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Show Notice There will be a atockhold-era atockhold-era mooting of the Wanahlp, Hock-Dort Hock-Dort A Hoylavilbi Itange Co. held at Wanaitlp ward houe Jeo. M, 10UM, at 10 a. in. to (lecuTu uti piullng alieup on the range, Irwin Crittenden, Hoc. E. L. Ilenaon liaa for aale one of the lieat holeli at the beat Ucatlon, In the beat town of Utah. We want the picture of the leading lead-ing Hum In Guuimit oounly far Tin XmanTimbi. Henil in yoar picture, pic-ture, and ahow yoar frlemla the edill It will be out oa the loth of next mouth. Christmas Season Now in FULL SWING Everything Beautiful that makes the hearts of our little ones rejoice. fCome and see me, child-ren-Your days is Saturdays. p ! LADIES! With your Xmas purchases you will re-j j ceive my compliments on a beautiful china plate, "Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" MISS AT- jF SALMON I , . H , in m , n ,. I in ,i 'i ...... t I We do onlv r kkI p. i n it:g. Can we to v.MiuT frlca are right. " ' . ' iiieemie .., mmm-T 'CORIANTON" 'I I g..'.'el nf l,l i..;k-,, .h-illi,. . he fat ia M..r: play ,,ri- union", w.ll I... t the CioiMlle .. ta II,, us.. 1 1, ,.. M, ,l( i, 'I he tin re ntiiioiincMui HI that thin piny v. ill I.,, revn. .1 si 1,1 be uf. Ilrli nt to nil ti,,. Kr vv,.r) i-riorn.Biice. M ti the play wan llrm proiluc.il, seven yeara b,:.i, loci, ami public ibclareil tbat it waa one of the must iiiaguilk'eiit proiluetlnllB ever aeell ill the city. It waa pla.vi.l last, an, I ait III Inter in the principal cities of the I'aeltlc t'oiil. In eviry caae thu verdict WHN the aallle. When It waa ib clil. ,1 to revive the piny, those In Mini the movement reaolveil that tho production muni Im the eiiial of the oilglnal. Thla waa not an cany matter, aa tho play calla for a long lint of capable actora ami ai'tresa. a, aa well aa four acta of magnificent acetiery. Itellevliig, however, that the unit woulil Juatlfy the ineaiia, the promotera of the plan lo revive the play act In werk, with thu rcsiill that it le believed tlie revival uf the play la in ever) way c,,iihI lo Hie original proline-tion. proline-tion. The part of l orlanton la one calling call-ing for nu actor w it It ability of the highest onlrr. Alfml II. Pwmiboii, b ailing man with "Tbe Wolt" company, com-pany, waa ecureil by apeclal arrangement ar-rangement wltli the manager of that company. Mr. Kwenaon waa a member mem-ber nf the original company and umlc raluily of Joseph llowarth, who crealeil the tillo roll, Luke I'oa-grove, I'oa-grove, wellknown throughout the weat, who waa a member of the original production baa been aeon red to play the part which liu created. The oilier charactera are in the handa ot experienced actora and -"'"""-i I,,-' Your return card ntrrVnVwa loo envelopft for 7J cent at THE TIMES office. j mCTTY NTCXPICCE OF U.'ll ' . i w (llrla are bimy theao daya making elaborate neckplecca of lare and ra-lln, ra-lln, or net and ribbon. The one shown In the aketch la made from while Pg und filet net attached In a high, boned alork of black aalln. The bow-In bow-In front, and the Jabot, are mere . pinned on and ran be replace, I l,v , era Prevent and Relieve Headache "It pivca me sreat pleasure to lie alilc to refer to Dr. Miles Ami-Pain Pills as the best remedy rem-edy we have yet had in our house for the prevention and cure of headache. My wife who hag been a constant sufferer for a number of years with above complaint joins me in the hope that they may fall into the hands of all sufferers." JOHN BUSH, Watcrvlcit, Mc Used Them Four Years. rebel of licaiUch("."rT hl uaaxl ---,"' ',-""- i them for nearly four years and they never fail to jjivc me relief. I have tried many other remedies, rem-edies, but have never found an better." JOSEPH FRANKOWICK, 854 Tromhly Av Detroit, Mich. There is no remedy that wilt more quickly relieve any form of headache than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills. The best feature of this remarkable re-markable remedy is the fa. t that it lines mil ilcraii;o the s ' nr leave anv ilisaorceabli ilTc-l. Driei'iMi tv.rywhsr. ssll ham. If flr.l f.llt lu b-trWII, ycu. tfV9 B MILt!.rMi;'oi(?Aur CO.""tikhart, Ind. JOSEFH BARKER, .f: Jg; BKEFDEK OF Jersey Caltle-Berkshire and Durcc 2 Jersey Hogs. Has for Sale Choice Repislered Jei.cy Bull Calves from $50 to $100 each. Alfo fome choice young pigs at $25 per pair. Secure the bed ficm Ulal;'. v.vte: I .c!or! Farm Give Us Your Order Ecrir t For a Turkey for XMAS. And in the meantime renu'riiber j. we can serve you 1 her ' eats, i Fish and Vegetal !e: t ' SUMMIT MFAT CO., f Bagnell & Ball, Props. k !; .si. |