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Show PROGRESSIVE CHARACTER BUILDING IN PLAY By Ruth King Brown. Delivered to N. D. A. eg at Center Civic Wednesday.) When yon celeet the proper play material! for year child, those which provide a field for development and leads to hia later self--discipline, th yon are truly beginning hia education. Today, with every week seeing new ideas of freedom in Education earning to the notice of parents and teachers who are alert, realise that rigid and imposed discipline will soon be so obsolete as to be considered uncivilised. Playthings should correspond with his psychological and physiological development, as well as being along exthe same lines as his every-da- y in so far as he is able to periences understand them. Remembering always that to give a child toys beyond his understanding is worse than no and always bear in mind that toys he must be .left to use his initiative and imagination. Consider his age, hia physical development, his mental development and his emotional development; then consider the toy. What can be done Does it appeal to investwith it igative instinct, constructive instinct, is ut durable and is it suitable. When we realise the importance of play for our young children, then we will have begun to look forward to the time when we will need have and after no fear for their leisure all isnt our greatest trouble, what are the youngsters doing in their and when we fina leisure hours them vainly chasing about for thrills, Isnt it really a matter of misunderstanding what really constitutes a How to good time, in other words play. Too long have we believed that Education is a matter of Reading, Writing and- - Arithmetic. In other words,' ihany of us have more or less felt If Johnny was seven and in the Third Grade, . he must be a very bright child. Not necessarily! We are beginning to realise that he must be much more than a good imitator. He must have between mind and body, concentration, and very important to mix with others. even when one has had a college education, is the question raised; first of all not how many years did one read certain books. So, we begin true education with experience. We do this by giving the child toys that teach him by manipulation and construction just to the extent that he learns through his own personal experince, what a certain toy can be made to do in his own world, will it be of value as education. It must be useable for a period of time, which will enable him to experiment many, many times. It must be durable above all, in the beginning it must be simple. in fact, Toys that cost very little many times nothing at all, are of the most value in this true education. In years of observing and training ability INDEPENDENT Experience, Idaho, and ha wants more complete NATURAL DEVELOPMENTS HEALTH DEPARTMENT When seeking services in this department, one should bear in mind that, although there may be but scant equipment observable perhaps in the consultation or operating room, ydt the very necessary unseen equipment in professional training and otherwise preparedness, have cost many thousands of dollars and years of time to All this investment is acquire. brought to bear upon the simplest operation or the writing of a prescrip- Page Five. data. most part pleased about the change. We are now selling our best cuts of Sirloin and Round steaks at 10c per pound; boiling meat at 9c a pound, and other cuts in proportion. We have arranged to have about one ton of fish each week. This will be a big addition to the meat department, and for the present time at least we will sell it for straight scrip. We hope to have lard and cured meats on the same basis soon. LETTERS OF ENQUIRY tion. ARE POURING IN. Consultation alone thus costs the Requests tor Literature from physician something to supply. It is All Points of Compass. he desired therefore that scrip-booA. Bingham of the Vancouver Copresented, when convenient to do so, operative Supply Association of Vanlittle people, from the first hour of at each visit or at short intervals, and British Columbia, writes in to lift until adolesence, there seems no when larger settlements are neces-sar- couver, ask aid in the solution of many to make such by coupon-checkdoubt whatever, that every worthiroblems with which hia association while idea of living life in the great- obtainable at the cashiers office. from When lenses or other appliances of a wrestling. W. & Mason writes est capacity and joy can be formed Waynesburg, Pennsylvania to know if kind are should any needed, in the patients at age period in the Dental we contemplate organising home or in a Play school thru play. expect a "B classification. Eaat. and asking for complete details In closing may I say that one very patients under thirteen years of age of the structure and aims of the asare as this is the time important factor in helping the child of lifeencouraged, sociation. W. B. Lloyd of San Diego, for dental and supervision repon, in this important business of arative work. They are classified as California, writes that he has been an is to give him (even if you A. Those whose necessary dental economic student for many years past a very small home) a comer service has been delayed this and that he la impressed by reading of his own his office. I should love age may be classified as beyond our paper that we have tkrn an adB. to tell you how this was managed in vanced step toward intelligent exAlways have a definite understandone instance, in a 8 room apartment, ing as to cost and manner of settlechange between human kind and that and in case there is enough in- ment before the desierd service is the psychological moment has arrived terest to warrant a study group, rendered. Announce yourself as an to put the plan over. that is one of the first subjects we N. 1). A; patient by all means. Be B. E. From Fresno, California, will discuss, and the course may be frank. N. D. A. patients usually en- Bunch writes that the group of which a closer N. A. D. for joy in professional relationship paid scrip. a member has in mind organizthan do those who have no such com- he isthere to function with our organmon vision and interest; and when ing the labor is performed and the friend- isation. W. L Case ofhe Leesville, YOUTH OF NATION wants to ly deed is done, part pay may often Louisiana, writes that BEGINNING TO THINK. know just how to go to work to orbe acceptable in gratitude. Board members and department ganize a branch of the N. D. A. there. That the younger generation is not bound by the economic fallacies of lieads, and the members of their fami- He wants complete information coverall the ers is shown by the follow- lies, should now be taking physical ing operation, membership ami Washdetails. Albert Evans of Blaine, examinations. colfrom the ing clipping McIntyre ington, writes that they have plans umn in the Tribune: EDUCATIONAL about completed for the starting there DEPARTMENT Mitchell Alfred Young Bingham, of a cooperative movement which will son of Senator Hiram Bingham, Reliable authorities on sociology include all lines of business and acstaunch Connecticut conservative, dethere is "too much divergence tivities for the mutual benefit of all feated last Tuesday, follows Corliss admit between the goal of private profit ami members. La Mont and resigns from the capital- the goal of public betterment, for Cards ton, Canada, is awake to the ist system. These defections make commercial management is neither al- call of N. D. A. and Phoenix, Arizona news, as, in general, the cyclone of truistic nor philanthropic. It is with- is operating. J. H. Crago of Pitts1929 seemed to drive in the legal rights and the power ot writes for com' youth farther over to the right education to expose the misconcep- burg, Pennsylvania details and instructions, as he Political fledglings of the type of tions which underlie ail obsolescent plete thinks they can use the N. 1). A. young John B. Chappie of Wisconsin economic order as well as those whirli X. and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., seem tp sometimes give rise to criminal legis- plan right there in Pittsburg. G. Marlatt of Dearborn, Michigan be looking toward some kHd of Fasc- lature and behavior. The X. 1). A. is earnestly trying to haa written for plan of organization, ism. in that Mr. Bingham, prise scholar in educate the public to a more altruistic with the idea of organizing L. Yale 27 and winner of the annual De program for human betterment. Oui section. From faraway Florida. that he is much inForest prise in oratory, today an- Open Forunt discusses economic and terested inwritesaccount he read in the the nounces plans for his new- radical sociological problems every WednesNew York Evening Sun of the Natnagasine and moves in with the busy day evening, starting at 6:30 p. m. and tural Development Association group of literary and economic disMEAT DEPARTMENT the work we are doing in Utah and senters, including John Dos Passoa and Stuart Chase, who will be conThe meat is causing HOUSE DRESSES & tributors to his new publication. He quite a lot of department comment since going on the the attack, wont magazine says a 4 cash basis. FRONT APRONS capitalist system, because thats sunk TTiis was absolutely necessary beREADY MADE cause of having to pay cash for our anyway. A A H CRKDITB meat And when it is explained to the public that they can have meat BE LOYAL 103 U1KAHD AVE. every day and as much as they wish, . 4th and Sth No., eavt of 1st W. A. N. D. of Read The Official Organ the cut y, s, pre-scho- ol Sy, then-fath- If a line be drawn from Vancouver to Cards ton, thence to Dearborn, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, New York City, thence to Florida and back west to Leesville, Louisiana, and through Phoenix Arizona, to San Diego, California, thence through San Joae Oakland, and back to Vancouver, the space within the line represents the territory that has been covered by N. D. A. publicity. Within this area hundreds of cities can be named from which letters of inquiry have come. A few may have been prompted by mere idle curiosity, but the vaat majority betray a burn ing desire for knowledge of the new economic syatem. Through our efficient operation of exchange without the use of money, we have lighted in their hearts a new hope, the hope of a new economic dawn. The Pier Economic Foundation of Chicago, III., ia working on far reaching plans for economic reconstruction and haa asked for complete information concerning our activities. J. L. Wilson of Houston, Texas, writes that the group he represents ia seriously interested in organising cooperatively and wish complete information aa to our start and operating methods. The Midwest Exchange of Yellow Springs, Ohio, has interested in its exchange program a large number of producers in a number of states and wants to know if we have products we will exchange for dry goods, clothing, furniture, stoves, electric re- frigerators, tires, batteries, nursery stock, fertilizer, feed, seed, farm machinery and electric motors. The Peoples Church of Cincinnati. Ohio, is interested in thr use of scrip and wants information on our Rcrip L. A. Klinger of Monrovia. system. California and Henry Liebelt of Mountain Cit, Nevada, both want complete information. Dr. J. F. Walsh ot Burlington, Iowa, writes, Your paper of Nov. 4th received and I read every word. Have you a plan for organizing N. D. A. unitz? If so, please send it to me. I feel sure that scrip can easily take the place of what we call money. In my opinion the money syatem is to blame for 98 percent of all our troubles. What I like about your organization is that it will be permanent. I feel sure that we have a number of men in this county that will join in a . INTERMOUNTAIN FUNERAL HOME E. L. EgH S. M. Taylor Over 25 years in Salt Lake Licensed Embalmed "B Credits Accepted The Mariann .1445 So. StatQ St. The Progressive Independent. &UEXXHEX1SXXX' CHIROPRACTOR and MASSEUR W. S. LAMOREAUX, D. C. 2110 PANAMA STREET THE LARSEN ELECTRIC All Kindi of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL 1932 LINCOLN STREET HYLAND 5109-R YOU CAN NOW BUY BRUSHES WIRE-GRI- P with Your N.D. A. Scrip - ' FULLY GUARANTEE- D-, Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute Optometrist Visual Training and Muscle Exercises Eye Examinations Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs-55 W. Broadway Credits A Credits B Credits DR. J. 0. KING Phone Was. 9544 Have it Done Right by BERRY PRINTING CO. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS DANCE PROGRAMS 50 171 WAS. 4572 Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor 30 SOUTH STATE STREET i a Complete Professional Service. We Specialize in Permanent Waving The capitalist press, in trying to escape the blame for the present state of chaos and want, aay it is mostly psychological. It is but not in the sense they would have us believe. It is psychological in the sense that obsolete capitalist psychology is to blame for it. It is psychological only in that soma mens inability to reason or blind reliance on the word of capitalists make them Imagine a wave of prosperity is sure to come along. It is psychological in that many still have illusions as to the old economic system. They still think it can be revived. They do not realize that it ia as dead aa the soul of a gangster. Aa soon as their psychology changes, and they come to understand that prosperity ia dead forever, they will begin to organize to produce their own prosperity, and for them at least the depression will he over. The depression is psychological in that hardships endured by a loyal, devoted community of cooperative workers have a vastly different psychological effect than hardships endured by the victims of our indefensible economic system. A change from capitalist to cooperative psychology gives men new courage and hope. The depression is psychological in that most of its evil psychology lies in the skulls of those who cannot conceive of a higher human motive than the robbing of the weak to strengthen tiie strong. It ia psychological in that the psychology of the old-tifinancial leaders must be changed. That they must be shown paths to achievement other than those of gathering money. That they must be taught that there are great rewards in store for leaders of men who can organize and plan for all instead of for self. These are some of the ways in which the depression ia psychologWill Dobson. Why ia it that such a small percentage of educated people get anywhere? The Carnegie Foundation made careful study of that question and conclusion: ,.nn to this impressive that success, even in such technical lines as engineering, is due only15 personality to he himself? uuuu-in- n S. S. (Steve) STEVENS, Prop. WAS. Cash or Scrip 4662 Scrip or Cash ages. FOR SALE Singer Sewing Machine Electric 141W2 Special Dressmakers Model Cash or Scrip $32.50 J. S. YOUNG . Canyon Road 165 Teacher of PIANO and ORGAN Ave. "A CREDITS 174 Commonwealth Hy. 3623-- W SUITS READY-MAD- E Sizes 36 to 44 Prices from $25.00 to $ 35.00 A I. SO 1.. 215 ONE-THIR- ' S. GARMENTS Temple CASH, BALANCE D t11 COUPONS Suits and Overcoats -H- igh-Grade l1,cjii.n . TEERLINK North West G. C. :: V 'Ih-- ' jl; "If Its Electrical, Leave it with Shurtliffs WAS. 10060 49 WEST 1st SOUTH VK CALI. AND IJKI.TVF.- R- SIIURTL1FF ELECTRIC CO. We Buy Old Gold ELECTRIC AND RADIO SUPPLIES REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Motors. Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons. Etc. We are a Member of N.D.A. l(ill,lMI 'jl: jlj J..- iI'ih.i. i'l "! ' CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK If KURT SCIIMIIIT Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no Pay If Its Made of Cement I Make It You Are Cement Mixer Rented by the Day or Week Phone Hy. 5148-433Downington Ave. fawmxmxxmxxmmxxmx Clines Bargain Store is now offering, for a limitedJtime only their entire stock of high grade merchandise, consisting of Mens Womens and Children s Shoes, and Mens Furnishings at HALF N.D.A. SCRIP & HALF CASH Our prices are as low, or lower Ilian any store iit S alt Lake. Our show windows will sure convince you! We inv ite comparison. THERE ARE NO STRINGS THIS OFFER TO ATTACHED BUY TIIE VERY have. YOU merchandise the MAY we We are not restricting you to buy poorest AS MUCH AS YOU BUY MAY AND YOU WE MERCHANDISE HAVE; BEST AND BUY MAY FROM YOU $1 TO $100. WISH AS THERE IS NO LOUT TO THE QUANTITY. UP-TO-DA- BUT REMEMBER As This Offer is for a Short Time Only, we kindly urge you to make your purchases as early as possible, and tell your friends. Before making your purchases, however, you must obtain an O.K.slip from the clerk. This can be had for the asking, and is only to help us in the tabulation of customers Our Regular Low Prices Prevail During This Offer Announcing the Opening ox the N.D. A. TAILOR SHOP H. N. HANSEN, Mgr. 55 West Broadway, 2nd Floor WASATCH WASATCH 4912 H & H GARAGE 61 Exchange Place Half Block East of Post Office offered against it is that it would take too long to make practicable. That argument has been exploded by the establishment of a working model that haa proved practicable. When distant cities learn that our model really ia operating they are ready at once to install a unit of their own. This newly awakened national faith in cooperation this hunger for the truth givee the N. D. A. its great opportunity. But it also lays on the association a great responsibility. It cannot atop now. It must go on. It must fulfill the hopes it haa raised in ell these human breasts. If it should fail the people of this nation now that it haa awakened them, it will be guilty of the greatest crime of the THE DEPRESSION MOSTLY PSYCHOLOGICAL. PERSONALITY. We Can Print Anything but a Newspaper THIRD EAST XMAS CARDS 2596 Scrip, 7596 Cash WE BUY WE SELL prices, they are for the ical. FINE STATIONERY CASH 50 SCRIP N. D. A. they desire and at particular competative ed ON B CREDITS SEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN At N. D. A. or at 601 East Third South USED CARS unit of the N. D- - A. It most be a cooperative movement 100 percent and N. D. A. looks like just that to me. If it is tiie kind of movement I think it is, I will gladly help in any way I can. We help ourselves by helping others. Thanks to the example and instructions of N. D. A., Sacramento has the Mutual Exchange League and Denver. Colorado haa the Fraternal Trade Association. Both associations are using the N. D. A. scrip system, as well as having patterned their organizations after the efficient Utah parent. It is now leia than a year and a half since the seed of N. D. A. was town. That without any campaign fund whatever the founders should have been able to cause such a wonderful growth in such a short period is nothing short of amazing. Why does it spread so on its own momentum? The answer is simple. Because thepeople are hungry for it- - It meets their needs end appeals to their reason. It is fundamentally right and cannot be gainsaid. The only argument any fair minded man haa ever 10347 All Kinds of Tailoring Wanted Several A- -l Tailor Get Your O. K. Slip From the Clerk BARGAJNISTORE SHOES FVRNfHINGS Our Enthusiasm for N. D. A. Promotes This Offer. We Believe in it Most Heartily m SI SI |