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Show ' " Itataralng Thank. Here is a story of a colonel who whi jniich addicted to traveling and who onto reached home when the house was full of his son s quests and stayed to dinner. One of the company, a notori- ous drawer of the long how, told a story of h is being off the Cape of hood Hope in an Indiatnan, when a floating object wa diseoveied which proved to be a cask, w hereon a mau was seated dinging- to a small staff lu the bung-hol- ' .inner i.ors escape. ' ' HOW i tt it I INCOMES small elevation did 1 hoL back, and then a- - I did no what 1 saw caused me to breathe a prayer of thankfulness that 1 had left the station when did, for plainly in the bright moonlight 1 POllM ti nunils r of dark forms lies ng tit ou niv late utssie They evidently expected to surprise me, though their movements were bold heard a and incautious Iie7n1ly demoniac yll, the Apueiies no doubt thitikifc dsT ft-- ' making their Hint W FROM tsm VVsalth The THE SLUMS Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report (harltable t.at the lli.y V.ive. of the Rich make an inter sUug chapter yveie it nut lot- tuo fa t tiiat in ait justice it shonM is fidUiwed bv one on - ,f tie loor, ami tli t!e-i. wider jiidgiuunt would i ml by classing Hum mid, rtbe would - 1 - hvre Human v.-- :! tr:," ., Jle,i wgr JIBE. :AEfc&$5MJTEF la,, irreut dmaushty lull w.um u that have tills Widows of lli ltoiolutUioary Wr, 1 twaV.l Lrava o Stone Vn turned.- Jua. a ftUi of station on 1 in trait so hugely in one resjM-e- t tiiat it very comfortable here. 1 am bound liu outhern Pacific t.ie On June SO, lrtL tha date of the las I -- mote until of tbe expression Leave Th n to rettvat tailroud New origin in invites attention woman of this rapd for the cape, tan I take letters there of the Commissioner of iensipus, no atoD unturned is thus accounted another hill, uud from there chi-- s - taught fioui chiluhooJ the report Mj neightmifor j on? Ilon't bother about me. Fin ; Mexico a, teaehed of witbrtv were still nine living there for by anthoritir on the many obscure red AlLuiigh, nt lnni, another i could see a bright bla.e that told duty of all right. soldiers of the American RevoTutton on rynrrt)en inert- giving a title- to tie q- -- Lita hattla of hill! luolitlud nnili-mu lint lulu ul- i l.ouu h.w it.li. ami btlutf IMG-Tien a in ifl thesikpce ahkli-inrdTeTs worst the roll. TbF Lames of the relicts of the aid et Xerxes, follow lowed this met edible yarn, ( olonel li Vatwtn. twelve mile.s east not did to A I red and my hey ar of Ipde burled a vast amount of treasure ou th attempt UehgtORsiy she agigHirtions eaeli the soldiers of the great. and gravely addressed the narLai f iv uen t chats otertho wires at trail, anu after hour- - of hal'd running yeur sums of tno tey to i lie needy pendenee, together w itlftheir ages and field, iolycrates, consulting the oracle 1 rator. ami in an exhausted condition. alien the were eouipara-tl't-lMe- ts verv and ungirove tie- virions postolttce nddrpsrs, is given in the an- at Delphi as to the best means of securSit. he said, for j ears I have been night, free from wires nexed tablebusiness. M tone leached Gage devout, ing the same, received the answer, attenls to faitlifully find to every any one belonging to for llesldeiire. Name and Ae. I soon learned trying died a church dutv, sit- Turn every stone. M on tl ut wa at 7 p. ui that Altuuigh in in luxgoing r 11 to nu Sunday tiiat ship return thanks for the great .. Know tile. Vlaiy Itros h. Ml ... ,fn was best known as vv , ami lame few minutes alter i o'clock on the urious I I111 in, a. is moved to deegs-s- t .nur I1 loud. M . courtesy shown me on that occasion station Mutt kind of ft hoy truth Nonjuter t. r vlfii I , h liHiii, same received it a the message Ilyinoulli, traintitle At last I am enabled to do so, sir I Switch," night of sufgneu by the ayingutthy ly apm als ou M! .. Jonesboro, leiiu. Irnildn itftlftftys uU it oa rock. .Inn,., Ximry Um life. men llovv, therefore, Tid-liit- s was the man on the cask. utise of its lieing in sueh an that saved my .Newliero. Va fering liumamty. ami gives freely''" lielieeru Mayu, si iM Ml Fast Hot he! A nftMNM Ialty Klrlianlsi.u locality. It was, indeed, a was it jKJssible lor me 1o receive the 'w lien the time tomes -ni unten sa from thnt out there orrtlre Tf Mich ieneiy, message woman lonely a FTttoosAKurmjotmx were away sjiot, tdie tohihat SERVED WO AVARS. dark mesa. and with only t he occa- anted station of l unisJ lor olMch orr nt$ m nirt tbarf. ho can exis in a measure the lit It (MvMiBRf MtMO HI much U4 Urt mm 41 (MttU Mori. Hlh sional howl of a coyote or tie- harsh plain it ' Was tt Hie spirit of Albaugh that Mie eislnavois to alleviate by Driven Forth prh4 Lear, Klar mirn n vmty iKug nruto. dm tor uvu natnaetiM i THE CRIP ALMOST WON WHERE squeak of a sandhill crano to break whose hands It (bMt wrr rm fMt worit hi fMfoniOM. the circuit an I iimu-- v she weuhHiot unci.-- i -- taml Into the com sod rain, hud no Hostelters IM ouoliiMiBFB. woH4 $y H BMT f iDuuw4 WrUd r or rtmt THE BULLET FAILED. Stunikch lllUrrs to counteract their rffsvL HtaO tw It Mtott. tlm prevailing stillness. BOItoft sgied the warning on the way to me, Yet -- ho is, atldofsiime she would - Wt0 ilaj MtAdouilo twriUfy FB ote W J In Hut inciemenl weather the traveler modrru his earnest friend in life mid sorrow One Saturday evening the tl d.'t v isit gw VmSne of i"B' the slumJf real estate Ihis Influence with Its hurtful Oar Sympathies Always Foils ted la th J I do not train was several minutes over- stiiekeii mourner in iieath from which is tl iveti the income genial protector, ('hills nl (ever, rheums Infirmities of the t sterna. llstu. neursl la. coltls are lorrsuefid by this due at (lago. nays the Philadelphia know nor do i rare 1o att dupt 10 W liiokr' keens In r in ease lier ees warmln fer medicinal alitnulunl and safeguard m Hex veil-o- f tnvst-eeylull ilcive 'limes ami writ others anion qdt r, lake a win Klaistnl Immediately before and flat C'hwI nrtatfor w I font Miktsif wiMmHt to It u is From Woodstock, Aa , Herald. Jtftrflld oglen many tilings. slier exposure I'ae U too, for dyspepsia, believe it. rtiotot unis fact that VK HU Uft IH auHl UK ftoHft HOT .1 There Is an old soldier In Woodstock, mo in tiie waiting room I noticed the of all scoffers I shall many of the bidousueos and cousllpalioa . WMtFL. fto om fttrii of futi ft ruoti, i4fiiri was a telegi am from til- - dead of several e:a-- s are Va., who served In the war with Mexft I fit ftiLfX!l MKORC JitlM) fit l'hey presence wealthy totallj unae,guumted l4ftMtR,f ico and in the war of the rebellion, Mr. vv e iv ev 10U ftsKLft f$I l voifcui run ! So Irnilhlui-- . If, 'from t he Noutli. and idently with tiieir which Um tfcUk i 11B hsil IM kM, mm! they Levi Melnturff. lie passed through ubq $kt more blonds mm Imwo tKrtb have Do w iUt !hw Ttao 0 think lie of the their conversation wa,s you 1? in subject leave the halt of agents rci!iy sail f pfvpfwn d JI van ung and of doin it both these wars without a serious Mamstw i In !lis KerolleetlonOf.iihlished in whoso entirely than bruneetes'. ftlillR lit f At f rH on large week 4wtot vtber wound. The hardships, however, told Apache Kid. who had been com- badness it is to make the most admirers 1 ask ft Mft AK FHMI !V fttfcftMAMTHII ft not Ihirtl know. don't She Why the de on 'be Acre, him, for when the grip mitting seriously Aubrey tllt-AMI f alorig the Southft Ot 0$ of III out ientiry, MIUIJ Most of irihiUlt (ft ft some of the girls vv ho have hud experi-ucei- n IHAIfn HINT m V llr AfttM Aft iu IMVA attacked him four years ago It nearly ern border. lie luti Itc-- gi ing tsilli Irish poet, tells an amusing anecdote mono) jutxrn, 11in yi-taihouses tOtekS Ahl AMI TUAKSAUftBv fcOT U OfMIft ft A! neighliorhoods killed him. Who can look on the Inboth e capacities? Temps. J hWtMf !M. Horn g rornwan mm ft r fmr firmities of a veteran without a feeling the Mexican and states officers eon- - of the leanievTKeu of one of the through many hands until by a fmmtmi sfrmfewWA l m4 jmcmIbM kiwi, r Am mm4m mp .Scholars highly es-- s pass rat, ftsomf m4 nfim fU f aft. of Tbs Moilrru VVs trouble, and. emboldened b bridge series of subletting they roach the sympathy? His townsft t 4mm, rmm iMuuif rjyUmne4 tp tk Wf tkm pmuwL mekmtmm $kmm mtm people saw him confined to Ills house so success in mi immt mf it mmim mf o Wit w creatures who ay for a 'omnicndv itself to the eadurt, he and tveiueiTtlus master for his learning; BOW vbiiiio overytkiitf oftor rt m oo$Dltft with great nervousness that a number of evading Mt (f him prostratednot what and to do emulejKIie red demons thought other effectually undergradmites vth tho Bed iirwvd proMMM Boft m ft f!vBtSB pleasantly Ba small space within So one of the hold a ltnife and fork at he could b4 aUaintto b4 an, was formerly done tn the crudest man- (In Mft dr as the reinaiuder biscuit after prlo1 lwwi me tmmmmi m mtum mf mm in 7 factors the table, scarcely able to walk too, jirising his band of Apache? had t Wim shun Wktri h oft potent making ner and disagreebably as well. To rirtmd , mmpttrnd m4 twmnmd mf mm m4 a voyage. " One day two undergrad-rancof their and as he attempted It, he often tended the-linMiforM, m mx waxes and grows strong tmtwmmm m mmtl4 mtm hreak coUls, cleanse Ihe system and up atumbled and iefl. They saw him on the outskirts of Ijrt htllc uatmkin. the, eullegu. .library,. ...were, one ho Tial gone headaches and Some lime oaft! ooy fevers without unpleas- OoB to treated by the best talent to be had mfo of down to liveago" the Af ways mrnmmtmpkf mmf village jgcuuher l'pgwr'mdad. and " ouj;5- -, use the but atlll he suffered on for four years, among After ant the, poor delightful effects, rim I mb mm4 BBfw -- uy.ii hea-1Their irreverent fiaft Of course, there wu fittle or no the venerable mmmL m4 mkmim o and gave up finally In despair. One g miserable, hoping by jXTSonal contact liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Fig tkm '"Ml mtm MO Infer WWijwifO he was struck by the apprehension of )& attacking so criticisms were overheard by a pom-poday, BnfstoW 94 mrnUMt Wjf mm ftoo found near to their better w condition, Kvtl is most dangerous when ft look ilk account of a cure which had been ef- large u settlennjirf a rnmm fellow of tlio college, who said, the IHb jmm tbo Ua! h atgooc. oo Gage, but sonic ftnn Boft rUitM. HI ft,4 mprnmtm toft toft tost) tiny house which lie had taken a righteousness; fected by the use of Dr. Williams Pink of You are prol- in fttWF his inflabnl ft M(M m twu mm ranchos were the style: outlvipg 3 practicalmost deplorable stat of affairs, say Pills. lie immediately ordered a box BltlBItOBtO o4 I AButiwff Mltft fFMBBOft Trn Balsam for kf Cms and commenced taking them. He says ly unprotected and at his mercy un- ably ignorant, joung gentlemen, that the Chicago Times A narrow alley-wa- y I, Os alOvst and ftta rrv SB mm4 mmrm "' bnfc B wtH brsok sesCald sulek. mmy tm mfi Mr II kmi, Vsaraed TWo pmntm U. ItlsBlwaifsrshsMe. whom of venerable was the Try he you m H mm4 BissoiBBo wkm person greatly relieved within three less hik murderous course was stogiped M MlliO pmi Oh, km OMT contained five smail houses of trUiutuiUUBiesi mmk rft rnmi, ft rmemmmitmm days time. The blood found Its way by ''the cavalry force stationed at have been shaking with sueh levity three room each, oarb ..room Defeat to man of gxlssok stepping mtimtymvma, I ft fOFsro4 9ttmpf twAscft MWNt ft being to his fingers and his hands which had Fort imdimmtitktm is of of ! Btr pro one scholars the v ti bM to better. stone I did Pierson. not something profoundest apgirehend been palsied assumed a natural color, otoft BUttay ftrtM occugded by one family. Fifteen fam-doubted be our it nf mav ItteeWrtten oKat obM ft tn tli 07 mi age indeed, and he was soon enabled to use hla for a moment that the KiJ would ilies were thus crowded into this narI have found Piso' Cur for Consump- ItKDfcBlGAMlO Aft OU! AktiriUklf ftt iTIftft whether any man of our age ha row knife and fork at the table. He has venture so far north as in ikximm! its. R. Lots, tr miHN MtK AY A UIIHCT UM M.ft spaoe. One hydrant did duty for tion an unfailing medicine. K. AftMHfNfft recovered his strength to such an ex- Switch MtU bathed more deeply in the sacred the whole ISO. Oct. no indeed 1305 such idea 1, Bcott entered nr an AUsftTYRt tf ni impun fill ht., Covington, Ky., th omi crowd, and here young and tent that he Is able to chop wood 'shock mv mind. n TTKft, ftflftfll M All nu f Ml, At fltt, II Ot ft Or fountains come of antiquity. corn and do hts regular work about his old, male and female, performed what First love your enemy, and you will I MIT Aft. ft I BN I A ftrrtft fM) ftftMtHIM ftt IYU4 When the train came into Gage sta- up drier, sir, replied one of the un- ablations they felt moved Aermotor home. He now says he can "not only wniu (Som, Co., ntuui, him to sure treat to indulge right. walk to Woodstock, but can walk tion. twenty minutes late, bound for dergraduates. in. The ono outhouse was in such a across the mountains. He Is able to Cora Balve. UNCLE "IumiT Magi I Lone Switch, got aboard and terrible condition that the stranger WtmnMd to nit or mhmmjt rofvtMtai Aak fttf lift a fifty-tw- o pound weight with one Down brail ni. Brought on the smokof trtco cont U the lor it. platform does not he stopped and know what hand feared disaster when the warm weath- IniyM says Dupin the elder, who preside! over Dr. Williams Pink Pills have done for ing car, talking to one of the brake-mela the heat BieUKIue lor lloraea, Gallia, Log s er should come. He found out that D purities the blood, prevent others, but knows that they have done Soon the (kmductor joined us, the chamber of deputies up to the the- FACES and bheep. was owned by a woman and cures Cougba, IXjlda (olio, Hldsliound, WOMENS progierty a great work for him. a disliked d'etat, coup tho at same girosy, time: It for remarking Y lade T Worm, Distemper, eta.andNothing equal of wealth, and paid her a personal like (lowers, He was In town last Monday, court Cholera. Honest relisiiis. in honeei US Too bad about Albaugh, isn't it? speaker. One of his bugbear visiL He describ'd and wither with timet Hog to her the terrible day, and was loud in his praises of the need warranted M and for cent packages: I asked him what he meant. Re- wa? a deputy of the center, with the conditions, of which she knew medicine that had given him so great tbe blooiu of the roee end over twenty years. Every on owning a horn nothing, known M to the name of Abraham Dubois. One day, Emm It relief. Mr. Mclnturf Is willing to make plying, he said: a should trial. ade or cattle sag give by isouly as she never interfered with such woman affidavit to these facts. paoeaiKTABV Co.. Chhago. HI. healthy Tiie Why, didn't you know the boy was Ihibois had occupied the rostrum for business, she said. nervDr. Williams Pink Pills were used for cheek. his speech Nrv and Bon Linfment ous strain caused by Unci Sams many years by an eminent practitioner taken down with mesa fever this more than an hour, and She was persuaded, however, to Urulses Rheumatism, Stilt Joints, and lor Sprains. who produced the most wonderful re- morning? No. 21 fetogigiod at Tunis, whs not half finished. Suddenly Duailment tiie Guos old. right to the spot of natn Nothing visit the place and was shocked into sults with them, curing all forma of the red was down, and after Abrahis bell and got up. pains peculiar to Hi else no good for Man and itmal Try It waiting pin rang two bed for what she saw labor and weakness arising from watery blood or the by days sex, exclaimed in a shattered nerves, two causes of al- a reasonable time for a clear signal ham, Abraham, he and worry of rearing there. Workmen were speedily sent Abraham, AbraTrade-fMs.most every 111 to which flesh Is heir. tho conductor walked o the station to sepulchral tone a family, can often J of one tittle slum condition the and are a also sacrifice the hour for the has The pills specific for the see what was amiss. There he found ham, be traced by the Rue lu the womans foce.'j rnnft Adrift m ft If was bettered. some SiBmtnAtioft f and face wrinkled troubles peculiar to females, such as materially or the sallow Tho poor speaker did not Dull oM4r orHow ioM Mid fr Albaugh senseless, all curled ug on struck!, more of this personal insertion could thoseeyes,feeling of weakness have their Ibviiim)o. &. a suppressions, all forms of weakness, ftiMMu." Q7ir.uiUg, taxsiu rizmsvrx, vacated but the prote-timmediately chronic constipation, bearing down the floor and raving like a maniac. lie tiro light about many more dark rise in the derangements and irrcgulaiitie etc., and In the case of men will He was placed on the train and taken rostrum. Argonaut. The functional pains, peculiar to women. snots would be brightened. e and effect a relief gi-permaspeedy painful disorders, and chronie nent cure In all cases arising from te tbe hos)ital at Cambury, where the A U omn Milt. weaknesses of women, can be cured with mental worry, overwork, or excesses of doctor pronounced It a ease of mesa MICE. OF MILLIONS pr. Fierces Favorite Prescription. For tiie Turn the maiden, back, jdeaded whatever nature. They are entirely fever, with a slim cliunce for recovgirl just entering womanhood, for Them patterns retsll la favhtoa btiur, anil norm young and in O, Time, makeie the Pests threaten ttuln te a Russian the mother harmless and can he given to weak and ery. A substitute for Albaugh could thy flight, and those about to become tar u ta IV aante aaah, but la enter te lama tha with the greatest good. not be for the among strangara wa attar Iwa te tha laHp taad. sickly children and iu oflife, inter young change again, Province. just mothers, procured right .away, and for era ut this paper fur tea ramarkahlr ten prtev of valg -Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or is Just what they need Certainly," rejoined Time, affably. One of the most unpleasant places theaidsPrescription rente rarh. Fastaea taa cant a,tra ! will be sent poet paid on receipt of the time being Tunis station is closed for Bature in preparing the system it Tha pattern are all u she vary lawnXa Trk About how far shall 1 turn back? or boxes a six cents for box, (5 in in world live this to at for imVt3 medicine are price, anaanalad for at la. aanusuy of rt.vna-la, and just present, the change. Ita a presenbed Dr. Williams' up. was a None of your business. 12 50 by addressing purity aad uunumy.aaadtor Saautjdouiaver.yearnFall dm to Russian jvagiers, is the thirty when we reached late It according quite tha Y. N. hare have eoantry Medicine Company, Schenectady, pattema bar ef vante vf The up train was Lone Switch. province of Kharkoff, in the land of Dr. rrtpUaaa aad dlractlaaa aa tha avunnaama af the material vwprlmd, tha number aad q ANATOMICAL ITEMS. theCzar. The country la now over tnte.at Wealth With s 3. how te ml and 1 and pat waiting for us. Each train soon passed Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierces Favorite plarm In tha pattern, ra with aanl art tegaUmr-apattara, tha run I mice. Tho was pajmrnt millions of chronic from and with inflamma.mice left alone my sight, The Sb Ixjuis Republic asks: Jsth Prescription will cure the Arterial blood is red because it has with a picture of She garment te vu hr. The- tion of the lining membrane which cause so a become to cats accustomed thara hat have ta with my heart oppressed over tho conare every parttmlar. roraplvta homely little crooked letter J really just been purified in the lungs. drain upon the system. mperate pattara for every atagla pimaaf Vhadraate the sight of the little animals that such exhausting mascot, or is it only a coincidence that dition f poor Fred Albaugh. will ha ailed tn aama dsr It h rriai'a i. auuardar t benervous The is cold sleeplessness, not to cmret sensitive It prostration, eye it is to be found in the given or ChriKvary pattara guaranteed te heperleat they no longer catch them, or even faintness, nervous debility tnd all disorder Shortly after midnight I ate my stian names of so many millionaires? lunch and then went to a window to cause it is so well supplied with blood play with them. said to lie arising from derangement of th female are They LawW fuim Waibt. fatter Ye iiii liwlft fti vessels. The recent death of J. G. Fair baa take a smoke and 4mb. vti. .RS, H, M( M,tt ftnft 1 Irwhm but I pests than the rabbits were in organs and function. of enjoy the cool The skin is rough because by that greater IsM Ct., tMtwt. suggested the following compilation of breeze. I lighted my giipeand Mrs. JcMitis WiLUatt. UfM WlUu1'l8 MF MB few Provisions a Australia ago. torn rnmmh UierlB that Hwftto years gazing : I writes millionaires names which oontain the cafl'cv the-mo- on tftft ft or ot ta mbimm r wmnm " and stars mean it is belter, adapted to receive for tho table, candlen, soap, ' books, OrffM, was sack far owthree Tuck bestowing letter: J. D. Rockefel- outside found -lo miMmd wkmJm of gr7 ft! sensations. shoes 'everything, in fact, is eaten tin years wkh blind diuy rtvM a tweed edaei ft ler, J. J. Aster, Jay Gould, John M. shining brightly. The eurfaco of the palpitation of spelt, cftoeei b for ftH t r Hull wtob The in hand veins and the feet was smooth time. J. the Tho in animal mesa the night andundisturbed. by the heart, pstn In the Sears, J. 0, Morgan, J. 1. Morgan, Ibe ef frit lye ftilie, sometimes swell bee use circulation furniture, even, is not hock an head, and Ami bait, bBg plti It. Ilaggin, J. AV. Garret, J. G. Fair, and not even the cry of a night-birptata spared. at uam would have WitA ftt Mu mOsm. John Wansmsker, J. VV. Mackay, J. ti. broke the unnatural silence. A mias- has stopped. BBOft meh a weak tired (cel-- . Hleep for many of th poor inhab KB UUmk for guir, muiub, routing or The emalt bone at the root of the itants has become almost imgiossible Flood, J-- M. Constable, John T. Jtfsrtin matic vapor.tght and ethereal, but ing when I int got in the morning, Miking fOWM, toft ft iftirfr and Joha Arbuckle. None of the above deadly In Rs poison, was arising from tongue is placed there for the purAll of them, --virtually, have -- been up fee nervous MetortoolMM U and at time is rated at leaa than $10,000,000, and the dark loco-gras-s. tmbriam, Tta taegoft potto The tall cactus pose of giving stability. obliged to place their beds in the chill. d perUoa fti ta vorn mealr tee The physicians several at frons ait to leei times that looked weird and Bkirt r toft? ta The great toe is placed on the inside middle of the rooms. Some of them as to what my spectral in the moon1 turn. vnlr to tta b!iA Hm wed was. but none The telegraph wires, touched of the foot to act as a fulcrum in-- pro- even, have been forced to sleep disease Btad wwlUi tta taU. Tta light. oi them did me any frenM grg taMtmingijr One wf the First Printed Itlbles. with thetr feet in basins of good. As soon as I by a light current of air, hummed and pelling the body forward. In ft enter tax e4 nufttat H I have not been misled by prmteo wailed, emitting music dike that of Dr. ikft fktato m Moti fruet, . Babies do not hear well because the water the Russians of that dis commenced taking Prete a iofnr tn ewftr vift ftuda statements, the only perfect copy of aa Delian harp. Gazing from my bones of the ear are-- too noft to con- trlot "believing that mice will not Pierce'sion,Favonte I to r Tta brk tf m tnBtrtWf, began pmfnrmd. tattata, script the Macarian or Gateoberg Bible in window I beheld the serried looking RftrB tta three fMhteMkhtft atnglft tax pUUft ftmerft touch a person so sleeping. If these get belter ; could ale bad vey the sensations of sound. nervous feeling and the ta tta ermftt Hn. tta atanr trm gor giving ft well night, sod that this country k in --Lenox Library, in Tta mi Ling wllmr to precautions are not followed the mice pstn in mv back soon left me. I can walk sever, mooth taJustmMt xt tta iftde. Women have colds, in the headless New York City. It is the first book landscape, and turning to my instruto ft Mck taAd, and rmm ta meto I heard the blurred tick, tick, dance a genuine on the at mile without getting tired. I took in all three Bttnotad saraband ment, todlBB ftrBfnrrlng to taw eoft ftoelind men because Bmm than If are frequently pr they Freacnptioni tta Um to aetaeft their cotton vnftu. Tta deerw cost the trustee of that inetiurtioi tick, that to my distorted imagination mot accustomed to heavy head cover- recumbent flguresTmd on the bed, Mweet nude for eeiuft f tta ktta, tatng guiU full ta and even bite the sleepers. lo of New aouaded like a death knell. Suddenly ings. f23,000. Brayton Ice, tta he ftta wrevtof x tta tommrml, ntam Utmy GO. Bin aUwl.Bd ftota ftftd BlUbtly gnthnrta tatta tank WALTER BAKER Almost all the wheat has been do York City, own an imperfect eopyf the sounds became more rapid and iriUk bUmU or kmUamiftta ftattoft The into ruffe that the same edition, for which he paid tbe perfectly clear, and I easily deciphered called interior bones of the ear are stroyed. A number of wealthy wo bulSK, of Manufacturer Tbe Largest tbe hammer and the stirrup men landed Tha rataU prlu af patter la I aante. sum of $15,000. L 28." This the call for my station proprietors have been PURE, HIGH CRADE from their resemblance to those obme and and tanner Want. Patten X. U'4 U ml la Um physically obliged: to abandon their homes, mentally COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES . II atM. Snort Winter Tevtrtst Tleket Vie Us Wkh agitated vu.t t. It, 14 aad I yearn. have gone to Nt Petersburg to got in a manner I cannot describe. 1 ject BailrseA arhlt Plak and atripad The thick matting of hair on the Oa this Cmttesst, have mod vs mad tela aomlurtahl away from the scourgo, for such has Are now on sae to all the winter resort! hurried to the tabid and answered tbe of is nta atstftft ahtrt wxftt. the head there as June top placed 1st, AWARDS nnttl HIGHEST summons. I waited for Then boeome. it the the South, good returning A kfthPk aatu Mrktto to jierworn tnftr tta ftn down 16. Also Habvest Excibiox Tic lets te froa tb m! or forty seconds. The protection from cold and sudden 'la the Holds the mice are so numerBullftr ft xmooth tall to bocks. ail roiuts south on excursion dates. la ad- haps thirty ous that men kill 20.) or HIM! in five or ticker sounded again, and tbe message mwrtrrltng th nM. dition to above. Railroad end Steamship Iiistrial aid, Food mutch Tta fmttto ftrft Hpmm4 tft The patella, or krtee pan, projects ten minutes. tii xets to ail points in tbe Unw feTiTM I received nearly froze tbe blood in prrHy fnllnme ky gtatartng on mmh tftta of th tax plait rate, my veins and I wa almost prostrated. In fro nt of tlse knee to afford a better EXPOSITIONS and Ecxopx, at lowest rates. For tn center. Thto plait Up e fulcrum for some of the muscles of ti, lets, excursion dates sod foil informa- It was: A tolling Maint-r- . Um UTt fnmt auft b!obb vUh tion or a copy of the Home Feekera Wuida ttufta nr totftw and tatto A motion. Is little at tons 100 steamer of AV abash Office, 150a Fsnaia atreet, life! for Flee bare klM. tta tplltato tajng Apache your jjILal The to diawft to ta tta naist Uua, prrvoeot, AA ccorritTig press fingersore lengths dispatch, Nojorwnt started' btatlotv esL and tWe looted Dvfth Pww.wAft YTaltc and tta ftver portion worn G. 5. Clattov, acbecause by reason of this fact thev beiujy cntnictod at Argcnteuil ftr liirwlnk Itfm ft inder hock tta ekirt u tarn ebrvx. A. 27. Bagft tti art f thir bti 5. W, P. Agt, Omaha. Nah, tify all train. ft plain ftrcee ton Tta are enabled to grasp objects of almost cording to tho invention of M Bazcn COCOA b BRUX)AT ik)ttltler,belig wpplled wUft That message was front Aloangha any cize. which consist iff rolling the ship over a yrftB portion that ft rmootKlf etltcbai on puintta Mixed. It otahMoBftftnolomtlontatoft point. A tiuswr tt station and signod with Alliangh's ou ev ohocta rvravwMtM.' Children are noth ora with teeth on tha water instead of forcing; itilmuurh - AA'hen I Getting hack portion t tta yatliBm to tbt motor wltoto-tta- came down here because I name and number. Recovering paras at jiresctiL To this end a numbjr a!t Um. A rnlliQfwlftrj.tUli poiatoft, flaring Bhb8p WALTER BAKER &Ca DORCHESTER, MASS. couldn't stand the climate np north, tially from my frights I gave a quick account of the in convenience that of enormous ftnlNhoM tta reck, fixed are would be occasioned by These in very-earlTta foil Khliteftorea fltftleeelY ta Ita Hk, talng copper cylinders aid the North Dakota man who wa look out of the window. Tbe mesa Catarrh tanned hoarte-t- ut to tha vessel, tha speed attainel deky mff tlat Wom a ith tKft (x tta tack, life. fchivering In- - a Georgia winter retort, was still unruffled, and no new object Tta Fhtrt walto can ta worm nntatoft ta toft skirt, tt and diffleu l'g fa apeak on metal the the of pend 6 Iny I eem to have jumped out of the frypreferred. ped People turn their faces toward ft BUka ami aU kltae ftt xottofl wnefl tokrtoa are in sight - Would 1 have time to I ate to great extent 4 sound in order to bear It better, be- cylinder, and it is computed that In writable for weft ft of toft ktnfl, tta moet totolunakift ing pan into the r into the icebox." were the to fn the various Vmt e the um -. message thirty-onhtarino. of By Tribune. tafnff ctavlot. OUoiN ftblrttogi fthamhrey, gingham repeat knot an hour can be j Chicago cause then tbe sound is conveyed to train as my duty required and as my both ears. Ortam Balm in pptna made. ly Ely' 1 ta mull prlto ta pattorn la tl ftaato. Te Teacher and Other. manhood dictated, or to save my own of mum hay eeased, voict EduNational 'The or of contracts the of the have Por the meeting end hearing eye pupil iftBftftftftftCoirow xis Nwt tha Expactnd Reply. greatly life must I at once desert the station U! if tbla ftapon ft nt wltk ontor tta J. IF. I avid min, cational Association at Denver, Colo., expands in order to admit a greater nmol tor Mi ta only tft cent for oneft pattom. Onrprlmj is a perfect imprripni man That Flyup 111, .Mon month Att a' in Jtdr. next, the Western trunk fines and fly and hide myself? Law, y entered mueft tie ta mat to oarer less or eta of that ttteni mind quantity light, objects brute! fare, These thoughts possessed my have named a rate of one standard pBtefe, (mtor ky Rtmher tad glre Nn la ketwt- (r the round trip. but a moment, and I resolved to stand mar be clearly seen. f hry mtm glnrft Meting. Te gat IltT aad Miss Midge What's he done1 plus two dollarswillfor 15kK tflT niftaMire pot tta tap m rere alt ta tta Spebe permitted. stnell their with Variable routes better even People do Mis if and it me my He a, wny aronjta tie body, orer to tfrem tore fciftrr ft duty, sat behind Flyup be by my post CRSAM BALM otwns and vtvaniws th cial kde trips at reduced rates Et.rS tha ftTHM. months shut because all tbe air for the theater iddrtn COIPON rATTlKY ft existence. me igMti Pibbmkb,aiUba ami t m) I nIU mffiAl km , when cost openQuickly and my all the printo other Denver frera night, 0.s LoekUoiTtr, Xw Yrk, .Y. arranged for norm, rruMaU U kemontn from OdRU, ! use of tbe lung most be drawn I asked him if I should take oT my the Coloj flashed I the the TUft isaJT? throughout interest circuit, of warning ftuikmiL iiorBihto cipal point the ing M ai gt rdH M oact This done, through tho nose. over tho wires. hat ha said yes. rado. and those desiring to extend Record. t)Uk?k)7 message WHO HATS TOCK Chicago a shin W BOBfrtl an) b agfft- ftfwftifNt Oregon and A ptirflrV Old people wear spectacle because trip to California, ftgatHBt tta (iuremmant CLAIMS without extinguishing my lamp, I fled w HI write left A THAW will be accommodated at satisfaclens of come over the flattened mesa. the hosialned be and the station the that from other KawTerk and eye Fataphor Warrsa 88 cVT Teachers BEOTSESS, t., fclCkf OftO, U.pftttmton A lafcnt Attry, tft F kf. tory rates. ft folold aaULugton, In U, itay wit) ramra aprvmpi vpi y. adorable In in but this and assisted meeting run be its must the Shes not a I age Jacques did intend attending mod or desire, V)g PTRAAAfT WORK ftatUr a rremfl throe w or of making a western trip thii sum- lowed the course of a. shallow gully action by artificial meana.a perfect poem; niy !! to girl; I aa ratiy pC'UeaiwmtM IrocMT Acreocy Tit mer, will find this their opportunity. Julo Yes, she is profoundly Intel ;J DIVIS CREilfJ In thd land, all tho Tlie cheek become pale from fear SEFHITGRS The Chicago, Milwaukee A SL Paul that Jed to a rise Wu f b ft lectuaL nt Ai cover under well because 0 the dirnin respect! mental emotion time (firat-cla- a Vn ( to knrmmrt and NiyinM. in every keeping tyi vw atawa to Railway Deft i Much fey run, ta oonMU. thft iooikrr will potm ta a numbftf U bushes. her and call cactuses t I isbea will run through car Chicago to to lima Jacques Thats why the action of the heart and kr trnria j numerous wrtto frr lUmfeojBr leer puftared rut. Itraowkie, until J reached the top of tLU Hungs, so impede, the eirenl.Uon. AM poem; J can't understand her. lATlfl A KAKkifl t tnitftfl Sook Pfftft SSl 0nQe0.lL KESE . General Pa." . MIU. ' . CUtalftMatafftetnrirft,tt W.LtaftftftF4.ftMag. , - . , snger ond Tioket Agent, Chicago, UL - AoHwow.-boaTsVtetwte- the ocean' d bv,'','-'-- cacfrre it tmWtr riF mtdftrtby ooefis' ant of the station This spurred me ' V ! - 'V-- 1 ,3, BTrrtakr-yT7ui-trn-dnt- r b- L 1 1 y - - .. V ,. g fe SirtW -- INI' K - J oga-m-t- 8Ft. i I , $15 alv-av- s j rant-hero-- ions. $ i A s 1 A le 1- 1 Cam-iorabl- ! ' h dlsL-ussin- t" . how-cve- , l'k k 11 A SAMS ConditionPowder n. dia-es- long-winded Patents, -- t. fT, d dll-ten- -- & te 1 - -- 1 liEnpiM taeria Ur j a-i- I I I CATARRH n. fttif-- - , j IF t |