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Show Pace Two. PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Issued every other Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, in interest of Natural Development Entered as second-clas- s matter April 26, 1932, at the post office at Salt Lake Gty, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. C N. LUND Publisher and Managing Editor PRICES OF SUBSCRIPTION 'One Year 42.00 Six Months 1.00 Address all letters to 206 Scott Bldg., WORK, NOT WISHES WILL MAKE THE N. D. A. A BIGGER AND BETTER ORGANIZATION. . An organisation, like an individual will either go ahead or it will go back. There ia no atanding still. If an individual has energy and enterprise and industry and good judgement and thrift he will get ahead, if he haa none of these qualities or lacks in the more important of them, he will run behind. There ia no atanding atilL The same thing is true of an organisation or a community. If it haa enough men of vision and energy and concern for the future prosperity and growth of ' the organisation it will move ahead, it will become a bigger organization and in consequence n larger and snore prosperous community. Its good deeda will tiply and its opportunities will increase unbelievably. There will be more industries and opportunities coming to its gates and more of the things that make for a bigger end better and more prosperous N. D. A. No organization or community that has a dozen men who ere enough concerned about its future to give some time end thought and work and money to the of the organization is going to stand still. will It progress in direct ratio to the effort put forth. The N. D. A. will be just as big and just as prosperous as its members want it to be. The secret of every organizations success is not wishing for bigger and better things. The true secret of success lies in whole hearted cooperative working by nil its members. o A SUGGESTION TO FARM MEMBERS. We read of a movement among farmers of an Eastern state which might well be extended to the farm members of the N. D. A aa a means of helping to overcome the agricultural depression this coming year. The idea, as used in the east, is that each farmer should sign a pledge to produce hie own food and stock feed on his own farm, so far aa possible, in order to more nearly have hie surplus crops clear with which to trade for materials for improvements and added comforts for his home and family. An example of what such a pledge includes given in the following 10 points: I ; INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE will Raise my own stock feed, Raise my own meat, Have a good garden, Provide my own milk and butter, Keep at least 80 good laying hens, Have or start an orchard, Plant soil improving crops. k Encourage my children to take part in Add home conveniences. Beautify my homestead. Farmers who take such a pledge and live up to it and wisely trade their surplus through the cooperative of the N. D. A will very likely be ahead of f the game at the end of next year, especially if They also adopt better production methods along with their live at home program. and reliability are stamped upon your brow. Uncertainty never won a single degree of success for anyone, bus has resulted in millions of heart breaking failures. Hesitation and vacillating indecision, have wrecked more lives, than anything else ever known. They have for their companion doubt; and the base and fog of fear, plays ever upon the irresolute with swift and measured tread. The dubious and indecisive cannot resolve to succeed therefore are lost in the mists of defeat at every rebuff they encounter. Fear no man; not even yourself. Think not of think only of the possible failures of your ambition the ultimate goal. Do not bother with the incidentals along lifes stormy pathway, but keep your eys on the Beacon Light far ahead. As long as yon aee the light and keep going in the right direction, there is no power which can keep you from gaining your goal- - Then remember that to falter, to tremble, to float in a tea of doubt, la failure; But to render n decision and to dispatch tiie same ia the only true essence of success-Trul- y the Poet Longfellow sings: "The Star of the unconquered will, He rises in my breast, Serene, and resolute, and still, And calm, and lied." self-pos- se o- -. The following editorial ltema have been railed from our reading during n week of forced inactivity and are given to our readers in the hope that they will fill the editorial need for this issue. "Riches of the few are, and have always been, built upon the credulity of the many. A world of beauty purity and joy awaits you and your children forever if you will but open your eyes to the truth of the common ownership of the things used to produce wealth. In other words, all poverty ia n result of ignorance on the part of the workers of the world. Read good hooka and think, and you will have more to be thankful for." "The day is coining when the cannons roar will be silenced by. the Peace-Son- g of a free and gladsome world. The day ia coming when triumphant will break down the last barrier that keeps a single child from the fullest enjoyment of the vast heritage prepared for it through long centuries of pain and toil The day ia at hand when there shall be no man master of anothers bread and life; when the words master and slave and all their hypocritical latter-da- y equivalents shall pass from human speech and memory. The day is nearer than most of us think or know when the ghoulish coining of little child lives into dividends shall cease and the tender babes be given their natural fellowship with bird and flower." ex-ple- By C. H. Curtis. Chapter L ment" This is a very significant title, which portrays well the contents of the book. The book was to present a natural system of government idealistic In form, representing all the departments and activities of life and In which the present financial system and use of money as a medium of exchange wore to be entirely excluded. Once Started, the material end ideas used in the book often came in a moat remarkable manner, which waa very gratifying and encouraging to When the Idea first came to Mr. Btrlngham during the winter of 1930, In the little town of Shelley, Idaho, to write a book presenting a new econo, mlc system to the world, it ia doubtful 300-10- furniture -- if he realized the remarkable things which were shortly to tranoplre sa a reeult of hio thinking. Could ho have surmised or did ho know of the thousands of minds that were waiting to share and work with him in his Ideas of government? Could ho at this time, although ho had hoped tor wo- Mr. Btrlngham. nder, have realised the amazing and Writing a book which tore asunder rapid progress, the phenomenal the financial system and Its economics growth, end wide spread attention, tor the past six thousand years, would which were to result from these first probably appear to be a very laborious few thoughts and Mean that took root and difficult task to most people aua In hie mind? Nor was his mind at no doubt Mr. Btrlngham found It such. rest until he expressed this Inspiration However, at the end of the fourth In writing, thus assisting humanity to month to the day, April 9, 1931, the see a new light through the dark manuscript was finished and seat to clouds which hovered about them. As the publisher. During the time spent he thought of Mo Ideas on the matter, writing the book, very few people In they grew, and by the many things hla homo town wnew what ha waa which ha saw were sustained. doing, nor did he go out of hla way He claimed no titles or degrees, to toll them because he knew by Naother than those from the school of tural Law that a man is often deprivlife and the study of Natural Law and ed of a hearing in hla "own country", CLEANING AND DECORATING did not know wfaq, if any, would listen ao ho saved the embarraament and HOUSE O. & Jaynes, Hy. 3030. to him. He only knew that he could criticism and said that Shelley would INSURANCE P. L. Hickman, 1417 Gllmar Drive, Hy. SOIL help humanity and that In hla mind have to wait until others can deliver LABOR waa a plan of government which the message. Skilled or Unskilled, Call Waa 10347. Mr. Stringham came to Salt Lake LACE CURTAINS would work as logically aa the system LAUNDERED Mra G. A. Bradford, ill Bo. Ith West of life In a plant, a flower, a tree, or the following month of May to arLANDSCAPE GARDENING the human body. The words, "He who range for the publication of hla hook J. H. Joost, Hy. 930-knows a remedy for the tile of man- and have a good grammarian go ovei LANGUAGES Hiss M. Hoyer, Waa 10147. kind end seeks not to remedy them, la its contents and make any corrections LAUNDRY a coward and a traitor to himself and that were thought necessary. On July American Hand Laundry. Waa 10347. Mrs. Hancock, 174 Denver Bt. Hy. 6012-hla country." quoted In an article by 3rd, 1931 the first edition of the book Paris Hand Laundry, 111 Floral Ava C. N. Lund, which he often read, fired waa published. There were 1,000 hooks LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED him with a seal to let out the light In tha first edition and the coat of J. J. Thomaa 153 Spring Viaw Drlva was five hundred and MACHINE REPAIRING from within which seemed determined publication Mr. Cupp, Waa 4033. No script MINING that It should not remain hid under a twenty-si-x doBan (526.00 ENGINEER bushel. Although he felt weak at the acewted at that time.) It la lnterest-i-n John R. Stewart, 170 So. 11th East Hy. 0500-INSTRUCTION AND TUNING MUSIC, note that it was seven months gto gigantic task which loomed before Mrs. Hancock. 174 Denver Bt. him, he waa reminded often that "The and one day from the time Mr. String-bar- n Emery S- Epperson, Violin, 1060 a 7th East Hy. S774-started writing the book to the weak shall confound the wise," This George E Barsea Mechanician and Tuner, 1133 Tth East. W. H. Burgener, Band and Orchestra, 1223 Bo. Ith East. statement meant much to him' during time It came off the proas. Two copies Mra Edith Ivins Lamoreaux, Teacher of Beginnara 14 ' the months of writing which followed. of the book were sent to the Library 2544-Edward Cox, Plano, Violin. Stool Guitar. . H. Elilngaon, Piano Tuning, Hy. 7032-171 Crandall Ava There were times when he waa dis- of Congress at Washington, D. C. and Loretta Epperson, Volca 115 W. 3rd North, Waa 5531-couraged and waa all but' ready to tha copyright was Issued August 1st, Reuel Halvorson, Wind Instruments, Teaclier of Beginners, 411 Sa lid Bast-W43S5-give up the Intended hook. However i 1931. Chan. Hopkins, Plano Tuner, 114 Edith Ave. Hy. 1015-- J. he bed much to Inspire him In the! Now with the book off the press, J. wood Jepaon, Plano Lessons, 1541 4 th East St Hy. 3344, Ell work that he saw must he done. Aside Mr. Btrlngham had and still has the Mra W. J. Loomla 2003 8. Sth East Hy. 5591-1Teacher. C. W. Reid, Plano and Voice. II E. 1st South 8t Waa 7144-- J. from hla loving wife and family of assistance of a very certain and atead-fiv- e Bandera R. H. Teacher of Plano end Orgaa 174 Commonwealth Ava now six, he had won-- ! fast friend In presenting hla ideas to kiddles Geo. E Woodruff, Plano Tuner, 163 Harrison Ava derful parents, whom he honored and ' the world, namely the book itself. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED and whose teachings of char. though minute In the beginning, the OHC'HGeorge E. Barsea 1231 Tth East SL EXTRA acter and honesty during hla life had Idea which originated some seven Spanish Syncopstora, 1549 4th East St Hy. 1244. meant so much to him. He also had months ago had finally resolved lt-- ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Fred Ulaueer. 510 E. lith So., Hy. 5500-- J. exceptional teacher of phychology self into one thousand beautiful blue PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING one of hundred who had the hooka, numbering and the art and living, A. Survey Dept, Waa 10147. N't,v rare gift of Inspiring people to do j nine pages each. That waa a great PIItm?HAPHz! W- - 1071-Bt" something for the world, and leave it j step towards the final adhlvement. rLAFXT1n8NtADMent R,n better than they found It. All these However, the greatest problems, those Carl Welaa Waa 2251-things registered In the mind of Mr. of presenting the Idea to the world, PLATING 0 oath). Btrlngham and as ha looked at hla selling the book, Interesting the type PLEATING1" COmPny 141 Bo- - ata own family and then at humanity of people necessary to create a nucl140. 11, Wlnfl,or Bt Hy. PLCMBING-Slelnerl groveling In debt, bondage and pover- eus from which to carry on tha work, Call Was. 10247. ty, and starving In the midst of plenty remained, aa yet, untouched. PUBLIC ADDHESS SYSTEMS . In the next issue, among that surrounded them. He thought of other -- ' Ino" Rl0hra - Hy- the hopeless future that seemed ever things, we will ten of Mr. Btringham's tel WUh ahead, and wondered when and from first meeting In Balt Lake City, In RAino SALIHS aJDIKR VICE" whom would oome relief tor hla fellow which he gave hia first speech on J. W. Holden, Waa 1722-1Llrd At- - Hy. II40-- J. "Natural Government. Shurtllff Electric, 40 West 1st South. W " t . - ! 1. "I yearn for n future which shall see no poverty, no crime, no vice, no unpaid labor nor any children's Mood coined into dividends. When there shall be no longer any wars or rumors of wars; when famine and pestilence shall be forgotten. When no longer one class shall enslave another to its tasks. When every man who will may labor freely, gladly, whether with hand or brain, and receive the product of his toil undiminished by any theft or purloining whatsoever.' When governmental corruption shall become a thing of the oblivious ts past. When crowns, titles, swords, rifles and shall be known only by history or the research of the antiquarian. When the earth and the fullness thereof shall belong to the whole people; and when its soil need be no longer fertilised with human Mood, its crops brought forth watered by human tears. Such are a few of them. Utopian? - No, for the my dreams Commonwealth, I believe, opens the way to their actual realization." Dread-naugh- Indecision ia one mistake of the mind, which above all others ia sure to result in failure. I have reference to that brain which cannot act with mathematical precision, or to the mind that cannot come to a decision. There are two kinds of minds. The first sees an opportunity on the march along the highway of life and instantly seizes and tuna it into definite action; the other, in the confused deliberation of chaos, waits, procrastinates, and operates in circles, loses sight of its dream, and goes scurrying off into the endless warp of inaction and defeat; when action, definite action, is needed indecision fails. Decision is what we want. Someone that knows what he ia after and haa the happy facility of knowing when and how to decide the issues of Ufa. If you believe in yourself; have faith in yourself and then put action into that faith. Make it real, make it come true. Success means action, realisation and results. We can dream dreams, and have visions all our days but what do they amount to without decision and action? Nothing. Make your decision and then back it up by the will to do things and to such there ia no height to which one cannot climb. The dumping ground of humanity ia filled with men who by their invariableness are pushed aside by the power of will of men who know the value of action and decision. No one but Who ia going to push you ahead? yourself. Who knows what is in your heart better than yourself? No one. Then who is going to tdl the world the desires of your heart, your hope, your in-- . vention and your talent? You alone must do it. Then r".V. your decision and never rest until you have written success into your life by the ability of deciding these issues. Yon may have a set of college brains, a number of diplomas and the like and still he a hopeless failure. Why? Because you lack the Will Power of action and decision; because you are ever striving for something fhut never reaching a conclusion; ever reaching for the tints of n rainbow which like a mirage, when yon attempt to grasp i fades away in the mists of n darkening sky, while the man who lacks these higher qualities of education, hut possesses the power of will, the knowing how to make a decision, rides on to a a, glorious success. Histories, are full of just such where brains become secondary in the fight for "Id renown achievements and great moral successes. is the dynamo which whirls the wheel of character Decision ia the Father of Will and to Achievement without one with the other, both are useless. When united in one there ia no obstacle too great for them to surmount In n moments notice, the greatest moral victories of all time have been decided by the Power of Will. When yon hesitate it shows weakness and instantly puts you to a disadvantage. The moment you demonstrate positive determination: strength, courage N.D.A.JSTORY Albert R. Oliver, lit Edison Street. CARPENTERS Was. 10S4T. rail CEMENT ART WORK J. Thomas Harrison, Strongs Court. CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALISTS Dr. W. F. Compton, 1 Scott Bldg. Waa 1010. CIVIL ENGINEER John R. Btswart, 1TI So. 11th East Hy. 0E0I-cleaners of carpets and overstaffed 17 BoUth W,,t Temple, Was. 7170. 001MRTIlCsfSrtl Eior Enos Cleansing and Tissue Cream. N. D. A. Hsadouartara. Was. 1II4T W. w. Whitney, Ambassador Hotel Beauty Shop. DANCING AMthetfe, Folk asd BaRresm Hra Epperson. Ill W. 3rd North. DOO FANCIER Wasatch Kennels 3100 3th East S. Ll Dunatar. DRAMATIC ART AND FLAT PRODUCTION Ruth P. Lohmoldar. B. Sl, M. a Wasatch 10141. DRAYAGB AND TRANSFER Hr. DIaL Waa 10947. DRESSMAKING Mrs. Lester Jansen, 1303 View Street Mra 'Roy McDonough, 114 Downlngton, Hy. 1479-Miss Mlfbrandt 411 1st Aye. WaiT449. Mrs. Simmons Holladay lll-and Was. 10S4T. Mrs. AJeen stallings, 311 B. Ind East Children's Clothing. Mrs Clara Btavena, iso F Btrsst DRINK Carrot Juice Stand. Community Harks , ELECTRICIANS Cameron Battary A Ignition Co- - III So. Stats. Hy. 1533. (lfatsrlala & Larsen Elactrlc Co- - 1113 Lincoln St. (Fixtures B Credit) ENGINEERING H. Mueller, 3(1 North Mein, Mschanloal Engineer. FLOWERS Jones Floral, 130 W. 1st South. Waa 5TIT-- J. FRENCH LESSONS Racine Vaquisr. Ilf 10th Ava Was. Illi-FURNACE CLEANING AND REPAIRING C. F. Pitts, 151 West 4th North. Was. Illl-FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED H. M. Madsen, Naw Wasatch HotsL (Materials &) GARAGE N. D. A. Garage, 71 Post Office Place. GENERATOR REPAIRS Ralph C. Nelson, if Post Office Placa HAT CLEANERS Cut Rate Cleaners and Hatters, 114 So. Btata HEMSTITCHING, BUTTON HOLES, BUTTONS Dolly HcHonegsL 111 Clift Bldg. Waa 4904. (Hats rials eash.) : "The thoughts that breathe and bum are the loving and inspiring thoughts that encircle the world and embrace all humanity ... Love is service, the joy of service is consecration, and the crowning of consecration ia immortality ... The greatest souls spring from the greatest struggles. Only they who lose all find all only they know the joy of triumph, the grace of exaltation . . . Every homeless brother challenges the validity of my title; every sorrowing sister rebukes my Christless complacency, and every neglected child smites my conscience in the name of Humanity . . . Not until all are fed are any fed; not until all are sheltered are any sheltered; not until all are free are any fine, not until all are civilized are any civilised. dub-wor- INDECISION. At length he became tired of waiting tor the relief that was always promised and never came, and so he concluded tar put Ms own mm end plans on paper. On December 1, 1930, he stilted writing the manuscript of hla book, which after careful aumght he decided to call "Natural Govern- Is rising; it ia Now the rising out of the solidarity of cooperation. Its rays of light are bursting through the dark horizon which ignorance and deceit have so long riveted down upon us It is lighting np the faces of n new order of men and women; supermen and women; men and women not men and women; men discouraged by defeat; god-lik- e and women who have found the secret springs of life and already are drinking deep and glorious draughts; men and women who are standing erect and whose joined hands encircle the world; men and women who see the worlds wretchedness and the worlds poverty and are ready to throw away their Uvea with a song on their lips, that such things shall not be. Courage, then, my brothers and my sisters! In the vision of your hearts lies the power to crumble effete civilisation into dust In the sun of your love and faith the worlds tyranny shrivels; hut the toiling masses are catching the spirit of that sun. The slaves of ten thousand years are stirring in their graves with the mighty heart-bea- ts of the future. You are the liberators! Behind you n g mighty host is waking from its sleep and unfolding its banners to the light You are the victors! Where you now walk the earth will be beaten flat with the tramp of n million feet Another day then, another day and the towering palms of our new world will burst upon our sight We cannot fail for we have Inin hold of lifes reality and lifes meaning!" sun of the new World age-lon- "What is the way out of this hideous state of affairs? It ia in the consciousness that we are all of us on one and the same planet Once we have got hold of this absolute verity once we have realized the fact that for better or for worse this ia our common home that it therefore behooves us to behave as wa would if wo found ourselves on board we shall n steamer bound for an unknown destination have taken the most important step towards the solution of that problem which ia at the root of all our difon the ficulties. We are all of us same planet end the weal and woo of everybody elae means the weal end woe of ourselves! Mark my words and remember them on that fatal day when the human race shall be requested to pack up its little toys and surrender to n more worthy successor. The only hope for survival lira in one sentence: Wo are all of us on tha same planet and we are all of us equally responsible for the happiness end wellbeing of the world in which we live fellow-passenge- rs fellow-passenge- rs fellow-passenge- rs J an j a pubcknrhyaVM!! 1. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED - Bhrpner ROLLER11 SKAtSgL?1- COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE 55 L-I- Natural Development Association . BftOMH0n WASATCH 55 E. Ind South. North Ttmpla Waa 1414. aa 7714. Room, for CORRECTED UP TO OCTOBER 30, 1113 The following commodities and services are available for exchange. "A1 credit Indicates that scrip Is acceptable to full price of service. Materials are B credit indicates an acceptance of part cash unless otherwise specified scrip and part cash. Tha agreement of tho parsons end firms listed hereunder to accept H. D. A. scrip in whole or In part la revocable at wilL and In compiling this list for tha use of its members, the Natural Development Association makes no guaranty of Its accuracy beyond ths exercise of a reasonable dlllganea In recording changes and eliminating errors. 0MeMweeeMeeMNMwMeeeeMeMeeewieNMeeiMeeMeMeMNeww N. D. A Commodities and Services available at tha Headquarters. Livestock A A B Ante Tires, Tools A Lumber B Barber and Beaaty Shop A (To Card Members only) Magasiaeo A Mens Clothes A A B Bread. Pastry A Mrst B Cblldreos Clothes A A B Prefsaalonal Servlets A Coal (B Credit) A Produce A Faraltarei New aad Second-han- d Radio A Hoy B Second-HaClothes-M- an, Labari Skilled aad Unskilled A Won Ladlce Honaa Dresses A and Children A nd A A B EWING SC&OOl-!- shoS'shwinS; P- - A. Shins West Parlor, Horseshoe Shine Parlor,li30 WestBroadway. First Booth. N. SWiZK'nMKSnIJ'- 'h" - Waa TAILOEUUVGk MarabeUe tanks' isrwedMsi mSmum. kEpAiHlSDi1, KTon Hum Alley. Waa ,141 TOOLS SHARPENED TRuralV 4115. HolHnga Waa 10147. a 4th South HoU1 -t- 1615. efcl. sist earti). Bm 1,0 Wilmington Ava Holdaway. Waa 5505. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Dodge Bros. Electric. 145 So. Stats Bt Waa 5050. WEATHER STRIPS AND CALKING Rawson ft Co. Waa 4033. "a65!.tfis,a4rtr, 141 Plum Allay- Waa 3635. " w - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Inelnolve of all Medical, Sargleal and Dental reqntrcmsntsi try, Chlroprnetle, Drngleao Treatment. Chiropody. Hi script Isas and Hoopltaliaation. For Information, apply to Optome- WELL DRILLER OIL OR FLOWING T. G. O' Dee, I Street WIJTOOW and STORE CLEANING 0. H. Whitley, 111 Blair Bt, Hy. WRECKING OF HOUSES Holdaway. Waa 3303. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Waa. A STBS, aad Hy. 4S0S-- W or Was. 10Z4T B CREDITS ACCEPTED CLASS "A SERVICE BOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX RETURNS Rudi Barthold, 1311 South State Btrsst. ADVERTISING Progresses Independent, Waa. 10147. APARTMENTS, RENTALS Call Waa 10147. Roydon Weight Waa 130. ARCH WORK Karl Weiss, 551 So. 3rd East Waa 1299-l- f. ARCHITECTS Leonard C. Neilson, 517 Mclntlre Bldg. H. C. Popa, Nowhoum Building. Anderson Young, Continental Bank Building. ART H. N. Hansen, Waa 10147 Smith, Waa 10S47 , Dorothy K TALKS AND CARTOONING U M. Cantrell. Waa 1197-AUTO KEYS LOCK REPAIRS Msx Erakin Service, 3(1 S. Sth West Glens Key 8hop, 111 So. Main. Waa 1113. AUTO REPAIRING Jansen Auto Service, 141 E. 1st South. Labor "A D. M. Kemp, (30 E !7th South, Hy. 7I7I-O. Mots, 153 E. I7th South. W. R. Nash, 1319 Bo. State. Ralph C. Nelson. 19 Post Office Placa N. D. A. Auto Repair Shop, 71 Post Office placa Henry Olson, lOOSy East Hat South. Utah. Phono Midvale Riverton 4kMotor, Riverton, Robbins Evens, 119 So. 3th East Hy. 7710 (parts eash). 1111 1st E. Avs. J. Vlshweg, A TO CARD MEMBERS ONLY BARBER 4k BEAUTY SHOPS (All Barber Shops ars "A" to Card Ifambara) Beehive Barbs r and Beauty shop, Waa 4111, 10 So. Btata Burts Barber 4k Beauty Shop, Bugarhousa Cosy Barber Shop, 137 & Ind South. Bt Harold Lloyd Barber Shop, 23 Richards Btrsst 134 Na Mela. Barbaring only. Just Rite Berber, P. Martin. 314 West 3rd North. Mitchell Beauty Shop, Bugarhousa N. D. A. Barber ft Beauty Parlor, 13 West Broadway. Park Barber and Beauty Shop, 171 E. Ith South. Bedfords Home Barber Shop. 1013 Eaet First South. Rosa Barber ft Beauty Shop, 731 South Btate Bt Waa Hit. ACCOUNTANT ' ART-CHAL- R. I47T-- R. - Chiropractic offers a simple, natural, effective method of restoring health in both acute and chronic ailments. Why not consult an N. D. A. Chiropractor DR, GEO. A: WILSON 14 Years Experience Licensed in Utah, Idaho and Nevada Successor to DR. BENJ. R. JOHNSON and The Johnson & Wilson Chiropractic Health Service 0 Phones: Office, Waa Rea, Waa 4938 6669-- 312 Boston Bldg; Salt Lake M A CREDITS 97-B- 4. BICYCLES Bicycle Shop. 10IIV4 East BLACKSMITHINO R. Merchant mea Bt Hy. WMt T'mBOaa- - 10M K1 AT" Hy- W-- Br0adwy Waa 10147. oanSTnda,L7 10347 Salt Lake City, Utah Landry 14 H- - RUGLkAHra,C0ttw"M,taAT Deseret Cleaners, 1110 Windsor 944. ST WEST BROADWAY Amumnt ft toil list Representative In each unit to handle Circulation and Adver- A Reliable tising and writs np Unit news. South. gt Hy. 7173. BOILER ft STOKER REPAIRS 141 Plum Allay. Waa 1115. BURIAL VAULTS Douglas Cola, 317 N Street Waa II97-- J. business and vocational TRAINING Salt Lake Business Collega Keith Emporium Bldg., Waa 7110. CABINET AND FURNITURE BUILDERS AND REPAIRS Mr. Ferguson, 341 8a 1st West Harold B. Lswrsnea rear Newhousa Hotel, Waa 3110. Sons, Wanted Bo. Maid PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ,ir4Ti4Vi'4Yr4Tl(4;'?VA!r4VV4V4trS,'T,4r4W45V4I?4tA4T(4:'T4:-V':ST?AT;- aa |