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Show SIR JOHN FRENCH MAKES A REPORT HJ London, Nov. 22. Field Marshal I Sir John French, in his repDrt from the front, issued tonight, described briefly an organized bombardment by . the British artillery of the German J lines, and refers again to the fighting B, in October around Loos Of the H' German counter-attack on October S, Hi Field Marshal French had previously B' reported that the German losses were Hj i very heavy, "some 8000 or 9000 dead H being left in front of the British and Vfj French trenches. 'I,. l j In denying this the German official B H statement sent out on Sunday, No- H I) vcmber 21, said: H' it "Thin was n. nnrfl invention, as the flj number of dead and missing, includ- K I ing those who died later of wounds, i I was only 763." t ! Field Marshal French, in his latest H I report, declares that the German com- 1 J munication refers only to one small V I portion of the battlefield and reler- H ' ates that all Information confirms his H J original estimate. The text of the i statement follows: i j "Our artillery has during the past K four days carried out an organized H -. bombardment of many portions of the H' ,jj hostile lines with great effect. The B j enemy's artillery has been active B V north of Loos, east of Armcntieres i and east of Yprcs. Bj , "A German aeroplane landed with- Hj ' in our lines southwest of Ypres on Hl November 19. The pilot and ob- H server, who stated that they had lost Ht their way, were captured. The ma- H chine was not damaged. K German Report Untrue. Hl ' "Statements in the German report Hj 1 of the 21st regarding our front are 'l incorrect in every particular. The i report states that a large mine was iff successfully exploded In our positions ) on the Ypres,-Zonnebeke railway The mine in question exploded well in front of our trenches. It caused no h damage and no casualties, and we H , have occupied the ground on cither Hj ji side of the crater. H; "The enemy made air raids on Pop- Hi H perlnghe on November IS and 20. No H. tf damage whatever was done to the H' if railway or any buildings in the first Hi Jii raid. Two soldiers were wounded m tt and four cows were killed. In the H, .' Becond raid one bomb caused casual- K ft tics to eight men. None of the oth- Hj ifj ers had any effect. H Attempt to Deceive. M 15 "With regard to the enemy's de- nial of my (Field Marshal French's) reported estimate of his loss in killed on October 8, he is, apparently, attempting at-tempting to deceive by referring to only one small portion of the battlefield, battle-field, while my report referred to the wholo attack on October 8. Tho enemy attacked not only to the southwest south-west of Loos, but also southeast and northeast of that placer All further Information obtained, including this report of the casualties southwest of Loos, confirms my original estimate." nn |