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Show Tr if a-- i r v nw - mkim t- V f lioaso iiIo,-lr- . 3iunay, ivu,a ir;,' supeniuons acir v L ra U; t.i.e I 1 at i?.V-A-.-!:- - bonnets eiiverln' ci:r's. Au' wo'.l Kii.tier thinn wVr we re ivissiu of thet-irls- ed 0du The Murray Constable who was elected at the last election has gone on a mission, and there has beei Butcher Mi op, no effort to have anothar appointJ. C. WEST, Mgr ed in his place. 0.3, Ji--- V j t & Jui ATWOOD. tMi'L S. A. Ahlberg will take a trip Sweden this fall on a visit. i A Livery and FeedStaWe. Accomodations unsuqaEsed. Public Service at all hours, night and 1897 LEAVE MCRRAY: 5 32 p m Sa t Luke I'o. - 1' or Salt LakeCity. Ko City, Opden and Intermediate points.. 9 48 a to No. 8 For ?anpeie, Sevier anj all 12 43 n m intermediate points ii For Provo, Payson. Euroka, and all intermediate points 5 12 p in LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY, No. 2 For Grand Junotion, Denver 7 50 am and all poliseast No. 4 For Grand Junction' Denver nd all interrned lute points 7 40 p m No. 1 For Ogdeuand all pu west..1!! 5p m " " " 11 4.- p ra " Ko. S " , Pullmiui Palace line Only running through Fleepin!? csrs to Denver nna San Francisco Pullm an family jH j'iut. rhtnjre, I ranclsco. Los Anfjeli s IKnver. :o iencro. New York and Posion. Free reciin-li't- r chi'ir care. 11 oars lighted with Pimsch ;as. A.E. Welhy, F. A Wadleigh, I). C. JJodjro, Gen, P. & T. A i. en. Mf;r. (ien.Supt. day. Prices to suit the People and the Timea. For 7- . Hot Spinas Sanitarium S. L. & Qgden Railway Swimming Pool, 52 West Third South Street, Sail Lake City. The waters of theftft Springs are a sura cure for catarrh, rheumatism neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervousness, hys teria and kidney diseases. Dall7 Time Table In Effect Slay 3oth,l?97; Everybody Says So. Casoarets Candv Cathartic, the most won derf ul medical discovery of the ape, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness, t'lease buy ana try a nox of U. C. C. y ; 1 0, 25, f,0 cen ts. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Arrive S. L. 8.40 a. m 11.4o a.m 12.4o p. m 3.8o p m 5.2o p, m v.so p. in - p in . Li AGO ON Tho ideal resort and picnio grounds. Round trip inching admissi"n 25 cts, Special rates to Societies, Sunday Schools, Etc. Round trip to Tleck's Hot Springs, Including ba,tb25 cents. S. BAMBERGER. Gen. Mgr. H, W.Early Pas. Agt From Ogden to LapoOD and return on Sun-da- ys 35 viaO. S. L. U K. 76 cents ineluuinK ftdmiESion to grounds. 1 rCODHTCOUEhtlU" No. 8124. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS and FRIENDLY SOCIETY, meets every Wednesday niglit in Foresters Hall,State Street. Murray Utah. - Chief Ranger. B. Y. Randall, James Arnold, Financial Secretary. Flour, EKDi Groceries Eagle Cash Store FRED WACH, MG'Ii. State Street, Murray. f-SJ.- , B. SCBXE"2-- Mgr. Machines Singer thatSewing understand the them. Are so simple youngest cars So easy that tho oldest can work them. d GOVERNMENT POSIUONS. . If you wish one of the 160,000 e, positions in the government this Bureau can advise you fit secure it,and how to proceed to you for passing the requited Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact and a common school education art all the requirements needed. Attorn 4 The Sincer Manufacturing Co. THE OFFICES Rocxns . Salt F$iss Lizzia Bell, Teacher of 305-- 6 Lakb City, Red -AV---K zmi Corner BarberShop. Piano and Organ Vic. Johnson, Prop. Srst Class Work. Givk me a i Kyen CreamPare Kye, F1NE ; lli ard riribu " Specialty, a. : R & 7 0 0 0 t ' East Sts 'i' mre ioiiKiipation Take Cscart'ts Candv Cathartic. I"oor25o. If C. C, C. full to cure, druggists refund money. TflHACCfl TobllCCO '.. Tt i, Future Corafcrt Tor present ccern'ri Economy, but BUY tin Sewing Mediir.c wills ca estebi'slsed cp utatioa that : guarc-ctceyo.i Iotjj erJ satisfactory service c fit 'i', v. 'ft r.l Tut :ii j . J - HM2 1 ma'.C3 MOST Go for Your Supplies where You Any article of Merchandise for sale are sure to find Them in Stock in Murray, can be found in Great and where You Can Have a Quantity, and of the Highest Grade Quality at Tho Large Variety to Select From and With Trices Equal to Any. R. P. DAYTON, Manager. uiT.iirnc MACI!! wi:o V7 Send for cufbcautifaSfialf-tonecatalofjUe- . U. v ADJU5TMLNT, v.a ere WtQ SsvAag FOR SALE BY t WOODWORK, - nccst Setcf Sieel il iiw DCSIR'LC Dealer Wartti! driii-K-i- inaun J ooacco The Original Guaranteed Harmles i ooacc. a: costt enly labit Cure. A Hl-oliruntafr. or v mail. CircnUrs Free. ,i I II !nn rUlffRO. l'- n7, Bl.n.nnilC AnumuV - m ii. mt V L3 riGlFCD MEaUKlCL wiib coar-H-d u nr. Batenclte U U DliRA'ilE CONSTKL'CIICN, 4"C-Uri- HABITW5 7 7' y ITS CEA'tiTJriliY 7 ....nt.prlaariii-AHIlUUIt., uicuMi;iiw',K'-"lt Cebacco Habit Cure. A hl(f boxonlf A',1 or hv mail. Agkvig wmjn.'UI UK. MATCUETTE CO., Chicago. Illinois. TOBACCO jhi V. oreer. GENERAL :;;:coGiic,i::: H. Winder,Prop. OR. :.i :::::.grape,:;:;; ; Imium arm Ant iilnt r will iloil A "C urcui,t4 enlv .i.'t. Alldruv'irli'tK.ertir mail. Afttiua. Cliiulttra mi. JlATCHkT lh, WMO, In. ...u ZPORTA" ""ANGELICA'" 'Rfir'P MWMtTTS'8 "Si! Cnrealn3Day. y43WlU IIUC!T ! B ::::caEBRY,;; wines, liquors & cigars ,v, 'e, B MHUK Purposes-Promptl- siawpea Kncloso The Natimial. Star lltilldim;. ' nlciigo HABIT EH I ir Inrli.'in Mor'li.it,ii'u ... ... H Rock for WANTED Several Faithful Men orWotncn ' to travel for responsible efahlithed house in Ptah, Salary fT0. payable tia weekly a.id expenses. Position pern:in.nt. To Cure ConwtipatUin Forever. Take Cascarels Candv Cathartic. MnnrSSv If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. 7 "PeacMHoney.; JOHN RYNEARSON, 15 South a. Mite Pride,.. WMslie3.. Delivered by Mill Greek is MTTH POOLS Bi & all Classes of Building and Other Call M & h Utah. WORLD. IN the cheapest and always the most Satisfactory. 43 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. FrcmontiSBjtsr WHITE5 Atlas Bxock. IN EVERY CITY 14,000,000 SINGER SEWING MACIIINFS 3rade and Sold. 1,000,000 Sold Annually, This proves the old old saying that the best SCHOOL OF LAW. Building Rock. years cli. S Such easy terms that anybody can purchase one. I This Bureau can fit you for admission to the Bar on prepare yuu iui rtnv. rtttin in- tvo vears. without materially interfering with your other duties. Uur instructors arc uic auicai, Three coursthorough, and our charges reasonable. and bpeciai. es are taught: University, Business ' Send for particulars, terms, etc, BUREAU. j NATIONAL INFORMATION 1430 New York Ave.. Washington, D. C, Law. ey-a- t- (Taken from Ltte.) 106 years old. EARNEST ROGNON. For terms apply at office &Stu dio, E B Sorley's Music Store, MURRAY, Mass Bell will give lessons in Murray every Friday. Steam Heat and Electric Lights. 7 e 11 fi ren YOUR MUSIC LESSON to Much has been said arid written about the Keeley Intitule, whose tor good fame is now world-widand no in these less men, among regions, but there is still much to be said and done along these lines for which this institution seems to have be' created. The "graduates f the Keeley Institute," which now numbers over 300,000, all pronounce the cure boon of the "the one Nineteenth Century." Members of the "Keeley League" number over 30,000, and bids fair to supercede all temnerence organizations in the course of time. Those who investigate the result of the treatment are generally satisfied that this is truly C hristian work for the salvation f fallen man It may cost a few dollars, but Whatman's relative or friend would regret to spend a few cold dollars when every other method of reform has failed? For advice and literature address in confidence, The Keeley Institute, 16G W. Second North, or Lock Box 480, Salt Lake City, Utah. wonder-worker- t1 if is second to none is point of convenience & comfort. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away. To quit; tobacco easily and forever, be mag PATENTS. PATENTS. netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take n , unt Tt,. uuicou a 3 luv. Kct farilitips nOSSlblC lOf OD- that makes weak men the in this and foreign strong. All druggists, 50c or 11. Cure guaran- taining patents and copyrights oas nan ycais teed. Booklet and eample free. Address countries. The chief of this dept. Commissioner ot as Chief Examiner, mccess-ful Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. experience Patents, and Patent Attorney, and isthevery prosecuUon in securing broad patents and in before the courts. Boy of all patent litigation Rare Book For NOVELTY P. CO., Geueeeo, Kansas I This is tho handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside of Ogden & Salt Lake and so-call- ed sieop-(tst"s- cents-Child- W)k God-give- n -. 10.40 11 K EE LEY I SdTITUTE. fckl.-i-- . iAvArtiytai i 3 and ear, then blow in y horn for . S. arm Tlio ImmjiH are sigus of a better quality of beef. See my eyes, nof'e GRAXTER Lv. Farm- Ar. I'nrm-inffton. iti(fton. 8.Co a. m. m. 7.40 a. w, m. 9 4o a.m. lo.oo a m, ll oo a.m. 11.4o a"m. 12.oo m 1.40 p.m. 3 4o p.m. 2.20 p. tii. 3.4o p. m. 4.20 n. m. 4.4o p. m. 5 m. o 40 p. m. 0.2o p. m, 4p, 7.40 p in. 8.2o p. m. lo.oo p m. sweeter sun: H 'lakutp. L. ... dieamin' vlille An' the w. Tld ih Biiyai-ioatand a feller c in t C'Jiup am Wlen he m ..! a mi' erects his sweetheart at tho t'rtiidin' of tiie euno! .t it. G Jjpepers m all trains imd have ii comfortable tr;p mid enj:iy tiie on sceuerv the continent. iuet Colorudo'6 Surtef. lino t3 Cripple Creek, (treat jfold camp. Train No. 2. leavingnt 7 itrrives nt a.tn. Ciipple Creek nut morn-iu- z at 8:Vi. A. 8. Hujrhea. S. K. onper. 0. 1', & T. A TratllcMauat'cr Denver, Colorado M. Cindiintr. B. F. Kevins. B T. P. Agent. Gen, Agent Salt Lake City. Utah. Leave t 'Z': r,s.:r.;,j H fi..?j;T.- -' Oh. swoet The cane juice dropiL" fr m the wituhn iriin .:;n unli: An' sweet tne red lips sippiu' but their kisi j T.t U a. S.Oo a. tv.e gi::ni:'g o? tus.caxe. tin dear time, is fosatn, routed squill. When a telierM niwt hi srniiiiiuir fit tie cam1! When li;e briiit eyes will tm beamin' under Coini''t''-"- Time Card No. 28. IN "EFFECT JAN. 17tli, V .13 Selected, r.r.cs, C;4'J p. in. Uuuver 5;"5p rj are made at Pueblo. Colorado Denver with all lines Past gprmP h:.1rnaehen. Chair ear and I'ullninn day O'lormio L. The fnir lkS Arrive at i'uelro 5;".9 a.ui. j (,. 7;.V a. m. l'i nvfru;ol a m (inio Hl! S; titiRS, Tram No 4- - Leaves Oden HXi p. in. Sal! Arrive at i tit bio 5;ir p. U1, lake ";(' p. ! C A G ! xcok at my Train No. ?. -- LeivesOsdon 0;45 a. ?n. Fait ' ' from llir faces of men. o Cai: ?.rd P3 Him O Kutinins Two Fast Trains JKii.y to t And Artist Tcns-sri&- Chas, F. DL'RAND f s st"li be f iiiul hi his uM of ; t by. Till IN nst Attach-nent- s, MAHIIT. g tepresetited. M2ch-sn- Co., jg OHIO. CLni!.AP, E. HALL, SALT LAKE CITY. School Furniture Supplies Tha "ViCTon" Folding Deska aro rapoflallv adapteir for use la Our lino U rumpled, lucluulnj Si ImkiN. Dktrlct and Psrthlar etc. Btailonary Ifesk. Houblo He.sk.s Adjustable ln-tk- Cet our Cataicoue and pmors Btroce Furcha8ino Kduoare Your Bowels With 10c, 26o. If C. C. C. Ccareu. fail, drutrglstb reooa money. Amenta V.'ani;d Everywnera. THOMAS KASE & CO., Racine, Wis. |