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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Page Six. COOPERATION ONE OF IDEALS OF RELIGION city for patient forgiveness for every human frailty. Hut the greed of the money changers aroused in Him an anger beyond control, so that He took a whip of cords and drove them out of the Temple. All life must devolep ever upward to new and better forms. The human race, with its spark of Divinity, responds surely to this Divine law. The old dies and gives place to the new. llut all progress is subject to eternal law. Eternal law is not touched by age. Of such are the words of Christ and the prophets. They cannot die, but if we do not learn and obey them, we must surely die. A FABLE. N. D. A. MEMBERS INVITED TO FARMERS Potcerful Than Words MUST BE PRODUCERS More Actions Said a wise old bee at the close ot day, this colony business doesnt pay. I put my honey in that old hive that others may eat and live and thrive; and I do more work in a day, by gee, than some of the other fellows do in three. I toil and worry and save and hoard, and all I get ia my room ana board. Its me for a hive I can run myself, and me tor the sweet of my hard earned pelf. So the old bee flew to a meadow lone and started a business of his own. He gave no thought to the bussing elan, but all intent on his selfish plan ha lived the life of a hermit free Ah, this ia great, aaid the wise old bee. But the summer waned and the days grew drear, and the lone bee waited as he opped a tear; for the varmints gobbled his little store and his wax iyed out and his heart was sore, so winged his way to the old home band, and took hia meals at the Helping Hand. Alone, opr work is of little worth; together we are the lords of earth; so its all for each and its each for all united stand, or divided fall. UNION CONVENTION Recently an N. D .A. member of the particular prominence observing undifficulty in getting someone to load a car of coal doffed his suit, donned work clothes and proceeded to unload the coal himself. We quote the following characteristic statement from a speech which If you people he made last May: of the N. D. A think we are going to ride, into prosperity on a Hand Wagon you are mistaken. If we get prosperity, we must work for it. We think the above precept and example merits the serious consideration of all our members. Mr. W. A. Glad, in an address to a large audience who attended the Forum meeting, declared N. D. A. members must now be producers. He used an interesting chart to illustrate the N. D. A. movement. The chart was painted in five colors representing five conditions or steps toward the ideal of Natural Government" as described by Benjamin B. Stringham. We cannot jump to the ideal plan at We must adonce," said Mr. Glad. vance step by step. We took the first step when we accepted the idea and believed it possible. The idea was the stone that started the ripple of the waves which have travelled over most of the United States. The first WHAT 1 THINK OF X. D. A. stejwas hard. Meeting after meetMr. A. L. Schafer, ing was held before converts were made, then the second step was taken Mgr. Pacific Branch Office, the exchange of commodities and American National Red Cross, services to acquire assets. And we San Francisco, California. now face the third step, that of Dear Mr. Schafer: producers. Your letter of the 4th Inst conWhen we started trading people cerning N. D. A. was duly received. 1 flocked into the association. Now we have succeeded in getting a copy of are advancing into the producing step a pamphlet by Benj. B. Stringham, people are it be done." cant saying the founder of N. D. A. I am sending He asserted weve been trying to you this pamphlet under separate carry on a relief organization withcover, together with a copy of the out sufficient assets. We must do last issue of the associations bi- more pioneering, and do it now. We monthly paper entitled Progressive must become producers. As we get (Continued from page One) From the above, it is evident that the law of cooperation was considered binding on members of the early church, and there has never been given any valid reason for its abolishment. That Christ contemplated his people having all things in common, not in some future state, but then and continuously from that day to this, cannot be successfully disputed. Those LEISURE NOT IDLENESS. who reject this law have no valid claim on the name Christian. When we produce more than we All Things In Common need or more than we can beneficially Had Christ not intended that all use, it is waste and not wealth.. things be held in common, the wordThrough science and invention the ing of His prayer would have been, forces of nature have been harnessed "Give ME this day MY daily bread,'1 and today with 15 percent of the instead of, Give US this day OUR people we produce as much and more Also, that He intended than our entire population can use. daily bread. the establishment of such system And if science and invention and then and there, rather than in some modern machinery were put to work evidenced is by His, to the extent of which vague future, they are now Thy will be done on earth as it is capable, more men would be released heaven." in done mor- from the field of production and posHis, Take no thought of the the sibly 10 percent of our population on based prinwas row" evidently would care for the 100 percent. But foreand effort of community ciple of the 90 percent class? What sight displacing individual, selfish lay- what do? They must either conmust they of property. ing up our groups to producing, the fourth He does not say, Lay not up tinue to live as parasites from the Independent Mr. M. W. Wilkinson of Salt Lake step will be to adjust those units to treasures upon earth, but, Lay not labors of their neighbor, or they must was recently called to Oakland to get the Natural Government plan. The on be given a chance to share in the up FOR YOURSELVES treasures ideal is to Socialize This seems a plain evidence work of production. If we thus allow up a California unit, if it can be done We cannot become our production. earth. a trading people your laws. He is conferring that He believed that all property them to assist in producing we shall under A. D. Erickson in the so long as we depend on some-onshould be in common. find that the 10 percent class with the with Attorney else to do the Natural For those who disregard His com- additional help instead of having to Central Bank Bldg, there. If you are Government meansproducing. we must all work mand, He has the following: work six eight hour days a week, they interested further, I am sure he would collectively. People have been thinkWoe unto you that are rich, far shall have to work four hours per be glad to call on you if you would ing individually. In this association ye have received your consolation.rich week. What then will the people do get in touch with him through Mr. they will think collectively. Verily, I say unto you that a He requested that any criticism or with their leisure time? We quote F. Erickson. man shall hardly enter into the King- A. dement: the curse of Adam It is filling a great need now and suggestion will of N. D. A. methods be a easier for dom of Heaven. It is will in to continue my opinion grow dictated to a stenographer and subbeen lifted and everyone will camel to go through the eye of a have so as lasts. The the depression long mitted to the board of directors. needle than for a rich man to enter have an opportunity of cultivating question of how long this will be, no said he, we've all Individually, the things of the mind and the graces the Kingdom of God. knows Should one industrial life not been on the outside, now we must figWoe unto you scribes and Phari- and pleasures of life. Leisure time revive as it has in how ure out we can fit ia Weve all past depressions sees, hypocrites! for ye cleanse the need not be idleness. In that day we and should this country continue on been in the trading business and must outside of the cup and of the platter, will learn as Steinmetx says: that for now think out how to get into the appreciable length of time but within they are full from extor- material things do not hiring happi- with any ten to fifteen million people out production business. ness and are of little use in making tion and excess. the General Discussion" During Christ showed a truly divine capa- - men and women creative and powerMr. Bennion and Mr. Glad indulged Then the scientists will turn their in a discussion regarding the definiloaaa E!BhiaaMsExMEEiii ful. laboratories over to the study of God agree tion of a producer. To whether order of that things. say and prayer and the spiritual forces Mrs. Dansie described the energetic aa be of will new order result a physwhich has yet hardly been guessed at work of producing Christmas toys alaa of Service Beat of result of ical conflict a a and the peaceQuality When that day comes the world will way by would be a ready begun in a see more advancement in one genere-tio- ful and orderly change D. A. ladies. of sufficient theDr.N. June have matter I conjecture. seen has in than the in it Smith, past response to a GLATZ POTATO CHIP four." faith in our mode of government to request to explain her course in be convinced in my own mind that said: aims to make It psychology COMPANY ia will to come be fit units for the world to be. It's if a change it through proper legislation. N. D. A. about man instead of the world in 33X9 So. State St Hy. 8658 may have the key to the plan which which be lives. It puts BILL FARRELL will finally be adopted aa the solut- on seif and qualifies manresponsibility for the New ion. It may not. I dont know, but Era the Art of living. Most of us SOLD ON B" CREDITS I am satisfied that N. D. A. is headed have not analyzed what living realA GOOD BARBER in the right direction and so long aa ly is. 50 W. South First Beat and Clean the Dr. Smith takes out of psychology Always the depression lasts, I feel it is ones CREDITS ACCEPTED only what you can use. She ssys we duty to encourage such movements. If given any kind of fairly good have no right to what we cannot use. management I would say it is on a If we have a surplus of money, clothes ,etc., we . should give it up. sound basis for three reasons: 1. They have adopted a policy from We have been scrambling for all we the beginning and still maintain it can get when we should take only we can assimilate. . that they will not go into debt ex- what Dr. Smiths course has made WAS. 8987-cept as .they can pay in labor services new woman out of me, and I love hera We Specialize in WAS. 5839-or merchandise that it has on hand or as I would a Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire sister," testified Mrs. ia able to offer. Williams. "She teaches you your trap. And they are the last word in beauty, style, comfort N.D.A. Cr. 2. That they take into their or- better self. All Work Guaranteed Mr. Stringham notified the memganization as members only those who have been tried and found to be of bers that hr has received a letter good character, and reputation, and from New York asking for more inthose who are competent, able and formation of N. D. A. plans and methods, as they wish to organize a willing to work. 3. That each and every member of cooperative unit. Letters of inquiry O. S. JAYNES the organisation personally guaran- have also been received from DearDECORATING tees up to $1000.00 in labor or serv- born, Mich., and from Iowa. PAINTING PAPER HANGING If anyone has more scrip that he ices, or merchandise at his option to If It's Done with a Brush Wc DO IT. redeem outstanding coupons or credits. can use he might assist in helping to 1427 Blair St. The above is what I think of the send " delegates to organize other Ily. 5030 N. D. A. after about three months units, Mr. Stringham suggested. association with it, aa its attorney. Sincerely yours, e N. D. A was invited to send a delegate to the Farmers Union of America convention, to be held in Omaha, Neb., all this week, for the purpose of explaining the operation of the system. Thirty minutes time was to be given for the discussion by N. D. A delegates. We regret that we were not able to take advantage of such a splendid opportunity. The Farmers' Union is the largest organization of farmers in the United States. President John Simpson, when in Salt Lake City a short time ago, visited the association headquarters and commented very favorably. He expressed the hope that N. D. A. would expand until it included all the farmers ot the United States. His cooperation is evidenced by inviting us to appear in the convention over which he was to preside. Warwick' C. Lamoreaux, head of the educational department, was invited to make the trip, but failed in securing cooperation among A Prayer of Thanksgiving the transportation agencies, and the was refrain We cannot given up. trip from observing that bus, train and I thank TheeLou Lewis Lord, f&r hope reborn airplane are commuting every day in me today; with empty seats. We have potatoes, For Dawn that seems to light my desmeat, labor and coal to offer in extined way; Lo! for but change' transportation, For Faith renewed in thinking modGold is the only password. ern youth Their growing courage in their fight for truth: An eminent economist was recently asked, What period of past history Their unity of purpose, their ideals. does the present depression most re- Their tolerance, their sympathy my spirit heals. semble, to which he replied, The Dark Ages. History toBe that the Dark Ages lasted 400 years. There are many reasons to believe that To Home Owners, what the economist says is true, howReal Estate, Apts. ever we think that such movements as the N. D. A will bring about a Any one having homes, apartments speedy renaissaunce. or real estate to sell or rent on A and B credits, should report to the The supreme court of Pretoria, N. D. A at 55 West Broadway, or South Africa, has decided against Sir call Royden E. Weight at Was. 160. Abe Bailey, the millionaire, in a case involving $7854)00 in income tax and PRAHL & KIRTEN anper tax exempted in error from 1929 and 1980 aseessmenta. Paper Hanging and We are sometimes aa different from ourselves as we are from others. n It ia more easy to be wise for others than for ourselves. can now be had for B CREDITS N. D. A 50c Package, 25c cash 25c Scrip Call Wasatch wanted. 5523-Salesme- S. Across the street from Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP LADIES E. 1st South A. D. REDFORD, Prop. ALSO OPEN EVENINGS Ladies Haircutting a Specialty 1018 N. D. A. Credits VISIT THE NEW, MODERN N. D. A. Barber and Beauty Parlor Complete Professional Service We Specialize in Permanent Waving 55 WEST BROADWAY WASATCH S. S. 10087 (Steve) STEVENS, Prop. DONT BE DISCOURAGED NATURE BUILT YOUR BODY-NAT- URE D CAN IT If Natural Laws are permitted to operate TRY NATURES WAY Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Without Drugs or GLASSES FITTED Surgery EYE TREATMENTS W. M. STOREY, N. D. Opt. D. Offices 5th Floor, Felt Bldg. N. D. A. SCRIP ACCEPTED B" CREDIT Telephone W asatch 1506. gw RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE 50-6-3 Poat Office Place All Makea of Autos Repaired Motors Rebored Radiator Repairing Car Painting Fcnden Repaired Rebuilt Batteries Battery Service Washing, Polishing, Greasing ALL WORK GUARANTEED d and Monthly Day Storage RES. PHONE, HY. PHONE WAS. 8139 The ladies are happy to report real progress in their department and various projects. They are especially happy to report the successful party that was held at the Civic Center Wednesday, November, 16. This party proved to be a combination of pleasure and work. The first few minutes were spent in what might really be termed pleasure, for a talent and willing young lady, Jeanette Morrell, entertained with clever comic readings and a piano sola After this part of the program, all present joined in singing and games that made the ladies feel very much acquainted. The part of the program that followed might be termed Work," but it proved to be so interesting and enjoyable that no one considered it real labor. It consisted of putting the finishing touches to toy animals by putting in the stuffing and giving them a final If Santa Claus could sewing-up- ? hace peeked in at the group of happy ladies surrounding the stuffing he would certainly have boxes, thought that he had enlisted the aid of a willing group. While busy fingers worked, Mrs. Brown entertained attentive minds with a talk on the educational value of toys. After the work was completed, the grand finale of the party came in the form of refreshments. The enthusiasm of those who had enjoyed the afternoon so much lead to a decision that hereafter the ladies will meet each Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the N. D. A. headquarters. There they will again put the finishing touches" to the toy animals, and their reward will be the knowledge that a regular zoo of stuffed elephants, horses and other varieties are ready to deliver to children on Christmas morning. Let's give' three cheers for the ladies who are proving themselves so willing to prepare for a merry Christmas. By the way, we want to remind the N. D. A. people to look in their homes for materials that could be used to stuff the animals. - ir V 4.,- The N- - D. A. Bowling League shot their second game of the season at the Ace Bowling Alleys, 246 South Main St Thursday site, Nov. 17, 1932. If enthusiasm counts anything, the teams will more than double their average in the next few weeks. High honors this week go to E. B. Pierce, with 184 pins high single and 475 pins high series. Melvin Williams gets second place this week with 161 pins high single, and 428 pins high series. The Contact Dept went wild and over the top with 1,518 pins to their credit RITE BEAUTY SHOP NO. MAIN Credits Barbering Only 124 A 8045-- J ?- - Special Attention to N. D. A. 1 95c After 8 JO P. M. Only 55c ( Station-to-stati- rates) on Plus Federal Tax on amount! of 50c or over. TELEPHONE INSURANCE For N.D.A. Scrip and Accident Insurance with Biggest and Beat Company in World PAID IN FULL FOR SCRIP FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE AH Life, Health CREDIT B or WAS. 6745 leave older with Mr. Howe CLEANERS & DYERS RELINING lit West REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 Motor Rebuilding Ignition Repairs WILLETT, Prop. ' Brake Lining Battery Service DICK CLINTON, Mgr. 76 South Second East Street WASATCH 4981 . fLtw t lr ; ' ; WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION A. H Mv 1 jvi. .waii. y Modem Equipment 1 v Wi New and Rebuilt Batteries WELCOME! N. D. A. MEMBERS viu24Jbi " jJyf.jj.il -- :J..J ! .i Ij L:- - i:.it ; ) M & M PLUMBING CO. OUTSIDE ROOMS Gas and Steam Work Our Specialty - Family Accommodations WEEKLY RATES Elevator Service C. K. MILLER VEARL J. MANWILL (Formerly with Utah Oas A Coke Co.) FREE PARKING SPACE HEAT1XQ Single Rooms, 75c and $1.00 With Bath, $1.25 Up B 123 So. CREDITS West Temple St. AND OAS IXSTALLATIOMS REPAIR WORK A" CREDITS NEW WORK A" A B" CREDIT! WASATCH 5238 One block south of Temple Square and Interurban Depot M Yean Kxperieaee MeeaeeA aU BeaAcA Heathen Can Vi fer Eatfmatca Member at V. D. A. 1848 So. 2nd Eaat Hy. 2089-- R Hy. 4272-- J Thanksgiving Carnival! Big Time! Join the Fun with the N. D. A. Scores and lineup. Thursday Night, Nov. 24, 8 p.m. Dancing and Other Forms of Entertainment REFRESHMENTS WOOLEYS RINK 126 North Main Street FEET HURT? and by TELEPHONE , Come on Meat Dept lets GO. The Boys showed a very good Improvement in their consistensy last evening. Watch for our Thanksgiving day score and see who eats the most turkey. Come on you BOWLING FANS we need you,, every Thursday nite at 6:45 p. m. shop, EVERY BODY IS WELCOME SO COME OUT. jRRMMMpIMuliMiRSMlHliSiMiSMmMMiRSMSlpniaw Steam-Heate- j- ation Bowling League. CLUB MEET Richfield AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 100 Associ- SALT LAKE to Work Guaranteed SPORTING NEWS Natural Development List your wants In these columns. Advertising pays dividens. Call F. Li Hickman DELIVERY SERVICE W Gaylen S. Young. WANTED TO SENT. n WIHTEHOUSE HOTEL A CONTACTS Two Furnished rooms or one room furnished apartment with bath. Must be centrally located, clean and comfortable. Part cash and Scrip. Beply Box Z Progress. Ind. GOOD WORK REASONABLE CHARGE Call Hy. 5118-- R 902 South WIRE 25 Cents Per Item Per Issue. WANTED Two good Deico Farm Lighting systems. See R. G. Page at N. D. A., 47 West Broadway. Cleaning PARAMOUNT MAGIC CLEANER CO. BUILDING MAGDIEL LIVE Consult DR. M. J. MARSHALL 206 Utah Savings ft Trust Bldg. lSATCH Admission, 25c Each All on A Sponsored by the Educational Department N. D. A. |