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Show APPEALEDTOMEXICO ZCLAYA SOUGHT HBL WHIN HE LEARNED UNCLE SAM WAS VEXED. President of Nicaragua Is Now Try-leg Try-leg to Evade Consequences of Hla Acta and It la Rumored Ha Will Retire. Han Raivador. Itcpuhllr of Salvador Salva-dor -It Is reported here that when President .flat a of Nicaragua learned of the intention of the Culled Cull-ed Hiaies to aeek repaiatlon he vain ly appealed lo Meiim tor help Cable grama re. el veil by the Italian minis ter here Iriun Manas. la eay that President Zelsya has offrrsd in sum mon congress and place the preal lency In Ha hands. I litis praritrally abdtrating Washington -The Cnlied Htatea consul at Nlraragua haa been threat-eued threat-eued by President -lata and he haa been granted isrrmlaaiuu to ocrupy Iba legation prenilaes. as being mure secure. It la rumored President r.elay will retire and possibly attempt to escape es-cape from the country at night by he Paclllr coast. Anarchy, It la said, may ensue Persistent rumots I mm various quarters Indicate that Irlna may succeed aeleya aa preal deut of Nicaragua. |