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Show The Boarders at the Hotel Mur- George Kugg has moved to Salt LakeCiry. ray drew the color line so closely BiilTMaxfield is head bar tender that Charley Dyer, the efficient colored cook, w ho has filled tho at Caider's Park. position to the entire satisfaction According to tho Castle Valley of the proprietress, was obliged to News a boom seems to have struck leave. Price, T'tah. "They are dandies" said Thomas Bowers of the Crocket, Texas, Enbe can headache and Sick quickly ADVERTISING HATES. overcome those terprise, while writing about by using completely rU!m-O- ne lnstrt'on. Do ict.ts per loch Little Early Risers, the fam-n- s known as little famous pills 75 I'tBU ptr inch, fl pe Two little Mur Risers. Little pills for sick headach and Early cents rer 1Id each In L. a! Liioou"1' disorders of the stomach and liver. ? E. W. Ferrebee, ray Pharmacy, I n:,rln Jn.,tj nl T line ettt'h lsSUC 30 W. FerreE. Murray Pharmacy, Prop. MnM tmr tiiObttl- rpit iirCoiumrj-flfubee, Prop. nt Warn yer line each iwue adU fnii iikf linn ner month. on the The old folks from Pays-The "bikes" and "buggies" or ou long Liberal redaction! Urgeapaca vertised by Studebaker Bros, stand Bouth to Ogden on the north w ill time. REDUCTION IN COAL. have a two day's excursion to Salt in the front line of their kind. copy for advertisement! should tob In not & Lake City, June 22 lmur 23, during ater tbau Wudnesday afternoon Absolutely Fur&. We heard something about a which time insertion In iiext lsuj. will have a run We wish to notify the coal conCelebrated for its great leavenine" they Misa on very pleasant surprise out to the lake. sumers of Murray, and vicinity, strength and healthfulness. Assures the SILVER. LEAD. Sarah Birch Wednesday night. we have reduced the price of food againBt alum and all forma of adulthat Silver 5 y.Lead $3.27. B. Young of Salt Lake our teration common to the cheap brands. Iieyil Celebrated Castle Gate and EOYAI, BAZIKG POWDEE What has become of the Murray gave a lecture at CO., NEW YOKE. very interesting Winter Quarters Coals, reducbrass band? They are wanted bad the Ward House Editor. Sunday evening. tions ranging from 25c to GOc on if. A. WlLLCMSEN, ly to take part in the Jubileo. Do you have any faith in and The occasion was the first one of the ton. meetlove the M. I. for, your own city, then subconjoint monthly Joe McGrill, an old Murrayite, And don't loose sight of the CHURCH DIRECTORY. scribe summer. for the local paper. for this ings together with a friend, started a fact that these coals are mined in Cottonwood Ward House. for Columbia. British week ago Ward meeting! at 2 p m 6unday School at Don't thin your blood with sassaWarren Foster's subject tomor- Utah, and by home workmen. lo a rr. There ia trouble between the row night will be "The Bible as a By buying these coal your money fras or poison it with blue-masWpit nidfl Pundiv School lo a di. Tuesday evemnir at tliu Scandinavian Mof'iinir IIoush. Y. M M. I. A. partners leasing Calder s Park moral guide." Admission to the stays in your own State. Support but aid nature by using DeWitt's J. 8. Folll us, Bishop which has resulted in a law suit. Little Early Risers the famous litOpera House will be free and every- Utah Enterprise. Methodist Chapel Suuday School 2 p m for past favors, tle pills for constipation, bilioas-nes- s the ladies, are corThanking you especially body, Preaching Sunday nltfht at 1 llo. Minister Mr. Jonas Eriksen, the great A. W. Hartshorn, and soliciting a contiauation of and stomach and liver invited to attend. man of .San Bete, was visit dially sheep we remain troubles. They are purely vegetpatronage, your MURRAY POST OFFICE. We did not forget to make a faing friends m Murray this week. able. Murray Pharmacy W. E. Office hours from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. i ours Truely & comment on the new sidevorable P. Cahoon J. Sundays from 9:00 U "0:00 a. m. Bro. Ferrebee, Prop. Caider's Park ia becoming the walk last Kali close every liny at fi;00 p. m. but it was crowded leasure resort of the county. It is out. "We week, Money Order houra and houri for register believe it would be very business from II a. m. to 4 p. m. a most pleasant place for a pic nic much Arrival and Departure of mails. appreciated if the walk exMall arrive 8.15 a.m., departs 9.30., party. to the post office. tended Arrives 5.15 p.m., depart! 3.30. on FliOM 3 Jim Allen, the man who com commissioners have The mitted suicide in Salt Lake last decidedcountythe PfJob printingandof every description Homemade that liquor license, out promptly executed.. week, was an inveterate neatly, accurately cirgrette side of the city, will remain as preTO( smoker. viously decided upoii, 875 per Wm. Bird is to be congratulated month. Are the saloon men of it is an eleven pound boy, and Murray in favor of incorporation? The showers were appreciated. mother, baby and papa are all getThe "Woodmen made a fine ap ting along finely. Rooms for rent; Call at this pearance last Sunday, something Some miserable and restless astonishing to the natives, as they were seen marching to the ceme A good spring wagon for sale drunk was around last Monday night disturbing the peaceful slum tery. A great concourse of peo cheap. bers of respectable people. ple had gathered to witness the scene. Stake conference today and toMr. Thomas McCommick a for m morrow. r,l Some for ten some for twenty mer principal of tho Murray school i Lots, lots, lots! Lota of thein for was m town last Sunday shaking and some for thirty years have suffered from liiles and then have sale cheap. hands with old acquaintances. been quickly and permanently New l'.ay, delivered cheap: Call Harness work done by A. White cured bv using DeWitt's Witch at this office. Sandy and Murray, is always first Hazel Salve. Murray Pharmacy,. Call on Jas. Gilbert for cheap class. Anyone is foolish who will Wi E. Ferrebee, Prop. tal'e their harness work to town. and good ghoee. R. II. Winder, one of the Calder There is to be at least two wed- Park partners was made receiver of ordleave Cheap hay, any crop, dings this month among Murray's the property, by judge Johnson. It ers at this oilico. "four hundred." It would seem appears that Winders put up 1, for A machine there are two very lucky doctors. saving 4 4 700, Hamerslaugh $400 and Myers sale cheap. This ottice. 1 WAV for a partner (the receiver) asking Old man Beers, who kitt sumno had invested. money Joe Tavey of tho Argus dropped mer worked in John I Nelson's in to see us Wednesday. shoemaker's shop, died last night A rumor was floating round T T SO at Pliasaut Grove, aged JS)$Ks years. Murray last Saturday to the effect A. C. Staten entertained a few James Higging had committed friends Wednesday flight. Mrs. L. A. Kelsche. and little tbat suicide by banging himself. A left last Monday for ChiLots for Kile in tho Bamberger daughter, of the Eagle investigated where they join Mr. Kekche cago the rumor addition. Call at this office. and found Mr. Higgins wno is laoonng m the missionary alive and no string on him. "Warren Foster lectures in the field, A couple of ''bum" plasterers Opera House tomorrow night. It s?ems that ,the people. of Mur iron: Ml hailing Wood-Workin- g George Tingley and C.F. Durand ray win never learn a lesson, a town a few weeks did considago, to continue trust man will prc'bahly go east this fall. they every erable work for different parties, who comes along with a smooth got their pay and "skipped" withThe County Driving Club will storv. out paying their bilks. B. Y. Ran-da- 'l have their second races June 2S. looses $15 board bill, Hender Iho last clay services in the Call on A. E. Cahoon for men's Ward House Sunday wero very in son 86 and Winder $i for whiskey, thirts and tinelter hands supplies. tercsling. I here were eighteen and Mr.' Henry Atwood trusted Scroll sawing. Turning, Miss Linnie Lyons attened tho baptised and fouiteeu cniuireu them for tho material usel in their work. tmeher's examination Wednesday. blessed. Building We are sorry to be obliged to re County attorney, VanCctt, has Insure your property with II. C. dismissed tho-capert that the Kindergarten class At wood, tho local insurance ageut. very i.wisely SASH, "I f.'M against, ueorgN ixuigore. Uo t.otit is not patronized as it should be. DOORS, J aj4 The scripture contest at the Mu- believe m t browing rood money in young taoies in charge are tual Tuesday night resulted in a tie. after bail. MOULDINt .S, ETC.. capable and kind beartml teacher.- ana tno littio tots could nave no Dr. Albert S. Djornsou, formerly 1 tie 3itirr,iyites wero somewhat more pleasant or profitable placo to of Fait Lake City, will locate in disappointed lafc Sundav ;:t no; ; cud their time. (Mothers and Murray. see.e.g a bnnd of nusio acccuiKaiv lathers do not allow this West of Depot, worthy th. Woodmen who came down from institution to "wink out," you Aiil Two line homes for sale in tho Salt Lake he:ut of Murray. Call or write ngret it if you do. 1 4 1, ., this ofhee. .1. .IV.'. iO the As the Woodmen's parade passed i vi mo li. muM additions green grocer's stalls, call at tin; up Atwood Aucnue last Sunday Wan tkd-- 20 or ."O acres of farm "A ir.ericau i and in Eagle" Fruit Stand. Tho a son of George Mcln-tvrMurray; Call or address in latest the line of very u few MJ h m n U ihis ollice. fruits, hastily started to go through a wire fence, to see the sight, when vegetables, etc. The next meet of the Murray : io eaugut i" tue oaros ana nan a The air is laden with the sweet Gun Club is today, on tho Horn e a), ...... IUU vniivivj n,ni;iu vi mr scent or new mown liny. The far c ilf ofvilli Silver dump. some two aud mer is busy handling the perfum- inches his right leg artcr-Th- e tho all deep, severing Provo ia swarming with tramp?, ing clement mowing, rakiti". boy- was brought down to and Murray will not be outclassed and storing for market. stacking Dr. where his painful Ferrebeo's in this respect. . wound received careful attention. The Railroad ofiicials will be at A ball for tho benefit of tho Caider's Tark tomorrow, and will Scandinavian meeting nous was add a match game of base ball to -- a T H E i- $given last night. the many other attractions. A fine placo to spend a Sunday afternoon. ;T George L'eer hag moved his famito Grovo .1 while he goes r ly rieasant Now that you have money, sten Nicely Furnished Rooms to Bingham to work. m iuiu et! us, aim wave si.oo, for a 3 ... ., year's subscription to the Joseph Rjorglund, who goes to you will then be assured ofLdLF R'eht ,Q lhe heart.of to Europe Monday, was given a party Mwy conve,1'1tn?0 BcJ au" thing good for the rest of the y e r by his frieuda bust night. What has bffoome cf the Marrav Terni5; lh moet reorab!o ia tbe city Dan Fry get a piece of glass in Amateurs.' Is it contg per cihl ncd upwards. possible nil . his eye Ttesday at the smelter, lie oif ii F. rJSUKIXS, Prop-3uiemaregjing to get nianie was oblijod to quit work. right away? EasL ?n.l St.. Fait Lake- f Dr. A. C. Humelbaugh has spent the plot w inter ia Chicago study- ing modern and painless deuta-trand has brought back with mm entirely new instruments and electrical appliances which now makes him the finest and most complete office in the West. Visit his office even if you are not in need of dental work, and, ask to be shown through. It's worth a trip to the city to see, everything is electrical. Don t miss calling. Umce Atlas Block. y De-Wit- t's De-Wit- t'i J s; REDUCED" EN' i WorKiNG 1.4 hoes E ACL2ETS. of-fic- e. James'Cilbert' s SE Bft o mm iir-t-cla- sa aULUlb iUlU U Builders. er re-rort- A i lilllff Stair m mm ill is s ! Full Lino of Just , e, frm uh 1 , Carries a Full Line of IKY 31ockI . ..... . tit mm, Ifeehandisea 1 1 Ru-ut- i TaTE St., Murray i |