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Show CURB 10 GUTTER ID SIDEWALK WORK IS ORDERED After adopting reports from the committee of the whole, acting as a board o equalization and review, that no protests had been made against proposed improvements in curb and glitter districts 117, US and 119, and sidewalk district 139, tho city board of commissioners last night passed ordinances or-dinances confirming tho property tac levied for the improvements, The contract for building sewer in district 129 was awarded to the Wheelwright Construction company for $1,3S7. the lowest bid The district dis-trict is in the vicinity of Pacific avenue ave-nue and Twenty-ninth street. The recommendations of the city engineer respecting curb and gutter grade on Butler avenue was approved The claim of the Portland "Wood Pipo company for 5500 was allowed and the auditor directed to draw a warrant for the sum. The financial statement of the city auditor for the quarter year ending October 31 was received and placed on file. Department claims amounting to $3,159.59 were allowed and the auditor au-ditor instructed to draw warrants for the various amounts. The petition of property owners for larger watermains on Twenty-second street, between Van Buren and Harrison Harri-son avenues, was referred to the superintendent su-perintendent of waterworks and water wa-ter supply |