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Show rr JN EAGLE. SILVER CONVENTION. iilier Iit)ulIWii Jlwi In Chlrajo ami AHopt ltrmilutloli. Cleveland, ,lhio, Cunningham, ,he Forgery. ESCAPED jj,''Vofortrytngtu v' , "J wa ar- - FROM THE PEN. Frank Hamilton ;ai Freedom by BERNARD'S 11 Cunning. resteJ,everallI1()I,ti, put a toy ,heck Salt Lake City, June one of the youngest A' 1Iamj1' who, at th signature 0f Judfftt the same time, i as the UTAH. of the Court the of is ton, now ou trial j,, provisional committee hardest inmate 1S pt,niu.u. common National Nilver Republican party, pleas. The defvrt P'''a. nary, hp rrfir.K it is ... rr.,1.,.., . Vu beinjr escai which met in executive session at the tl.nt. he is inun.. ),;. comiit i a NEWS. 1 UTAH h e a 1 er con t n i n g H am- Ine to an injury receive Iceland hotel. ?.Tous were immediately thrown fiora a horse in Resides the committeemen "f the ' olorado. To sent outidiotoirraph. , ,, in the hope that he might be "rank Pctt of Brighatu City sheared i.rove ineir ineorv thev 1... i i states represented over a ' nt sent to a hospital where 01 head of sheep in one day recently, dred silver Republican v r, y.-hi... U,n was intercepted, The escajx was a daring one) and cammed The s,-uand Lars Larsen, also of Brighara Uty, from all parts of the country. h;u, t(.st;fieJ .Amust have been cunningly planned. sheared 1'JS sheep in one day. that he believed Cunningham states represented were Alabama, insane, One of the Connectiand persons with whom the regular trusties was sick, The Union Pacific Coal company has rkansas, California, Colorado, prisoner and another prisoner was detailed tc made a cut of 50 cents per ton on lump cut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois.Indiana, had had dealings corroborated that of the tasks of the Witnesses will be pro- take his place, One oal, which was promptly met by the Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, testimony. to carry out a gigantic bos Diamond Coal and Coke company. Massachusetts, .Michigan. Missouri, duced by the prosecution to prove that trusty was and dump it outside of the New Cunningham was sentenced to state of ashes The .ego Lilly, Utah's state flower, is Minnesota, Montana, .Nebraska, wall, much in evidence now. There Jersey, New York, North Dakota, prison in New York for a similar crime The names of the men who carried PennsylvaOhio," before he ever went to Colorado. Oklahoma, Oregon, never has been a year in the history of Merrill. The trial promises to be very inter- out the box are Kennedy and the state when they were so plentiful nia, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, had box ash Some time the after Virbig Wisconsin, Wyoming and West esting. or beautiful. been dumped, Hamilton was missed, Tb Woman Winn. George Murphy one of the oldest ginia. and a general escape alarm was then After perfecting organization and citizens of Round Valley, Rich county, e 0. Mrs. given. Anderson, Indiana, June in unrep-resdied last week, lie was 56 years of ape providing for organization A search about the grounds revealed Harriet Wilkif, of El wood has been resoluthe nted following states, and nettled in Round Valley twenty tfce county circuit and suadmitted to nothing but Hamilton's convict cap, tions were passed: ears ago. over of lying on the ash dump, and the warden court the tors, j protest Resolved, That the Silver Republican perior at once concluded that Hamilton had The state lard board has approved of who Bceles this Join city, of the United States favors the Attorney party board The lands. been carried out in the box. some selections of immediate establishment of bimetal-is- protested on ihe point of constitutionLas decided that hereafter land worth of the action ality. The Ogden Gateway Controversy. by the independent less than S1.25 per acre will not be se- United States The case ha been under advisement the free coinage through Omaha, June 8. Results of the openlected, as it would be of practically no of both silver and gold at the ratio of for same days, and this ruling is very ing of the Ogden gateway and of the tenetit to the state. 16 to 1, and the clothing of both met important a? a precedent, as this is disruption between the Union Pacific Special Master Loomis of the Utah als equally with every attribute of full the first tiae the question of the and the Oregon Short Line are appearCentral railway and the purchasers of with the right of very debtor legality of t woman practicing law ing in railway circles almost daily. money, the road have reached an agreement as to choose which coin shall be the basis has ever been brought up in the state One of the 1 atest and most important to the amount of cash which is re- of payment; and of Indiana. is the reported purchase and complequired to meet the purchase price. The protest was based on several tion of the Salt Lake & Ogdcn railway of achievement the Resolved, That The auiountagreed upon is $123,609,88. this great object is deemed by us of sections, of which the principal one by the Union Pacific and the Southern William Hobbs, the young man who paramount political importance, and was the requirement of an attorney to Pacific jointly. The Salt Lake & Ogwas accused of trying to extort money shall form the controlling motive of be a voter of good standing. Helen den railway is built and in operation from Hon. Thomas Kearns, the our political action until it is accom- Gougar and other women who are over twenty miles, running from OgPark City mining man, has plished. championing the cause of woman's den to Farmington, seventeen miles Iteen acquitted of the charge in the rights, have been encouraging Mrs. north of Salt Lake City. TROUBLE ANTICIPATED. criminal division of the Third District Wilkie. She argued her own case It is rumored that the Southern Pacourt. Vt splendidly. and ith Warriors White Hull at Large cific aud Union Pacific are negotiating Will Keslst Arrest. Strawberries in Clinton last week Murder In a Court lioom. for the purchase of the Salt Lake & is The box. 1.50 is There Miles crop June f per City, Mont., trought Junction City, Ark., June 9. A Ogden railway. When acquired the looks lueern The this situa in crop Indian the little year. large change very bloody tragedy was enacted here in a road will be built through to Salt Lake well, but the grain is very poor, a great tion. The sheriff will reach the res- Justice court room, in which one man City and the "Overland route" will deal of it won't pay to cut; some of it ervation as soon as possible. It is was murdered. The murdered man have a line into the Utah capital Indela not mo' than three or four Inches generally thought among citizens who was W. J. Coffee of Eldorado, and the pendent of the Oregon Short Line. now Chief White Hull that he will murderer is J. J. Sheppard of the high and all headed out. Does Not Feed Iler War Prisoners. It is said that if rain does not soon not be taken alive. same place. Roth men were lawyers. Havana, Cuba, June 8. Spain holds White Bull and his followers are at come there will not be more than half They were opposing counsel in a trial the rural population of Cuba as prisona grain crop in Cache Valley this sea- largo and three hundred determined before the Justice court. During the ers of war in prison camps. Unlike son. The dry farms in Box Elder coun- men are trying to arrest him. Four progress of the case the attorneys bewhich claims to be nation other recompanies of soldier on hand makes came involved in a dispute and abused any ty are badly in need of rain. The not feed her prisondoes she civilized, of matters very complicated, and a mix each other, shocking profanity being cent showers hardly reached some ers war. of moment. the dry farm regions. up may occur at any used. Coffee picked up a chair and There is no means of learning the Orders have been received by the Karen A. Jensen, a Danish woman Sheppard drew a pistol and ired four exact number of the reconcentrados. from at of Salt Lake, 77 years of age, has been commanding officer Fort Keogh shots in rapid succession into Coffee's An American consul who has made a insane. Mrs. Jenn is a be the war department at Washington to body, killing him almost instantly. . careful study says it is more than a liever in the presence of evil spirits, inform Major Newell, who has charge Sheppard is in the city calaboose and declared during the examination of the troops at Fort Keogh at the res heavy guard to prevent lynchiA Spanish officer reports that there that the physicians were imps. She ervation, not to return to Fort Keogh ng. are more than 150,000 of "those starvuntil further advised from that office. lias been taken to the asylum. A Corrupt Little Rep ubllc. ing country people." The best opinion Calhoun From Cuba. The eldest son of A. J. McCuistion, places the number between 190,000 and London, June 9. The St. Jame's Ga of Provo, a lad about 15 years of age, Washington, June 9. W. J. Calhoun 200,000. undertook to scrutinize the biting ap- who was sent to Cuba by President zette, commenting upon the dispute In not all the places are they hembetween Japan and Hawaii, which it paratus of a rattlesnake. His curios- MeKinley, has arrived here and in by ditches and barb-wir- e med describes as a corrupt little republic ity was rewarded with a sting on the immediately went to the state depart as at Camp Florido, but they fences third finger of the right hand; he has ment, where Judge Day, the assistant run by a handful of American filibus are under military guard. everywhere been nursing a badly swollen and very secretary of state, was awaiting him, ters, says: "As Hawaii has no resistand together they proceeded to the ing power, the question arises will the painful hand, but is recovering. into United States government see its proKRCEGER'S MURDERERS. The railroad line to Deep Creek pro- White house. They were shown Me tege through its trouble? The JapanPresident where the cabinet room, posed by George Q. Caunon and his Think They Hav the to Mr. ese may land an armed party at any The roller of Butte associates is by far the best Deep Creek Kinley and Judge Day listened Ktght Men in Custody. of the situation moment. Then what will the Philaproposition vet made public. Should Calhoun's description Butte, Mont., June 8. Complaint w and to the delphia do? Japan, since she smashed island in the has been filed by the police charging negotiations now perding be success the Chinese is believed to be spoiling conclusions reached by him. Frank Moody and Thomas Freaney fully carried out, the railroad situainterview for a fight with a white power, and she Judge Day declined to be tion would le considerably changed, with the murder of William Kroeger. conference may find America ready to oblige her and the Short Line would gain two im ed on the subject of the Kroeger and his brother Henry were further than to say it was very inter- sooner than she expects." held portant feeders. up by two highwaymen on the esting. Mr. Calhoun, likewise, prefer-no- t Allen I.alxtr Bill. The Canadian took Lake Salt of Johns night of May 23th last. William ofCity Henry to talk of the interview further fered resistance and was shot, dying a 9. a lot of chloroform with suicidal in The house June of Ottawa, Ont., than to say that he had reported to commons has passed the alien labor few hours later. Moody and Freaney tent, which only made him sick, and the president what he had seen and bill. The bill is a he begged the attending physician "to of the have been under arrest since a few heard. let him down to earth once more with American bill, with two exceptions. In days after the murder. The police say Cuban Talk In Washington. an appetite, and he would not attempt the first place, while the American law they have enough evidence to hang Washington, June 9. There was a can be put in force by a custom house both men. suicide again." revival of Cuban talk about the senate official, the Canadian act can Krorger's murder was what led to the Allen Russell of Loa was caught only be on account of the return of Mr. Cal enforced by the attorney general of the organization of a citizens' committee while catching fish for a "sick wife" The Republican senators, some dominion or In Fish lake. Upon examination the houn. somebody whom he au- and the driving out of town of all idle of them members of the foreign rela and suspicious characters. thorizes to do so. o flicer discovered that he had enough there is no that tions committee, say In the second place, the net only apfor ten "sick women" and took the Attacked by Tramps. doubt that the president will take ac to the United States, as already fish and disposed of them Recording to plies Mr. is as Calhoun's Helena, Mont, June 8. Charles W. tion as soon report said. The act will never be put in law and placed Russell under arrest. a brakeman on the Montana information Collins, No was definite received. force, butbe a measure of gettingsome Provo has a perpetual motion phi was attacked by tramps at of attitude Central, the given concerning the satisfactory arrangement with the losonher who declares that he has senaof the Big Sandy and thrown under the impression president, but United States. wheels of a moving train, one of his (.battered all theories that friction is tors from such reports as they have anus being cut off. It was the work antagonistic to continuity of motion heard, was that there should be a Powder Factory Struck by Lightning. and P. P. Rathkey says he can pro change from the present negative pol of tramps driven out of Butte by vigiMuncie, Ind., J"ne 9. Lightning lantes, and other duce a machine simple in construction organizations of vigicy and the adoption of a definite line struck a powder factory situated about ilantes are but the paragou of perfection, which of action with a view to eudeavoring being formed at Benton and will when once set to work coutinue to secure a settlement of the present three miles from Rosenheim, explod- Great Falls as a protection against ing 11,000 pounds of powder. The toughs Virginia City has also on until the crack of doom without the unfortunate state of affairs in Cuba. organdoors of houses at Rosenheim and ized a branch, and the aid of steam, electricity or any other e vigiNot Dead. Schlatter about amileanda lante days of 1S04 are force. The machin" is constructed on rerapiply being 9. A June who man torn from Cleveland, O., half from Rosenheim were a plane, slightly elevated in the cen vived again. he is Francis Schlatter, their were uprooted; hinges, big trees ter, upon which aro set rolling balls declares that A Sensation In the DaTli Will Case. who was reported and eleven houses were shattered. But healer the alleged W'hlch evolve power by their increased to in of death force the starved San to have fearful Mexico, in flpite of the Francisco, June 8. A sensation distance from the center and are rcgu been has Cleveland. With in lost. him is arrived were sprung by counsel for the has no lives latod by a pendulum. contestants in the Davis will case. a man named Holland Berger of New colonists from Fairfield Twenty-siIt was shown that the ashes of the ToUoned by Mice. York, who' says they intend to 111., have come to Utah for "J pur Jerome deceased millionaire, over whose propopen an institute in this city. It is Owensboro, Ky., June in of its fertile his heirs are now wrangling, are valleys difficult to prove or disprove the claim pose settling Smeathers, his wife and seven children erty and establishing their homes for the of the alleged healer, becauso if he is were poisoned at Yelvington with par-i- s being held by Undertaker Schuyler of future. Some of them will enter buai Schlatter he has shaved his beard enon a shelf Philadelphia as security for the sum green. The poison was ness in Salt Lake citv, while others the contents of SS00, the value of the casket in off, but there is certainly a will go to Mount Nebo to take up resi tirely resemblance between his fea and mice cut the paper, water below. which the remains reposed before ben strong sifting into a bucket of dence. All of these persons are in tures and some of the published pic One child is reported dead, two dying, ing cremated, as well as for the pro comfortable circumstances, who have ccas of embalming. tares of Schlatter. and possibly none will recover. brought with them adequate bank ao counts for investment in this state, wuxuuoi. states Chicago, Jur.e 5. Thirty-twHere represent ted at the tirst meeting o tT' 1 ,!r . 1 o; "' - '!'' tiri Mrs- - MURDERER Bernard Arrest4 hi uA A.6uiUt of "Anal Cunningham. Sundance, Wyoming, June 8. Deputy Sheriff W. B. Livermore of N. D., arrived here with "An. who ou nie" Cunningham, the cowt-and killed fchot last K November of thii Bernard Edward ranchman count j. Mr. Livermore was paid $3.".d, the amount of the reward offered by by the county commissioners and Shen iff Armstrong for Cunningham's capture. Mrs. Bernard, w ife of Cunningham's victim, was brought to town Friday and placed under arrest, charged with complicity in her husIt is band's killing by Cunningham. authorities that the county alleged by one of Bernard's sons, now at large, was also implicated in the killing, which was the result of a conspiracy between Cunningham, who was Mrs. Bernard's lover, and the rest of the family to get the husband and father out of the way. The trial of the accused, which will take place at the fall term of the District court, promises to be one of the most sensational ever held here. Bis-mare- y m well-know- n 250,-000- un-der- ' fac-simi- -- Blames the Powers. Havana, June 8. El Commercio in a h leading article on the blames the war, ICuropean jingoes for not having arranged the matter diplomatically so as to avert bloodshed. It compares King George with Mr. Cleveland and President MeKinley, "peaceably disposed generally, but lacking the power to maintain a conservative d policy and to stifle a popular demand." The article continues: "A more bellicose attitude may probably plunge the United States into a horrible war, in which old Spain, like Turkey, will surely have the official sympathy and moral support of the ruling diplomatists of Europe. Young Greece's defeat and humiliation should be a warning to American jingoes." Greco-Turkis- rattle-heade- Gage's Fi naneial Measure. June 8. Secretary preparing a financial measure to be submitted to congress next winter. In pursuance to this plan he has sent out a letter to 200 leading bankers and merchants, invitingsuggestions for placing the currency on a sound Washington, Gage is basis. In outline the scheme will embrace the gradual retirement of the greenbacks and the substitution of national bank notes therefor; allowing national banks to issue to full limit instead of ninety per cent as now; reducing the tax on national bank circulation of 1 per from 1 percent to cent; limiting the denominations of bank notes and all other paper money to $10, and substituting silver for all bvlow $10. one-fourt- h er Than Ever. Cattle Shipment Nenver, June 8. The shipment of feeders from the cattle ranges of and Utah to this point for delivery in Wyoming and Nebraska has been larger than at any period during the history of the business. Three thousand head were received at the yards in one day from these points. Several smaller shipments have been received and more are to come. The demand for Utah stock has grown to such proportions that G. W. Ballentine who is manager of the Union stockyards, left last night for a ten days' tour of Utah in search of feeders as well as beef cattle. e Ore-gon- Escaped From the Marshal's Office. Kansas City, Mo., June 8. Prentice Teller, alias Charles II. Price, the no. torious express robber and forger, who was released from the Michigan penitentiary last week and immediately arrested, charged with the robbery of the mail sacks at St. Joseph, Mo., escaped from the United States MarTelshal's office here this afternoon. ler was in the custody of Deputy Marshal Chris Madsen, who was in the room with his prisoner at the time of his escape. While Madscn's back wns turned Teller noiselessly opened the door and walked out and escaped among the crowds on the street. old-tim- Stephans-Kirche- n, x L 9- - Americans and Spaniards. Mexico City, June 8. A conflict has occurred at Vera Cruz between twenty marinea of the Spanish gunboat "Nue-vEspana," and Joseph Lang and Charles Holbrook of Texas, and about a score of Mexicans who sympathized with the Americans. The Texas men nsed their knives and the marines their bayonets. The Mexicans were not all armed, but they rendered effective assistance to the Americans. The trouble was ended only by the ppcarance of a large force of police and a company of 100 soldioi, ordered ut by the authorities. a |