Show A CALIIORNIA MARVEL A liclse these Slimly JIIIM hem to 1 In nlOlh Just nhoul toot lIon a yea the funrlsn vlsllor to Mount UlnMo tin mil tnny whIter n loll lAenjnwnoii Iliu shadow ooi lIce clurll t talked a i vaguely tot cents ol years ulonif DM Contra CoslH county aIde snjs UM Him miiclKn lirotilclo A loiif lime ago lhe Kpunlnntu who dwelt hen mimI tlwre nlxjut Diablo foothills notlonl the > lioimmoim an I iravn It 1 Ihn nnmn It 1 till Uara lnv > tlnir It with stilerotlliouha fancies nrd ImM ng It 1 to hot l u Ihlnll dgiilnVanl ol good 1 or III lie aliHepmnn i > r minlier whom sunrlso louinl noar cumuli Ilia I Iff ole on tlui quarterl rliadoH days ti > wo Um trango lnndcaia freak would cOM lilmsolf piously 1 awl go homo In I Moving lio Iml mi omen Ilin 1 Oral photograph ever takon of llm shadow wni made recently from tho lop of DUtdo n fair mlnuto niter sunriemo It it In n way a notuMe Ilolurn and the uk HIT of It wn oxtraranh dllr < ult as Ihe light and hndo new uirled ated nxlrrmoly hard to mumijT 111 imrty whlih viont up I Diablo tao comiiosod ol t iuarlol of ryIrre ono ol whom 1 I II rjro nta li I nn HII lliiHlmtlii nitmliur of tlia I morn olub At I it in Sunday lIce part h rum amid nimt to llio eumintt Iuhlllt Iholr whtmh Infimt Ilium In the ilnrk HUM lIner this rouifhest tort of mnoim lain Dual lly the iilmnnuo llio can wn hmlulnl In nmwnr llntt inurn inj nt ltiiloiik hut It decc5li l II lot I foro lie appeared 1 to lImo walling cjimr I bit At li I 10 oclock tIn uliiulnw n It I pcuroil urnl lIce plituro HIM mIen II U no wonder llmt llio himnlitrdsoallwl I It thin lenhla ilccauluuco It Inn llio I np IJ Swlr el t ppiirnnra ol llio nether regions mil l < mysterious It only last for n Cow minutes nnl 1 limn i li swept out nl tlio I early inornliitf sahdo an u breath fruin a lonklniculiiM fudea 1 If lImo iitiMirtui did nut know Jllol wluro to look fur It It nillil ouaoily rome aUlII jutM for an cither three nioiilliH nut tlio wulohcr not Ui aiy lice wiser lioro I U I n slmplo mulish exphina lion of llio shadow Dmlilo In I fully 1000 1 tot atomic tin otliur mountains In tlio raiifa about II ami < < whin lh tun rise tiehlml a unztilur > liiwlow of tliu nival fonkul 1lIk In I thrown iixaliikl iilzil which In I luck of lirMa thirty mllos nna > lImo town wot dl liluhlo SSahhiuit Irk on llio left 1 aol nil thin rlnitcr of tin hllN I Hint miriinmd I llhl Diablo I Ilko bril r Hunts around n utono of llio lint vratr or stIll tn dullness I ho two I I larko uillms on iltliur aIde KNIH nlmoit black when tho luniv nlmlow li I thrown on tlio xiiia ilantlnul dear I nnd tuililtn Ilin ltghcium Hint Ml oil OmIt limlowriiro ° 0oiillarlntlirr trcniu aitJ Until I nliutiiinkotiihoto raphy up Ihoio lIch u tlollcato nod 1 I iltlllcnU matter On the rljlit Ida of mIte mountain tlio light iicarad lo the I black lIon Unit uciTntimtc thin flmclnvv I wnn > nlo > t jillow nhuillnir inilimll Into Kroen until it wan lout In llm I croon of thus hllln On llio loft llio I lino win ruliUlimnl < < tho tliniloxr ll olf was liluoblnck No ilntibt trluly U ovmhadowtfd ovr morning by IU pro eminent nululibor thirty mllo away but tIcs ntmoxplioru U I wldom kindly enough lo tallow ono 10 MO It from Diablo J On IhU hunduy morn Injf thcro Will n thin lint but It 1 onus not onougli ta blot nut the liudow No ono ncr ocm to Inure soon tho thmlow from tho InUnncdlato low 1lInde In IllIrkllr |