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Show J ML TtuitiELE Ac cident. It is a accident to be burned or 'pcaldod; but tho pain and agony 1 'and frightful disfigurements can be quickly overcome without leaving every Sat ur Jay, Ly a hear by Uhing J)e Witt'a Witch Co. rican Eagle Tub. Hazel Salve,. Murray Pharmacy, Dr. VV. E. Ferrebee, Prop. (IBHCKH'TION; ter-irib- ; can Eagle. mi . !.w,r ' "yB"'.- - to annouuee to the people of Salt Lake t couiitv that lie ba.s oTened au . i $1.50; ADVKKTISIMJ KATES Local In business column 5 ccnta per Hue ct Jnertl(u. Ju New rolumn ) cents tlrst Insertion, 5 centti each BiiUequeitt luer-tiOAll advertisements inunt Le nettled for at the end of every month. Any jierou wishing tteir advertisement discontinued muni rive notice to that effect, otherwise it will appear in the subn'iquent isnues of the paper, and be ckarired for accordingly. filtered at the Murray oni-eia- Pofit Office as Sec- - maiier. aa RUN-A-WA- Election of ofllcera, x W. B. Johnson, Newark, Ohio nays, ''One Minute Cough Cure paved my only child from dying by croup. It has saved thousands or others suH'ering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles.Murray Pharmacy, W. E. Ferre- bo, 1 rop. unlt. Tho Republican Senators greatly disappointed the Democrats by de cidiug to vote as a unit upon all questions affecting tho tariff, sottl- mg their diflerences in private. This was a good decision in other wiys too. It places tho shaping of amendments in tho handa of a majority of Republican Senators. Senator Piatt,' of New York; 8pooner,of Wisconsin, and Perkins, of Calitorma, have been chosen, by Senator Allison, chairman of the Rermblieau caucus, to act with the Republican members of the Finance Committee as a steering committee to decide for or against each proposed amendment to the tariff bill. Senators who are dissatisfied with the decisions of the steering committee may nppenl to a Repub lican caucus, being unerstood that they will vote as t tie (mucus may decide. Not only will this program make a better tariff bill but it will materially lesson the tariff debate. IiODulillcang will ARB jBV3R UNDERSOLD. Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Pali! ior Wheat- 3Wtla! St., Salt &sk of High Grade Manufactureres BitfSHEs, SroxoKS, Etc. VINEGARS. Tkescriptioxs Carefully Compounded Use nothing but Utah Br A FmsT.Cus PiiAitsiloiiT. Strictly a Home Concern ?p--Y- Products Patronage Solicited, our H-Atwood.l Factory at Murray. Dealer D. C. Atwood Murray Bakery, B. Y.RANDALL. Prop- - Weddings. pm-v- Szv ,v t1, Agent. i fash-ionabl- Axx E. Boyce DKESS-MAKER- o S. has All Kinds of Fashionable r, Dress- - Cents. nalins weak We,t. Aildrut'tfiiitii First Boor Si'at'i of GASH EZITT ( Stora, Stale Street, Murray $2,100 ,.0iC b Ksst. E2FFER INVENTOR'S ASSISTANT llen.TSEea, toys, riris aai miy U ycutt. wlU you fn i.u&i;ifio) to tta TZZZ to aUjss Cia jet ti:;i try birl tcri: I Vr'.o Boweln M'lth Cuscat'eta. KdurnteTonr Cnmly Csithartle. enrp tt.nst !p:itioti Wo. 'JOr It C. C.C. forever. full, dnH'K'sts refund money. MA.NGLBS KOK C3M!LY AND HOTEL USE. a3 ordinary fumllv lrouina ran be done on the "li.cixE" Jlanslo in twenty minutes, rlihoul heat or f"1'1KO FUEL. NO HZAT. NO SCORCH1HC. Trices wltliin the m i.wti iii six Ktvleand teu slos. for s," etc Every Mo ncl 8 Cuaranteed. An - . ior ne.y illustrated Calalonue, ttnn priv. TKI RACINE MAKCLE CO., Racine, Wlo. t-- sij-n- I I - AHDV CATI14PT1C Harness Shop r Willaed Jarhell Mrs. . d tobacco lavbit euro, . t'.nod a Y ADIES! 'jliMURRAYM1 Making and Plain Sewing in the rooms between Sanddone. er's store and butcher shop ilvfc neatly and promptly and respectfully solicits the Tho Latest Modos at cur Parlors public patronage. nicu Always on Hand. Far-tb'f-t, located in for Liquors, Cigars, Carfson & Birch. at 8:30 a." m. and arrives at destination 1O:S0 a. m. Leaves Wasatch 4:30 p. ni, and arrives at Murray at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. LouUit Kn owl den .o i5" Leaves Murray Miss Dress-make- 8- SKLSCTEB- - of - Wine js, B6T 4 4 Family Trade DAILY SERVICE: Three doors South of Post Office Practical Cutter and 4 xr-' Given to Grantor have estab- & CAREFCT, i stock: Attention Faro For Round Trip $1.50 of the I'ubllc for Birthdays, Etc. Uio Wants -- lished a Stage Line between Murray and Wasatch. ' Fresh Broad, "' Duns, Jie, Cke, Etc., Dally. LUNCH STAND Hot and Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake ioct. Lunches put up for travelers. Caters to Q WASATCH C.A.SSOW&CO.i Orr. Potent Office, Washington. aloon& Billiard Hal Staga to sent free. Address, The Home of Utah. vizmiTSmmfiACriwi(. UtVtLAffD, OHIO. in Ruuning Order, and Wo ara doing our best to .SSill M URRAK. UT- - J? Taylorsville Boiler TJZilh coj;(j's Boiler 2&ills, Wasatch Boiler S&ills Pioneer Patent Boiler 2&Uls and Salt Lake and Elevator es,Brusliefj,PlasterHair, Taper, Etc., Combination Fence. Utah Murray SaJt Lake Co., obtained and all PatCavrats, and Tradc-M;ir- as ent business conducted for Moderatc Fits. Our Orricc isoppositc U S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or pHoto., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries Cn;irr i.'.;ei II. C. ATWOOD, Block East from William's Corner, ings, Lath, Shingles, Guilder's Hardware.Paints, Oil,Yarnisli- -' It Hartford or r i Coal, Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mould . Phconix, I jQuotes prices equal to any inSaltl.ake.CiiyJ Chejiicals, Toilkt Auticle.?, Fa.nct 8oaps, Coxbs, Perfcmbiit, thine to ix.tt'iit? Protect your Idcns; ther may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WWJPEKutIRN CO., Patent Attor-nv- , WaHhlnRtoii, 1). (!., for their Cil.W priie offer aail ant ot twu bunUred lureutloua wanted. Don't neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may Mrs. Knowldpu learnrxl hor trade In England dcvelope into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minutu Cough hv-U- S VldUUU, $., ttHV 0KSlly lllilllt,s Cure. Murray pharmacy, W. E. Samli' .'S v AilitrH-- witli Htnuip. NUViaiY 1'b.UKC.Mf: CO.. Ci.rjo, Kn. Ferrebee, Prop. InThe" Si. Medicines, W?mi Sf Toilot iLriiclQS, Etc. W, iio:n-- wide. Miller's Boiler Tills . - CORRESPONDENCE, imuoruica ana -,- ,LOi-i'iA, Comoariyy PHOPHIETORS OF Drugs and ir 3 Milling Murray Pharmacy SEMI-WnWKT- V A j CIT Inter-M- o C7 "AAAAift 1 rrOne Liquors & Court Commercial 8124 A. 0. F., Murray, sleeted the following oli A ifl A fr. A ft ? cers on the 10th inst: OIJT YOlK MOWKT'S WOUTIfi Chief Hanger, B. Y, Randall; SALT LAKE HERALD Bub Chief Kanger, C. F. Durand; J V. I. Bishop; Treasurer, BIJ4et, Brightest and Seat. Recording Secretary, J. L. Jones; DAILY JlO.flO annum, or 85c fer month. Financial Secretary, James Arnold; Only Senior Woodward, 0. F. Jacobsen; par year, or 73a for 6 months. Junior Woodward, Ben Hill; Subwlbe throug-- local agent or enl direct to fen ior Beadle, D. H. Mortin; TUB IlFUtAMl CM)., Junior Beadle, Svvartz Carlson; Salt Lake City, Utah Trustees: Jonh Birch, Joe Haywood and Fred Carlson; C mrt Physician, W E. Ferrrebee; can think ot some dimple Wanted-- An Organist, John Coodall, Idea Who Insure Your Business TO GET A DRbXK BEFORE tii - i fefj in 1800, the excellent service given GOIXG T0SALT LAKE. by tho L'nion Pacific, wa3 commented on by all those who had the pleasure of using that line. This year our educational friends to meet 9th, in Milwakee, Wis., July Cth and members of the Association from points west of the and others . . . 11 i Missouri Kiver,tmouiu Dy an means take the Union Pacific. The service on the Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is the very best. The equipment consists O. S. OLSEN Proprietor. of handsome Dav coaches, Chair and Buffet Pullman Drawing cars, State Strekt, . MURK AY, UTAH lnom Sleeners. Dininer cars. Buffet, Smoking and Library cars. Fewer changes than via any ottier line. One fare. rlu3 S2.5o for the round trip will be the rate from all points west ot the Missouri itiver ior mis Dr. W. E. Brrebes, Prop. meeting. For illustrated matter, folders. etc., call on your nearest agent or address R L. LOMAX. & Cen. Pass. Tkt. Agt. Omaha,Neb - And is riroiiared to furi'ish a full line of h CASKi:TS,Wood .uulCloth covered k JU Cigers Y. (Concluded from page ono.) The races will consist of a 2.25 pace find trot, a 2.35 pace and trot and a mile running race and repeat. There will be other attractions including a match game of baseball between tho Fort Douglas and Park City crack ninea, The- s i Six Months, fl.00; Three Meeting, National Educational Months. 75 cents. tho meeting of the National For All Fuliseriptions strictly in Advance. EducationalAesociation at Buffalo, Year, F. Mq&Mm Sftfe !J. le RACINE CAS ENGIIrE Uses Gasoline, Natural Gus or Mnnuficturod Ous. Accommodate Our Many Customers. 10 25 A. White 'yrrrrrTZ 50 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED &Wm!&m&&' &?Z fitted vltl both Hot Tube end Eiectrlo Buttory. A At!. t RCUG6ISTS ct. r :; Ska' re used for I'umplnir Water, OrinJInc Food and .ill Farm PurwsoK; niso Grain Klevaturn. Mnehlno Miops. etv. 1 ho most Simple, Bell..Me nrvl Kfnriom. t.as Kiirme on t lie market. Send 2 ceat sUitn u for catalogue and prices to RACINE HARDWARE CO.,. Racine, Wis; |