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Show V ' PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Four. ' SATURDAY NIGHT MEETING, NOV. 5 THE MONETARY SYSTEM COMPARED WITH N. D. A. N. D. A. HOME SERVICE help with Behavior problems, fear, teasing, untruthfulness, stories and games for your child. Ways to keep More them busy. Ideas on parties. Problems of the adolescent boy or .eve in your home and your fire-- girl. The N. D. A. Kitchen. ;ii Your home i yoiw kingdom; , Thanksgiving is near at hand, letN.s fou.it ejpress the best that is with- - make it the same festal day with access is doing common things D. A. menus. Here is a real N. D. A substitute uimonly well." pudding: 1 Beauty Through Color. cup carrots (grated). 1 abJve seen color have does not cup potatoes (grated). iy col-h1 h effect, but a Combination of cup raisins if you haven t any, use ground apples. very mup power to please 1 cup sugar. displease. Sfc in furnishings, in 1 u and everywhere we use color, teaspoon soda. rtSectf ftepends greatly on our yi teaspoon salt. 1 "ce 61 combinations. If you take teaspoon nutmeg. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. sky tile and hold it beside a clear the first tile will appear to be Beat the soda into the potatoes, add .held by a bright green it will the other ingredients and beat 3 well; or 4 be blue. If you look it a put in buttered pan and steam Ajfit, through a green glass the hours. Serve with sauce. seems to disappear the XgghtShepherds Pie. meat and vegeCut up a neutralizes the red ana leaves a in placing our fumi- - tables, place in baking dish and cover t agrey. Sochair violet placed on a rug with gravy; season well and allow to h much red in it would produce heat through, then place over the top that a layer of mashed potatoes. Brown ,yery unpleasant effect, but ue chair placed in a room with soft in oven and garnish with minced ear--I n walls and a dull parsley. would be very beautiful. The red Lamb Stew. J in a room with other furnishings Cut 2 pounds of neck or breast of 'soft grey would seem bright and lamb into small pieces; sear until brown; cover with water. Add two (icing. you have questions about colors sliced onions and boil 3 hours; add ome beautifying problems drop diced carrots and potatoes and cook in the question box to be until done. Thicken gravy and serve next tune. over whole wheat toast. I Help You Live Life ' Abundantly as : 'aito - y grey-gree- an-'V- Mothers Problems having lots of coughs and lids these days, with some, one of A children home from school to be tored most every day. Try this tcipe for a quick cure: ' Je you .1 I hpnch jcelcry. bunchparsley. skins and all. "potatoes --ics skins and all. .ions, lions. .blespoons of honey. t everything in small pieces, boil it an hour, add the honey. Strain, i should have about two quarts, nk a cupful every few hours, f you have problems of "being a :her," let us help you find the an-- ir through this column. Here are (e of the things that you may need AUTOMOBILE TOPS Seat Covera, Cushions, Floor Mats Upholstery "New or Renewed A & B SERVICE j - r j : -- s r jgi.i'liiL ib;L. .L g profit-produci- machinery. "Money is held at such a high rate of interest, that when you borrow you cannot expect to pay it back. The margin between cost of production and selling price is less than the rate of interest to say nothing about the I1 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING principal. Modern Equipment ' Materials, Cash BATTERY CHARGING Our N. D. A. workers are not expected to compete with capitalistic organizations equipped with modern machinery. If we can add better machinery for the purpose of turning out a better product in less time, the members will share the benefits of such equipment Labor, Gass "A f W. R. Nash, Prop, Hyland 414 6r 1369 So. State . "The workers are a necessary evil with the capitalist whose aim is to accumulate capital (money). In N. D. A. the worker is the capital and not a necessary evil to be eliminated as soon as possible by Brassiere 2an be had on "A Credit For particulars, apply to LADY GAY dANUFACTURING CO., Was. 3643--J or Hy. 1169 Rear Newhouse Hotel lJ, ties. For a limited time, Perfect-Fittin- Wasatch 2300 27 Walker Place Vcll.T er : LAWRENCE FE. l ,' At the forum meeting, November 2, Mr. McAllister, auditor for N. D. A., gave a detailed comparison between the monetary system and that being followed by the N.D.A. In substance, his discussion was as follows: Many of our N. D. A. members are misunderstanding the organization by thinking the coupons represent a straight sale as in the use of money. And their attempts to show a profit causes trouble. The N. D. A. was not organized on a capitalistic basis. Its capital stock consists of members and services for the purpose of bringing together raw material and labor to create merchandise, not for profit, but for benefit of the members of the association. A capitalistic organization must have enough financial backing to take care of: First, capital" stock; Second, the promotion stock; Third, equipment, material and labor. For example, with $100,000.00 representing the capital stock, $20,000.00 must be allowed for 'promotion puiposes and organization, and another $20,000 for equipment (buildings, machinery, installation), leaving $6,000.00 for raw materials and workers with which to replace the outlay plus interest by sales and profits. The workers, with raw materials, create wealth which is converted into money. For every dollar the wage earner gets he is expected to produce on an average of $7 worth of wealth which is converted into money the capital being taken as and held for profit to capitaL The auditor read articles printed by the Institute of Banking explanatory of the primary functions of a bank. "All that any bank does is to deal in credit. Every bank exercises two priPotatoes Do you know there are 47 different mary functions, the accepting of deways to serve potatoes? They should posits and the making of loans or disnot become tiresome with all this counts. A third function performed chance of variation. by many banks is that of issuing notes Bake medium sized potatoes; re- for general circulation as a substitute move from shells carefully, mash, add for money. In each of them the bank half cup rich millc, salt and pepper to is always exchanging money for cretaste. Beat until fluffy; return to dit, or credit for money or credit for A banker should be able to shells, dot with butter and return to credit oven for just a few minutes. give advice, with his knowledge of the You may vary this by adding cheese money market, and protect business or a small can of deviled ham to the enterprises from unreliable vchtures.' "Money, today, he declared, "is potato mixture. Peel potatoes as for boiling, using false standard of fictitious value. The Parboil ten farmer is buying it with eight bushsmall, round potatoes. minutes, drain, dip in butter or melt- els of wheat when he should use but ed fat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, one. "An N. D. A. Coupon Check is an place in baking dish and finish cookorder on actual food or service, and ing in oven. Cut enough pared potatoes to make any one giving six dollar coupons for three cupfuls into small cubes. Par one dollar is disloyal to his associboil ten minutes and drain. Add one ates, for he is lowering the value of third cup of fat and cook on slow fire their service. "In the capitalistic system the effi until slightly browned. Melt two a partnership diminished tablespoonfuls butter, add a few drops ciency theof number of partners. But of onion juice, two tablespoonfuls with flour and one cup hot milk; season, that is not so with N. D. A. just the pour over potatoes and garnish with opposite I In a capitalistic organization the parsley. DONT FORGET TO USE THE partners participate in such assets as the association can secure by selling. QUESTION BOX. With N. D. A. stocks, bonds, credits, etc., were left out of the corporation. Members should benefit by the LINGERIE exchange of services and commodileft-ov- St - I'll OjJ:' TIIE GATE BEAUTIFUL DONT THROW IT AWAY 1 1 Have it welded and spend the difference between this and a new one with the N. D. A. . O. D. RUST WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small All work guaranteed. General Repair and Contract Work Will Call and Deliver-Hylan61 4514-- J d West Stratford Avc. House Cleaner Remodeling in All its Branches and will go anywhere Estimates and Consultation Free WASATCH 10347 or 50 D STREET AFFILIATED WITH THE N. D. A. V. A ld . few days. . HENRY OLSEN GARAGE CREDITS BATTERIES, STARTERS, GENERATORS . and IGNITION WORK Expert BODY AND FENDER WORK Battery Charging and Repairing CAR STORAGE - Wall Paper Furnished on A and B Credits . House Painting, Sign Painting All Kind of Interior and Exterior Decorating ALL LABOR A CREDITS ESTIMATES FREE IL F. HANKS & SONS 333 1063 East 21st South Rea. Phone : Was. 2268-- R 4539 isaniaMaittiiiXK3i!!iMtiiiintaiiiiiiiiiiiii3iaiiiiiaiiaiiBaiiiiBnti3iiiiMi ALL WORK GUARANTEED. The 956 South State Street Hyland ) Osteopathic Physician 518-2- 0 McIntyre Building WASATCH 4346 s, J -- t 1 68 So. Main St nt South Main 14 St We Uae Beat Material Scrip Accepted on "B Credit Hit Alio GEO KOPOULOS, Prop. mouhta nr ohxv MINERAL WATER THE WONDER OF THE AGE " Iztamal or Eztmul TO BI USED TOB Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, Prostate Glands, Tonsilitis, Sore Throat, Swollen Joints, Stomach Ulcers, Varicose Ulcers, Hay Fever, Etc. DIBXOTIOXB Tata TwpMitd Tbrea Thus a day, in fra Mr More are la. Natural Mineral Water A W. WINBERG ft CO. IMS loath h But SALT LAKB CITT, UTAH SEAGULL APARTMENTS. 215 Steam-Heate- North West Temple Front Apartments d WELL FURNISHED ACCEPT N. D. A COUPONS --$18.50 to $27.50 - Including Hot Water BURTS BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP Has Been Selected A AS OUR OFFICIAL N. D. Representative in the Sugarhouse 1063 ' District East 21at South Street Hyland 8544 i POPULAR PRICES WANTED WOOL AND PELTS Consign or aell your wool or pelts to the N. D. A. We can secure better prices for you since we prepare all wool and pelts properly before marketing. GIVE US A TRIAL N.D.A. 55 W. Broadway PHONES-Wa- s. 10347, Hy. REDEEM YOUR Salt Lake Gty , Mur. 235 6142-R- SCRIP Heres a chance to place your surplus scrip to real advantage. Seldom do you have an opportunity to participate with an organization that is depression proof. It has weathered last three years, and is making money. A limited amount of scrip will be accepted on should net an exceptional return. a proposition that For Details, See Mr. Belnap at the N. D. A. Office Are you in need of Repairs on Furniture of any kind? VISIT OUR BRHNCH N. D. A. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 55 WE8T BROADWAY SHOE 2c Cash and 10c Scrip or 5c Cash Shoe Dyeing, 35c Cah DR. ALICE E. HOUGHTON 3555 of all SHINE no matter what the coat Cameron Battery & Ignition Co. above money. Call for Surplus Scrip After.the talk by Owen Woodruff, Mr. Stringham the call for those who have surplus scrip to enlist this aid to help N. D. A progress. For instance, we could be sending men in many different of the country to organize, butparts the necessity of keeping their families binds them to home. Now, if a means could be provided of allowing these families to draw from the N. D. A, then the men could go and organize. Dr. Smith then called on Mr. Parry, who has been organizing in Brigham City, to give a brief report on the progress there. The report that he gave was very encouraging, and we congratulate the people outside of Salt Lake Gty, who are showing such a spirit of cooperation. Mr. Kershaw was called upon to give a report on the tannery, and he Explained just what is going on in that department to the satisfaction PROFESSIONAL Beit Bargain in the World i HEALTH, Quality Shoe Repair The election has by no means settled any of the problems that will confront the people of the country as well as the city, during the winter. There is universal uiem-ploymeand consequent want and distress. The relief agencies must be supplied with means and products with which to meet the needs and the general public, especially those who have means, must be aroused and stimulated to deeds of charity to an extent hitherto unknown in thjs country. The needs for food, clothing and fuel cannot be minimized. We are our brothers keeper to the extent that we do not permit him to starve and freeze. Those out of work cannot borrow money, they cannotfind work, and one of the most humanitarian tasks ever laid upon a are us this day and will Eeople us upon all winter. -- Roosevelt Ave. HYLAND WINTER PROBLEMS Health Message Doctor Dunn, head of the health department, had a message for the people of vital importance regarding the members cooperating with N. D. A. in giving health service. He read the names of the doctors who are serving in this capacity and emphasized that people become acquainted with their names in case it is necessary to call upon them at any time. We were then favored with a vocal duet by the Misses Evelyn and Lucy Bringhurst, after which Dr. Allen gave a report on activities of the health department, and commented on the fitness of the men connected with this department. list your wants in these columns. Mr. Dundas informed the people of Advertising pays divideos. in made the some changes recently N. D. A, assuring the members that the changes that are being made are carefully studied and for the best of the organization. Moreover, he made HOSTESS SERVICE it known that those guiding the affairs of the N. D. A are aware that Complete Service and perhaps the quality of the food is not always as high as that we may Entertainment perhaps purchase elsewhere, but the for the same, food value certainly remains PARTIES SHOWERS AND will us sustain and N. D. A. food just as long as any other. In closing, Mr. $5 to $25 "A Credits Dundas voiced the sentiments ot many members of the N. D. A in his MATERIALS CASH words, "I know we're on the right VERY "REAL ARTIFICIAL track, and announced that hereafter we would be given the opportunity of FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS obtaining meat on a half cash, half will the meat and that credit basis, Leola Home Cummins be at a competitive price and quality. 106 W. 1st North Meat day will now be every day, WAS. 9093-which ought to eliminate the meat Bishop Dunn of Pocatello was then asked to speak. He said N. D. A. is a new idea in that territory and is very popular, and that Messrs. Wilkinson and Bennion had made a very fine impression in their appearance, in that region. He said there are many kinds of cooperatives in Idaho, and they have been found to work line. Woodruff Speaks successfully and that he believes N, D. A. will be the most successful of After commenting on the charges all, because "it is 100 per cent cooper- that are being made and the problems ative. It has very little opposition in that are discussed in long board meetPocatello. He delivered an invitation ings, Dr. Smith called on Owen to President Stringham to return to Woodruff to acquaint the members Idaho on a visit, assuring him he with some of these problems. would receive a very pleasing welMr. Woodruff gained the undivided come to his former home state. interest of the people with his open' Mr. Dunn said the question of op ing announcement that he intended posing the N. D. A. had been consid- to take them into the confidence of ered by the Pocatello chamber of the board and that he hoped they would appreciate this confidence. Becommerce, but had been tabled. Mr. Glad asked Mrs. Lohmolder to fore- going inti) the items for the address the people on her plan to members to give consideration at this organize professional troupes and put time, he gave the very welcome meson plays for scrip and cash in other sage that there would be an abundtowns, etc. She outlined the plan and ance of "slack coal and for the peoasked that members be not so bash ple to put in their orders, that winful in coming and enrolling for the ter approaching may be much more work, as she had no other way of dis- welcome. He also mentioned a wonderful opportunity that has been ofcovering talent and training. He spoke well of the paper and fered to the N. D. A to explain their urged the members to mail copies of plan and principles at a convention this issue of the paper out to their of those interested in solving the friends, as it is an especially good problems of the farmers in Omaha. issue for that purpose. Reminding us of an explanation Mr. Grant Redford, manager of the that Mr. Stringham made sometime Logan branch, told of the blood suck- ago regarding the division of the ers that used to get on his legs in three classes of people we have muddy water, and that the only way to deal with, Mr. Woodruff again to get rid of them was to pull them emphasized the fact that it is imto establish N. D. A loose from their hold on his skin. He possible said the N. D. A. also has blood suck- among the people who come under the ers which must be loosened from their Charity Line. Though there are many fine people in that unfortuhold on the organization. nate Four Important Steps state, they could not be regardMr. Crawford of the School of ed, as assets. There has been an influx said of of of Mines Utah the University people in N. D. A who have he found a much wider sympathy and nothing to offer but willingness to understanding of the aims of N. D. A. work. Now is the time for us to now than ever before. 'Die good be- realize that the lack of funds is a ing accomplished is rousing more and great handicap to the N. D. A We must encourage our friends who are more interest. Mr. Qad named the four important able to give financial aid to do so. steps in the progress of N. D. A. No. Another Step is the making of converts. No. 2 is There is another that is going the acquiring of assets. No. 3 is or- to be taken to makestep it possible for us comown our to to advance, for, says Mr. Woodruff, produce ganizing modities. . No. 4 is to establish our "at the present time we dont seem ideal system. Faulty as it is, he said, to be makjng much A it is doing more than any other or- credit pool is going to progress.' be organized live. to to help people in order that the ganization who have a Mr. White, the glove maker, exhib- surplus of scrip people it there to put ited some of the buckskin gloves he help us expand. may Mr. Woodruff outhad made and asked that members lined steps that are important in make it a point to get all the deer building the ideal of the N. D. and hides possible and have them tanned that we must keep in mind. (1)A The at the N. D. A. tannery for the mak- - thought must be planted in peoples ing of gloves. Hr. Harmon suggest, j , mids th it i Kssible to get along that rabbit hides can be tanned to ad- withot one- (2) Then they must cor-vantage for use on fur coats. Mr. ed the use of scrip. h!s use of the volunteered . Lloyd jik thing to remember, trucks if a rabbit hunt can be organ- ho, ..er,unpot is that scrip is only a means ized by members of the N. D. A end, only a step on the ladder. have We started to operate with no equipment, and the use of scrip will SATURDAY NIGHT enable us to acquire the necessary to work with. (4) The goal MEETING REPORT material is to socialize means of production so that we can really put human welfare Elg-gre- BATTERIES CHARGED ON ct December. The emotions of many N. D. A. members were deeply stirred by Mrs. Ruth Lohmolder's artistic presentation of "The Gate Beautiful, staged Silat the Saturday night meeting. ver and Gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto you, were the sublime words of an apostle of Christ addressed to the beggar at the gate. "Such as he had was a faith and vision. And when the beggar caught that vision he arose and walked through "the Gate Beautiful, his soul The filled with joy and N. story bears striking semblance tohave D. A. ideals Gold and silver we November 12 not, but such as we have we offer a suffering world, a vision of our ideals The regular Saturday night meetwhich are both Christian in principle ing of November 12, proved to be a and practice varied and interesting program acquainting the members with projects and changes of recent development in IHORSE SHOE SHI the N. D. A 50 West First South Dr. Smith conducted the meeting $1.15 13 SHINES FOR and after a much applauded piano n solo by Miss Wilva Giles, Mrs. Shoe Shine 10c A Credits announced the welcome news of We Dye Shoes another ladies' party, a combination Patronise An American Shop self-relian- WALL PAPER-(-B Credits) PAINTS MODERN DECORATORS ASSOCIATED Wilford A Glad was in charge of the November 5 meeting. Marion Wells Wilkinson of the expansion department was asked to tell wnat he intended to do on his coming trip to Oakland, Calif., where he and Dr. Gale have gone to open the first California unit. Mr. Wilkinson told of the progress made so far in Idaho, where he said the members and people of Preston, Montpelier, Twin Falls and Pocatello are cooperating better than the people of Salt Lake. He asked that all Salt Lake members or scrip users get in touch with the control department before going into outside units to buy with scrip. One-A-ct Play The N. D. A. orchestra played "The Holy City as a prelude to the one-aplay, "At the Gate Beautiful. The scene of the play was Jerusalem in the time of Christ. The theme was healing, and Mrs. Lohmolder and her cast staged a very beautiful and artistic feature, showing not only excellent ability on the part of the actors, but also intensive training and capable direction. A very popular musical feature of the program was the six and eight double trio, whose (a) and (b) numbers were encored. Twelve-year-oMaster Dunn, son of Bishop Dunn of Pocatello, also made a hit with his cornet solos. Mr. Glad told the meeting of the accident which had laid Mr. Lund, editor of the Independent, up for Bishop Dunn Speaks nt of useful instructions and entertainment, to be held Wednesday afternoon at the Gvic Center. Particular the request for emphasis was laid onthimbles for an the ladies to bring unmentioned but very interesting purpose. They were also asked to search their homes for old stockings or soft cloths that will be of great use in making toys at this time that we are in preparing for Santa Claus' arrival EVERYBODY WELCOME Frank Wineriter at 72 South West Temple N.D.A. Furniture Department |