Show ANATOMICAL ITIMS Arterial blond U I rid became I has Jiut Wen purified III tlm lung Die ejn In not Kcimlttro In 1 tau t-au It U I to toll niipplled ttlth blood TC Mll 1 > The lln lit I rongli IxvaiiMi by tlmt meant III U better udupled to rrreUe kcinailiin Tim vein In tlm b nil > und feet komutliiuii uncll beraiikn rlrcuUtlon hU ilopped The kiniill lnno nt the rot < > f the tniiKim It I placed there for tlie pur note of Rltliiff htublllty The great toe It placed on the Imlde if the foot to act III a fulcrum II propelling I pro-pelling tho IxiJy forward Ilublikdo not hear ttrll brraiiMi the 10 of tho ear nre loo C lo cone con-e > tho triikatlon of Miund Women liiito cold In the head lett frequently than men bciauw they nru not uiciittomrd to heavy head cover The Interior bone of the ear are called the hammer and the ktlrrnp from their renemblunce to I hove ob jI Jho tillIt matting of hair on the I top I of tho bind I pluied tin rolls u I I protection from mid and kinldra The patella or lirieo pan project In front of the lime tontrorda Iwtter fulcrum for tome of thu iiimtclc 01 I lltllI Ihe linger me of unequal lenglht iHuautnli rcakon of thl fact thu are enabled tograkp objiut of alnnul any lo Children are nntb urn ttllli teeth on account of the IncoiiveiiUuicn that would bo occakloncd by thou In er early life JcopUi turn their fnccH toward I found la order to hour ItbetUrbe I cuiiko then tho KOIIUI I iontr > cd to both cur Tho pupil of tha < > a contract or I expand 111 order to admit a greater or leti imintlty of light that objocU m air ba clearly neon I Iooplo uncll bettor with tholr inoutlit hliul baoniike all the air for i I the 10 of the lungs mutt be drawn I i through tho note I Old people wear tpeclaclut became 1 the 101101 the njrti baoume flattened III old ago and innkt be nmlkled In iti action I artificial I ellI ell-I Thecheiki liccomu pale from fear because the mental emotion dlmln lhe the action of the heart und II lD I Jungs no Impedes I the circulation |