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Show WANTED. A middle agr.-d wuman a a PLAIN" COOK. Apply at Wm. Jeuniogi', IGm ward. mS A fill l.ne of Lidiee' and Misses' Uauze Vibta in tbe various etylea and qualif if 3 can be found at ai7 Cons Euos. CALL AT CARPET OSP'T, Z. C. Ml . I., AND BUY YOUR CARPETS, CAR-PETS, CURTAINS. WINDOW SHADES, CORNICE MOULDING, WALL PAPER, ETJ. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. o6 Wonderful I Joo. Daynea baa very 6 tie UPRIGHT UP-RIGHT PIASOS, lor 100, with a warrant foreix yeara froai the Manufacturers. Manu-facturers. aS2 BUILDINGS ERECTED, Black-smithing Black-smithing acd Shoeing done by Mor-ms Mor-ms & Evans, at rer.r of Czdp Btore.a6 Bey the Best Goods. GIL-LET'S CREAM TARTAR BAKING FOW DER, Pure and Good. NEVER FAIL9 to please. a9 Finest SODA FOUNTAIN in the territory for SALE CHEAP. m7 J. W. Shell, Idaho store. Oi'R stock of Black and Colored Silk Fringes, Buttons and all kin;! of Dre33 Trimmings far eicceda anything any-thing in this liua ever offered in this city. Cons Bros. ro7 Pipo Urgao. A spltndid pipe and reed orgun, made by the eulc-rpriziug and famous "George Woods Organ Conjpauy." Excels any org.tu ever brought to Utah, fjr jrent power and sweetnasa of tone. Can be sf,(-a at George Carelesa' Muaicj! Emporium, First South street, two dorrs cist of jDinwoodey'a Furniture Furni-ture Store, m4 MEN'S, YOUTH'S and CI1IL-DREN'S CI1IL-DREN'S SUITS, 25 per cent, less thun any other bouso iu city, at S. J. Nathan's, 76, under Salt Lake HoiiBe. ni29 LAWN MOWERS AT LITTLE fit ROUNDY'S. mjl Great Reduction in Iron, Slate and Marble MANTLES, by Morris & Evans. aG Household tjooils Wanted. U'beu you wish to Si-11 Your Outfit go to Johu Cntue, the Sucoud-hand Man. Ho will mako your Path in Life Pleasant (or you. He trades in everything. On First South Blreet, between Theatre and Deseret Bank Sltle, ele;anck, location, moderate moder-ate prices, and choice of either the American plan, $2.50 to $3.00, or the Europu.iu pUu $1 00 per day, and upward, meals in tho elegant Restaurant Res-taurant attached tj tbe bouae, all unite in giving the traveler more for the same money, at tho Grand Central Cen-tral Hotel, Now York, than elsewhere, oiyl Keep Out tho Flies. If ycu want to keep tho Flies cut go to J. G. Sandberg & Co. 'a, Furniture Furni-ture and Turuiug Shop, ouo block wcat from New Tabernacle, where you can get all kinds of Screen Doors made to ordtr. ni6 WATER PIPES LAID to order by HEESCH A ELLEKBECK, Old Constitution HuiMini;. al Noticoi to tlio PnMir. P. SHWARTZ will otVcr hie cutire Block cf DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which has been damngi-d at liis store by the late fire, Public at Auction, to c'ose business, busi-ness, a,ile commencing Miy 1st. The entire stock will be soU renrdlefB of price. IV, p-ue yourself for Great, Bargain. Oppcei:e t',:e Townccnd House. n;9 FLATEil OF PARIS hlJ Fire! Brick, who!:s.ile nr.d ntul, by hG Momjis .'V Evans. JOB PRINTING neatly, cheap:? and quickly done at this cCicp. I Ask oursoll these Qm'siious; Are you di-epomlfnl nittercr from ' Sick llr-uUclu, Ha!i:lu:iI C.'?tiv.uee?, ; P:i(ni.nijn ot tin' Hi'rtr;? H ivo ycu Piii.iip of me He ail? 1 y.Mir Nr vous sit'in d.prt?ed? P lr? yourj B'oid circui.it. titiiy? Hive ycu a I Coii;i? Liw Si;rU-? C 'iiiu up ol the Ioxl afler c:t:i,? A;,-., j. (4 ol liics Ai.d much nirc nro ir.o direct result? olDy?p pi;i, L-.vpr C-iv. pVunr 6t;d tnKt'f siiou. G he en's A i'G;.-'i Flovvk ir uow aokncwledLM by nii Druj.i;b'ts io to a poMiivo cure. ; 2,4lKitiK) bailee wore ivt n awav in' tbe U. S. ihro;:gh P;ij;;i.-:a to t:ie people as a in.ti. Two drr will' salisly any por.-on of lis wo:nb'rfu! ! quality in cuntii; .ill forms o! I id-,;. 3 Uo:i. S.mip.e t-oU!cj 10;(i. U niir; Bi2e 75cts. Suld posi'.ivtiy by an li;st clisa Druciiaia m the Uni'wd Siatea. I ii5 I GRAVE AND MONUMENTAL WORK executed with cealncts and di?patch, by Moittti? & Evans. a6 A Ghand Entebtainment will be given on next Friday evening in the Seventeenth Ward Scboolhouee. Two, dramatic pieces, an olio, and the ' choicest selections from "Pinafore." Admiseion 25 cents; children 10 cents, i Tickets for sale at Dwyer'a. mS j Buy no moke 'adulterated TEA, Try the G. W. . brand, al at Davis. BEST $125 and $1.50 LADIES' SHOES in the City at ni3 DUNFORD'9. j Ore and Biilliou. Receipts of ore and bullion on Wednesday: By U. P. Express Company Four bars of bullion from Ihe Ontario mill, $2,812 71, and two from Leeds, $3,407,11. Value, $0,213.82. By R. Warnock & Co., York, May Gih From Silver Horn Mining Compauy, 29,228 pounds of base bullion. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS AND ALL SIZES OF WINDOW CLASS, AT BOTTOM FIGURES. LATIMER, LAT-IMER, TAYLOR & CO. a'iti Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. jn3 At ins Recent Makuisok of tho young King Alfoneo of Spain, Ibe bridl gifls from royal peminagej of thedifltreut European court were of j the utmost magnificence. It ii re , porlid that B'tme wir of an American ' tent a mysterious package to the new-i new-i made que en, which caused great merriment, on account (if il unri' peeled character. On unfolding . numerous coverings, there came to view a pretty ornamented box, which I wk8 found to certain a choice erection erec-tion of Glesn's St'Li'iiUH Soap. Sold 1 by all druggist?. "RKV1VUM" supplant frosty j locks with raven hair. Tnk vskt latest patterns in ; SILVER-WARE just opened at ! in 30 Josus 4 PaIox. ; CARPETS a full hue -at H. Dmwocdt v'a Furniture Store. 13 I Foa a PLKfi uncolored Japan TEA buy the ii w. 1. brud, j l a Datis'. New Music, George Cureles-s is in daily receipt 01 neivsunga and instrument) piece, direct from ihe publishers, and will be pleated to oider any piece not in stock; and will also take pleasure in selecting music for concert or home use. Do uot forget that bo has re moved to First South street, two doors east of Dinwoodey's Furniture store. rx4 CONCRETE WALES, (or Gardens, Sidewalks, and FIRE-PROOF ROOFING made by a6 Morris & Evans. THE VERY NFWEST ONE HUNDRED SHETLAND WOOL CLOAKS, JUST RECEIVED. CALL AND SEX THiM, AT - WALKER BROS. Unique. The ruoat unique Upright Piano ever seen in Utah, having a Bpleudid sympathetic and singing quality of tone, elastic touch, great durability, elegant design and fine finish, made by tbe popular and reliable firm ol George Woods fc Co Geoboe Careless, Agent, First South street, second door eait o( Dinwoodey's Furniture store m4 BABY CARRIAGES. Prices from (9 (o $40, at H. Dinwoodey's Furniture Store. m26 LUMBER, SHINCLES, LaTH FLOORINC, RUSTIC, SIDING. PICKETS, ETC., CHEAP, AT I LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO'S. ai8 ! The best and cheapest stock ol Ladies' Mohair and Liuen Dusters I and Suits is to be found at i m7 Cohn Bros. I MENS FELT, STIFF and SUMMER SUM-MER HATS, LargeLines, New Stylos, LOWEST PRICES, at m3 DUN FORD'S. Fire I Fire! The 8tock ol Dry Goods, GenU' ' Furnishing Goods, damaged at the late fire in SHWARTZ store, will be sold at Great Sacrifice, to close business, busi-ness, Opposite Towneend House. Remember Re-member all to secure bargains till May 1st, al Suwartz'. a2J The popular Fancy Slore of Salt Lake City. The New York House is now cram full of new and elegant goods, direct from New York, and Mr. Cameron will always give you more lor your money than you can get tUowhere. a20 Furniture. ! We have just received Two Car Load of Assorted Furniture, New 1 aud Cheap. Also invoice of Children's Carriages. Barhatt BRoe. 82 CARTETS, WAUL PAPER, Laoe Curtains, Window Shades, Cornices, and a full line of Upholstery Trim-mines. Trim-mines. Reduced Price; at H. Dinwoodey's Furniture Store. nl3 A Giul wanted for a family ol Iwo persons, firBt houpe north of Social Hall. m7 CHILURENS FELT and STRAW HATS, full lines, at m3 DUNFORD'ri. FIRE, TEASDEL'S. notice of removal. the clothing, carpets, boots and shoes, and cents' furnishing cood8 removed to next house north of grocery room to enable immense improvements im-provements being completed, com-pleted, necessary since the damage of building by the recent fire. m B. P. TEASOEL. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. r"- SEARS A LIDDLE, iv WHOLESALE AND RETAIL X J,01'" viraio, F.ccrnnt feed, ffv Bli H.j aci Lu--rc. Mio rtTi'Ml'om Nirth cria ,$rjw O. F. DUE, Ht 'otw fir tiAKl'KMtK. Tw B'cet. North 0: the .llty Uon A sret varictr of .! Jea The c rut- on variety ca nock oj Kloen and 0r-; 0r-; inetl iiru!. is the ti:y- Atvui i.w dif-. dif-. :erstt kiHL- if Klowe: SJ a d;ffeat kiEd of urcasMrl tira. A rl trt-eyofHouf? trt-eyofHouf? atd l!jun-( I'rt., lueh ti ; njemhij nd h'rJr. U.ymcii ; UoubiOtinkr. tLt Uvi difl'retit ktDji of j lUruiLinii ud Fawhiv, S. di::rct kiudj ! of Dih.iu, ib rvu ud rJaif. eiltJuilui rd iTdberom. Is bed J'Li:t-i in th I L':)iw, hctereriv.' od tecni orTiru, a : eiei Triiy. ryMn;heiuui. boat SO b:itul kij.it; Hicjs of ISyiiil 1'Usm, I cd mry o br kird cf House Beo.dmi ; !'lio:i ilJ liuci.-i PLe' an kiod of itt McirtT', itojj ireth.oje r.od sr.ien. t)rJ ioiouef. TbH B4.cj.1c;1. i.ro.Ff, . Acchorf, Wraathf, lor turrl?, ad : Koxcr U!kcif. pia. M lie lait Te-rri-j toriI f'ir ia U:. 1 t rdd On I brone Mil Oce i'lrlo.-j ri Mi I'riiM lr ihe t..l Cut K!owr?. Flewena t'Ju, StMki. K.w. lifted tiotiitt. -l:t l-u-iut and r lower Hfket 1 kUo ik p. n FOR SALE. j DESIRABLE tUlUUNti LOT. ; " ri-ds iroot by i rvd deer, titutitd c iht rouriconifc .jrj, oii-v-ie bistiep bun. 0110 brick hour, t3te Hooki wttt o; atuiKTiutu cor nor .. 10 '-h-rio Staai lioue.- ii gjpd eoDJiiijn. AitIv to K. A. l'a-oe. lL..ao l'no.ual L uie Kilai, l'ol-omo l'ol-omo box MTS. LAND AND LOAN AC t NT. mUOSS W1SHIM1 TO SEi.l, I KAl, H3-X H3-X iti at a Uir r i: mil i-.a...'. a ehaiii- ' ol flcdiDi a euiiouier by i':lyn. ; to l'. K. J Pomor.v, Kel Kni-n acd Ljd .k,-nt, thr door cona cf Joou' tlml, u;i n j; 1. 111 1 1 FR. J. W. HOLLAND. U UCJo ovr lUvli' Grcry Si. ra. J MnMret, W. L. PRICK, Jfs OKA1.EK IN I'OI LTIIY. FIST! . P 1 rd Unne. trull, setb'.i I cWMUCMABd Oiooeti.-!. r'iril 8.uth St.i LM'i'wio Kimball Hl,.ok. Salt Lu lily Goodi deiivieJ piincli.all, is til oarll oi th oiu Iroo. taiiclaoaon cuai ant od. nig W. PETERSEN, ' -r.Tk PUTCDKK, KKKPS ON HAND SWtJS tfco very lo kiid of Meat ia 1 n-.m.in Kami'y trade tolioiied. JU'iii aeliveredfrea .'mmeat tvialty. nitf C LUCAS PIS STILL IN Tn K flKLD with tbo Oholctfl Ki'dofMati io tboir ituon. Mmii dtlTtred to ordar. Call on bim at oil tacd eppoaita Utairoodey'l. F. C. LYNCBERC, m K R K p 8 TOR HKTS"r)CK OF IX Fruila and VobgUWo) to be found. Vm yreia thriunui. VUh. H .m and iii t'oultry. Uroaeri!. flocib'i cel-brJtoi cel-brJtoi SalMt Orln. J14 SALT LAKE HOUSE. SALT LAKK CITY. Vr.tii. (l.ftO I'EK DAY. J. A, VARNK3, Proprietor. ; JAS. H. MARTINEAU, Un DKl'UTY M 1NER A L I-1' RV RV0R O- and CIVIL K.NUINKKK Lot an, Caobs CouDty, Ulah. Minaral arrayi nmdo for Local ion or l'atala. old WILLIAM BREDEMEYER, lININl, OONSIILTINU AND CIVIL 111 Knginoflr, U. 8, M local Horvayor for Ctab and Idaho, Kotary I'ublls lleoli(ical axaminationp, raporli on uiioinf prowtiM. turf fin mine, railroa U ajid aanali, and upnrlnleudi lha working! of lha -aoiA-Fraar wtimtai and idani fur oraotng and workini mtnri. axpert an minim quai lion beforo lha oouru. A daiaa 1. U. Boa I 1157. ball Laka oily , Li Ml I DANIEL DU N N a, OUSAMKNTAL IRON WOltKR. AND kanulaeluror of Iron Kanoisi, IJalaa and OrtianeDlal fanolne for Cematcry LoU. All kinds of Mioina. Mlllini. AfrU-ulturl Muhinary. K mil h work, and Uenaia) Job N ork done. Offlo and Wori f . (ooml South. oo black wtil ol Main, and on l-outh of Towniaad llouia 1'. O Uox (Tl. ill I)A IWTElt'H MANU AL,-1 AL,-1 llousa and na rhlnllug irainini. var- nlihlnir. polithinic, knlf niulnio, ivarinc, lotiorins, tlalmni, (rlldini. ,lr.. 5t'oti Hook f Alnhabali, !". hnroUa and Ornaui' nil, II. Kumllure asd t'ahlnat Fai nvr. ! W aloh-uakor aloh-uakor and Jmtltr, . I). 'n ii.tar 50. Uornaiboer, .'1. Soi maker. ;h i't dynia-kor, dynia-kor, ). TaiidormiH 01 tjl bnoktcllari or by mail. JKS.SK HaNKY A CO.. UUat-iftu UUat-iftu atraet. Nw York. aul7 I . . I ESTABLISH KD 1 fi 1. A. J. TAYaUM, I'LAIN ANH OliNA M KNTA l PLASTERER. CalciminiiC In Wbh or Tloti. CORNICES AND CENTERI'IKCKS. Whitewashing md Coloring tlono. Alao atUD-li to Jcb Work Oflin aid thor, Threa Doon ffrU nt Ifaa Theairr. Hwlof Kerareooei iTer, b.dfa In City and CcuDiy. rnlH l.l. AKHSiK0., Importer ami I'eulcr IS Graiu, Floor and ell tiDds ofPniucc teedi SielJty Frsr Jinuni htukkt. y. 0. Do w. tut 2i Miles South on Slain IU;id. j ? y haRr 4 "C"tnr ilcr., and I'll inakn II linaant for yuu." STAPLE AND FANCY II -- ' - f' CHOICEST CROCERIES, DRY GOODS, ... . "iH 3,-: ; " HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FANCY NOTIONS, ' .Jr!.y STOVES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, v r S CLOTHING, FANS, PARASOLS, j MMlHW! ' " HATS- CAPS STRAW HATS, &lC. j :'-&kLi " i, BOOTS AND SHOlS. AGENTS FO.Il DuPont's Rifle, Sportinai i BlastingPowders. ISPRIWG goods: b In (irvat Varirly, Juot JArrlvid. OOIvHE., OINTIE .IsTTZ) ALL, .And ExaniiDe our GxJi and Prioe before Eujir p E'n vl err. V. JENNINGS & SONS, ' EAGLE EMl'ORIUit 'AL.T LAKIJ CITY. 1 |