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Show WAB GOULD INSANE? THE TIMES DAIRY AND POULTRY. Tea Tam rusi.nmiso ConrxwT. H. flXM.O, editor wild HutiJr, UTAH. COALVILLE, BT Financial Worry and Physical Ixer turn Hot the Greatest Destroyer cf Human Life. CALIFORNIA far nanMllf1 Salt, i(ta '' i V Years ef SarfaCrMelag Telia near Ua Was Set lJL. 3 A Iklrtf-W- j Uatii;, Hr ZL-- l4aVl AF Irea Just about four times' a year the sunrise Visitor to Mount iiiablo's idm-m- :t may witness a rare phenomenon, !liu1VllJll6wJtlfatiib - de viifallted s( ' Sj.e- - vaguely for scores of years all along . Ink Caldwell, N. 3 March IS. Shadow throws lilrty MRe. One Mountain to Another. 1W5 oiTF'rrSirorHWCf.-eivt-i- tens suffered so terribly from tremens, bos made known his frightful "experlenew in fccbsif of butr.unity, the ladles here arc making tobacco-usinhusbands' lives miserable with their on treaties to at ones quit tobacco. Tbs written statement of 8, i. Gould Is attention. When attracting tol-ac- i g wide-spre- ad h aald: "I com' Interviewed menced using tobacco at thirteen; I am atne So, tor tmrty-rt- x years t chewed, smoked, snuffed and rubbed snuff. In the morning"! chewed before I put my pants on, and for a long time I uaed two ouncea of chewing and eight ounces of smoking a day. Homellmes I had a chew In both cheeks and a pt( In my mouth at ones. Ten years ago I quit drinking whisky, I tried to stop tobacco time and again, but could not. My nerves .craved nicotine and I fed them till my skin turned a- tobacco brown, cold, sticky perspiration oosed from my akin, and trickled down my back at tha leant exertion or excitement, ily nervs vigor and my life were being slowly sapped. I made up my mind that I had to quit tobacco or die. On October 1 I stopped, and for three days I suffered the tortures of ths damned. On the third day I got so bad that my partner accused me of being drunk. 1 said, No 1 have quit tobacco. 'For God's saks, man,' ha said, offering ms his tobacco box, lake a chew; you will go wild, and I was wild- - Tobacco was forced into me and I was taken home dasrd. I saw double and my memory, waa beyond control, but still knew how to chew and smoke, which I did ait day until towards night, when my system got tobacco-soake- d again. The next morning I looked and felt aa though had been through a long spell of sickness I gave up In despair, as I thought that I could not cure myself. Now, for suffering humanity, T'H tell what saved my Ilfs. Providence evidently answered my good wifes prayere and brought to her attention In our paper an article which read; 'Don't Tobacco (Spit and Smoke Your Life Awayr What a eermon and warning In these words! Just what I was doing. It told about a guaranteed cure for the tobacco I sent to Drughabit, called gist Haeler for a box. Without a grain of faith I spit out my tobacco cud, and put Into my mouth a little tablet upon which was stamped I know It sounds Ilka a lie when I tell you that 1 took eight tablets tha first day, seven the next, five the third day, and atl ths nerve-creepifeeling, restlessness and mental depression waa gone. It was too be to true. It seemed like a dream. good That waa a month ago. I uaed one bog. It cost me H. and it Is worth a thousand. I gained ten pounds tn weight and lost alt desire for tobacco from the first day. I sleep and eat well, and I hava been benefited In more ways than I can tell. No, tha cure waa no exception In my rase. I know of ten peorle right here In Caldwell who have bought from Haeler, and they have been cured. Now that I reallxe what has dona for me and others, I know .why It Is that the makers of this wonderful nmMlr.tki Surkat Tteeaedy Company, of New York and Chicago, says We dont claim to cure every case. Thats Fraud s talk, n He; but we do. guarantee three boxes to cure the tobacco habit, and In case of fallurs wa are perfectly willing to refund money. I would not give a pubiio indorsement If I were not certain of Its reliability. I know It la backed by men worth a million. d has been a to me. and I firmly believe It will cure If faithfully any case of tobacco-usin- g tried, and there are thousands of tobacco slaves who ought to know how easy It Is to get free. Theres happiness In tor the prematurely old men, who think aa I did that they are old and worn out, when tobacco ta the thing that destroys their vitality and manhood." The public should be warned, however, against the purchase of any of the many Imitations on the market, as the success Of has brought forth a hoot counterfeiters and Jmttators. The . of la sold under a genuine guaranee to cure, by all druggists, and every tablet has the word plainly stamped thereon, and you run no physical or financial risk In purchasing the genuine article 'He Warn That. II wa aa old fellow past 40, and ht wa trying to win a girl of 10 under ' the direction of a lady who loved better , than life to make matebea He hadn't met with marked success, however, and the lady was tsking him to task ht CAfrfcrt ' mft- - thq San Francisco throfiiUo. ,A long tiino ago tho Spaniard wbodwelt here and there about Diablo foothills noticed the phenomena and gave it the name it still bears, investing it with superstitious fancies, anil holding It to be a thing significant of -- ng ao God-srn- ao about iL 'that the mischief," she said 'did Whom sunrise found near enough the peairon the quarterly shadow days to see tho strange landscape freak would cross himself piously and go home believing he had an omen. The first photograph ever taken of tho shadow was made recently front the top of Diablo a few minutes after sunrise. It is in a way a notable picture, and the tak ng of it a extremely difficult, as the lights and shades are varied and extremely hard to manage. The party which went up Diabio was composed of a quartet of cyclers, one of whom, J. J. It, Argentu. is an enthusiastic member of tho t smera c!ofo. a. m. Nunday- - tho party roue and went to the summit, pushing their wheels before thorn in tho darkness over the roughest sort of a moun- Hy the almanac the sun was scheduled to appear that morning at GiSkockuk, but It was 6.34 before he appeared to the waiting quartet. At 6:40 oclock. tho shadow appeared and the picture was taken. It is no wonder that the Spaniards called It the devils shadow It has the appearance of the nether regions and is mysterious. It only lasts for a few minutes and then Is swept out of the early morning s cne as a breath from fades. If the observer a looking-gludid not know just where to look for it U might easily come and pass for another three month and the. watcher not be any the wiser. There is a simple enough explanation of the shadow. Diablo is fully 1,000 feet above the other mountains In tho range about it and when the sun rises behind it a triangular shadow of the great conical ieak is thrown against Grizzly, which is back of Berkeley, thirty mile away. The town west of Diablo... .Walnut Creek, on the left, and all thb cluster of tiny hltls that surround Diablo like brilliants around a stone of the first wat'r, are still la darkness. The two large valleys on either side seem almost blank when tho heavy shadow Is thrown on the scene slantingly clear and sudd n. The lights that set off the shadow are peculiar to therex-treme- , and that it what makes photography up there such a delicate and difficult matter. On the right tide of the mountain the light nearest to the block line that accentuates the shadow was palest yellow, shading gradually Into green, until it was lost in the green of the hills. On the" loft the line was reddish, and the shadow itself was bluo-bacNo doubt Grizzly is overshadowed . every morning by its tain road. neighbor, thirty miles nt away, but the ntmosphore is seldom kindly enough to allow one to see it from Diablo. On this Sunday morning there was a thin haze, but it was not enough to blot out the shadow. No one ever seemsto' have seen the s, shadow from the intermediate In darkness. low-kind- Daseed bilk Richard HI. The following curious instance ot longevity has been forwarded to me; The late Lord Bristol knew Lady Hester stanhope, who knew a lody who knew another Indy who knew Lady Desmond, who danc3d with Richard III when he was duke o! Gloucester. This traditionary rhyme referred to the last lady; ' Laly Desmond. who lived te the axe et e hundred sad ten. you Insist upon telling her that you Asd died from s tall from s cherry tree then wrie at upg you are, end furtherAfter all, astonishing as the facts more trying to impress it upon her at first appear, the interval of that that was very old? You might may 330 odd years, when divided by five, aa well were said hare the you just - Ancient Mariner and been done only produces an average ot 66 years and a fraction. And 6j is no great It" 'That it That's it," lie saUl hope- vgo. London Triith,. It was the sneient lessly. her that knocked the whole marrying business V. She Had. sky high. Detroit Free I'ress. I never supposed. Lobelia," said Mr. McSwat gtirtlyvvrhon the arguCon mi in pi loo Jim f aataglnua. ment hod become somewhat personal, Cixcixsati, March IS. (Special) The resolution to isolate cousuratpive that you married mo with tho idea at the pest house, came before the bo, that I needed reforming, pital trustees yesterday. Two hospital With a womans swift intuition Mrs. doctors persisted that the' cotnsump- - Mcwat saw her and advantage be semt to the small pox peat tive , house. Mayor Caldwell slid another pounced upon It la a fia-T)h, but 1 did, you know, dear, trustee opposed the removal. Hy unanimous consent the resolution was ta- she replied with gracious condcreon-sioIeforo I married yon your bled indefinitely, never to be resurect ed Mayor CalJwell suggested the use t cktios were simply infamous. Of Amlck treatment at the action was deferred. '1 his vicWkt test Bra tory won. Dr, Amlck will battle for While toa'hins a class of girls in mailIs where. lie consumptives every our school recently, says a London ing free, copies of his victory, and the A tuick consumptive records, to ptiyai-cia- exchange, the master asked the folh ElooiisS ,e rs three-legge- three-legg- and consumptives who write. Rememter that the most important duty la the reseat one. , .If we improve oar opportunities we will eoon I improved iy them. , eag Fer It. If Free, who Is dissatisfied with h!s - surroundings, who wants to letter his condition in life, who knows that he ran do so If piven half a chance, shoud write to J. Francis, Omaha, Neb , for a ropy of a litte book recently issued by the ( asses ger department of the BurdngtoB Route. It is entitled A New Empire end conof in'ormatinn shout febert-da- n tains Si county and the big Horn basin. Wys land of 4 romU toward veritable oming. which the eyes of thousands art now bop, foliy turned. Everyone pa-,e- s Look yonr difllcultios in the face sad they - will begin to run. - The man w bo does a good desd for pay Will de a tad one for a tetter pricu ed fine-looki- one-quar- ter to-d- ay , con-n- et j j Peek-skil- I AGED PERSONS Safest Food i SICK ROOM i INVALIDS twenty-f- mu-cuo- portion, chiefly starch, removed. The gluten feed" consists of ths whole corn less a large part of the starch. Because of its good physical character and richness In fat and protein, It Is well adapted for use with coarse farm products tn tho preparation of rations either for dairy cows or for fattening stock. The gluten meal" does not contain the hull or germ, 1 still more valuable as a source of fat and protein than the feed, and because of Its concentration in bulk and richness in these constituents, should be fed with greater care. The corn oil meal and cake which consist of the pressed germ, are very rich In fat and protein, and should not be fed tn excessive amounts. The "corn bran and corn gerdf," which consist chiefly of the hulls tnd germ, are rich In fat and carbohydrates, and ore excellent substitutes for com meal. Poor gktn Milk. Some cows, notably the Jerseys, give rich cream and very poor sklra-mll- k. The Holsteint run rather to the bther extreme, that Is. very rich skim-mil- k and rather Indifferent cream. The conclusion would naturally be drawn that the cows with the rich cream would be better for the creamery business, and the cows with the would do best for the rich tkim-mll- k city milk supply. Dairy Report The above Item Is an llluBtratlos of some of the false Ideas in dairying circulated that are occasionally through the community. The varying .element la milk Is the fat the solids sot fat being much more constant tnd varying less than one per cent (usually lest than a half ot one per cent) while the fat will vary three or tour per cent. It le also a fact that what slight variation there Is In the solids not fat is an increase as the fat Increases, so that the more fat there Is the more of the solids not fat. This hoe been proved theoretically many times and was also proved practically at the worlds dairy tests, where the Jerseys not only made more butter fat than the Ph?rthorne but actually made more very cheese. . As the result of the above facti it will be readily seen that, assuming that the skimming Is equally well dons in all case and thoroughly removing substantially all the fat, there will be very little difference in the aklm-mil- k of the Jerseys and the Holsteins, if there Is any difference possibly the Jersey milk may be slightly the better hut the difference Will be very small. We recognize the fact that Is bluer than that Jersey sklm-mll- k from some other breeds, but color is not a necessary indication ot quality or of butter. either of sklm-mll- k Then as to the quality of the cream. If the separator discharges a 26 per cent cream It makes no difference whether the milk is from Holsteins ee from Jerseys. The skimming may be i. done so as to discharge a So per cent r cream. Grange Homes. The editor of Grange Homes Is evidently behind tho tlmea.- - The experiment stations have been working on that problem for a Tew years past, that the variation In amount of fat In milk holds a certain ratio w 1th the variation ot casein and. lowing question: other solids. The more fat, the more What was Noah supposed to he solids. The milk that will make the doing when the animals were going most butter will make the most into the ark? cheese. So certainly has this been He received several answers, demonstrated that many cheese factories ore buying milk by the Babcock last a little girl put her hand up. test, which shows only the amount of what do Well,4 he said, fat The experiments referred to have say? been carried on in Wisconsin by Prof. Taking tickets, sir!" Babcock and in New York by Prof! Roberts. The editor of Grange Homes Iwvrtsla. Is evidently fostering the antiquated They stood still and looked at her. Idea that contents Do you not. they asked, want ot milk bear no relationbutter to total solids. to be a lady when you are grown up? Visiting among these who live in the The child gazed into their faqos la rendered nearly Impossible country wonderingly. are bad roads, and it I no there wb(j" Forsooth, she answered brushing wonder that young become tired the tangled curls Away from her sad, of country life and people long for the town, , sweet are tho way stylos going where they can bav abetter chance of I know not whst to ssy. seeing other people. There Is a social No. she would not commit ..hctxolf ride to the road question. In 4 ante of tho fashion! d foi-e- HIGHEST AWARD n g) - h, ns STRONG NERVES ; many-year- s MARVEL- - 1 mt I'hema. strength-givin- - A Balter The New York agricultural experiment station, bulletin No. 3?-- in relato the subject, Which pays betINTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR tion ter to make milk Into butter or Depend With various upon pare, rich, red, nourishing, "My wife suffered OUR RURAL READERS. cheese?" through the director, Mr. Peg blood. The nerve derive troubles, severe headaches, debility, nervouster Collier, arrives' at this conclusion; The answer depends upon various their stMteasnce from the blood, sod when ness, Indigestion and dyspepsia. She La How Inmufiil Farmers Operate This conditions, such as (1) the relative they are weak It Is because they do not re- been treated by differeut doctors, and tried IlfpsrteiMt of the Hommieed Hlsi prices of cheese and butter; (2) the ceive the nourishment needed. The true different remedies, but Moods Sarsaparilla Mae Done More As te the Cars of Live ble:k sad amount of loss in the two kinds of eve for nervousness will not be found In manufacture, the amount and quality opiate or sedative compounds. These only for her thou anything else. tVe consider I'uultry. of the manufactured product, etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla s most ludUptiuaUe oUay the symptoms. 1. In winter butter making pays betBreak lox Kirker, At an' institute a farmer said: it ter, since the amount of fresh butter the demand, and prices that an animal so valuable and'ot so' lire' vbtfipdfkifVci y btgff.3? itrstflffffiwr a king pays gewF dipM,Vstt as. U oM.cow . ought 4 bcuer,, since the to be treated with kindness, but 1 price or butter tThen lowest. and In know That tfutof treaxttirtu feyy ili, the form of cheese the product can be If sbe Is frightened and starts they held and stored until prices are high. Removes the cause by purifying and enriching medicine for family use; lnd f r nil 2. As regards the loss send s club after her, or if rhe has a caused by torpid liver and Impure of fat In the blood, giving to It just those qualities sore teat and kicks they whack her on cheese making and butter making, we which ore demanded for the proper support blood, in fact It is a wonderful health red the riba with the stool. may put the average cheese factory loss of the nervous system. Hundreds ot women storer to the whole system. Hood's Sar(I dont use a stool; I use of fat at not less than seven pounds who once suffered from nervousness, a rite saparilla has proved Itself In my wife's a box, which is unhandy to chasten of fat for each hundred pounds of that they have taken Hoods Sarsaparilla and case, and we cun faithfully recommend its her with.) I will tell you how.Xmam milk fat -- This may not be high enough nervousness has disappeared. This wt be- use in every family JacoD Rommei., Morwe as have few data to base the opinion age to break a heifer to milk, I bad s cause floods Sarsaparilla purified their blood. rison, MuMuri. on. This would be equivalent to a loss little scrubby looking cow which I traded with one of my neighbors for of one pound of fat for a little over four set harmoniously with Hoods Pills Rood s Sarsaparilla. Z&e. Hoods Pills ness, headache. S5c. a large heifer with a fine hundred pounds of milk, or about of a pound of fat for one huncalf some six weeks old. He aald be had never milked her except to relieve dred pounds of milk. In the case of Starboard" and I arboard." her bag of what the calf could not take. butter making from the name milk, by A few years ago, when the editor of I put her in the stable and tied up her ordinary processes of creaming by Notes for the Curious" conducted the WORLD'S 'FAIR? calf; she was a little wild and Urge gravity setting, of churning, etc., as In Notes and Queries department of a case across the of the average farmer, the And strong, and could kirk me big New York weekly, no queation that the stable with little effort. I con- loss w oul(J be not far from half a pound was sent in caused more work in seekcluded the reason my neighbor traded of fat for every hundred pounds of ing an answer than this: Give origin with me was that he did not like to milk. By using a centrifugal machine of the terms starboard and larwrestle with her, to break her to milk, for separating the cream, and by skill- board. The answer wus finally found ho will learn ful handling in subsequent operations, in Smyth's bailors' Word Book: end if he Is here The how I did lLi I tied her head up pretty the loss of fat can be reduced to less Italians derive starboard from questa and six than as to hunshort the manger pounds of fat for each quietly borda, meaning this side, and 'larboard' from quella borda. meuning gently as I could. She could not run, dred pounds of milk fat. 1 but she could kick. then strapped up that side. Abbreviated, they become M. Depetr an SlUk. tbignmjr her right foreleg and had her at a great sta borda' and la borda. In English One of The New York Farmers," the terms soon became starboard and disadvantage, I petted her and rubbed Mr. Chauncey MT in Depew, discussing 'larboard. "f her bag a little while and then milked papers read by the scientists beher. I went through the same opera- the fore .the on club tuberculosis as Dows This! tion a few times, till 1 could put the ted with milk, said; W offer 100 reward for any esse of strap on without tying her up. After In l. early life wben I lived in catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Fon Conditionsdige5TIV ahe got uaed to that 1 put the strap on the healthiest food that could be catarrh cure. in the yard; after a while 1 could milk administered F. J. Cheney & Co., proprietors, Toledo, Dyspeptic, Delicate, Infirm and young child, male her without putting the strap on, and or female, wasto amilk. Nobody ever Ohio. had no trouble with her after that It heard of We have known F. J. tuberculosis, nobody knew Cheneythetorundersigned, is better to' handle the heifers and genthe last fifteen years, and be- about or microbes bacilli. anything lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- - ' tle them before they have calves. The people were common, hard work- news transactions and financially able to The in who Ulutea Feeds. lived In a siming country folk, carry out any obligations made by their firm. THE Bulletin 106 of the New Jersey Sta ple, primitive way. I was brought up FOR West A Trnax, wholesale drughlsts, Totlon. Is devoted to a discussion of gla with these surroundings, and that Is tea feeds their source, composition what has enabled me to survive the ledo, Ohio. Fin man A Welding, Marvin, wholesale dinners of Nqw York for the lost and methods of use. Toledo, Ohio. All of these feeds are refuse products ive years. We used to have milk. druggists, Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally, of the glucose and atarch factories, I was familiar with the barnyard as acting directly upon the blood and surfaces of the system. Fries, TS All these aBd consist of corn meal with some It existed . In those days. scientific observations, which have been so common around this table, about drainage, about the proper stall In which the cow should be kept, about the manner In which ahe should be all that sort of thing, groomed, and were wholly- - unknown to the farmer of that day. He turned the cow out in the summer time, and she browsed lor what she could get, and in the winter she existed if she could, and if she didn't she died, that was all, and her meat was sold to the village butcher. But it she survived it was a case of the survival of the fittest, and the children of that period were brought up on the milk." I think I may add, without fear of that the children contradiction, brought up in this way made the sturdiest, moBt indomitable and most intelligent race of men the world bas ever seen. It was rough training both for the cow and the boy, but it was effective; and it is just aa effective today. The tendency of the times, and the great danger of the times, whether to man or our domestic animals, Is ever refinement, increasing delicacy, and the lack of constitutional vigor. Our ancestors and their domestic animals all suffered more than is now necessary; but a larger Infusion of primitive simplicity, and a larger use ot natures best food, produced under natural conditions, would render unnecessary so caifful a watch over the germs of disease. Illinois State Dairy Association. The Illinois State Dairy Association will bold ita annual meeting at Rochelle, ,Agle-oount- y, Ill., March 6, $ and 7. Some of the speakers and subjects are aa follows; How to Secure and Maintain a Profitable Dairy Herd, A. G. Judd, Dixon; Shipping Milk, E. Sycamore; Hon. John Stewart will tell how he saw the on their native hill; A. E. Ayrshire Burlelgh. Mazon, will speak of Polled Durbams; Dr. W. A Pratt of THgln, of tho Holsteins; Hon. B. F. Wyman of Sycamore, the Jersey; W. E. Hemen-waSteward, . Herefords; William Hunt, Ashton. Short Horns. The Mr. Guernseys will be represented. Borqutn has been invited to say a word for the Brown Swiss, and Mr. George R. Morris for the Red Polled. Paper, Mrs. Charles Beede. Chadwick; Hoard. The citizens address, of Rochelle hake arranged te furnish a fine musical program for evening meetings. It will be published in time for meeting. Care of Milk from Cow to the Factory," J. O. Spicer, Edel-stei111.; Winter Dairying In Central Illinois, Ralph Allen, Delevan, Ill.r paper, H. K. Smith, Clear Creek. Messrs. Spicer, Allen aifd Smith are all practical dairy farmers. Plenty of time will be given to the discussion of those questions. The audience will have the- - privilege of asking questions after the papers are read. Mr. John Boyd of Elmhurst will road a paper on "Is Silage the Most Profitable Disposition One Can Make of Corn on a Dairy Farm?" Mr. J. J. Hunt of Casper, Wyo.. w lli give a talk on Alfalfa ;' Dairy Work at the l'nlver-lt-y, Prof. Davenport of the University of Illinois, Champaign: Waste in Dairying, 'Hon, D. P. Ashburn, Gibbon, Neb.; Prof. D. McIntosh, veterinarian from University of Illinois, will be present and deliver a lecture on Diseases of Digestive Organ of the Cow; "The Profitable Dairy Cow." Soil for Potatoes. The most Imporis the soil. tant factor in potato-growin- g A rich, sandy loam U best. Bottom land Is commonly preferred, both because of Its fertility and friability. Where fertility is lacking In soil. It may .ordinarily be snplied artificially. The two great sources of artificial fertility ore the fertilizing factory and the "beef factory." Some potato-growereport large profits from the use of commercial manures. I have used several of the leading brands of manufactured fertilizers (Including (he Mapes, Bradley, Coe and Armour) In ton and half ton lots, uniformly at a loss. The best result I ever obtained was from half a ton of Armours manufacture this summer. -- - cents per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family pills, 35 cents. The First Coined Money. The first coining of money is attributed to Pheldon, King of Argos, in the year 695 B. C. Coined money was first used la Western Europe 29 years before tho opening of the Christian era. Gold was first coined in England in the Eleventh Century, and the first round coins were not made until 100 years (Iothers.Infants,' CHILDREN DRUGGISTS. later. C23 When the average man falls down stairs he blame bis wife. John CarleLSons,NewYork. Worms le Horses. The only sure cure for pin worms In horses known Is Lteketees liog Cholera Cure. Fever falls to destroy worms In bones, hogs, sheep, dogs or caui an excellent remedy for sick fowls, sixty centa In United State postage stamps and I will send by mall Cut this out, take It to druggist and pay him fifty cents. Three packages for IL50 U. G. STLKETFE, express paid. Grand Baplda, Mich. Mention name of paper. Beemis Pepsin Gum, THE PERFECTION OF CHEWINR GUM. k Delicious Remedy For all Forms of INDIGESTION. ' that tha A. CATTIOX-d- ee There is no land flowing with milk and ' A wrapper. j Beeausa is on each honey that does not have giants in it ) . ) a h tablet enntslne one If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth, 5 grain pun pepeln. If tbu f ri be obtained gum le sun sad MS that eld aad remedy, Use. a f rom cannot dealers, send t oeau SBueti Soomra Srucr for Children Teething- In stamp for sample package to BSCM A5f iHIMICALCO., A He knows that It must either bide or 1 Bask At., Clrrrlaadf ( die wben truth gets on its track. Orlffinatarfl of Pepeia Chewing Crum. f d all women that there is one rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic, and remedy, as harmless as water, and sure as taxes all-pa- in SZTjacobs Oil used by everybodyy---8ol- d It is everywhere. y. v. An even mouthful of n bulging mouthrul for the reason that CLIMAX PLUG gives of any other kind,- -, more satisfaction than n. Climax Plug is much the best. Douglas vy.L. S3SHOE nr "COLCHESTER" SPADING cordovan; i. ratNCHhCNAMOUa CALS, 4.3MFiNfC,uriKAtcAR:a 3.P POLICE, 3 SOLES. -- B00L BEST IN MARKET. BITST 2. i.7j BoysSchmSksei - . ladies All our shoes are equally satisfactory to KIT. with inferior goo- They give the heut value for She money. Thev equal caatoae .Hoea la Their wearing oualltiea an style ead fit. anaurpaaeed. Thu prices an uni form, taaiped a uott. Fnsaved over ether make. dealer If your cannot supply you u can. COLCHESTER RUBBER abi d- CO. BO MORE DULL SHEARS, wtt im - rs J BESi to WEAKE40 QtAUTV. The outer or tap sole extends the w hole length down to tbu heel, protecting the bo.fi In digging and in other hard work. ASK TOUR BEALES FOH THKM and don't be pnt off OrarOraMH W. L. Douglas $3&$4 Shoes Tumi , Hi4y HwwnihRrpnsr.tfca ( pdrfwl lad ra ads far w Sjs Hfa felfe utuuuut tfca pwrpn aaa irir)M adaasra iMftabaan la Ma. Afina. r a Sharyww Wfc ItiiT srarrMA kbit m rscvtp rifte. m taaaApA at ala fcy Ankara prV by MkidMlnuIiav Insufflator. m is, h. - turn us " euld hr all Lracauia. WrAr l'.f Omskswlt, ls3. is rmr -- ism w Bhtctvra IvilsHs J I. W SCALPER "FM, as Stock, -- " . SB ebm waking mmey la drala by "walptwg tha mark.,'' M emrglM aMthod get. ail araipnw seat tonum Cfe, lit qaiagy St, Chleaga. to |