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Show Our Stcckralsjrs . oumn '' i , will con t! one Tn Bladb mb brand under to ' etch nnabvi contract at i . Id jfirlj aomiaal price. The ad van ta ire to the ttockrataer of (amiii larlzioff the publlo with hU braud and vara are to well known to need attention. It U u tie stockman m raluable aa an advertlema la to tbe merchant. pub! .ei)t).' Cias. F. r RANGE: Lower Serler Sink of Beaver, Addreaa Oaala, Jeo Dbtohj Upper allt in under allt right, 1b left ear. Range : Cricket Mountains and Lower 8eTier. Address, Deseret, Utah. Jos Dewsnnp Under slit la right, under allt in left ear. Range: Criekel a& Mountains if I ni -t& m-i- ii mi - Address, f cause all the stores will be selling them WOMAN make way for the coming princess j to and Louis XVI. styles. But for a good j w tumc B&iita auu lauuy DOdluea UP TO DATE READING FOR year be will worn, and there will not be a ; DAMES AND DAMSELS. In the next two years when a time handsome skirt made with the present The Mirror of Fashion Some of the fullnes cannot be made a good part of Some a gown. The woman who rushes into oT the Season Latest Style Useful Hints for the Household Cor- a new fashion is much, less wise than the woman who hangs on to an old one. rect Votes of the Modes. In the accompanying picture is shown HE .summer girl is a skirt that demands a slightly hip costume of which it is still with us, light aoutline, but the for its distinction on its part depends and airy in sleeves crerJon is the upper portion. Beige that resembles bal- fabric of the blouse waist but the skirt, loons as much as mauve de mousseline from is sole, made ever. And man, to has .over, a fitted lining of mauve silk. It his disgust, a deep, square yoke of beige satin, learned once more has to which velvet is appliqued, that a woman does and whichmauve is finished with two frills not always mean the; mousseline. The standing. collar what she says. The of is finished with big chiffon rosettes and bier sleeves crowd bows ornament the shoulsatin beige him to We side, and secretly he is ders. Cream color over pink is quite the afraid this is a prognostic of what the most, persistent of summer's fancies. new woman is going to do. So all spring cream color is of all shades, from he has been rejoicing at the rumor, of The corn yellow and buff to dull linen or have tight sleeves. The tight sleevesthem? gray, while the pink tends to oyster, come, but who would recognize bright rose. A tight sleeve in all its native simplicity takes away the broad effect which . aav Vlnfnrli, Ta fall Ari "Mamma' women have striven so hard to obtain. dumb-bells Quepn (Victoria is a remarkably conAnd after hours of toil with servative! old lady so far as the routine and bicycle and all manner of athletic of life goes. She loves old customs and sports, would any woman wear sleeves docs not like new things not even new inthat made her look narrow? No, or new fashions. When: a furniture deed. She puts on those tight sleeves, because Dame Fashion says she must, distinguished lady, it is said, sent her but she covers them with rowa of puffs children, by her Majesty's request, to or ruffles until in size they match those Windsor a few years ago she sent them to which she has bidden adieu. The dressed ka was and is still the mode, heavy materials must naturally be- In tucked blouse dresses without saBhes. made into puffs, but in the lighter ma- But the Queen considered that no child HOME. AND J - i? ' ; - . - ii Deseret, Utah Join Y Ml Horse Grower aud Deax RANGE: Houe Mountain and Lower Serler. urerson Bros Breeders an4 dealers in Short horn Durham. Horses s a n brand On left thigh. Cattle-Up- per slope li each ear. Rang Sevier rW Tiff I'll and mountains. II II on the U. P. Ity and Learn between iagton. Address, Leamington, Millard Co., UUld Ml liability tor drouth, more or less protracted, the pastures demand the intelligent' attention of the owners, says Nebraska Farmer! The good rains that have fallen over nearly all the west and northwest have been1 a go to the grasses. Instead of being dried out at the., root as was threatened a few weeks ago they have plckd up fresh and green, 'but the grass Is in no case very high or overly thiofc, and before the sweeping onslaught of theiherds and flocks.it soon gives w&.f. Without continued rains the end is soon in sight. Then is when the farmer must be on - the alert. Whatever is done it is surely the .maddest thing of all to let the stock continue running oyer pastures, tramping and biting the grass Into the dirt at a time when it should have absolute rest. It is a good plan to take the stock away f ram pastures half of the day even when the grass is yet fairly good. It saves their tramping the grasses out, and tels very favorably upon the grasses when the hot season does strike them, and In the following seasons as well. It is always good policy to have ttie pastures divided up with cross fencos, that any one division may be given absolute rest Just at the critical moment when needed. This also permits giving to thi cattle, horses and sheep separate grazing fields, which is often advisable for good reasons. To give the pastures a rest of course means that feed must be furnished from some other source. But this point is reached sooner or later by any course, Attorney at Law, " i Offloe Horses same brand on left thigh. Cattle-cl-ose crop in left and slit in right ear. Range, Sevier. Address, Des eret, Utah. J. - - i L on left &igk same brand on left hip of cattle. Rage Willow Spring. Address, F. J. Kearnoj. Fisk Springs, Juab County, Utah. i Ton left thigh, double swallow fork in left ear. O Range, Lower CIS Oasis, Millard Co. Utak. Mark, slit la right and two silts in eft ear. Sane en left brand shoulder on horses P. N. Petersen, Address, Oasis Utah, Range, Lew terials her heart revels. Row after row and ruffle after ruffle may be piled on, Same left thigh until the very breezes of summer are on Horses. bewitched and play a game of hide and Upper slope and one under slit in seek through them. The gown in the left ear, and two d under slits in right picture is of organdy ear. BANGS :Oa over sleeves finish at The satin. green Creek, the elbow with a band of satin. The Sims Walker green, yoke is surmounted by a ruche Oak City, Utah. of organdy. The sleeves proper have three ruffles and an additional two er Serler. straw-colore- i Address, O. S, MARTIN", ruffles across the shoulders and meet in a point at the center of the bodice. An ribbon sash of the green is tied in the back and long ends fall to the bottom. old-fashion- SALT LAKE. omen GDncral Comra -- FRUITS. ... Dealer la For Shapely Hips. Women with hips are on skirts made full the belt. wearing well-form- VEGETABLES. BUTTER.i : -- ed ed Eggs, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork an' Beef, 8moked aad Fresh risk, t Flour, Hay and Uraln. It will pay you to ship your goods to sne. J charge 10 per cent, for handling and remit as soon as goods aro sold.-- . Cam giro first-cla: counter references If desired. Buffalo has a "lady mortuarist." Arizona's best mining expert is a woman. An expert tea taster in San Francisco is a young girL Oh Sixth avenue, New York, is an expert woman silversmith. . . ss One of the greatest wood engravers Is Miss Donlevy of New York. In the iCoggswell Polytechnic school the best blacksmith Is a girl. W. Q. M STEWARD, New Orleans has the only woman veterinary surgeon in the world. In Boston a woman electroplates in gold, silver, and nickel. Nebraska has a woman who earns r. her living 'by operating a steam thrash-'e' OFlTCJBi BO W. Well-educat- 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY P. O. BOX iQ, -- ....... . . .... . . $1.00 . . . . . ..... .... 1.00 ..... Hand Bamplei Iron Assay Copper Assay I Women in Singular Calling's. -,; : should be brought to her in other but full dress, and full dress, in her mind, did npt exist without the smart sash she had always known. And very courteously but firmly she made objection to the little frocks and asked that the next time the Countess brought her children to her that "she would not forget the sashes." The Queen still wears the horrible Congress gaiters of thirty years agof in which her foot shows no sign of Spanish Instep. Her children still address her in the way which was fashionable when they were little things. No member of the upper classes ever said "mother" then, and from the eldest to the youngest they still call the Queen "mamma." ............ , . . . Bottle Samples. ed The finest raisins in California are grown and picked by three women near 1.00 Fresno. a CO :- UTAB Eagle Block, UTAH. FRANK WHITEHEAD" it Professor of Wilt give lessr-non Piano. Or?an tc, and teach Iiands at lowest 'irf'vv, Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill i;' reasonable terms. For further particular?, Address FRANK WHITEHEAD, " and Ibapahl HINCKLEY. The Oasis and Fish Springs stage leave at 8 a. m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal polnti within 63 hours. Oftsis to Detroit, $3.00 " Flah Spr 'ngs, 6.00 " Gold Hill and Ipabah. 7.5Q COPYRIGHTS. Fare for transportation out and return ob4 CA1V I OBTAIN A PATENT? fares. A ddress, aad writ7! promnt, answer and an honest, flhVrnJS MUNN &: who had O asls and Ibapah ! i V ono-ha- lf pt . F, DAVIS, Proprietor, have "nearly CO., experience tn the patent .business. Commun,T tions strictly confidential. A Handbook fu formation concerning Patents and bow to tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Of uwnu. leal and scientific books sen free. Patents taken thronph Munn & Co. notice in the Scientific AmericnnT3 ppeoialare thus brought widely before tbe publicnln cut coBt to the inrentor. This splendid . w. 1 G. A. Gardner, issued weekly, elegantly illnstratert, has by C th w work In th world. S S3 a year. Sample acienunc copies sent $2.50 a Edition, Building monthly, year, gi tiful plates,n in colors, and photographs nnnsps. wit rian. naritntF hutMox. latest designs and secure contracts. Adnrwn MUNN & CO.. Mew Yohk. 3H1 Rhoaa WATCHMAKER, f. it is coming to be considered matUTAH. ter of economy to be prepared for the Watches NEPHI, and jewelry promptly p emergency; and to forestall it! rather paired. Mall orders solicited. than be overwhelmed by the conse quences of neglect in the matter. Atand! oft and Harness Saddlery WTTT.TAMR rttTO JT PA.YSON, - T37TA.H:. ' MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Gollai etc. PadSi Hardware, Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. Wholesale and Retail. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. HEATED BY STEAM. ELECTRIC CALL L. HOLBROOK, hm' j DELLi Prop. throat-stra- p Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle & Mining N d, Cluis. Tbomps&i , 5 s too loose is unas well espesightly, and dangerous well-brecase of in the cially spirited Se- . Bldflr., " and j hand, a rler. Address ' fftOVO, this portion of the harness must impress upon the drivers the importance of its proper adjustment, so that It shall not constrict and Impede the breathing power of the horse. What may appear a comfortable fit when the horse is at rest may be a serious obstruction when it comes to draw a heavy load and has to exert to the full his breathing capacity and alter the position in which his head and neck are carried. Besides, a tolerably loose throat-stra- p adds not only to the comfort of the horse, but to the general good appearance of the head, whether in bridle or blinkers. On the other Lower First Nations! bank 4 SALT LAKE CITY, iM U. Collections Promptly All , ; Parley Alirtd Rooms end Buckling the Throat' Strap "A common error in harnessing a draft horse is to buckle the throat-stra- p too. tightly. This is observable at our cart horse parades, and the care shown by the judges especially those of the veterinary profession in always carefully examining the fit of ililift'-fctatio- LAND and MINUft - - ; continued usefulness. III I SAMUEL A. KINO, As the hoc weather comes on, with its tention must also be given to reseed-In- g at proper intervals as needed. A half crop pf grass is as unprofitable to raise on a piece of land as is a half crop of grain. Keep the pastures in good heart. That is the secret of their Oasis, Utah. Address, G. W. PARKS, horses in harness or under the saddle for there is some danger of the whole headgear being shuffled off. We havo known many accidents to occur from this; cause. Some judgment should therefore be exercised in this matter. No particular rule can be laid down, as so much depends upon the conformation of the head. The exact position of can not be so easily dethe throat-stra- p fined as that of the saddle, as given in the army regulations, namely: 'The saddle should be placed in the middle of the horse's back, the front of it about the breadth of a hand behind the: play of the shoulder. "r London Live Stock Journal. IVIi 4 -- TfllE Bffll GBOWI "PO Leads All the Rest- mi - If If AWARDS. 1 Support i 1894, Home ; State Fair The Fat Stock Show. The American Fat Stock Show finds a new home thia year. The Coliseum, situated at; Sixty-thir- d street, Chieago, near the World's Fair grounds, and on the spot where Buffalo Bill's aggregation of wild west performers held sway, during the exposition, has been secured by the committee in charge for Nov. 6 to 16. Preparations are being made to hold in this, what will be the largest exhibition building in'the world, a more ambitious show than has been held since Old Exposition Building days. Horses, cattle, sheep, poultry, agricultural and horticultural exhibitions will occur. There Is no lack of room. Exhibitors will be provided with all conveniences, and in fact It Is the intention of the board to exert every effort to give an old time show in point of interest and extent of exhibits. Ex. Gold Medal. Indiislu Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Medals. Keep v. rWta TfRtt THfEB ' Your Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold Medal. Money at Beit Quality and Display of Soda Water. . Fitting For Market. A company doing: business at the Chicago stock yards Home. sends out the following advice to its customers: We would advise all our customers having cattle to ship during the next thirty days that have been fed MANUFACTUBED BY corn on grass to put them in a dry lot and feed nothing but hay and corn for, say five or six days before shipping. In this way they will get all the grass . . T out of them, shrink less,; ship better, CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH and sU to much better advantage. Spices Pure and Ground Daily. ' Crowding the heifers. Is it best to crowd heifers at two years to. their full capacity? Give them what they will eat and assimilate and keep them at work from the first. Often they will .not do as well the second year as the Has a f nil line of-first, but do better the third j ear. A study of the nature of rations is absolutely necessary, because, as the cow grows older, more carbonaceous food is necessary. Fanciers' Review. And is selling dow n at Panic Prices for Pay Down. feather for Cash or Produce at cost. How to Detect Oleomargarine. Dr. Leffman, a Philadelphia chemist, recommends the, following test: Place Travelers and Sheepmen will find me some of the questionable butter in a tin supplied with of a "teacup, heat cup, about the size V it, and if when hot It sputters and fies, as lard does when it is frying, and if . Highest cash price paid for Hi,des and Pelts. Don't forget salt gathers on the top, you can believe it Is oleomargarine. Butter, on I the other hand, will not sputter or, fly, nor will salt gather on top:; butter will OAH CITY, MILIABD COUNTY, . . . foam up until it runs over. Ex. , : j HEWLETT 3IOS I . Prank:;' (Law h Land zni - L. S. Hobbs, Mining Land Office.) Attorney. CorTeFpondeiice solicited Twenty-thre- e years' experience. SALT JAKE CITY, UTAH. BIRD & LOWE, Lend Agents & Attorneys, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. the fullness being smocked into closeness from the belt to well over the hips, and from there falling free. rows of braid are set round and Again, round fron belt to below the hips, or the braid i3 set in spoke-lik- e rows, spreading from the belt, each row ending in a loop just below the hips. In all case3 the bodice is elaborate either with smocking or braid corresponding to the skirt. This model u very pretty for any delicate or transparent material that does not adapt ita'slf to shaping, a delightful example being a dress of white gauze, the skirt, full on the band, and drawn close by circles of insertion laid ovry ribbon. The skirt below the circles faltj like a single flounce to the instep. It ts new time to "go in for separate skli, he- rounf-and-rou- nd Caprices of Fashion. More novel than one box plait down the front of the skirt is one down each side. The fashion of wearing white at the throat is not so prevalent as it was In the spring. It is quite safe to have any silk gown, or a light wool designed for early autumn wear, made with ruffled skirt. Some very elegant plaid silk blouses are being devised by fashionable modistes to wear with tailor-mad- e cos, ; i, tumes. ', ; Plaids are very fashionable, and will be all the fall. They are made now in cottons and silks and every variety of gauze. Pretty dresses for afternoon and evening wear at fashionable summer resorts are made of the soft, light pineapple silks so popular this season. i . ' V JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merehandise HAT, - GRAIN h. - AND - STABLD JOSEPH A. LYMAN, ti 0t |