address a communication o A reorganization meeting will be ket for it manufactured Held Session j; hers of the Flora Teli Tiowcr cSuh x?ut9 for the looah high whool pa- -i M. I. en Foley, Miss Ethel Barnhardt. products, EUREKA. BepL Washington to determine if moetti held Loomis the ot f p.rn., Utednedaj, at the a: he said. by organKditor family , pth: reeujted aa follow Mis Lele Garland, Minnie Garff. council of. Eureka funds for available ed is th considering t Bountiful chapel. Mr. Brown's statement was sup- Mis Jesse Harronn and Dr. J. T. the BOUNTIFUL. Sept 20 Offi- ization at the genealogical office, ArW indea; awiatant editor, of youth In this state. advisability of passing an orf A bnslneair roectin? w. &lo be E!ainVjlsop: business manager, cers In the Mutual improvement 80 north Main street. Friday, OcL ported by AlbertUs Wtllardson. Lee Worlton. dinance making it compulsory for 9 15 5. at Is that consider which field, at officers of the club Fhti Pavon; news reporters, Itayda associations should pm., it announced by Angeles field representatives of the residents of to atl this make city Provo Eldor George Albert Smith of the Northwest .association on the west Sheer Milk Will be nominated. Vt'mtcrroa roorea Sonderegger, they ar accepting their position outdoor privies sanitary and modto Connell of th Twelve, Victor.a roast, who Is also a former Salt Class Work Starts ern In every respecL Under the Riband, Batty Duke; until 'those over them see-f- it Votes To Continue Elder Smith request all mem- Laker. Business 1 much Improv- At Lion Personals. RoaKColeman; features release them, and not nntti they House Tonight. ishp the government would furnand poetry. He ten Dickson, Ella wish to resign, was a message ber of th various branches of ed and from all appearance connil labor for th necessary Class work at the Lion House So- would not have to be new Price, Labor Control Erickson ; sporta, 'Heed Tuft; bfought to the officer , of the th family to be press nL (Tbs re- sumer purchasing power Is better cial lumber, Center begin this evening for Merle Clyde, Jennie Broad-ben- t; North and South Davis stake at organization la mad neceasary this year than lasL Earl owner would be to furnish property aa Intensive And fall winter PROO. BepL 10. Price control of Caldwell. Idaho, artist, John H. Mjirdock; their annual convention held yes- through th resignation of Levi the material and this essentially r Smoking the bee with the burn- tvf sts, Louise Baum, BmvJean. high J. Taylor. presldenL president of the association, and course. Classes new filled and eoudl not have to be new lumber. and labor practice provisions con.. Kayrville terday at the lng ot old rags, thieve last mg'"t os are to start Trvoma direcfollows: Ined In school. for th of ready Prominent which resulted loaders families branch organization many yell milk code win b a The as action Is being taken hive of bece from J. II aa tV stole IS1292 Conversational English, taught result of Dr. L. L. Daines presided at the Into the Loomis family folowa; Vonda- - ftornerzNell a si tin Bed the Include tor from surrounding state were under a contractual n visit with the council Roovvclt avenue. ac- Party. , e C. Marha by m the convention. Bob of Murdock for those A. session. and the Josephson. G'orrc Smith. Mamner apd 10 proposed at a recent Fr.day evening by Mr. Hill of the agreement " today to' ... and X:39 period, combined for the vtaf' W. Merrill. WHliani B. Lake. Jowith board of health, end G. It. m "ct lng of the bnsril of control TO MtlT t ntxht charm Tht'hivc E. Wilson. Francis M. Lyman elao. f th 8; 'Umon ti.nh.rlftitK PR'WIPUS opening Provo milk Hied. Th seph Judd wm of bead the of county ESTATE PATS TAX Frid.iv s ! taught by Mra Katie C. Jensen, at ariitationNcpht Te' Salt Lake 1 rp7ln,1j and Pleasant Green Taylor. game, for final sards iT.. the r..rr? ad ind .nbtee program. They spoke of proposal w II be submitted to tha .. 7: a taeobtation. dreesmakinz. bv Farnscomposed vill Evther masters; estate Lawrence of J The Hayes. "loaded 'he advantages of a new sanitaUna daifymen of the milk shed at a truck, lef- - citK school, will. hold Its rji- . arid project recently mipped out by the meeting this weak. 1.3144,009,900 Salt Lake countv, todav paid an in worth. t 7; ihuii', Jstujlv Japan Thai Ik- - kit ,B0 hsve estimated thatfnual outing at Ptneerost. Emtgra- - quaere yardexported Experts ,0lnj to cotton the B of tax Lucille $2,837.99 heritance INo raise In prices Is contain-fdaie- d, demonstration), by of piece goods which will not only by j more energy is absorbed from the'tion canyon, next Wednesday. Th tn the first half of '5T xpfrt declared this year, an state tax eommtslon. according Swenson, 7; two speech classes governmenL furnish .employment to idle men bat the new agreement that anjsnn by forests in the United State, annual n of voice follopr meeting wiy, Mr. Warnock. 139,999,999 increase Ned and to at I square placement yards diction, but Attorney at th same time he the means being proponed to retain the ud have putn screen ard stored away every year than ner at 3:39, 1L is announced by from the export is fh 39. nsd Interpretive vending, at of making Eureka on of th died BepL 15. 1933, who ptmllar benefit Hayes, of the code without Me h Alves opening. lj expanded 3a oa5 fcurnd g - . V Vf1 State Fair Beats. Civic All Past Records ; Borah Downfall Forecast By Writer - JQ head-quarte- rs 4 - School 'Strike At College Ward Utah's stats liqoog control notwithstanding the te cas. pending before th. supreme court involving tb. constitutional-it- y of fh. liti act, ts atilt striving as vigorously aa ever to enforce the law and bring illicit dispensers Majority Seem To Favor of tiard liquor into line. Administrator Hugh B. Brown, New Deal, Reports of the etato liquor commission issued this statement this morning, Vanderbilt calling attention to th. tact that tha commission's, enforcement diDefeat of Senator Borah In the vision Is suit raiding speakeasies" coming election because of his and ealoona play thogBe" With the Saturday night, the Pom Pom present, administration to secure club, 2S ! west Fim South, was benefits for his stata was forecast raided, and J. McNally and Frank yesterday by Cornelius Vanderbilt and Miller, alleged proprietor. magazine writer, publisher and Barnes Jr., Genenth Payne and Ar acton of the Vanderbilt family of e were arrested. They Why-Htwho visited briefly in was Salt Luke Saturday. Club, 1 tt Regent street, also raided, and Al Heddlng and Mr. Vanderbilt is touring tha Steve Broody were arreted. west with Arthur Thompson, formLiquor Selacd er West Virginia state legislator. In At both places," said Mr. a trailer, to sound out sentiment" Brown, "quantities of hard liquor of laymen concerning political Iswere confiscated proving that not- sues. The pair has visited 19 states withstanding the test case in the Including Utah. mm court a- 11a of tb perauprsm. tv proprietors are continuing openly' and flag- son to whom we have talked and rantly to defy tha law. we find that 37 put of every 19 Just because the constitutionsupporter ol President Rooseality of the law is being contested pre velt and of the new deni," Mr. Vanand tha power of the commission derbilt said yesterday. to padlock liquor joints is being It tha same aentiment prevails questioned, we don't wnt the peo- in the rest of th nation nest year. ple of Utah to get the Idea -- that Roosevelt should maks heavy gains the liquor commission has stopped over his 1932 majority." he said. trying to enforce the law. big business", Mr. Concerning We Will continue to posh rigor Vanderbilt said that he could name ourfy our program o. law enforce- I persons who would give ment, amsting anyone found sellto see Roosevelt defested.As ing liquor." a whole, capita! is opposed to the Previously Enjoined presldent. he said. while the middle Mr. Brown called attention ra for him. the fact that one of the places The pair left late Saturday afterHi pom Pom club had' been prenoon for Boulder City, Nev., where viously enjoined, and the propne Mr. Vanderbilt said ha wants to tors were among those plaintiff study the crowd reaction" on the attacking tb conetitutlonality cf presidents first western trip since th liquor control act. he took office. ' rommlemon'e Although the the power is being questioned under case now pending- .- explained Mr. Brown, the supreme court ha not interfered with our power to atop the sale of hard liquor while n decision Is being reached." n, L. i: i Ifj'l ' J Beverages Director Announces He Will Continue In Tace Of Test - t ? Living Pioneers From Utah, Arizona L' . ' Expected Parents End Liqiior Board Raids two Clubs, Civic Clubs Shape rm jawqswi 1 re-I- '' rt u, - home-comin- g. Keicrenaum Upon Building Auditorium - Eastern G. O. P. Reported Enthused - a0 F.-i- t Twelve Speeders Get Court Sentences in-t- ' Recovery Seen Starting In West Z Jr . rac. NYA Meets To Map Out Program In Utah 1 c- conn-:Nhar- re t two-da- New-hou- se pro-gra- m n. tjem - stske-hand- one-ha- lf The-Car- A.s - 2$.--- Th - ' ?11 set-u- bu-m- ii V r 1 3'" 1 Salt-Lik- d -- .. . .? . W&SZ2& . 1U 4 I. a |