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Show I OGDEN TO MEET EAST HIGH TEAM Game Will Be Played Thanks- giving Day on Cummings Field, Salt Lake. Salt Lake, Nor. 23 Tonight the football warriors of tho West high school leave for Butte to meet the Butte high school on Thanksgiving day and this morning the Red and Black rooters will meet and give the Panthers a sendoff. that will surpass all previous 'demonstrations. The football team leaves at 11:45 o'clock. Principal L. M. Gilillian has arranged ar-ranged an elaborate program for today, to-day, when the gridiron champions mav give their speeches and tell what they will do to Butte. The West high students are proud of their athletes and intend to do their share in bringing bring-ing the bacon home from the north. With Allen Conkwrlght, halfback, and Wendell Smoot, manager, sick, it looks doubtful that they will make the trip. In this event Coach Richardson Rich-ardson will take two other players. Percy HanBon and Lester Jarvis will be at halfbacks and If Hanson works like he did in the Ogden game Conk-wright's Conk-wright's absence should be little felt-Leopards felt-Leopards Worl: Hard Despite their defeat Friday, the Leopards are continuing to work hard. Yesterday Coach Fltzpatrick ran his bunch against the L D. S. U. boys and the East side rolled up a splendid score The regulars worked well, but the sensational playing of Earl Cooper Coop-er Thurman was the feature and the manner in which ho hit the line was worthy of note. Today there will be a layoff, so the footballers who wish to turn basket-bailers basket-bailers will have a chance to play in the class series. Tomorrow a light practice will finish the training for the year. Coach Lon Romney sent his players through practice yesterday and incidentally inci-dentally told them he was satisfied with their work in the West high game and congratulated them upon their game fighting all the way through. Everyone was impressed with the great showing the Tigers made in the second half and even Salt Lake fans must acknowledge that Lon's hunch is a fine aggregation. aggrega-tion. Cross Some Plunger. The tremendous power with which Fullback Cross bucks the line also was much discussed. The entire Ogden Og-den back field is a powerful unit, which must be watched at all tlmeB. Dee, with his sensational defensive work, starred Saturday, while Captain Lew Falck showed considerable accuracy ac-curacy in sending his long and short passes. The officials for this game have not been chosen, but Coaches Romney Rom-ney and Fltzpatrick will meet today and decide. As the East high-Ogden game will be played in Salt Lake. Ogden will send down its usual largo number of supporters, and they are confident of victory. A special train will carry the Tiger rooters to and from the game. |