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Show Published by reqnest.) CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES Republican State Ticket. - Territorial News, Culled and Condensed for Blade Readers. ' Governor, J UEBER M. WELLS. : Onions are being shipped from Brig-haCity by the carload. Congressman The Eisteddfod wai a grand success. CLARENCE E. ALLEN. Ah the three sessions over1 25,000 paopla entered the gates. Secretary of State, got scared At Beaver last week a horse and JAMES T. HAMMOND; threw shyed bicycle, ata afmall The little fellow boy. tts rider, Treasurer, was severely injured, but no bones brokJAMES CH1PMAN. en, boom of Mercur Is enjoying a building Auditor, : are at and bosses yet large dimensions, MORGAN RICHARDS. a premium and the demand faris exceeds ' Attotney-Generathe BupDly. Utahs gold camp rapidly to the front. coming A. C BISHOP. Work on the extension of the Salt Lake & Mercur railway, to carry the terminus iit)ftntendent of Public Instruction, around to and beyond the Mattie group JOHN: R. PARK. commences Tuesday. Manager Jacobs theie are of which has ordered the ties, Judges of Supreme Court, from 4000, Sanpete. CHARLES S. ZANE, A telephone exchange at Lehi has been aU Q. W. BARTCli, inaugerated with twelve instruments, metallic and telephones JAMES A. MINER. In at circuit. A similar one will be put some is rtlnfta in time. ft It short this Fifth1 Judicial District, Judge from which the business men can thing E. V. H1GQINS, Iron. : derive a great benefit. Senator, Seventh District, Married In Salt JAMES P. DRI8COLL, JBarefca. Blade: MeniNeri Lower House. Dr.' W. P. Winters of Orangeville, EmADELDERT CAZIER, Nephi. of Cummings marriery Co., and Miss Jane in were united Millard Co., !oUnty guperjutendent of Schools, Lanpton age by Judge McNally at the Oct. House parlors. Salt Lake City. 7th, JOHN T. MILLER, Nephi. 1895. The brides parents and many relatives from Heber City were present at the MUNICIPAL. ceremony. As were also Georg-- Crane, Judse C. W. Watts and Alonzo Kimoall of Kanosh, and many congratulations Mayor, Were showered upon the youna couple E. It. BOOTH. wbo will reside in Emery Co. At night the writer had the farther pleasure of CouneilmPD, Derforminff the ordinance of Baptism for JOS. P. WRIGHT, persons in the front of the meeting eight JOHN SI DWELL, bouse in the loth ward. Une ol tne new members of the Church aged about 60MARTIN LARSON, oy oisnypars, was immeaiaieiy marriedon JOHN ELLISON, nome ana skipped Ei las Morris, op ALPRISD LUNT. with his blushing bride enjoying the double happiness of ac Lour. Recorder, SABA rHIilt Salt Lake City, Oct. 8, 1895. OSCAR GOLDSBROUGH. Diseases in Sheep. And General lf lJ rMj m u , . V i long-distan- ce I j Lake-Edito- i b ! Ka-nos- h, Marshal' A JAMES SCHOPIELD. Treasurer, We do not voach for its truth. It is that two little cmldren Went One reached into to the chicken co-darkened-nest for a the eggs. The child drew back with a cry of pain. Some thing sharp as a needle had struck it on the finger. The other child then reached its chubby hand into the same place. It, too, fell back with a shriek of pain. The mofher, hearing their cries, put down her babe and ran to the rescue. While she was away, the babe fell into the well and wa3 drowned. The two children also died. They had been bitten by a rattle snake that lay in the dark, coiled up on the warm eggs in the nest. nearOgden. ABRAHAM ORME. Justice of the Peace, WILLIAM STOUT. p. Democratic State Ticket. Governor, J0I1N T. CAINE. i' i Congressman, B. H. ROBERTS. Secretary of State, FISHER S, HARRIS. Treasurer, 1 Terrible Story. A strange story comes from Huntsville, An Act for the Prevention of Seal) and Other Diseases Among Shesp. Good KTews for Everybody. It enacted by the Governor and Legislative ABsembly of the Territory Within a fev?- days of Utah: Section 1. That there shall be arjoointed by the county court ot eac ?4 I county in Utah Territory, M its regular session in June,' 1894, and bieuniajlj KhpAn insDector for said county, whose thpjpafter. a Dractical term of office shall be two yeais or until his successor is appointed and qualified Waq' 9 Sec. 2. The inspector shall be a resident of the county for w men ne is ap pointed, and before entering upon the duties of his office sbrall . qualify within h twenty days after receiving notice of his appointment. ,by takng; the oath pre Will open up a large stock of the Latest Styles in Cloth and Fur Wrap, ' one sum of thousand scribed for other county officers and giving a bond in the meres, Novelties, and flannel Dress Goods. A large variety of of said duties nerform wiil well the conditioned he and dollars, that faithfully Dress Trimmings of the latest designs. Also a compfete olfice; such bond shall be approved by the probate judge, and filed with the stock of Home-mad- e and Imported Blankets, Tlaif-clerk and may be sued on by any person injured through the neglect of duty by said inspector or any of his deputies: Provided, that no suit shall be brought nels, Liindseys, Yarn etc Ou: stotJk of after twelve months have elapsed from the time the cause of action has accrued Ladies, Gents,Misses and Childfens Bhall be who more 3 or one insoector amxrint Each Sec; may deputies, Footwear is unsurpassed south and acts he shall be and official for whose by responsible, practical ' of Salt Lake City r whom he may perform any duty required by this act. It shall be the dujby of the inspector to adVertiee in at least one local newspaper if there be one pub ! lished in the county, at his own expense, giving the name and postofflce address of each of his deputies. : 'T. H.'G. PARKES,' Superintendent.. Sec. 4, jit shall be the duty of the inspector to examine all berds or bands and of sheep ifl the couhty between the first day of October the fifteenth day of December in each year and to the owner or person in charge of all sheep found TV to be free from disease he shall so certify; said certificate shall describe the; "ear and numbef of shsep in each herd and be a permit far such marks, sheep to pass into and through any and all counties'in the Territory, so. long as they remain free from disease, and it shall be his duty to examine any herd or band of sheep at ariy time at the in wfiting of any person or owner of sheep, stating that said sheep are diseased and thatthere is immediate danger of it spreading; Provided, the person so complaining shall tender the fee for such examination which shall be returned if said sheep are found to be as 6et forth in said complaint. Sec. 5. Any person or corporation intending to bring or cause to be brought from any other state or territory into Utah Territory or from any county in said Territory into another county, any sheep, must, immediately after crossing the boundary line, flrsti obtain from an inspector duly appointed under tnis act, a certificate that said sheep are free from contagious disease; said certificate shall contain a description of the and number of sheep so in and of shall it be the duty the inspector at the. request of any person, spected, or association owning .or controlling sheep in the County or within corporation ten miles of the boundary line thereof, upon being tendered the amount of his fees, to, with all convenient speed, examine all the sheep he may be required to examine and, if found free from all infectious and contagious disease, to give a certificate over his official signature setting fourth the soundness and freedom from disease of such sheep add issue a pprmit as provided in section 4 of this act; Providad, that sheet) which have been previously examined by any inspec Also $ui lihe of Fall and Winter Dress poods in all fherlatest Styles and lotfcsr tor of this Territory j but have been grazing without the Territory, may return at prices. Ilatiug bought our line of CLOAKS and WltAPS any time within the year without additional examination; Provided, said sheep 'early,- we had the pleasure of, selectihg from a fullare free from disease. 'line of 1895 styles j which are now Sec. 6. Any person, company or corporation desiring to move his of their sheep, which are affected with scab or any infectious diseases shall first obtain displayed aC our store.a of from the inspector trateling permit giving the number sheep, together with the and name of owner or person; in. charge; Provided, Price-Th- at ........ such permit shall only be granted for the purpose of moving' said sheep to the nearest convenient place, where they may be treated for such disease, and by such route as the inspector may designate. Sec. 7. Whenever, Upon examination of any herds Or bands of sheep kept or herded in any county in this Territory, the inspector shall find such sheep or any portion thereof affected with the scabjor any infectious or contagious dis .. , ease, he shall forthwith notify the owner or person in charge of said sheep,- in writing, to treat said sheep for such disease within a period of fifteen days from : such notice, and also during such period to keep said sheep from contact with i all other sheep by such means as he may specify, aud at thd end of twenty .days from such notice theinspector shall examine said shep, and if ,upon examination be shall find said sheep bate not been treated for sucli disease or have not been kept from contact with all other sheep that are sound, then the owner or lessee of said sheep shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and in case said sheep have not been; treated as directed, the inspector Shdll immediately take Is tH, LBADINGr HOTEL of NEPHI possession of said sheep and treat them for said disease.: and all expenses incurred in so doing, including- the compensation of three dollars per day)Of part of a A; Haclc Meets All Train's , day, While he may be necessarily engaged in treating said sheepf- , together with Free to Matrons. ' ten dents per mile necessarily traveled, shall become a lien upon said sheep, and Two Sample Itooms. the inspector may hold said sheep until the same is paid or, if not paid within Nearest to Business Centre.ten days after iuc'h treatment has been completed, be may collect the same, MRS. C. R. ITOOTE, together with costs, in the manner prescribed by Ia'vy for, collecting other' obligations. Iff hoyfrever, upon examination at the end of thirty daya from such noProprietor. tice as above mentioned, the inspector shall find that said sheep have been in-, treated fof said disease but are still infected with the same, then be shall struct the owner or lessee of said sheep to treat olie of more times as their connd Cold dition demands, as soon as possible, but with ap interval between the treatments of not less than ten days nor more than twenty days. Arid if Upon examination at the end of thirty days the inspector finds that said sheep have been treated but are still affected, then he shall at once take, possess ion of said sheep Forand treat them as above specified. If,- howeyer, he finds on examination they have not" been treated he shall seize said sheep and treat them as provided in this section, and1 the owner or lessee shall be deemed"- gulilty of a raiso!etne"anor; at Provided, that no band or bands of ews or any part ot such bands in which there are ews with lan. b, shall be required to be dipped; at any time between the first day of April and the fifteenth day June of each year? butHhey must be held in and owner quarantine and separate from sheep. that are free from disease, ' diseaCse'. of sucW done or lessee shall bekept reasbn for all by responsible damages 8. Seo'. of The sheep inspectors in the several counties the Teffitory shall t receive three dollars per day for every day or part of dax uecessarlly spent and ten cents per mile necessarily, traveled in the performances! of their duties,- to be Good Sample Itooms for Commer6iarTrav-- ! THE ' the owner of the sheep so examined as provided for iU thfs act. paidforbj eiers. Sec. 9.; Any inspector wbo shall at any time "grant a permit,' allowing sheep Iac& Meets all Trains, Free' td Fattoa S to travel.without shall be guilty of a to' and from the station. J3e - ! sheen-raiser-j- i hk ij g mm y is i i I de-part- ed . ' i e, sheep-raiser- The Public are Welcomes Wool-bran- ds ear-mark- wool-bran- s, ds - - wool-brand -- f is-a- l. ' - ; the Lowest to HYDE &WHITM0RB One j . .. r11- "- - i .1, -i i. iTfi ... ... i.i raw-hid- e, -- - ' ! t. j ; - - j 1 - 0. I ha'ving-fiTst'examiu- misde-mea"nfjf- iid-sKeep- ed Satisfactorily; Sagaoious, : . . Liberally Laqti acious,' H. H. HAWKINS' Overly MPH HOUSE BATHES -- Origiiial; ... . s .,M,.IM .., i - j i . Witt - I . all,- Br e 2ily Brilliant, mningly ! - - r - ear-mark- s, j , j - i ( ti . The Devil' Dance of the Apaches. Alma greenwood. A curious peace ceremony of theApach- es is the devils dance," which is cele Auditor, brated in honor of their greatest chief, GUY C. WILSON. since departed. They have been long Attorney-Genera- l taught by tradition, through their' mediciWEBER. A. J. ne-men,' that their great chief ' :. with the setting of the sun, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, that his retnrn Can only be secured by KARL G. MAESER, the adheranCe of his tribe to the man- , of Court, Supreme Judges rfers and customs prevalent during his SAMUEL R. THURMAN. reign. There are five principal actors, THOMAS MALONEV. each arrayed in a fantastic mask which W. young, covers the whole face Around a blazRichard; ' circle of bucks, squaws ing camp-fir- e United States Senators) to and the number of four children, Rawlins; joseph Tom-toms ' hundred. beat, accompanied MOSES THATCHER. by a wild, monotonous chant. Suddenly Judjje' Fifth Judicial District, a dozen bucks rush frantically into the lOHN WARD CHRISTIAN, Beaver. circle, and begin to pound a monster, which proves at a closer glance to be Senator. Seventh District, a with desperate enersimply lfENRYF: McCUNE, Nephi gy. jThett out of the darkness comes a Member Lower Housed cry, and the flae dancers appear, j piercing in EDWARD PIKE , Eureka. , trotting single file, brandishing weapons, and contorting their bodies. They bounty Superintendent of Schools, dance1 op to the monster that is being EZRA- CHRISTIANSEN,- LeVanV beaten, and back into the darkness $ they circle round and round, and leap and yell lluiicipal. ; X till the tight wears away. Not jintil the j glow in the east heralds Approaching day Mayor, Tfce Indian and do j G. H. they stop. From PARKS,, J his troubles", in Demorest's Magazine Council men, j for October. ; SEPHI; JACKSON, A. T. JIcCANNE, ?., Utah Oueen o'f the wesfi JAMES JENKINS,, The latest farm statistics for Utah A. Q. PYPER, make a most commendable showing. JOSEPH VICKERS, There are 19,816 farms m Utah. Out of i that number, 17,68$ are free of incum"Recorder. ' brance a most gratifying- percentage. , lO'.vW-- ; McCUNEiThatJeaves only 2,182 mortgaged farms Marshal. out of nearly Sy.OOtf.- The amount of the ROBERT PYPER; mortgages on those few farms is fi,87l,-DOShe-ha467,162 acres of land under r. Treasurer, 0 acres 806j-65' 417,455 cultivation; irrigated ISAAC GADDV acrep improvel land 979,'l82 acres un- T Sec. 10. A by person of persons owning or leasing any sheep, .which .have Justice of the Peace; become affected, with scab or arty other contagious disease for a period of thirty , improved 'land.JOHNKIRGAN' sheep for said disea.se, shall report the sam'e in writdays without treating such ' i 0 . - ! ; - li. GOLDBBROUGHj" -- . I f A y - Populist State Ticket.. liENR V Governor, ' , W . LAWRENCE; Corifjrcssman,JAMES HOGG AN; Secretary of State, CAPTAIN T C. BAILEY'!- - j TreasrireT; Til O MAS . LV JAMES:- - Auditor, H. o.- younq: t6R Prayer. vJ THE BLADBV) . f . v Oh Fdthejf up above Whose eyes' look down on every oif,--' Go comfort, them who now are caUecf - To mourif the Toss of a kind andT fd'vfngf "son. That father ort his contch of pafnf- -' Uo bl?ss and make it knoWD ; taiate'ltnowtt l'. Through justice kiud, O Who slew hts daHin son. .1 inotlief That dear,'vhoa,e logins' hand's ' Hart? ofioq, smoothed his brow Oh Father.-- ' dear, look down uptfilj And bless that mother now." ' Down on .her knees' 'with clasped handa ' Would me!t the hardest "tjeart, To see that broken hearted' mother" . From her : darling have to part. Then sfsters too. and brothers, ; In Thy mercy comfort them And jrive them strength, Oh Father, to overcome1 their pain-And- . Qh' Father, be thon merciful And grant that it b kuown i The cruel hand that ia cold blood ' Did kLl their darling son How could he have nn enemy ' That would harm him kof Loved by all that knew him',' He never had a foe. In inhocense and purity So cruely was he slain,' . O", who could be so wicked ' Who did that aWful crime? And arrant it soon will be knowu ' i. And justice claim ita own. Oh And, i God, bleas Ate parents And give them strength To bear this sorrow of all sorrows. trd : '' 1 , Attorhey-Generalj- V J ', Si WEAVER. ' j 'hnri tenden t! of Public 1 : Instruction-- ; IRVlN T; ALVORb; Judges of Supreme Court, No 'nominations. ! : f ' f Am TTorn.l ' slraa' Stock, brand ' oa - Oh Father, this our prayer. A prayer in behalf of the parents and family-o- f C. II. Price, grief-stricke- n - j JvLvMcKESr Mm: lEi Subscription Will soon be moving their Flocks to the Winter range"'! in the Western' part": of .' I I . ; jMalard Couniy: ' i SECURE THIS . WifiTER I ; ' JAMES,1 of BlacRockr Jlas jast' Laid in a Large X Supply of GENERAL ' t MERCHANDISE And Sheep : Eie'n's- To advertiao, our CoHire vre pire ft , athorouarJi course,of instruction rijl Do- - jf : in t)le and hlXlKle J!:TXtiV jSnn-rininand H' ' Commercial ArftUinetic, by maflT at : - ir Orie For the Coming Season, . has occurred. ' ' S?TC. 15. Pelts will shall' tifi Dfovisrons thYa hi nf thft act AhV,nkrs'rt'fnlanr'irirt',rtf Bought and Meals deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. ' ittnished as Usual. ; oix. iw All acts of parts of acts inconsistent with thff provfsfcms of 'th'e ' ' sections ; - -- foregoing Approved are hereby March-8ttr- , 139 repealed.-4- ir . . - . i . -- :; to WALTR JAMES . - Foafth Regufar Price UmltPcl nuitVb'er This of t;o iujr iuipiomaa. : - Audreys,' pApfrAii Commercial VITY VyOfcLEGE 11C West Sixth Street. j MckT.i:rtcirMniardkCo'.V'ijtib7' I course will bo completed persona. iu 40 lessons- i ; S2. a year. ' ; . PAPER) g Patrons Solicite ' ; , RANGK: Lower Kev!er,:- , ? f . ti : i ; (HOMJEJ1 : ; j Proprietor,'" C ; " ! . . ing to the inspector; Sec. 11. In any civil action arising under the provisions of this act all persons having rniy inte'rest'in tho' sheep' or controlling the same, against which such action or. proceedings is brought, shall be deemed th'd owner of said sheep and shall be liable severally and jointly for violatiorr or any of the provisions or this act, provided the lessor of 'any he'rd of sheep shall not be liable udder the ; provfsions of this ac'ti Sec. 12; It shall be the duty of the inspector'to keep a' bbokr in :whi6b he shall record as nearly as practicable the date of inspection a description of the marks and brands; numbeV.of ehep insnected together with the nime of each owner and his pbstoffloe address. Said book' shall be" provided by the county court 'ot 'each county for the use of the infspHCtof, and at the expiration of bis term of office he shall tu'f h over to his successor all books Endpapers pertaining ' " to said office. " SecJ. 23' If any toeVsori ot coTUtranvherding or driving sheep in any county 'in t his Territory shall get into their herd any estfay sheep they shall immediately notify the owner thereof if known, of if thd owner ba unkriowh be shall forth-witnotify the' inspector of the county, giving the.namber of sheep together with" the marks and brands, and it shall be the duty of the' inspector, upon receipt of such notice, to imm'ddfately examine' the records of marks and brands of sheep inspected, and if the rrfarfcs and brands m'eritioiied in sard notice appear on s"aid records he shall immediately forward trr the person owning sucnr marks and brands a copy of s'uch notice; he shall also re6brd the description of such marks and brands and the number of heep mentioned in'sald notice together with the name and address of the person having such sheep,' in the above named record. ; Sec. 14; Any; person, pefsons or corporation owning or having' in their pos-- ; session Or undef their cbntrorauy sheep' that are affected with scab or any other coutagious disea' shall be held responsible for all damages siititainea by' other sheep, by feason of such scab or contdgfO'us disease;' and the same may be' collected as other claims for damage are collected; Provided, that no damage shall be claimed srfjter twelvve months have elapsed from'lhe time the' ciiuse of action" SfjfTOPEKA, 7 - KANSAS. 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