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Show '. Absolutely Independent - ". mil; Wp i : On all questions whether , Political, Social or Religious, , . Is the Blade. oa Motto: "The Truth Without Fear or Favor.?, . ; HT IT i Country Beoplo Read I j ' .Terms;'.-',;''.- !! L : - . O J f 2.00 per year, i a advance, Six months, $1.00. The BLADE j NEPHI CITY, UTAH,-- SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. III. VQLOHJE Harry Candlaod - was over from Moroni: , Sunday. Mrs. Peter, Sattorji was a Conference . visitor Sunday. Leave orders for choice potatoes at Thomas Belliston's. tf The walls of George UdalJ's pretty residence are nearly up. .. ; Schoorconvenes next Monday, in the several publje buildings. was re; Ezra Shoemaker of Sanpete, at last week, ceiving his sheep Juab was in town J'ameslI; Newton, Mooa, on to his way Sanpete, county. Monday, County Attorney Pika was a visitor to Little Chicago Monday, i returning the same day. men can obtain sure relief by purchasing McNally Sf, hunt's hair NUMBER IS. 12, 1895. ; i ' - , W. B. Kennedy for watch' re pairing. ' ' ' James VV. Paxman is home from Conference.. Dr. D. O. Miner went to Salt Lake Ja' ;J3$ And. " ' "' . you will want jsupplies. Jald-head- Thursday. George Sndburry Is spending a fey days in palt Lake. p is Supt. T. II; G. Partes of the back from Conferences Selectman Jackman attended thses.Ion of the County Court Tuesday and Wed hesday. T Bear in mind the Excelsior Mercantile Co. keep sulphur for shsep dip. Cheapest prices. .. i School begins Monday, gend your can convenibbildren, all of .them that ' ently attend. ; For the hands and face use Gilead; FraCo-o- ed - ; : Book-keepin- j ' g, When you want supplies of this kind at the Xsowest Prices go o the BX'GBLSI.ORj hotels the first-o- f the week. C. Andrews left 8u,nday for Boston , where he goe.s to look. up the wool mark et with a view of selling hs purchase of this year's clip. The past has been. more of a lively week than the previous. Conference visitors are once more settled in their domiciles, and thus the change. r The civil government class hetd a meeting Monday night. It was Well attended. Meetings every Monday night hereafter in the Academy liaii. Beginning Friday evening, Oct. 18th, the Students Society will meet weekly and aa interesting program will be presented. The public is cordially1 invited. Don't iHe people of SouthernUtah know they can save money and time by sending their mail orders to McNAL.t.Y & Ltjnt? , 'Druggists, Nephi. everybody is remarking on the Nearly good sense the people in Nephi are ex Thus far hibiting; in this no street brawls or there have been campaign. : i -- - j - ' t Vigor. Nephi.Mrs. George Hobbs and sister were guests at one of Salt Lake's popular The Excelsion Mercantile' Co. have just received: a complete stock of .School' Cooks, Slates, iNote and Drawing- Books, late and Lead Pencils, j Inks, Pens, Blanks for Book Sacks and Straps, etc., etc,.; ' ! . ' -- ; - ' ' . grant Balm of. McNajly Lunt, ' Sp Drug- gists, Nephi. I Louis Garrett, who has been with the Nevada Sneep Co's herd, returned to Nephi rom Frisco on Tuesday. Among those who returned from Salt Lake Thursday were Q. VV. McCune, E. E. Wilcox and wife, and Thomas Ord. iT Hyde & Whitmore have an attractive display of crockery ware in one of their root windows. Eddie McCune is the ' . -- a.rtist. If your watch won't go , o' keep good ?i me, its most sure it needs repairing, fake it tq" W. B. Kennedy, the watch-'make- r. ; j ' If your watch needs repairing take it xo VV". B. Kennedy, and be insured ood job. of a . The little boy of D. P. Christiansen, in last weeks BLADE to be sick repotted Born In Nephi on Sunday, Oct. 6jh, to the wife of E. H. Brmvnell, a boy. with typhoid fever, is on the ,improvei The father was out on the street the next but yet very low. I:' -:- ;;;h-: i day but we didn't hear him vouch for the Ben E. Rich, Republican oratory will sneak in Millard County October 22d and youngster's Republicanism. 23d. The place of meetings have not as The Sanpete y'aliey changed time for been decided upon. yet conferemSe their special. On Monday the time wa's changed baca: and trains Henry Beale after a pleasant trip and now runcorrespondingly with tne table a time at Conference and the Welch musical feast at Utah's brlney capital published in another column. Tuesday, via this , Farmers have begun in earnest to dig returned to Ephraim ' point; are on potatoes. Many "fine specimens exhibition at several . of the stores. Big On account of an inconvenience that potatoes, good flour, fat beef and hogs, may throw us late this week, the-- editorgood butter, eggs and chickens, garden ials in this issue will be found on 1 page, sass and pretty girls. Whoop pie. eight. It may appear all right to The Miss Ruth Leeds "Kerr came down from Blade readers, but it is not customary Salt Like Sunday and sojourned in Ne among newspapers, A CAR LOAD OF COOI STOVES Geo, Ostler and bride returned from phi two hours. She was met ofhere by her the San 3alt Lake Thursdav, aod will permanentbrother, Supt. II. S. Ierr, AND RANGES. Pete Valley , and in company with ly reside in this city. The young couple him went toR'y Manti for a two 'or three irt? among the moat estimable of Nephisvisit. and The 3iadk's coogratday's oung people, CALL AND IHSPEGT OUR STOCK. are earnest most and .hearty,, and nations The Y. M. M. I. A. of the North ward e tru it the'' journey of life may oa pur- will be held every Wednesday evening iX$ , wlththe blessings pf peace, nd. tvr NEPHI; next. half year are Gospel, History of p'upuitty ever vvuu tuciut Emma N. Cazier, in the local land ofUtah, j American History and Domestic Science. - The presence of all the young fice at Salt Lake Monday, made the folajen and older ones, is desired. lowing tiling: Oi deseret entry No. 4307, on the unsurveyed tract beginning at the Miss Fannie Candiand returned to her corner of the northeast quarter home at Chester Sund iy, after a month, s southeast of section 13, township 13 north," range 1 in visit with Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Candiand. east, running east 170 rods, thence north Miss Candiand is a charniinc lady and 243 rods, thence west 83 rods, thence i he young people? of will regret south Nphi 80 rods to beginning, the tract con-- f us her Jeave. The next" time she visits , 290 acres. aining may she linger long and ultimately make Nephi her home, ito the extreme M. L. Hancock returned to the Moss son f some oi Juab. delignt gallant mining district Wednesday. He believes has'some fine property out there, and his registra- he Registrar Candiand closed Some shipments elated over prospects. is 47 6 tion books Saturday at o'clock, with Lake to were made If you ar going to rangre your sheep wost of Deseret Salt Dames added to the revised list, and 67 from one of the Mos claims, but recently results Write i in mediately to thenames to the State Jis,t. Forty-seve- n to were CO-Ormoutrh warrant not satisfactorily HINCKLEY names were dropped trim the revised, a continued Development work For prices on grain. Bottom Figures. being enumerated as follows: Dead, 4; is progressingoutput, on several prospects. Sheep-menremoved, 41; transferred! 1; hot found, 1. Supplies a Specialty. he total registration for the revised is F. J. McNaUy, Tom Foote and Shed 556, a gain of one over last year; and for Lunt returned Monday from a 'two , the state list 53$. among the expedition hunting day's lakes. Sevier of denizens the last Satur- ers was made at Crafts' ranch, HeadquartUtah had a taste of a distance and fact Sunday and; inUnion all of oat of Deseret. The boys say the birds day the present week. The Pacific out in the water, and hard to and shortly the Rio Grande ard'away stansd it, however ..! they sucoeeded in bagging get, was hauling passengers from Ogden to several fine ones.' Superintendent. "who Salt Lake fpr nothing. A a result of the sold ducks down thatWhen asked said Fred cut a number of residents of different "didn't anybody, theyway," ' killed their's." 'leff Station. tovns in Sanpete came Over Sunday and Four m from Oasis went on to Salt Lake land back for a For the benefit of the unmarried girls, dollar bill. The- fare! from this point and in the interest of the bachelors of ..' was ij'2.25 both ways. j tais region, of which there are many, we wish to state that:183& is a leap year, One of our exchanges jives the follow- and the peculiar feature of this leap year we for the special is that which ing, produce) there will not be another until benefit o: a few of our' subscribers f "If 1904 eight long years. This is a condiEXVEIitf WJLTGlImAKElt and JEWJSTjlSli. you have frtquent headache, dizziness tion that has not occurred since 1638, and t pells, Accompanied . by will and It not" happen again until 2098. I will not onlv warrant your watli la run, but will guarantee it to keep time, or chills,fainting 'cramps corns,, bunions, a 200 years, and) girls it once in happens Clocks and and is j will refund fact will never dp to. wait so, long ias that. Jewelry epilepsy jaundice, it your money. A .full supply of Watches, thatat"you are not, well, but are liable to The bachelors will grow weary of waitat Close Figures. Orders from the country solicited. j die any minute.. Pay your subscrip': and get discouraged.' ing in advance, f .and; thus make Main Street, Nephi tion a year Organs and Pianos Taned and Repaired. an isoiid for in the yourself Nothing new has been obituary notice. developed new . The of of Price death Louis pair one men of th wealthiest John Starry N worn which when be overalls. leaving r in Juab, and owner ot be famous Sta-phi, have not been found. There is no ranca 13 miles north o Nephi, was bit clue "71" 1? T5 whatever by which and suspicion ten by a little red spider! one day of last can be thrown anyone, and that the fie was week, working in the fields at boy wAs foully,upon apd wilful: premeditately the time and paid no attention to the ly thurdered is without foundation. It is bite. Two or three hours later his arm believed by some, though, that the deed had svvolien to au enormous size and whs that of an assassin, while others have felt dizzy and sick at the stomach, liis formed a conclusion of an accident, and mother prevented him sending for a doc-- , still others offer ho opinion one way tor. He was delirious and tbo day after or the other.whoThe Blade before it comes he becamea raving uiahiac. He had to out and it murder, will emphatically Oe controlled by four tuen.1' ilis arm, wait for more lignt. calls The Corner's Jury shoulder and upper portion of his body still hangs. no mile frow Oasi station lic&er-e-t X?taIi was swollen and blue- - Dr. C S. ilosmer, of thitjcity, wa3 finally sent. for. He The Blade man is in receipt of an. inthe ariii from shoulder Starr's down vitation from Ezra Christiansen of Levan, split ! First-clas- s in ribbons of flesh, draining it of all requesting our presence at an entertainblood. Enormous doses of brandy were ment given by the district school childgiven Starr every few mfiiutes, and other ren Of that burg oa Columbus day,, the to counter- 21st of the present month in commemor: drugs giv- ii him at intervals, act the virulent poison. Dr. Hosmer re- ation of the discovery of America, four mained with Mr. Starr uiitil ooon Fri- hundred and three years ago. An excelday and has since mad several trios, to lent program is being prepared and a his patient;, in fact has almost lived With good, pleasant time is assured the writer, him since the accident. One finger was and all else who- - feel so disposed to attaken off Thursday. The vase is most tend. If our impressing business will : Rates in! harmony with tho times. the ordeals the man .has permit of the opportunit of being in terrible, and are eone through hardly discribable; but Levan on that occasion r we wilL come he seems to have withstood all downt, and take part. Except thanks,. A quart of brandy pleaS6 ' v is now given daily to drown, the poison; On the prcmi'sts if a flowing well of behalf of the editor and writerT in The and stimulants alcohol and everybaths, office force, trusts the Blade the purest water on earth. is being done for the sufferer's the general i Disease. thing Bright be commendable to ite week will Specific this a is fpr The water was guaranteed Doctor The interviewed yesgood. noon.. He Millard readers; Editand. Juab many care to make didn't terday is something a 11 oean'alvzed and found to be absolutely pure-watenewspaper, country any statements as to the man's condition, ing our familar but withi not profession,; lime. believed the upper portion of the when it comes to the mechanical '. but .. and cootains not a trace of we part was the a member in Stone ll.iaaer, better ,shad? poisoned cure fur It'.is also We to have to tried "be there."! claim than the day previous. as and is a certain remedy for Constipation. readable a and newsy give . W. to Black, as mirth and might would permit ,, For testimonials we ae permitted to refer paper and if we have far from succeeded in doG. Hunt and Mm. Arganda Kelly of Deseret, others many and tons Eullocu Utah, haul ing so, within four weeks we agree, is-to To Salt to 10,000 VirgU Kelly of Rurbak, sponge:"" Read this Hhrowupthe r.itv n ii(.whire whose names .. tn'Kjiit. Will pay $2.50 per-toUtah. sue reka,. of .The BliADE,: peruse its columns,, will be furnished ml )!ieation. local and (both advertising)' thoroughly, in every particular.. is (irLV-1;cash, in mi ml the Deseuet and then with it compare newspaper any & JtabV Nfjiiji Salt JI. M. Co. in (other than.S:ilt.Laka.dalies)published the 1G10- RipOQ nrcnrl&tur ifinQ 'Shxany, M r. .Utah.. knock-down- -.- .'MERCyffllL s. - .. i w Leaders in Low Prices; 1 - AT COOPER, "PYPER GO'S. : ! j ; , .' . : ; , r-' mr- A. 'mm ; I j - P j s' 1 I cutj-rat- ; es - . chii-olain- s, ! I ; 1 ! .. ( i Is the; only Hotel be : twe'en" MeiDhi - ; with'flup-ernatural.Gourag- e. : - . r .u','.Atr . tbe-peopl- e TEAMS WANTED. lipu: : I - a . . , These local columns are well filled. A COMPETITOR. Geo. C. Whitmore went north Wed, nesday. 17-are ceat3 worth in the Ejrgs Nephi Democrats Met and Kaire Tllielr zenA market. Strong Ticffet. L, A. Bailey is home from his' Conferto Pursuant call delegates to the Nenhl ' ence trip. A general question Where's ' the Democratio municipafconveqtion met in the court house Saturday, sprinkler?" t iThe convention was called to order and month's-visiin Chas. Sperry back from a to Southern Utah, C.has. Hayas made temporary chairman E. publisher Utah Odd Fel- With Mrs, M. E. Neff as secretary, low, was in the city Tuesday. Next ivas the appointment of P. W. Lawson, a popular resident of differentinrder committees: ; Sanpete,' was in Nephi Tuesday. on. Committee credentials j consisted of Martin Anderson of Gnhnison, was as Afollowst 25 tfiree, John at Union the Chapman-registered Tuesday v and 7hittaker John Pyper. C. Andrews received a carload of rats After the appointment of a committed from Sanpete County Wednesday. on permanent organizations and order of Chas. P. Webb was on board Wednes- busine89,xcommittees retired aud shortly handed in their reports. Report of com day's train en route to Oasis, his home, mittee on .credentials showed seventeen O. Mrs. and Mr. A. Bates returned delegates present. Wednesday from their trip to Salt Lake. jit was deemed advisable to adjourn un' The Sanpete coaches were crowded til 7:30 o'clock p. m., as this would af. Wednesday, both ..coming and going ford delegates who were working in the fields and otherwise engaged- - an opportrains. , to attend. A'motion to this tunity Hon." H- - F McCune and daughter were . among the passengers from Salt Lake At 7:30 the convention, reassembled, Wednesday. t Minutes of the forenoon session were' Miss Jlllie Black is home from Order-Vill- read and accepted. Roll call showed the Kane County, where she went to following delegates present; iV. E. Candiand, John Pyper. (by visit friends. Gus. Whitpfoxy,) A big Republican rally is reported at more, Thomas ilenriod, Monte Whittaker,. Too late to Mrs. Thomas Vickers, Mrs. Sereota , Fountain Green last make further notice. night. Chas Haynes, Miss Pearl McCune(by" - George Ostler and wife, and R. Jenkins proxy,) John Chapman, Ejdwin Paxman', and wife, excursionists to the Capital, Win. Lee, Mrs. M, E. Neff, Johu . Biackett, Jas. D. Pexton, returned Wednesday. James Robt. Pyper,. Garrett, Those who have lucerne' seed t" sell Mrs.Jones, Caroline Bigler, P. P. Christiansen see to would do well 2,. Whlttaker. Highand James Vickers. Alternates-r-Mrs- . est market price paid. Wm. Smith. iThe first order of business was the? Miss Sadie Midgley of Salt Lake, :is of nominations John Kirgatp.' visiting in Nephi and is the guest of her proposed the namemayor. ' of T. II . G. Parkes." sister Mrs. R. Furner. Seconded by Mr. Henriod. There were' Miss Meishre Jackson who has been no other nominations for that office, andi friends in Nephi, returned on Mr. Parkfla' name went through the con; ' visiting to vention with a n nanimnns vvhnnr. her home in Toquerville. Friday Second Election of five ccuncilmen; Many a wild duck went to its last calling this week. Nephi hunters in the U. McCune tellers north meadows have had fairly good .Following gentlemen wera nominated luck. fpr the City council, with the result of lat David Candiand of Chester, went to ballot in figures after each name, 13 and u Salt Lake Tuesday. Ha took advantage oyer a majority to elect; Mark resito (9) offered of the $1. rate Bigler Sanpete Nephi Jackson (18) dents. ' John Harris (2) Z- - Whlttaker raise.! this season 360 Jas. D. Pexton '(12- )bushels of lucerne seed; the biggest Garrett Jas. (4) yet recorded at The A. T. McCanne (21) yield for one man ' Blade office. James Jenkins (15) ' A. G. Pyper (22) of in Excelsior front The sidewalk the Edwin Harley (5) has been flagged with loads of chips of Vickers (12) e Which makes a ser'Joseph gravel or The second ballot gave Vickers 18, Pexviceable1 walk, tdn 4, Bigler 1, Hariey 1. A. A. Cahoon, a director of the Union Those marked with are, nominees. Wool and Live Stock Commission Co., Thied Election of City Recorder; Mt. Pleasant, made a business trip to Nominations: G. W. McCune, Geo. Allen, John Beiliston. Nephi Tuesday. . !McCun6 elected.! Secretary Pierson of the Sanpate Valley. Election of Fourth City Marshal. returned to Salt Lake Wednesday R'y Nominations: Robert been-ton Pyper, Z. Whit- -; matters per-He. had Manti Result Henry Hoyt. taker, ?yper. taimng to the road. FIFTH Election of City Treasurer. 'Nominations Blackett, Edwim Isaac Gaddi John Chaoman. ; Harley;" ., a h easte-- eo4i tesu Ga d d recei veil the on the 5th ballot detori gemmation Sterling Coal, $4.25. par ISixth Election of Justice of livered. For sale by 0. Andrews : jJohn Kirgan's nomination wos trade & Co. ";' unanimous. This completed the work and the Hugo Deprezin was again a visitor adjourned. within the shades of Little Chicago TuesThe session of the day and Wednesday. Provo Paragraphs. County Court brought him. James A. Melville, the president of the Editor Blade : JA shocking accident occurred rattae Rl. Snake Valley Irrigation Company aod his son ;Olex, cama up from Fillmore G. W. depot on Saturday last at about Monday. They went on to Sale Lake. 2:30 p. m. Leslie Dunn, a lad of aboutv Lost A ladies bracelet, between Chas. 11 summers mounted the rear end of the Foote's store and Ed. Cazier's house. caboose oi a train while the engi- - ' freight Finder will be rewarded and confer a neer and train-men were im great favor by leaving same at this office. switching. The boy. was engaged repeatedly' Mrs. W. B. Kennedy, who at present Warned and requested to get off his dan-.- ', resides in Pay son, in company with her gjerous perch, oat paid no attention ' to two babies paid her husband a visit Sat- the requests. The engine and caboose to back, and the jar of the caurday and Sunday. Mr. Kennedy is one started boose in running over the frog is suppos--e- d of Nephi's adroit watchmakers. to have dislodged him. Bystanders If that fl. rate had beenf rom this the boy fall on the track, a couple ofr as towns ou the Sanpete shrieks point as well north-bounand the mangled form of Leslie-Dund trains oi five Valley the in front of the locomoappeared coachen wouldn't begin to have accombeen had tive. rolled about 12 feet.. It modated the mob that would have gone Tbe left leg was cut off between the ankto Salt Lake. le and knee and the head badly crushed. The Blade is in receipt of a tittle He was dead before any one reached him.volume entitled The Democratic SongSaturday's train brought up from CaviWm. Goulter whom Frank Trie several ster."' comprises pamphlet with accused of having attempted to is ling ;airs, popular compositions touchey of W. rpurder-.bus comes to with placing strychnine in hist and compliments Carling andt L. Roe and R. Tapann. Tbanks. rpilk. On Sunday, Frank son James, Johnt Snalles Albert and wife, A;. J. Street, advance agent for Dr. Marshal W: P. Paine, John DeMoncoin Hypuotism was in the city Goulter, and others from Fillmore, Daiit Wednesday billing his performance, Cahoon ot Deseret Those parties are alH which will be presented at the Seme-thinoperag witnesses in the Carling case. In factv house on next Tuesday evening: Millard county has and will furnish the new1. Watch for posters and cireoUrt, during this terra. With more busiculars for further particulars. ness than any other county in this judif district. Tups-da- y to ciary bade adieu Cowan Nephi Roy came in A. Melville Ou J. Monday or Salt and skipped out ostensibly will and S.; A, KingT Fillmore assist from Eisteddas the Conference and and Lake, Houtz in the defense of Frank-Carlinfod is over, it i probable he went to take and D D. The trial began on Wednesday'' in the ''sightery " and scenery of Utah's Gbuicer. was called andt Wm. a mornings to have good time, but testified to metropolis, and or tasiing the milk which he it matters not. believed to have whether he did didn't, been poisoned and theni We hope of Roy's safe return. to finding the will, said to The Republicans held a grand rally ins have been forged by Carling, in his the court house last evening. E. V Hig-gm- pocket bok where . he' 1believed Carling . z J i. disfrom this nominee for Judge uau it. uiuer ' piaueu surreptiousiy I 1 nci . r was Other ke he some of t Coulter's pa pea corroborated pr trict, members of tne. party espoused the doc- testimony. trines of protection to a good audience. On Thucsday morning a large number " W? regret not being able to give a more of spectators assembled in court' to hear extended, report of the meeting, but the the remaibder of the poisoning case of lateness of the week prevents. Frank Carling and met with a bamuel A. King, one of McCar-tvs. y Louis The case of the people thd attorneys, annouueed tnat and Henry Matmgreen came up in the accused desired y of his plea Provo court Monday. There are several oi to that guilty indictments against these boys for the Mr. Carling wan instructed, by th offence of cattle stealing. The Case tried court to stand up, and was asked: 'Monday was on the indictment charging You understand what your attorney" them with stealing two head of cattle has said? from Alex Barton of Manti on August 9th just Yes sir," said Carling. last. Both defendants are residents of You understand that the court has the our nearest neighboring town on the of povver sending you to the penitentiary south.a term of from five years to- life?" lor James M. Paxton- of Kanosh. was a said Judge King. ' a weloome caller at The Blade., sanctum Jr "Yea, sir." made an plea Wednesday. He was on his way. home eloquent King Attorney from a trip to Salt Lake, coming up es- for mercy for youag.Carling. He reprepecially to attend Conference. The gen- sented 4,hat, several years agc,,Cariingr and it was oeliey--e- d tleman gave us a few ' item.3 relative to received a had never fully b the Gold Mountain mining id'strict, 30 by. his friends that A number of recovered. miles south of Kanosh. D. D. Houtz also asked for will shortly change the court's mercy. claims down-the- re : was for the first time visi--bl- y hands, the principal one being: the Sevier Carling who affected, was told to stand up. Have mine,. and when the deal isbeconsummated Godbe otSalt Lake, will an.! owner. you anything to say why sentence should is the not be pronounced upon you??' That looks gratifying. Mr. Paxton No sir."' owner ot some good claims. He- speaks saidv the- - court, and very luckily," onaaya of the ltis district, very flatteringly the- charge ot that you;are not here it will boom the coming winter. murder. The court .has known your for years, and- knows theru' to Money to Loan. Earents re3pectable citizens, and on tak-- ; to In any amount from one . hundredfarm into consideration the pleading3 of i ing ten thousand dollars., On improved will be to a terosa you counsel, sentenced property or on water Ftock. Rerdr.. of Ave years in ' . -- The advertisements in t,a Country Papers, and as has the Latest Circulation of ny Paper in Central and eouthern Utah, It offers the best possible medium for Advertisements. W-.Lod- er, , . , . effect-carried- e, ,Ci-awle- Mil-ler- e. Ktr-eran,.p- F,-W- . . . .. I . - lime-ston- - -- , ! COAL. Af--K- ir -- I . the'-Peace- i 1 . . ; con--venti- on j f j " -- - Fill--mor- e, j M.-ians- . on . . g. j oill-Of-sa- le ' , . - ' . i y- I vvib-ness- es : disap--poiQimen- not-guilt- e . - - - i sun-strok- e, : : - - - WjaalMCoaat3& t. ... t ; t 1" I |