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Show CASTAWAVS REBCUEO. Members of Crew of Gunboat Adrift In Gig Ara Picked Up. Washington. rive of the members uf the deck crew of Ihe gunboat Marietta, Mari-etta, who were adrift In a gig off Port Union, C"la Idea, were picked up by a rescue party of Ihe Del Molnca on Monday, according to a dlipatch received at the navy department. depart-ment. The men had made their way to the shore of Cnleta point, about twenty miles frum Point Union The gig waa not recovered. Tbe five men atlrlfl nn the whalchnat nf the Mariana Mari-ana have nnt lieeti heard nf, but It la thought their rescue will be reported soon, aa searching partlea have been sent out lor them. The men In the boats were missed Friday, but aa provisions are kept In Ihe boats. It Is be?ieved they have suffered little Iroiu hunger or t HI rat. |