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Show J IHIPS. J The jo ice court butintss has revived. re-vived. Serm-idts vcre b.iig indulged iu last nifet.r. The Ret flirt- rtj-'Ut? uvcr a rich strike in ihe Siormi nt. Mr. Dwyer has tne June numtvr of Peterson's Ladies' Mtyz-nr. There i? a me--ge -1 the Wpj-t-rn ; Union Tt-it-graph cine lor Mr. E j Burri.v.?. I Tbe grcl public txpra a dteire i thai Mers Croxall M'..i,id revive his brass OAud. Harry G. Wright is nb! to ik ! around iu bis room, and nii toon t? able to be on Ihe strcit. The midnight warbler "la nou bodour" strikes bis light guitar and tings, if his htarers die for il. A large number of miners are now pnwptitiug iu Ml. Bhiy and Ooio I dittrics. Rich ere has been found, but only in ftnall bodies. A roup'e cf bey si, Williams and Smith, bad a bt-ariug, st&trrdav, for honu cte.tliug; but the exaiuiuution was continued uuiil to day. Tbe iocse cow business has assumed a practical form. Three persons were yesterday ar.osted and tried for allowing allow-ing ihtir cows to run at large. Beware. A child fell out of a wagon on Tuesday and hail its skull broken in by falling on a rock. Its father i Mr. Mantle of Tuylorsville. It is Dot serious Mrs. DiviJ J.imei bad oce of her arms broke u by beiug lipped oui of a buggy during the procession on Tuesday. Tues-day. Tbe buggy ran over both arme, but only one was broken. Tbe Miner eays: Tbe River Reel is just now attracting the attention ot eome of our miners. The strikes which have been made indicate that the precious uuUl is all around us, and requires only labor and capital tu make tuis one of (ha liveliest camps ou the coatt. |