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Show ZLlZllZZZLZZLZZLIS It is estimated that there are more than :i3,.TI.1,00i deaths a year in this old world III lidst n"r,' "k'""' ",n'ie "e '""It just what extent nature uses again the par-q par-q Life tirht which go to nuiko tip the hiitnan form, estimating the overage weight at We ArG 130 1""'", nearly 5,00O,OOl),0ol pounds . . of mritter is thus returned to earth nnnti- In IJCQlll ally. And this process will go on in in- creasing ratio just as long as the human raw continue to increase. That a portion y F. H. RICHARDSON f , )umim f()rm ,.,,,.,,., j,lto gM an, ElLlLZLZiZZLLZZZlZlj i blown wherever the wind may go ia unquestionable. un-questionable. It follows that it is quite possible that particles of mntter which were a part of the earthly body oi Alexamler the t.retit may to-day be present in our city of Chicago may even be incorporated in your body and mine. .- - Mutter ia used over and over by nature. To-day it is a cabbage, to-morrow a part of a human lly; In a few years perhaps it passes into a flower or is incorporated into a sturdy ouk which is hewn down, sawed into boards and made into the finish of a room. Then, too, in addition to the enormous tribute to mother nature through death, the human Iki.1v renews itself every seven years, we ore told. In other words, the human body actually die every seven years, which adds uuolher 13,OU0,Oihi (nearly) pounds of matter which Immunity Immun-ity mutually contributes to the use of nature. Of course, such a subject us this is to some extent grew some, but it is nevertheless intercut inc. The average death rate is computed to bo practically one every second of time. Kvery time the clock beat a human soul passes into the great hcvond. Truly, in the midst of life wo are in .l.uth. |