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Show Former Slav Dies at 115. Pensncola. Flu John C. Calhoun. H colored, aged 115 yeura. Is dead. The J death certificate gives Ibe date of Ihe , , negro's birth as 1 714. Calhoun Hied ' In Punsucolu for forty yearn, und mini mi-ni fourteen years ago made hla living , by dully labor In u sawmill. In .ein I Inlsceut miNidH the old in tcm, who had ' frlenda iimiing both white nnd black people, would tell or Iniiilt Ills III Ihe lite or Ills former muster, Calhoun, the ' fiimoua staicsman, ami reler lo hltn with great familiarity The negro wus ' burn 111 slavery, he claimed. All his assertions, i is sabl. were well sup ttortcd hy historical facia. |