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Show influence of free from the corrupting lo- centralized wealth, It ought to , be , cated In Provo, ana wmcu minds of a majority always been in the nr Utah. We will as .u-t- ,i the advan briefly as possible set forth iucawuu. , tages of the proposed Editor. First, it is nearer , the geographical THE BLADE. bates: SUBSCRIPTION t CO J. F. ' Per year....... (Payable in advance). , f 0IBBS, , post-ifSc- e rounding it. This condition precludes 4Ua ihilitv of any centralization ofdistribuui at iM Crt far 95 the weaui Eureka-lJeioPx- mu- Spri n gs Fish 4' . ft iSom. . Dr.CiS.Hosmer, n riiys icinn 'and Surgco i . ., r,firnard " v. roJi-o'Rich ard Sutton D. TTnnt D.. JameS IIIIt'UllJL: OFFICE: At Residence Geo. second floor - Tim- - 0tnVTToVdD.;jrmeV Stor Co-o- p HOURS: S to 4 p. m. - D.. . ' Tay- - mm JadienB.lor D., Stephen Levan vvm. jluum,-.. Jensen D., Josepn ju-- Uth. Nepal, ham h&b Thn Missouri Pacific R' Bailey R. man D., William II. Henry Coanell Silver-Pat- rick R. Blanchard H. C. J. Mason Dl, d god-sen- j county. a. DetroitSprlnesas. ixau ocrat, FranKim P.Grant Republican-- , - . . centre of Utah, than is Salt L.ake city. Second, it is almost exactly in ueuj. Application has been made at b the ephl as malls and tmru, through usaij for transmission tre of population, vcoadoclasa mall matter. ntv ;8 composed of seven mrgewwus e ah nf which bas a pull omy qu sur- SATURDAY MORN., OCT. 12, 1895. eeetion of the country immediately BLA.DE AGENTS: Judges of Election. The Utah Commission have appointed for. Juab he following Judges of election of. color: There has not been a change no not the twitching of a muscle; no flash shrinking from public scrutiny; in the of anger nor reproachful glance of Instead v.;2 ovi. , w. j vv,t iiK"wv steauy those things being in his favor, they decidedly against him. Those or him to EDITORIAL NOTES traits in his organization prove be a man of iron, a human automaton without heart, feeling or sensibility, Wherever one goes, the defeat of that and it would have required just such a gigantic fraud C. J. Alien is predict, nature to perpetrate so ternoieauriu. us&uuitties. arid conceded ny his political u .u Many stauncn ueyuujiudua EDITING THE DISPATCH. wni nQt vote for him. His defeat will to the leaders of both tie a of Tke parties in that, jit! will teach the wire- - The following kindlyn.tnotices also nresent is that men with hearts and hunniiprs fc'" ..i must be nominated in pAit-w- the Provo Dispatch, have ap raan sympathies order to hold the votes in their parties. peared in the papers to which they are Allen is destitute of every attrinute -- rpdited. and for whicn tnere.is gieat tne that goes to make up a progressive ful feeling existing in the breast orwere citizen. Voters, turn the iceberg down one for whom the kind words If you are going to' 'Kansas City,. will apaith in Utah county is conBelow is a list of our agents who Resources; Advantages St. Louis, Nephi-H- er cerned. The residents of Provo and of sceive subscriptions ana re.cF" ' Attractions. and . aro oonmosed of honest Chicago, nt..u,nntr Vf m. Chastatn, Ibapah, Tooele Co. fltrrirnlturists. There are no real estate New.York,t MILLAI1D COUXTT. . there is all for a:e situated that pulling is Oak al; City. A. City Nephi Lyman, Or" any other s . Joseph It laten lt8 ae: written: to advance the price of Christian Anderson, Fillmore. Yin' the center of Utah. unlimited. mTin ticket reads Utah see merely in your that East point Meramott, Sciplo. Traotieally Tho. 01 (X) Eveaihgr Odgen: Press, a is absence total oj of Holden. there (1) Apiculture; O. A. Bat. real estate; wil iive resources constat Everything goes to show that the in J. F. Gibbs of the Nephi Blade, Chrin. Overson. Leamington. live on that that The Missouri Pacific Prosharks and South of the Kanosb. denartment thn (irlit.nrial summer season in Cuba Wt speculative Geo. Crane. the of activity Petersburg. the campaign. The Jam Ilatton.Burbank. arhiVh can be wrung from ,the people during followed by a most desperate vo Dispatchhave be to is Virgil Kelly. been sadly ip 'need of an Democrats Utah Coaches, Quick Time and Super Elegant hv legislative obbery. In fact, Hvrnra Adam. Meadow. was let out, cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of ttehw. of govthe forces Bartow .he Colonel since Itoad-bemake this line thePeople's between, organ struggle Hinckley. S. conditne James Blake, ideal to bandroen. one. He an almost them will Route. Gibbs Mr. and give presents county meadow, watered ernment and those of the insurgents. is a fluent, brilliant writer. naturalout like a peat tion of decentralized wealth. for spread are! themselves sides : Both of Nephi are JAunef." nerving The Standard, gardens Ogden vegetable needful and that of its contiguIn Provo we find everythig fruit Its west. l ap6 :35 p. m. man the and botn ohano-fconflict editorial the in Thfl lafpflt. the approaching Ogden . . . . iv. . as l,eave Pueblo a as and LESSON, ous 7 :00 p. m. perfect towns,is OBJECT the building, AN capitol for erecting of th u will Ieave warfare oruer the m agement that to 5:45 p. m. this latitude, anticipate pear Kansas City In Arrive . . 6:?S a. m. . ... j Louis people willing to, do their part. St. wU involve neavy and Arrive be stubborn in charffe of the sanctum, 9 :30 a. m. Arrive Chicago of. Provo we find an influence that would cost of life and treasure to both. Pub-- j"QJbbf and editor the is proprietor Conference Mr.Gibbp recent u The rush1 to the the apiary is wtirevj of this locality i one of inimical to honest legislation for lie the JNepni iiiaae, wnicn, us a is an object not be The wool industry Opinion. Lake City, demand the prominent as nendent occupies Salt paper in such legislation teld . m uu, of all the people; .mo nnrl larire in buhl-ilargest ot weeklies. Utan Utah. of among place iwo oi attention the people lesson to a vigorous writer and will be warehouses for the wcijr Gibbs-iwould not tend to enslave the country storing and v,"T,nncr of Call ttpon the Nearest ticket agent of addresi the estimated gold that Xt is product Democratic . ? H, B, KOOSER, d town home ta ecclesiastical bearing, out i at more up dishing d: ear people to build up that pap-feof the product. scales Those will the keenine this for than caul and Colorado ui;uw Commercial aspect of Utah year Freight A Pass. Agt. and political commercial is a veritable KTrt rtnnht the i htOTofSalt Creek Lake City. Canyon, Salt Kinntar called R. STINSON, show an increase of from $6,000,000 to of pure , cry will-. partake more of its old time I mountain people that went to conference dropped Traveling Pass. Agt. Dispatch i .Vu to the quarry, venient the in ki into the ,.nnyiimAnf. dollars i.w.o means.that of which u $7,000,000, Salt Lake City, Utahtens of thousands and ,,.1 refining the TCIproau quaniy uuuei rinding . .Ai- to I' iiih men chlnnpd and business of this territory OtH.C.TOWNSEND, people ; coffers of Salt Lake zTtLtt t.i, Pacific Coast, 300 tons last IT IS MANLY TO CONFESS AN dustrious and Ticket Agent, General town Pass, are other city, helping sister of materially St. state, her every Louis, Mo. the injury SHO MAKER. ERROR. JOEL north easterly ?Z1T and Even silver ques in the work of solving the gush .from nod hamlet of Utah Territory. springs nine miles, pure saltmeans one of the of not fhe were it and so by tolerated that side, mountain tion by making gold plentyfull ooH manufactories in the Unl- that act could be r . into table, Unr, UlAAan rrrrfi hvfl tea oi heretofore said that the white metal will be its equal. ...:.ii,i,ink ia onnverted 0T..t has for the iniurious results to wuumj The nuuuiiKci Blade u;i i,a ,it. W eauals visitne to da'r? and an? r "LDt;V world. The brine is business men, to the Manti Messenger and removed"to unlearo that which we have learn eacn practically follow and the supplymanufactured recreathat flnanciallv. and tne in will not come f.n Salt Lake citv for rest ed is the most difficult operation bi Jim-Fit- z the Th fight w auuiuuu. unlimited, to n liTrimacre t.hore are several mines or quarries mind can perform." It is natural, and lff m Texa8 Qoyernor Culbertson has t.ion. His nolitical brethren in San- - or rock salt, the extent of which cannot pe to drift with the cur- proven himself to be too much of an pete nearly worried the life put of Joel computed easier Take City. In the not distant ruuire therefore nTTiizes to a , tvm Asa disiriDuuuri.uu ,rrr: the people of Utah will awaken their rent of popular opinion than it is to in- executive sport, and knocked the pro- by withholding funds that Joel regard: but m one yj.au. superior a tne m. . ed as a fair compensation for booming Southern Utah, and wi full realization that, in giving for ourselves. In so doing position out. Thousands of sport-lovin- g vestigate to the eart wdBOUth, out have stretching: railroads . office. for are several chances of being been have wlthoui t,hem there eupport to Salt Lake City, they of this question, the best point in citizens country furnishes, tentacles whose for the estabiisnmeut ui waum.. The Blade bas often had occasion Utah created an octopus to one chance of being right. disappointed,1 but the world will live wrong houses. wholesale and .j H,.a,t.ions of Nephi as a IIresiderce to cuff Joel for his unparalleled will rach out and imprison them The above is true in religion, science on just the same. situtheir in variety are unique for all of town, and politically. and , but and of bigotry, the think dIn evidence, tne iiikucbu on almost politics. ijuo'w-jjj. north into tfi that feel- ivide flow of waters commercial the is the we turns have kindly have that Lake today naughtjbut that of halt into the Sevier rivreligioui dogmas long list Utah lake and south-wa-to the Sevier lake-t- he dead It is singular that the people of the for the erstwhile Messenger man er ings maelstrom whose circling currents vexed the world and passed into the Uide ; gravfly the HSaord alt Its while to death vilana are west County. in town manhood freezing of strong who has a. view think of the sweep round every city, ioui . soil and periect arauiiigc of. thn CmA time f Ui TT'.oet ara of realm of exploded beliefs; that dollar are such, nonditiona " every his organization. tenets whose of . numerous sects today lage in Utah, gathering to v vjuuu the people's money and convey itmen. would not stand the4iht of. scieintific oying oii vy iuo awio uucoiaesD five vears among? a puuio." The and tune are progressive. beat. extreme business thrifty the Ihe Lake Election Judges. , and which Millard's a moment for wfde streets and avenues of large shade trees the coffers of Salt investigation comwas in the East the Black flock John H. Burson D. , Ras- Tosev cottagres, beautiful lawns and elegant to ruin before the bat- this fall, as yet, Salt Lake City not only has the are crumbling modern puouclife: uuuuxg) LOCAL TIME CARD. mus Boen D. Alex Gray B. : a teal is mercial pull, bui. it has the Fair pull, tering ram of modern logic. In science, hottest day of the season luxury. which in ... William watGander pia.eeIS svstem of D., Burbank D. A. .,,,1,, rineffect,Dec 16,at 1894. " nm SUpp"C it .i.M w the railroad pull, the ecclesiastical pull, many erroneous ideas have been demolAtkinson D. , James H. Kobinson K.W. P. er"w various station' bjjio m i.Iaiut wnin "aw and depart arrive Train tne nules some A. up three Robinson and the capitol D., Lake Clear J. distant inBnrinW follows: as where f the legislative pull ished bv scientists because further In rebuking aspiring greed the daily puie o.it. five miles, Aldrach D., G. M. Lambert R. Stations. is null. In fact, it bas every pull there is vestigarion proved "hat either the pre- - that is the only possible claim a man W. Arr. Geo. , D. wv, mountain range Deseret Milton Moody Leave To JtVL' Leave rich with 5:45 pm pastxirage. ... , . ss abounding and worm . K. pm Mace ... H. nAnnlft tVio am James are 2.00 r.v is 8.30 Jr. Ogden unn pumuK. (JroDoer D., ,,v,iir. f.ix,nr in Utah that ani Kth wArp of miles, .jtne a. .uw Vux 4.45 pm a couple tiio 'mills 9.30 am Christen the 3.10 am Ay f feait iv vw wealth of raises or deductions, , east l Tinrthlew .1. n Ill IUU1 the centralize ji lo is j anu ns aoruoti 7.15 am lv j juaKe at tendency f" of true to themselves and tne nignest Atoderson d. , John Cooper E. tne top ui avjl'. 4.05pm 7.41 am City wrong. Sandy.... H. Pratt William Leroy is Hi D., of human govern2.25 Millard .. theentire;Territory in Salt Lake Utah. nclkey Below Fillmore in pm County, loftiest principles 9.12 am .. Fairfield etWi1thouteIageratioli and witliotcolring 11.05 am . . . Eureka . . .12.45 pm and to make of it the t greater alone: the west side ments. Vote for Orville Thompson,. the of reservoir a lovely natural a STttnzhBTm William is 3 30 D.. pm 8.15 am. Lehi Junct.. in t.w description Catiital of Juab County R. Do the people realize what that means? of which a long and wide levee has 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 3.20 pm Prohert D., George W. Nixon D.wonthe Tintic of wUich mines the are found - E. R. 8.82 ain Pleas't Grove 3.13 pm iTannah Alfred Whatcott H means1 the enslavement o( every been thrown up as if to imprison the of "the Ghreat West Be- admiration and der a man 8.55 am Provo.... 2.50 pm R. is not B. G. Roberts Orville only It D., Thompson ncn mines ui x" Rappieye the sides Tintic, am 9.14 and . man, woman and child in Utah. Spanish Fork 2.32pm nr. man t.n TiHamin2tonD. Jr. lextorius U.it v. portion of Peep' Creek and otherifl wealthy mmnnrio uw water of Chalk creek for agricultural r m 11:11 ,i jiiiuiniitici w nu a,.l:i 9.32 am ... Payson... 2.1J pm receive iijuu U1V"W Western not the must we only Lovell R.. situated are Georee Oversdn D.. means that camps 10.35am ....Nephi.... 1.25pm purposes. To the southwest of Meabut he is a man or nrains, 01 Makoweek Abraham GreenhalghBush-nell- partwing of Juaouounty. 11.15 am Ar our religion, but our politics and liberty dow, same county, there is a fine turn- office, b f Lvl2.45pm 1 ArK.SO pm D. , Howard B. Bennett R. business Lv and the Hiram am 11.35 of ideas liberal Juf and broad a people Nephi's is centralizadirectory Following 10.f5 am 1.05 from Salt Lake because a' Leamington from pm across the alkali bottom, hustlers: no mistake in Oak Creek Charles 9.25 am will pike .. in make Millard .... 3.05 Oasis.. pm Roper D., Brigham C. ANDREWS AvCO.,' 8.37 am tion of industry, commerce, banking, been Lake Clear 4.50 has which gathered every pm pebble etc. to Lovel D., Joseph A. Lyman R. the him Grain cenLegislature. Wool, in 5.35 pm Dealers the means sending MilLv ) Ar 7.10 am in that city and wealth Oasis J. C.HawleyD.,Lars Hansen D., UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, and neatly spread oyer the roadway. f Ar 5.15 pm ford Lv up 7.50 am means that, There are other similar levees scatter Ed Weob R. 4.00am tralization of population; it E. R. Booth, Manager. Frisco.... Leave 9.40pm Memmott Samuel control D.,FrancisM. a will nomination secures Scipio Arrive Lake man Salt that NEPHI HOUSE, Any in a tew years, ed over Millard county. Less than Fisher D., Orvil L. Thompson R. Mrs. E. Golasorougn, propr. souh of Juab run daily except Sr ' Trains enumerated is down; be turned to sense that on a in ought bargain Utah every twenty-year- 9 A. W. PALMER, Salt1 ago the residents of Mil- Orville has done nothing or When tnat time and Carnage Shop, General Black- DtJo through trains daily from Thompson Out. Wagon to tne of Editor Manti work be the to Steps them belleTed lar(1 y smithing. Lake to all points East. the kind. - He is .in every respect :i.-de- - rinrt'c frmfe1 t . eomes.gooa oy u iuC noenov Tftnnrts . the retirement of NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, evidences Paiace Sleepers thflpp.fore. hands , and. Pullman ' " Through . . " TTl- - l rTthe Manti messen- ' win Lake to Chicago without change Jno. R. Downs propr. race. In serving of the votes OI ine luiiiarueB Joel Shomaker from ancient and jeople in other parcsot of industrious an Sleepers.A. in tnere Improved Tourist irom company. " HOTEL, ger UNION aispatcn u ., elected. be and should Chair Free in mounds Reclining the with a tne the from UurlDgiDeiab C. R. to proprgives ,(1nnPfit,ton Mrs. Tribune, Foote, query replycause of Shomaker' s day coaches. din ng car r the Lake Tribune f nunciatea tne sent,- vicinity, those . departure as fol- GAZETTE SALOON, , furnished line operating The only lows: aKd fastest line to all pomif shortest The W. propr. that favors J. Hartley, New "a of greed deduc of Hill Senator. ipentsof York, for a large fund Lack of harmony between the party premises o ea8t'E. D. WICKINS, Agent, Nephi. ands of people in halt iahe ouy uu tions as to the habits and civilization short and vigorous campaign, with as and Sbomaker's policy, together with M. McCUNE, and Confectionary Bakery retirehis made ottered dissatisfaction mutual D. E. Burley, Gen'l Agt. Passgr. Dept.," anunty. when it, the Tribune, McNALLY & LUNT, of an extinct people. A few years ago tittle public speaking as possible." ment essential. ' fact the City Ticket Office, aoi ain wail oyer Druggists its , hn4- E. L. Lomax, Genu fassgr.auu science furnished a solution of the mys Thai's Nephi, as we've yet to have CO. A COOPER, PYPER i ii'-- i ueu , E. pres DldLinson, Plumb-. that Salt Lake county under the Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and S. H. K.Clark, Concerning the "Moss. Along and well-u- p on th moun our first political rally this fall, by ., ers. Oliver W. Mink, ent school, law, is forced to help .edu- tery. M. and A. in Utah either 6ide. The Provo Dispatch says: Lake of Salt sides valley; tain E'. Ellery Anderson, EAGLE SALOON, GOLDEN cate the children of some of the country valley aud, other portions ofi Utah, are Dealers in Wines, Christensen ofcLevan were visitors John W. Doane, BlackettBros. Qliver Proprs. Frederick R. Coudert, t etc. v settlements of Utah, and hovr it, the seen horizontal lines. In many places enthusiare Liquors office at this today. They Received' in Wateon Tom of M. Georgia astic over Juab couTty's new mining The defeat P. KONG, Maker. Tribune, shrieked and foamed at the these lines have been worked into the CoMh and Cabinet of that Populism is oozing-ou- t fcamp, tne Mosa miningr aistrioi iQai.eu mouth because the country legislators solid rock. To the scientist those lines signifies . t he Harness ana oaauiee Manufacturers oikinds politics of that state. about four miles up little Salt- Creek would not surrender to Salt Lake had of horse furnishing one force all in dealers one and only meaning; pnly "hold-ups- " nine miles east of Juab eanvon. about tr called them i gOOdS. how it county, ronld have done the work. They are was A. V. HAGUE, election atatioa . The ore, a samplein- of which the more and weeks and other pet names because they T re Three - Butcher. of waves of the scars the left is found by. . lashing. conglomerHA office, at this left 'n.nnnTT run . will-b. over. What a sin. Dusea to appropriate STOUT, ate formation and there is about 50,000 W. M. r ncrainst- the mountain of Boots and Shoes. a. oi erect wine Repairer to debt in ,",sv"" Territory tons of it in sicrht. It assays, some of it CHAS. FOOTE & SONS siaes. . the canitol buildin s&a U H L Dealers in. General Merchandise., reoeed the not at as high .as $465,00-- ' to 'the ton in gold, men, Vote for prlneples lake (Bonneville) the Ap great Is IN MERCANTILE there NEPHI COOPERATIVE Under existing, conditions silver and copper, the averagae assay ed. under the influence or climatic coming .election. STITUTION. the. for men 150 tono larger the ton. About remedy ver? likely, its of t?;.H. G. Parlies, Supt. a history. it left portion changes, are now at work in the. camp developing W. H, PETTEGREW, vvhich portion of the causes that are bleeding in a hundred shore lines-amor- g dealer in Harness, rLIEODORED DURANTE Manuf actur of and and prospecting. mnntrv neonle or Uian. anere. are, are those of the West moU a tain reser s and supplies. Saddles, . S-Ahowever, some remedial measures with vni hkiw Fillmore, andl across- - the JNO. S- PAINTER, san Pete in lienerai ana green groceries. The Dealer Valley uu in reach qf the people; measures that oiKii flat. is tuoi crima MP3rtnw. It was the in ail tneanaistn . .11 , s. , u.n...., S ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, the It is gratifying to bvnote mill UVJW v. .'notWoi.ori mp of t.hrwftl thino; thati inyKLtrocity, ana avaDOiism w attainable in the future if t.UUsy way co" ,v,o tUU nnf. Dealers ih Clothing and Gent's f lirriishings. T r " theSanPete made Valley luo.u guuuivu of 4 those One yv" La& Continue. toi OCKEY, of Blanch OSTLER th are too muraert nrscnt pollclss forging., way they R'y, andA the Butchers. tiny pebblis and carefully, laid: them surpassevS ueu meat us tramc arrange front. Williams measures is the removal of the State Hmvn that Minnie anciv by mont nn thft too of .the levee and thus HAWKINS) H. H. which Pacific ttte Union ftertt.p.fl hv by nr-TXKT 'A V Boarding house arid Restaufanti (Sapitol from Salt Lavte city- before any formed a fine : turnpike for Meadow h'eud .incarnate Theodore Darrant. t It ll stations on the line of the little road ' done-oC. M. OSTLER, the and a work is passenger J, Capitol wood becomes general ffeigbt That of crimes. nertnanent Boot ana tsnoe maer. haulers. Thus has science des- - WasthsJ-crimA new coach has been added, ttoints done be can by. rivis Sunonly ,a huildthes. of man & COMPANY good THILL reputationj H. nrRmises'and immense pVI thft the deductions young whiph. is an improvement, Tailors. Constitution. Merchant to all betri' have ;the of amendment m expended ,v.uk-t.hnecu0 sums money ffeolocr.v' TIME TABLE NO. 14. nnt, had nay- scnooi teacnenuu . w - verKP.d .in o '"'. '.''.'.'.'' piuicaoouy SELLS. '".".':.'"'" FRANCIS lineV the. to J awakened be along JH But every voter should 1095. VOUt IjnriSblHU UUU1U Furniture and undertaking. believed to be true. fo.ou ior uer uuaij Effective Taursdfty, August 1st, ISepnl used, to pay insist and thfe situatibn ' of rhur in BIRCHALL OeiiVefed and .OSTLER, for the cravity $4;25 now foully a she it into placaiof worship gets Tr ia iha.sa.ttie in DoliticSi Without, Clothing dealers; Son bins.. G. Andrews & Co. haVe takon candidates for , legislators pledging reason and without sense;' without in der thorn Treses all understanding xfv your to! ac- NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING dO. North; Will be and en pleased the agency A. Cazier, Supt." P ttiPir eurmort to the removal proposi any man on cept all orders. The coal fields at MorriDist. Dlst. vestigationof the baJ laws of indus- human nature. Thatsucn irom Valleyv EXdELSlOR MERCANTILE CO., No.l Stations.1 a devinsn son have been developed by the;Sonsist-from of nroduction and earth could commit JamW Daily Manti Kephl Dealers in General Merchandise. one best of the and works, road from : W Pax m an , Supt.If the capitol without any knowledge of deed proves that the brute in mad ' has iog of a hoisting apparatus etc, id '; this Lvi Nehpl i0.55a 43.0 distribution; wodkh & ' CHASE, We PEXTON any established. prevent and been have education 38 .0 SAltLake 'City, it' eliminated 11.20a by Springs Territorynrt h.n ' adBlacksmithirig. other on st fat the law of cause and effect, many, peo and 11.50a S.1.0 ' Holloway could wealth relate many of go evicentrali.tatimi and furnishes stronger further rdutotiilii Greet! ' 14.0 29 0 &.WEBB, vantages accrued to Kephi by' this? rail- KNOWLES p)& accept pplitical doctrines that are civilization, state S of future the 23. Wheel Draper Just HYDE & WWrights. 3.5 ssthat department would also reduce nntp.nahle and bv which they- swear dence of Mau's descent, road, bdt space will not permit. Moroni MORI? j HIT 12.40p 19.5 U. of P. the branch 27.0 the southern till wait and of Cbester M0.Q the all Spenthan in arguments 0' beasts i2.50p Merchandise. General i concerned to 3f . is licked up by the San Pete Valley,! then Ephralm boodle influence on "throughout life. They refuse 1.23p ' 8.0 43.0 on Bvo LV". GEORGE 'other HARDY; writers and Ar Manti f. M ripri fluxlpv there'll be a cnange. inai may ,1.45p Boot and shoe Maker. of Salt Lake. It. vestiateand progress. rumor. a ia anyhowHhere lution.legislators THOS. BELLISTON, Right novr-d- a good lime to begin from if Trains leave Manti for' Sterling.Funk'a evidence of a Chain5 has been would- take- the Legislatures, There Agt. Mtv Pleasant Marble wonts. W down Get studvinsr principles. political '2:20 Monday's. xf : p. tn.," BIRD&BC-OTil- , and Morri&dtfat New Tdtenslte Piatted-- : ri1 under the immediate influence o fundamental laws and demand of forged around Durrartt that the defense . Dentists.' Relumla? and to tract Friday's. latest is the day's Crooks townsite The force lobyiste and wealth, the whys and' vvharef ores ot has not been able to break or weaken. 'Manti at 5:35 p. in. . land to be platted for the' location of a . --th and neglect other bust yourselves faith within you. When the That the right man was caught and of ' connecuons ai are toWrsite of the owners town. The or Direct the political . .. to.de-Uauc- h '. i c.itLa Gill S. THUmdAlT' and Crooks E. WEDGVVOOD, E. E. Q j not laboring Awhile is Rognon, there wilt his crimes, hanfor who are also the owners of the concess- stumpers come' around, analyze theit Peyton, Nebo further Ogden, Butte and intenaedlaVv point"' into the slaters discriminditfeh' critical 's the with Mount slightefit'doubt. company legl utterances Irrigation at Lar.tne prepointe East and WestJ ' Attorneys 'Which the proposed ' site lis loof uhder est frdm the time, conduct Durrant's after ions to the insatiable greed jt seeker; ofVtbe truth, honest ation Stop 6A signal. cated, moment his last arrest to down in a pre the recepsent capitol city,The site is situated on the west side bf , ,f - .. Theodore Brubacs:, as and always hold your mind no of west interest sents miles due tftah of ten intense matter about & valley, subject Gen'l The question will naturally arise Manager, Prea; uia.x t Vf condition for Lacw, Rbom 1 and '3; and eight miles east of Eureka, Salt; Lake City m the host point for locating the future whether they suit you or ndt. If is to the student of nitad. All accounts Goshen National-BanFirst "Western Grande line Rio of Building with the the n. S. KERB, will w mnans that hiimanity.pro- - agree that not once has Durrant's im- running through the center of the - plat. iReivov, such capitol of Utah. The Blade GrFr&'PrArHt by only cevera" 181 aoresj" perturbable- coolness deseFfced- - bioir The plat itnswer the query now as it bas done i z . f , - n,wiw. Rf - -- Fay-orit- e d ba'fPng --- --- . . s -- I gg, t- -i a- ; . . - . ' v eemi-annu- ?uir r,,,;. al ;Tr,t I self-conce- it ; v -- rd I I 1 . a picto . . I ---- j --- T' i 1 1 1 North-boun- d. I . A 1 I -- 1 X.' . V - m re-io- l,?J&i S ; , VI 11 1 . 1 1 P, R. . loru,. "umnn un. I . I - 1 I - . wrv well-remember- cars.-Elegan- t , 1 ' ed , - s.: i ' - . ; - ' . uij r . v- - e : . .00 - , pete Sheep-Men'- j . . nr - i' I -- inipraVe-mp.ntsrfir.Hnt- lv 41 I . - . - ' n A- - - e . ; . wv- -, I 1 t 1 . . - ; - . J wero-remov- ed I - At.-Sal- - JO-- l t 1 - , . . 9-- from-brutis- h - - uu-uue- . in-fayo- - '( - j . , , r - - - cen-Ualiz- ed - I - 1 . tbeyre -- i ' ' - nui . ; ; . 1 . " : - 1 vfcreraUisa4n.the-:rcist- .and-say.- to b- - w, |