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Show j - FARM AM) ' GARDEN. Hy wfcen grown in the same field. Pure seed should be selected from Isolated varieties. The tomato, as with other crops, needs a rotation. The plants grown an t'amo lanr! tmm vear to Vpar. although highly fertilized, naturally degenerate in time. I.i order to secure results from log the tomato, one can not be too well arm aiiitfil with the narent varieties. nor have too clearly defined plans of procedure. Haphazard crashing is of iittl.i value. When the parents are very different In character the chnni'CK are that the offspring will be weak, while the offrelated species or spring if closely races is likely to be very vigorous. Am man v f MATTERS OF INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS. TO - Hint .l..ot CulIWa-tia- n of Win hull and 1 irliU 1 brrwif Hortu uliurr, Uitulture anil k loi fp-o-U- Vitioii.tl ro (N '''' I ICrpiirt. May returns of department of asricijliiirf ?hjv dec! mo from Anri! condition t .1 h of in J M rout--. 4i apples have invaded Or- - J.rtria and England in n'iauUty.iS to alarm the fruit Growers ff Euroi. The New York Press says: "if the AETlcans would be a little more t.are.'ul iu packing their f,jr export thy could easily holdapple the - S.ime u 0. an Applr, m markets tan tfae last all Europe, for the Ameri superior iu every way to Europe n. fruit. The Gerrnan'Po-niolojjica- ! Journal states that in the of apple is winter 6,000,000 double centners of American apples were landed at Uer-a- u porm The agrarian papers in Germany ire showing the alarm they by pinting onl iow badly the I II I i II. ae Living without it in this m an iii.pu.U.ilitv twenty years ago the .jueMi.,!) of t he immense p ram crop 0f tlt. world, roved Uil ilieentive to us, anJ grin the i Kinder ua.s the result A fev years i.nd serious objections that i raised aai list use of wire for this purpose, brought iuto existence al-m- ot s;V I: i iiiv.-iitiv- 4 vi-r- are packed, and fruit raisers to Uimling Twine, made from various last ORIGIN' OF TOMATOES. their apjiie trees at once." Untilgraft the fibres of which at all time, mcc Us 82. 7 The evolution of our cultivated to- American apples the market captured 1SDH. March 1, Th matoes Is Interesting. The two species last winter Germany used to get her production, Sisal has been the base; DR. G. W. SHORES, avt'i'itgfs of the from which all our garden varieties apples largely from the Austrian anduhile different factories produce winter have originated are Lycopersicum jirliK'iiwU Nor Baldwins. Greenings Tile Oldest Speelallat im tfc Wnt 9.1H as trade seems to demand. Twine made and Lycopertieum wheat states arc: Pitzenberse go there from the United The from former includes the "Cur States, p. H. Mason, United States Ohio. ln SI; Michigan. Hemp, Manilla, .lute and Grass, am, 61: Illinois. :17; Missouri, rant" varieties, which are small and consul at Frankfort, says of the Amer-a- n there is really only one fibre. "MSA L." 1. apple invasion of Germany:'Noth-lu- g Kauu, 73: California, 1)7; borne in large clusters, sometimes spothat meets, the popular demand, and P nnsylvania, 0i. The averages In ken of as the "Raisin" tomatoes. This can (hscure the fact that the victhe best brand of Twine known as the southern states are high, ranging species is a South American variety, tory has been one of superior quality from 85 In Mlssisslni)! to 98 in Texas, and Is found growing wild in both Brarather tlun mere fhpann nt nri.Q If'fl Tag Plymouth Kial is the kind and In the minor states, New Jersey, zil and Peru. known and for Although there is an assuring that prospect we have some purchased and sold almost extime, comparatively little use has iue large importations of this season Unaware, Maryland and Virginia, Irom no 3t iin iew jersey to 102 in Maryland. been made of them, except for pickles, nave opeaed a riermanent mnri.-e- t for the past ten years; and clusively iv" An reported In "iericaE apples in Germany. April the worst injuries preserves, and for ornamentation. is It that during period more than one hun L. escuientum Is the from freezing and deficient snow in Ilspecies from mererore worth while tn dred carloads which have been brought into toDR. Q. W. SHORES. our commercial tomatoes ot eklnf come. the mistakes that have been made by linois, though the bordering states, htip tutitring mankind, alw&ys trying Is It also to have to thought in Utah and convince originated Missouri lie Idaho. certain exporters In our country and people that Wisconsin, Iowa and glvea value received tor every dollar paid him. haa por tsevere winter Injury, and states rem, although it has been found In point out the additional JJI K We now haveen route a deoldtd to five quckery, fraud and ltUl,(WUO consignment lta death blow, ajid protect the bordering these, Ohio, Michigan, Ne- other countries, as In Mexico and Cal that will be necessary to give the trade of this superior Twine and we otter it utterlnc classes from the despicable braska, and Kansas, show reduced con- nornia, In a form similar to the cherry Maoiuty md lift it above the character method i of qock. and charlatan, fiver? tomato. dition figures. Over the country elsea i vi l i vrin f f a periodic and more or less uncertain to the public under the following- guarHistory of Growth. While the toma speculation. Taking into account the antee: where the condition la unusually good, MAN to was known in Europe as far back n being practically normal east of the magnitude of the importations and the "For every ball of IMj motli Ketl HOOD and quite high also on the 1CC1, but four varieties were found in fact that most of the fruit had been England In 1819. In these earlv dav gathered, barreled and sold in the Pacific slope. Winter rye has lost nearTwine bearing-ouf,mdliJ Tag Varloor,,. brand returnHjrdrocele, prinit was grown mainly for ornament. cipal American Stricture, maB ly one point since last month, its avertrt'.t,0on0TTtoo' markets without any ed to our premises fAk old ajre (free of charge), Salt a age for May being 88 per cent, against Prof. Munson finds that the fruit was special preparation for export, it must whether oaueed by Ijnoranc, diseoee. ox 88.9 for the same date in A mil. eonta-JCicaa conceded that it has arrived for the Lake City, and proving- defective, we The first Introduced into this countrv nt . . no maeto Philadelphia by a French refugee from most part In fairly good coneult DH Ci. Vr. percentage of New York is 97; Pennsyl'thVolw.!8H0RB8. condition, at will give two balls of new Twine iu hU 11,9 td eLni dlhMc ClVn vania, 93; Michigan, 90; Illinois, 70; sr. Domingo, Jn 1,'JS; and again by an least until the latter part of the g . urt , mm k return." Italian painter, Come, at Salem, Mass., season. But since the middle of vieed. treated and cured without ,WlBcons!n, 74; Minnesota, 91; Iewa, 83; parUnr "B the cur, le edeotel Will others? Kansas, 90; Nebraska, 93; California, about 1802. The beginning of general December a number of shinmenta hav fhe f,.dollr reserve, the culture of the tomato however, rlrht, 91. for in to market Is arrived a wretched state the The average condition of winter r.fug, any Incurable cae- -f he ceuv'i apples Supply depots Idaho Falls and barley la 96.4 per cent, against 89.2 in placed at about 18H0. From this time so rotten and crushed as to be wholly Idaho, Such an offer w- - never before made Logan, Ogden, American up to the present, the evolution of the uusdiaDie by :IS96, and 94 in 1895. The lowest condil orlc, Spanish a reponaihl phveician, for except and Pr. O W manufacturing Fork, and Xephi Manti, tions are In Indiana. Illinois and Mich- tomato has been steady. From the purposes, and then at a serioiu loss to Utah. he poaltlvely cure these dlaeaeea. Don't ne importers. The agrarian nress ev COO VE RAT I VE V A G OX igan, and the highest in Oregon, Cali- flat, rough, and angular tomatoes, beaucent on aueaiionable r, tiful, round, but eoneiilt ttie "Old Doctor" and er regular fruits have been & MACIUXK CO. fornia, and Iowa, the latter state showready to and flaws in imported food rrrtSSLUS1-VES- a SACRED LT CON- The Paragon variety was products, has not failed to GEO. T. ODKLL, General ing 100, or a full crop condition. The developed. Manager, point out average condition of spring pasture is the first to be so developed. Since and make the most of these ileferto in Utah and Idaho. Dr. Q. W. SHORES, then other superior varieties have come Austria tte 4, against 93.2 a year ago, and that Agents Walter A. Wood and Chamem- Lock Box 1685, newspapers declare the One and would think further imgone. of meadows 93.4, against 91.8 in 1S96, pion Machinery. General orlices Salt f, "undated Lake City, Utah. Salt with American ap,ei In Great Lake City. the wet spring having been favorable provement almost an impossibility, but ples." Britain f!,inHi!n and WHO e HIIK the advancement of the next American (iuvcriitn.-iitI 1I 11 TYI Ci Jl particularly in the regions of deficient doubtless apples "were received in FTHOK the In The 1 111 Author ten will be as mhnn years Appeared. great, if not great- auantitiesas to become a rime in th rainfall. The percentage of spring Talent jinn Pinion Att'y, ni l V Crisslp- -l hear that Scrawl had to than that of the last decade. a prompt reply. market." The' Bradford Observer Juiiiku,Ii.C.,i1ipv will Plowing finished May 1 is 61.9, the usu- er, make a speech at the flm says of American presentaal percentage being 78. Only the exTJi Prtvt anapples: "The season to tion of his play last w pfi rr night. What did Dp treme northern and southern states Knglinh rntlla Imporli. uaie win tie memorable and one of bit he Hook mm fife, cr' xperinf. say? I'. O. Hoi 766. OMAHA. NKB. 111671 The value of live animals imnnrt.t ter experience to most tMV show the customary proportion. EveryTh t.i0n Dale He said if the where else delay resulted from the late for food by Great Britain the past three deus receipts have completely dwarfed not tear UN" W" No- Salt Lake up the seata they could have '897 season and heavy rains. The reports months was $11,500,000. as comnrrt any previous record, being 1.15? 791 usu iwcnn flavenwemeutj Kindly uieir money back. rrom Lurope are geuerally favorable sb wun xiz.tjuu.uuo Lite same last vear .Tiention iuih Paper. iei3, aflunst 279,036 barrels for the sane period last year. The me conajuon or crops, but in Fnnice Of the 122.249 head of eaffto Imnnri previous mere is a reduced area under wheat, the United States furnished 100,958, the was m 1891, when 596,-aad the cron is exnected to fall short Argentine Republic 16.756. and Canada barrels were received of last year's at least 16,000,000 bussh- - 4,166. We sent 8,500 cattle less than ures refer to Liverpool alone, and usu- eia. in Part of Prussia the spring last year, Argentina sent C,250 less, itiiy represent the bulk nf m,. ce The most coinp.ete line ia the West. Send for special catalogue and priced to Great Britain hnt thi t L sowings have been retarded by rain. wnue Canada sent 1,260 more, uv ont ments , t VI The Ticeroy of India telegraphs that only 53,051 sheep slightly more than tue case 10 tne same extent this year Base Ball Goods i ".u.o win De no wheat for exportation naif tne number exported last rear- the as the total receipts are over 2 200 000 Fishing Tackle That Catclws Of evcey description irwoi mat country this year. Argentine 82,189, against 96,915, and barrels. London, which previously was always in ,l0t.k. F,shThe Canada 2,588, against 3.643 last vear twiuuamiivejy an insignificant receivNotee on Tomato Itreedlur ine value or the dead meat lmDorted er has had nearly 500,000 barrels,vvhil We are "-- -2. Klnds. was $36,000,000, and but $115,000 over uiasgow nas taken about ar,K n (F Wm. Rane In Bulletin of N. II. Lo the same time last year. Fresh hepf rds, and shipments have been Experiment StatlonA made There Is probably no plant we have Imports were 629,342 cwt., and fresh to other ports where it was th,. uiucn literature upon, and that has mutton b9,l4- -' cwt an Increase of possible an outlet might be found The Jieen studied bo thoroughly from the 9.000 cwt. of beef, but a decrease of 40,- - Liverpool figures are, of course imNO QGDEN, UTMM. standpoint of plant breeding, as the to- ouu cwt. of mutton. Great Britain's mensely over aDy other port, and repmato. This Is doubtless duo to the fact exportation of live stock is practically resent, from the 1st of Sentemher tn that it is easily grown, commonly used. all lor breeding purposes. Ex. the 31st of December, a supply 0f over uu oners exceptionally good ana barrels daily. The lareest wn. in 9,000 oppor Clover. The medium red clover win the week eaded October tunity ror study. 24,when 107,782 The tomato plant Is quickly grow as large as la profitable for feed- barrels arrived, and the If sown on rich land. The mam. uie moma Was over 12.000supply during ble to careful selection, and it issusceptiharrel Hnl by thl3 ing M0SDMESTS and HBADST05B3 that value Is given to cross results. moth or pea vine clover, as it Is nftpn !' The previous lareest trtoi imnt wnettier natural or mechanical called, grows too coarse for feeding, recoraea was in 1891-9when In selecting tomato seed It has been and it is besides so hard to cure that barrels were received ho thnt 1,450,000 .IN, it. n, demonstrated that the plant as a whole much of it turns dark before it can be first half of this season the imnnrta tn im more neredltary influence than the put in barn or stack. But for nlowl ro Oreat Britain flrC UQ XfPSH Ct river cnaracter or tue Individual fruit under the mammoth clover is best. It 500,000 barrels over the total Imports Repeated experiments h Ave fihnwn Is also a much surer seeder than la th of any other previous entire season." th.U nothing Is gained by medium clover, though this denends in Consular reports agree that to k een thA selecting irm nrst ripe fruit, regardless part on the number of bumble bees markets of the world the American n me cnaracter of the plant from which which needs to be prettv larce with apple grower must be more rarpfni in the mammoth variety, as it seeds with packing. iuey come. When new varieties are desired the first growth. In order to have m, through crossing, the foregoing applies clover seed ripen the mammoth clm-eThe Km rm Wood T.ot. I was Burorised at the little nntr Is usually cut later, and often after the equally to each parent. The Lake CiK ?EpmTB. TH.B form and persistent the taken of the woodland in the recent . parent, the vines have fallen on the croim.i greater is the chance that its charac that much both of the clover and seed discussion of the farm, writes F. Fiske In Grange Homes. I would WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS. Is wasted. leruucs win lie transmitted No matter how careful! When the desired varlotv la the mammoth clover is cut. enough noi expect to find 500 acres of wood alized, it is kept only by constant at seed is spilled upon the ground to in one body In Massachusetts that did SCOTT, JAS. Gl.KNniXXIW,. tention to selection. It Is doubtless make a good deal of clover rnm in not contain a variety of thrifty, valu- CEO. M. l'residcnt. IIS. HLWLFIELD. and Treas. chiefly due to carelessness In selection whenever in later jears the land is able trees; thrifty because of the sur-IvSecretary mat our varieties 0f tomatoes as a plowed. Lx. of the fittest of nature's plant-i- r wnoie are so comparatively short unthrifty it may be because ot lived. Lone Rows. The possible min in the crowding of the less valuable Tillage, fertilization, and other treat- time of cultivation due to growth, The annual yield of such a ment of plants have their effect of rows 18 greater than any act might be COO cords, to remove sup upon enlng (IXCOIll'OKATED.) whii.hu oreejuiK. Poor soil and in- - pose who rnne not tested the matter. which wouiti require much labor. To remove it so the, crowth left would F'imri.it cultivation tend to pervert 15y the watch I find that when m- n um vartetr, eighty rods long an acre I.s cultivated "ich yer-- he more valuable would or the time In skille, labor. quality evidently h.n n It would require hi required bea Rfnerally taken into consideration for cultivating in rows thirty rods long. in overseer vho knows the comparaop to tne present time In breeding the Long rows make work easier for im,,,' tive value of trees, skilled labor to fall t m.Uo. Experiments at the Cornell and team. It wo would mmnota .tn. .'hem so as not to Injure those remain- New York, station go to show With saw and wedges the forester that the west we must plan for long, narhoim varieties may not be the best row fields instead of the little square i."as a control of the tree that is Impos- Luffalo Scale Company, Detroit Stove Co., ones usually seen. The tilling r sible where the ax alone Is used. There Atlas nepers. Works. Engine John Van 4- Home steel ditches and abandonment of useless 13 "o farm work that will yield the iKxlfre Wooden Hybridizing between th. Uron Ranges. Pulleys. ( oles Air tie and the clustered op run-- ,, fences makes this possible Tight Heaters. owner nmre than will the California powder Works. pleasure luiiin- Horthington Steam Dumps. generally results in producing lty of farms. Experience has taught akllfu'j care of his forest land, and no Celebrated Anchor Brand' Cylinder and Revere liubbcr Co., me that the saving of money due to re- New England farm is Oil, Engine complete withDodge Injectors, A. was Drill fences of moval Howe.UrownCo., trulv not between Tool ttie large or potato- out its woodlot. The annual growth OrV Steel, Leviathan Belting. the gain from cultivation of should be reckoned In the account as lrtAfe.1 v UJ eoiumon-iearevarieties Miners' Tnnk .Qtnvc n Intermedlnto f.n- and the snln In ramdltv of ri)tttD,i fll?v',' l ..iu ma tue crops vi grain, nay or are rows where Ions, amount ssem in fruit. the agTh4 red pieties But are the skilled forest- Aud a General Assortment the to a nice sum of money a sum ers that there . ......n thai iuuir toonhave of Mill Findings! can be hired for such care or me Off- - gregate (Xiw- -r in niiv,' would Increase that materially Incomes oversight? spring of erossoV wlth other colors. VarUtlei of touiX'oej mix very rfad- - for thousands If the plan suggested abundant ppl crop Is promised tf we may taller tfcs IB Mil JF. : nREBODSE 125 V SCOU predlctons. SOOTH 1.1 M.'Z points; SI. 4 against month, and meri(.aD apples upon German call-1B- B Ty-ro- 1- ' eseu-lentti- 8- MEN -'; NOT ONE DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU A CURED w , LOST r ot'n Prt-At- ure t"1 v. - n. ship-Pin- . Mont-pelie- r, ,'. doo-'o- WRITE s- . si'e'. - J .b Fire Works and Flags ! t'w, 11 1 - BROWNING BROS. RUaC MsNelr """iuuina Sons Company, 2, Marble and Mantles, Q-ranit- e, G-rate- s, etc. r Salt D Guu-acr- o - nt al Geoo Me 1 1 - re-lui- re three-fourth- s . fence-row- d us-jAl- lr . Scott & Co Importers nnd Deolers Barand Sheet Iron, Steel Ripo aui:xts fok s' Ti'n,i. IM . MdUmMi |