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Show INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE ATTENTION ALL N. D. A. UNITS Have you established a branch office of the Progressive Independent in your unit? Is the news of your unit being published in the official organ of the N. D. A. each issue. Are your local unit members and those interested in the project in your community reading' the Progressive Independent each issue? How many of your members are subscribers and now many copies are you selling at Have you sent your headquarters? your exchange list in to the paper for publication? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Get started today. NEW GENERAL HOSPITAL 4th WEST Provo, Utah PHONE 1363 405 SO. "A CREDITS SALT LAKE to The Progressive Independent is anxious to have every unit of the N. D. A. furnish news, exchange lists and advertising from its trade members each issue. This material will be grouped together in a space which will be properly headed with the unit name and assigned to the unit to fill each issue. It is the desire of the president of the N. D. A and the Progressive Independent that each unit be represented and that as many of its members as possible subscribe to or buy the paper each issue, that they may be always conversant with the latest happenings and plant of the organization. It is suggested that the manager of each unit and state and county head- quarters, select a competent member to assume the responsibility of collecting the news and writing it up, keeping the exchange lists corrected and of soliciting subscriptions and advertising for tne munity at once. Proper remuneration will be paid by the Progressive Independent for this work, which may either be paid to the individual or retained by your unit, as you may decide. Have your representative write at once to Henri C. Flesher, The Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, for instructions. POCATELLO by TELEPHONE MOTOR S1.00 RECONDITIONING D. M. KEMP 60c 920 n rates) Plus Federal Tax on amount! of 50c or over. (Station-to-statio- Years Experience 25 After 8:30 P. M. Only East 27th South HY. 7573-- Credit Parts, Cash A Labor, M Satisfaction Guaranteed TELEPHONE FOURTH AVE. SHOE SHOP H. H. ANDERSEN Call Waa. 10123 We Call for and Deliver N. D. A. B" Credits ENSIGN SHOE SERVICE East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN 577 HEALTH DEPARTMENT A a IC- OGDEN N.D. A. DEPARTMENT Ml'LTIGRAFHING Emerson Stephens, Argyla Apte. Nl'RSING Mrs. Horace Taylor, 1441 Washington; practical nurse. Mre. Bchoer, (12 Chester, graduate nurse. PAINTING ft DECORATING John Borgar, 419 Canyon Rd. Phono 2524-PHYSICIAN d BURGEON Inquire of N. D. A, 2420 Grand Ave. PRODUCE N. D. A., 2420 Grand Ave. PAPER HANGING John Burger, 410 Canyon Rd. Phone 2524-PLANING MILL Elite Mill. 2(51 Wall Ave. FAINTING Mrs. O. K. Kartehner, 1524 Ogden Av. Oil cloth painting, pillow painting, and oil paintings. PIANO LESSONS Mr. A Norton, 1172 Jefferson. PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT (2.00 yearly. Paper Subscription. Inquire of N. D. A, 2420 Grand Ave. PRESS Quality Press, C. Is Roes, 2471 Washington Ave. making Mrs W. W. Anderson, 421 Adame Ave. RUG WEAVING leabel Oborn. 2411 Adame Ave. Annie Hiatt 2941 Chllde Ave. SHOE SHINING PARLOR 24 th Street and Kleeel Ave. NEWS OF THE OGDEN N. D. A. UNIT The Banner Organization R. Mr. James Facer, now promoting the meat department, says that the Ogden N. D. A. unit is progressing so rapidly that he finds it possible, after a days exertion and activity to take his Turkish bath on A credits. All departments are functioning to the fujlest extent. The coal department' is furnishing fuel to over 100 families; the contact department lias induced 2(10 established trades in the city to cooperate with the movement; the labor department has furnished 7320 man hours during the months of September and October; the produce department is supplying some 300 families with vegetables coffee, milk and cream, soap, pies, bread, etc.; the meat department is reported as having furnished some 700 people with meat last Saturday. Their meats are of the best quality and pass the city The agriculture departinspection. ment is reported as having stored ample supply of carrots, apples, potatoes, onions for the needs of the N. D. A. eople in Ogden this winter. Hay is cmg furnished dairies, who in turn supply milk for the children of parents receiving coupons for their pay. The furniture department has been able to supply beds, phonographs, mattresses, desks, tables, chairs, musical instruments to a number of pco-pl- e. The clothing department has established an unlimited line of clothing on an economical basis. The educational department is staging a special campaign of lectures up through Morgan county this week. In short all departments are laying special plans to increase their capacity continually. Thursday, November 17, there will be staged an N. D. A. dance at the Brown Palace ballroom. The following evening, Friday, there will be held the meeting. The public is cordially invited to attend. (Signed) Lcland Stephens. are lying in wait for your to get your scrip at a bargain. Don't let them have it. If all human signs do not fail, then scrip will shortly be more valuable than the silver and gold. Hold on to it. Z- m-e- d Kkldinore'a MILLINERY Franklin Millinery Co. WATKINS PRODI CTS Rosenbaum. RADIO REPAIRS HeCONKON Flxit Shop. Get the song, Covered Wagon Day Sweetheart," by Christie Lund, at N. Before Starting Business Consider These Facts BRIGHAM BRANCH NOW ON ITS OWN S. Government Statistics) American individual earnings; 90 per cent earn less than $1800 a year. 5 per cent about $2000 a year. 5 per cent earn more than $3000 a year. American corporation earnings: 5 per cent make big profits. 23 per cent make small profits. Out of every 1000 new concerns cn tcring business, 800 fail, reorganize or change management at least once.' Why not prefer a plan to Bring Workers and Raw Material together for the purpose of creating Wealth for the Workers and Not Profit for (I. B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. y, Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information , At ply to er Waa. 1SS4T Waa. STSS, Hr. 4M8-eeeeeee e eaaaAAAAA (UinftlVllVVYmYtYlVlVlVnYmVlVrnV W look, revealing at once fioth weakness and the strength, the d ciency and the greatness of Amer Miss I.cwis has in her possessioi large book of Ready Kefcrenr compiled by her brother, Claude, another gentleman. So if your pi lem is to learn something about l subject whether it is glue or opai see Miss Lewis for some selected r ercnces on it. Dorothy Smith, daughter of i i r . Mr. J. H. Parry, who has been of the Brigham City unit of N. D. A., has now gone to Price to help in the operation of that unit. Mr. Parry reports that the llrigham City branch has moved to larger quarters more centrally located. They are now on Main street near the city hall and have for storage of produce a basement big enough that trucks can be driven in and turned around in it. The unit is well supplied with potatoes, onions, carrots, squash and other products and would be glad to ex- tlic Few. change some of them with other units three feet long. Theres a rabbit for needed commodities. big as a dog for youl A most valuable aid to the growth A friend declares that Clifford ( DO YOU BEAD and success of the Brigham City unit rard earns friends for the N. p... haS' been the Box Kldcr Journal, Betfi YOUR even while in the hospital. which holds the record among newshis recent illness he was one of papers of the state for printing X. 1). most active N. D. A.ans an it Some Do Not Take Time. sharpening Maurloe Cole, 779 12th St (Knives, A. material. During the time Mr. hoped he will soon be fully in X scleeore, saws, more, etc.) was manager at Brigham City Parry harness again. SHEET METAL WORKS the Journal printed approximately 173 Do you read your paper? Some R. O. Colesman, Chew truck sale: Hr. J. C. Pace, 1410 Kleeel Ave. inches single column of Natural DeTHEATRES man and an N. D. A. member, ha members, even some leading membof N. D. A, 2420 Grand Ave. velopment news and educational artiInquire er-, do not read it as they should. the hobby of writing poetry and thei. TRUCK LINES This paper is different. You cant adapting his poetry to various meloBarlow Truck Unea A K. Barlow, cles, etc. mgr., 229 24th BL Phone II. Mr. Coleman read it at 011c sitting. You must dies. Incidentally VEGETABLES Dev. carry it with you or have it about plans getting out,r some of these N. D. A. 2420 Grand Ave. be WOOD glad to consnli your reading table for a week and songs and would West Permit St., R. L. Saunders, 111 10th BL DRIGHAM CITY, UTAH read every time you get a chance. song writers and other intercsted( Laverl Stakarf 2215 1ingrea Ave. The la a liat of aervieea following It is not filled with the news of parlies. Split wood, 5 per cord; blocks, 4 which N. D .A. Scrip will buy. Why not A recent editorial in the Progressthe moment to be read and forgotHat your cervices and eominntlltli-a- , ami per cord. WATKINS PRODUCTS Its material is food for ive Independent describes the boostIncrease ten. col me, end help brine your 2151 Chrle Purdy, Pingree Ave. back PROSPERITY. thought, worth remembering and ers and the knockers which GARAGE AMIKKMKVra found in any organization, bo worth referring to every now and Olsen Garage, 2440 Orant Ave. Blue Hird Hall Room. a member is certainly a stroni AITO REPAIRS AMI PARTS then. Kurd Harare, Itud Victor Motor Co. booster" for Mrs. Dr. June B. Smith The Progressive Independent is Class HB Service BAKUKH (Mrs. Smith should feel glad that a now national Harher Ilex Barber Phnp. City Shop. paper, reaching someone should hand on this unsoli APARTMENTS REPAIRING practically every state. It goes to 50 J. E. Lichfield, 1211 Klesel A vs. IK'YC'LK Axel Olson. 117 Ho. Alain Hi. cited contribution.) The writer say: ART WOR- Kthe X.' 1). A. units throughout BRIGHAM CIT MILLING AND ELEVAof her: Quirk and alert, and is she 25 75 Mrs. N. E. Wallace, (57 7th St in Idaho, Nevada, California, TOR CO Utah, BAKERY progressive? All she ever stops for Canyon Road, Phone Canada and Arizona, Wyoming. 59 Mr. p. E. Roberta, 1256 WashCan make whole wlieut muah. deep breath of pure oxygen nnd afe Ave. line elsewhere. is read and Kvcry ington cracked wheat corn niueli, bites of wholesome food. COAL il seed clean us and and Wli. rrnin. everywhere chopped pains 50 N. D. A, 1420 Grand Ave. fur which she has no use are: Gardner, preaident to find a few at home who read EXCELSIS GOODS BLACKSMITH worry, envy, jealousy or hate, 50 a of the headlines. Mrs. Orva Linford, (SO Ith St. synopsis only Central Hluckemlth ForWest Simp, would have these things forever 60 Airs. Ethel Skelton, 540 21th BL, is inforfountain of a The Israel Glenn. rest; Hlacks'iiilh. paper carded from human nature. Ins. (rear). Phone 1772-CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAKa means of inspiration, a mation, EYEKNEW PRODUCT she would tearh all the science ERS 25 for rronontic truth. Cleaner. Ogden Hotel, rm 412 missionary John Leo J. No. Johnson, Ynumiulst, art of living in the sunshine of h6 FLUMB1N41 You cannot afford to be without NAT. DEV. ASSOCIATION Main St.: Alfred Jorgensen, (th Ho. 50 Mr. C Hooper, 2227 Kleeel Av. faith, charity and loving service.1 A Main Ht. : Occur Forsgren. arc the loser if you and it, you Wc learn the following interest!; CARPET WEAVER EXCHANGE SERVICE fail to read it. Neuteboom Printing Co., 1450 Mrs. Rosalia Knudson, 304 Ho. 3rd W., facts about James Hill, the yout MM GHAYD ATRSCB Washington. (makes carpets and rugs). man in the N. D. A. fuel departmet PRESSING AND CLEANING OtiUEI, UTAH C1IIRUPH ACTOR 60 Mr. Williams, 2221 Klesel Ave. That he is well read; that he lov Inquire of N. D. A., West Forrest. following u a list of services PERMANENTS J!h; N. CARS D. A. Scrip will buy. Why not nature and wild life; that with son 50 Eccles Mitchell's Shop. CLOSE Bldg. UPS OF list your services and commodities; and Inquire of N. D. A., West Forrest. friends he has a lodge in one of th 60 Shop, 2351 Washington DENTAL Peggy's SERVICE a heIp br,n 60 Lorraine Barber Shop, 2710 canyons; that his chief hobby is rai: MEMBERS Inquire of N. D. A., West Forrest. Washington. FURNITURE ing flowers, for which purpose ht REPAIR SHOE SHOP Middleton Heaters, rocking chairs, straight maintains a small hot house. Class HA Service On 50 Mr, Mortlneon, 2947 Porter. chairs, tables, pianos, refrigerators, 50 Croxford Repair Shop, 1211 interesting thing he does in this conshow case, beds and electric washHKPAIIIS a PARTS Quincy. Bill Cohla, Riverdale. ing machine. Miss I.ou Lewis, whose fine poetry nection is to try to cross hybrids. RAWLE1GIPS PRODUCTS GENERAL CONSTRICTION H59rJlond' raar- - 742 Adams. in tile frogre-siv- e N. D. A, 2420 Grand Ave. 50 Independ- Quite recently, fur example, he took appears John J. Alfred Johnson, Jorgensen. John Mayor, 411 Alameda Avenue. HOMES aaUhtmk"tLM Wa,hlntonent from time to time, has always tlie flowering stocks of the besfc D- - W. of petunias and buried home for sale nr trade, with had either the reading or tile produc- specimens 2204 Lincoln Ave. 8928-Phone Stephens, furniture. Owner, J .8. Long, 258 tion of literature as her central inter- them in sand for a season to plant No. 1st West. WANTED: Responsible elderly couest. At (), she listened to the reading them in an effort to secure a better HOME PROJECTS ple to cook for T boarders. Living Buy w11 OF N. D. A. Inquire W. W. Whitney, llUlg.dale. of Milton, while at 1.1. she, with a sis- strain or stand of petunias. Provided free. nr Idaho, DANIiKIb Brtgliuni City, Utah. ter, went through Shakespeare. While bank got his start in just such ways W. W. Anderson, Star Barber Shop, IMPLEMENTS SERVICE LIST at the University of Utah, she won a 110 25 Street. Hide delivery hay rake, garden true Fred Clift, Star Barber Shop, 120 25th tor, wagons beet raek, beet culti- short story contest. A number of her A SERVICE Street. vator, beet puller, spring tooth har stories and poems have appeared in s, row sulky plows, small hay Twitchell. Lorraine Shop, 1720 various publieations and she has sold Professional Service (See Coop. N.D.A) cream separator. MOSS Washington. & Harrop, Lorraine Shop, 2710 Wash- Grant Hotel. a scenario to the movies. For a 120 aeree of dry land, Insqilire of General Auto ington. there interval a was considerable Cameo Theatre. Repairing A-- CTWaHice, Wells W. Ktringhsm. ltlilgedule, 2( Washington. New Cafe, Marlon Rolilnon BRICKLAYER Idaho, or Brlghnm City, Utah. 400 break ill her literary work, during A Credits Labor, Parts, Cash Simon Dew lid, 1(95 Jefferson. Phone James Lamcrary, Barber. acres, Inquire of Leltuy D, While wli'ieh she' nursed her in valid mother. 2192-N. D. A. Member Janice Kelly, Barber Perry, Utah. 40 acres of orrharil Trips which she made to California of the CARPENTER land, owned by M. W. lYtera, Perry, and the Northwest Basel Crooketon, Barber. 155 E. 27th SOUTH ST. country greatly Utah. DeKlools, 2152 Liberty. Phone Wm. Elemon, Earlier. broadened her conceptions and out LIVESTOCK Charles Zaxtcr, Shoe Repairing. breedfor Karl O. Elding, 520 Adame, Fh. (OIL Fruit A Produce N. D. A Coop. Bldg. rabbits Hheep, pigs, horses, W.O. Hartman, 1050 Washington. ing, ana milch cowe. Inquire of N. Furniture Dept. N. D. A. Coop. Bldg. V. A. on West Forrest St. CHIROPRACTOR A H" SERVICE A" LA1IOH Dr. Johnson, Klesel Building. ZANOL QUALITY PRODUCTS Mrs. Rosalia Knudeon'e eon, 104 S. dental service Ellison Clean lnr A Dyeing. Srd West. Inquire of N. D. A., 1(20 Grand. Everett White, General Repalrlnr. 27 Wm. 127 North. 1st E. DRESSMAKING Johneon, Merchant SL Haw Filing, Tool Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Will. Hackett, 49 S. 3rd East. Anna Burg, 651 22nd BL Ph. II49-Hharpeninr, Stove Repairing. J. R. Boothe and daughter, 7th Weet Fancy Sewing. Household Necessities Auto Nelson Repair. Garage, Bessie Dudman. 114 Slat St. Fancy Hurrlnrton Garage. Auto Repair. and Ird South. Joseph L. Peterson, 55 R. 2nd West... Sewing. Ford Auto Repair. Marcus Pulsipher. 222 N. 2nd East. Mra Lorln Frew, Hooper, Utah. Larson, Blacksmith Shop. 667 So. 7th East Street Runaonm Beeclinr, 1st No. ft Stli East. Plain sawing. Kueeel Bates, Blaekamlth Shop. LaVomo Bowden, 217 West Furrest, Kathryn Dixon, 2912 Porter. Plain Frank Bennett Merchant, Alpine. 50 Cash Same A Credit A. D. St. Main No. Sth ft Rice, swing. Raeinuasen, Carpenter, Hyland. Main St. Wanna Fredericks, 29(1 Porter. Plain Crane, Rudolph Jensen, South Blackamfth, Hyland. Ephraim Jensen. 201 H. 2nd East awing. Tailor. Ira Schow, 110 Weet Forreet. lire. Horace Taylor, 446 Washington. Heaetrand, Coal, Wood, Cedarpoet (apply N. D. A) Tlieron Christensen, 55 N. 1st West. Plain aawing . Mrs. Lynch, 2221 Kleeel Ave. Plain Hana Stratford. Glenn Sheffield, 1st ffouth ft 5th East. awing. DELTA UNIT Miles North, 123 N. 2nd West. BerdetU Boles, 157 7th St. Plain sewPeter Baird, 120 8. 4th East. ing. John Abbott. EDUCATION Mr. E. D. Vaughn, manager of the 650 N. 1st East. F. J. Smithsonian Buelneee College. Inquire Faulkner, SIIURTLIFF SHOE REPAIRING Delta unit, visited Salt Lake Wedof N. D. A, 2410 Grand. 8tan!ey Hameon, Sth No. ft 2nd East. MASSAGING He that the 16, ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Nov. reports nesday, 49 West 1st South Phone Was. 10060 Cor-niElectrical Massaging, D. Carter Maurice Cole, 770 12th Street. work at Delta is progressing very 504 8. 2nd West. FHU1TS We Use Best the Material MUSIC LESSONS Natural Development Association, nicely. WE WISH YOU WOULD TRY US" 2420 Grand Ave. Joseph F. Smith. Bowden Hotel, piano tuner, voice trainer, plnnn leaclie. FINGER WAVES AND MARCELEI We Are a Member of N.D.A. REAL ESTATE DELTA EXCHANGE LIST Shop, 2252 Wshington. Peggys Merlin Larsen, 404 No. Ird East. Mitchell's Shop, Eccles Building. Ephraim Jensen. 203 So. 2nd East. Lorrnlns Barbsr Shop, 2710 WashingHA DIO REPAIRING ton. F. J. Faulkner, 65U No. 1st East. AUTO REPAIRING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ROOMS Billy Van's Oarer. Robert Smith, 925 21rd Street O. G. Spencer, 46 North 1st East. Flxft Bhop. W. Faber, President Willy P. Renkel, Manager SHOE REPAIRING HOME BARBER SHOP Mlke'e. Brown's Shoe Hospital. Kllpak'e, Olden Real Estate Company. (See BRAUTY PARLOR Johnson Shoe Shop. Ur. Russell.) MODERN WOODWORKING modern. BaseTRUCKIN4L Lucllle'e ment and range, in rood condiDelbert Holmes, Glen Sheffield, Man120700 per mo. CLEANING AND DYEING tion; unfurnished. Manufacturers of uel Jensen. Delta Cleaners and Dyers. LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS A TELEPHONE POLES BANK OFFICE STORE FIXTURES Cleaners A CAFE Laundry Dry Innumber. and Owl Cedar native Cafe. posts Dyer. 1112 Waehlnrton. DANCING quire of the N. D .A. MECHANICAL NOVELTY WORK Superior Cabinet Work TYPIST AID BOOKKEEPING Van'e Open Air. R. H. Hutchinson, 1510 Adame. Public Typist and Bookkeeper. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS MEDICAL HEALTH 668 So. State Street Salt Lake City, Utah. M. Johnson, 537 So. 3rd East. Flxit Shop. Inquire of N. D. A, 2420 Grand Ave. WASATCH 8183 manager R. qnur PAPER? Natural Assn. 11 s 1 (S7-R- 1. nn-iil- , Thef-.tfei- re-re- "raffiRiTr0 N.D.A. American Fork Unit ' Also Meat W. 59th South Street Fine Stock at All Times Salt Lake City, Utah Blair Ave. CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home 553 So. 3rd PLASTERING WEISS East COMPANY STUCCO ARCH WORK PLASTERING EXTERIOR and INTERIOR Salt Lain City 8298--M SHOP PARLOR SHINE and SHOE REX HAT CLEANING I Shoe Repairing a. Estimates Cheerfully Given Wasatch SHINE 10c DYE YOUR OLD SHOES NOW AND SAVE MONEY We Clean and Block All Kindi of LADIES and GENTS HATS 50c All Work Guaranteed 246 SOUTH MAIN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH "B SERVICE Keith Emporium Arcade DYEHS-Sanlta- ry Hor-ten- Be Loyal COOPERATION BUILT TIIE N.D.A. Loyalty is at the basis of the success of any organization, loyalty of members, loyalty of officials, to each other and to the N. D. A. is absolutely necessary to the growth and forwarding of the movement. Be loyal to the N. D. A. and it will be loyal to you. Do not discount your scrip if you can possibly avoid it. Enemies Use Cooperative Dairy Products Patronize Those Who Patronize You BUY YOUR MILK ON "B SERVICE The Cooperative Milk Producers , Inc. ' Cooperative Dairymen East 21st South Hyland . se PHONE jHlllBIlllSEIBItRaiatiSataiajSHStlHStSlSSHSRRlIHSRlIHSSHIHIHiaHHHIEIiaiSBBIHmWMHISBBBIBl 1208 1055 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK DESERET " HAT BLOCKING PLEATING We Call and Deliver "Come Gean With Us and Well Dye for You WINDSOR ST. HY. 646 ,,l ALL OTHER PROFESSIONS ARE OVERCROWDED Personal Instruction by Experts in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Stenography, Typing, Law, Office Machines, Civil Service JV. D. A. Scrip is as Good as Gold to Vs : - A BUSINESS TRAINING Will Prove Better jtnnrLnnm For which LEE and D. T. WORSENCROFT I enclose Than Gold to You L A SUGGESTION Signed Mueller Gaa and Coal Furnaces Quaker and Clarks Furnaces I hereby contribute $-- REPAIR WORK- -A CREDITS NEW WORK B CREDITS 7597 g TRAINING IS THE GREAT HOPE OF TODAY Every Day Somewhere A Change Occurs Your Turn Will Come WU1 You Be Ready? Address Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Phone Hy. BUSINESS i Editor Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg., City. Please send the paper to me for CLEANERS and DYERS KUG CLEANING 1130 ar mr. McAllister You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information Karl Weiss OTTO ten-ye- First for Your Stock Needs 547 764 L and Mrs. Hyrum Smith, has be student of art for several years entertains the ambition of becomi a sculptress, i In tne last issue it was stated tl S. H. Carter raised select White M urea chickens, but this isnt the I of it, for Mr. Carter also raises pi greed Flemish Giant rabbits, put bred Ficknick Pouter pigeons a pigs and geese. Some beautiful ir descent blue and silver pigeons whi has has he values at $7.50. apiece. H big Flemish rabbits weight from eig) to eighteen pounds and 01K an old grandmother doe, weigher twenty-tw- o pounds and was almo chop-trailer- THE IIEPNER RABBITRY See Us Th semi-month- ly 4th Ave. 376 Ftp to help send out extra copies for the purpose of advertising the N. D. A. and acquainting people with the new Idea. Salt Lake Gty, Utah GET READY SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 246 SOUTH MAIN STREET t . t TP .A. f t I |