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Show FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS THE .BLADE. ; - at Published Every Saturday guest put on the cap he or she has won, and then begin a game of "Ugly Mug." Forv this they take parinrS'a:zid "om lriK two lines up' and down the room, facing each other. They then., sing the following lines: suiting the action to SHORT STORIES BOVS AND GIRLS. QOOD i - UTAH. FOR the words: I put my right hand In! I put my right hand out!; j ;I give my right hand a shake, shake, , Interesting: nd Ins tractive Reading: tor the Heirs to This Bepnbllc Incident .rrank J. Caason. and Anecdote ( Worth the While to 7Z-.v a ' Pelet .w .. TEBRITOBIXI. OFFICERS. Caleb W. Waft 8. .A. Merritt. Secretary Sead About.''': - ,J. ...... AMnf Attorney ; T MOTHER she's bo good to me; H?? . wffl ofacTCl.rT, Ef I was good as I could be, I couldn't be as Frank Harrla. B., Lewis. UTAH COMMISSION. Bchool- s- jgffffi&w ?T A- ? - O- - B ITU H Bait Lake City. JSVnZ-trinL.Ba- lt Lake City. ! -- Bait Lake City. .TT7AB COUNTY DIRECTOBY. shake, And turn myself about!; Chorus: As they sing the chorus they form In order and march down the outside and up the middle again In pairs to position. The second verse is the same for the left hand; the third for both hands; the fourth, for' right foot; the: fifth, for left foot;1 the sixth,' for both feet; the seventh, for "Ugly Mug" (head). The chorus comes between each verse, and it is a ludicrous sight to see the and players wearing their comical caps"Fahmarching up and down, singing yah-yah- ," with their captive pauoons bobbing above them. - Buff That Isn't Blind Man's Buff. ; Everybody knows about "blindOfman's quite buff," but there Is another buff a different nature. It can be playedfor-as a game and Is also often jised as a sevfeit buff, especially when (there jare eral children wanting to get back their forfeited handkerchiefs, ribbons, knives, pencils, etc. These young folks stand up in a ring hand in hand, but facing,1 outward, and the biggest, holding a small hearth broom, pointing its handle at the next player, says rapidly and) solemnly: Buff says Buff to all his men, And they say Buff to him again. Buff neither laughs nor smiles. But carries his face! With a very good grace And passes his broom To the very next place. Ha! ho! ha ho! To my very next neighbor That don't hurt, but it hurts to see Barton, Thomas Wtan Her crying; nein I cry; an' nen xj i both cry, an' be goo'd again. me when. she cuts and sevi loves She : John Sp0tDescboois: My little cloak and' Sunday clothes; MILLABD COUNTT DIBEOTOBT. An' when my pa comes home to tea, Joshua Greenwood. She loves him 'most as much as me. Probate, Jodre Andreas Peterson. "We ....gg ' ' ' ! - - ! l -- selectmen. sheriff i ?' Assessor SA" Treasurer . v. Schools . Coroner. . . . H?!0?- She laughs and tells him all I said, An grabs me up an' pats my head; - WflrirlM An' I hug her, an' hug my pa, Thoa. O. Calllster. An' love him purt' high much as ma. Jno. M. Hanson. Willard . . . J oeeph D. Bogerm. Smith Saying: of Precocious Youngsters. T,?f pie Vv816, A tot, whose father is little. .'.I. O. CalUster A - nirkand Recorde- r- Siipt IJohn Styler. (James Gardner; iu:le A -- a broker, Is liable to send his devoted mother to a premature grave unless he grows out of the habit he has of asking pointed questions incessantly. During a recent shower a 'large company was seated at dinner, when a crash of thunder came with startling suddenness. "What is that noise, mamma?" asked the little fellow. 'That's thunder, my child." "Who made; it, mamma?" "Why, God, my dear." Just then the rain began to pour down In torrents, when the youngster embarrassed his maternal guardian by inquiring: "Did God turn on the faucet, too?" Poor little Nell found her first sewing lesson a great trial. "Never mind," said Grandma Comfort, as. she kissed the pricked little fingers, "if at- first you don't succeed, dear, try, try again." After Nell said her prayers that night, "And please make ending as usual, with Nell a good little i girl," she paused a moment, and then iadded, encouragingly, "And if at first you don't succeed, God. dear, try, try again. Amen." Little Mabel, aged 4, came home from her first picnic a very tired little girl. "Did you have a good time, dear?" Tes, auntie, we played and ate things all the time, but wasn't it queer, auntie, we didn't pick any nicks!" Fresh-ai- r child enjoying his first ride In the country: "Say, farmer, d'ye 4b'leeve God's everywheres?" "Yes, Jakie. Why?" "'Cause," chuckling, "If he is, he must be hevin' an orful Jolly ride in this yere waggln." "Pooh, I wouldn't live In California for anything," said Walter. "Why not?" "'Cause i heard your father say last night they have reg'lar earthquakes out there." Old Lady (to little boy caressing a dog) That is right, little boy. Always be kind to dumb animals. Little Boy Tes'm; I'll have a; kittle hitched to his : tail soon's I kin git him quiet. "I'll teach you tojplay pitch and toss!" shouted an enraged father. "I'll flog you for an hour 1 will." "Father," instantly replied the incorrigible, as he balanced a penny on his thumb and finger, "I'll toss you to make it two hours or nothing." . One day during a violent thunderstorm a small boy Inquired where the lightning ' came from. Some one told him that "God holds the lightning In his hand, the thunder in his voice." Just at that moment there was a vivid flash. Quite; as quick ithat small boy exclaimed: "There! He's let go some , more!" Teacher Johnny, I think you would be ashamed of yourself to run away from school, for the sake of floating around in that old, leaky, boat. Weren't you afraid of drowned ? Johnny No'm ; not sogetting much as on shore. Teacher What nonsense I Did you ever hear of anybody going out in a boat for fear of getting drowned? Johnny Yes'm. Teacher" Who? John , j Robert C. McCabe, a Philadelphian, feu memorlred the whole of the bible and can recite It word, for word. But what better off Is Robert than the man ho can repeat only the Chill wants to borrw $20,000,000, and the Dallas, Texas, sport who is to man-H- e the Corbett-Fitzslmmofight says, will wait unIf the Chilian government ns til that fight is pulled off, the loan at a low rate of he will make interest. In iome of the cantons of Switzerland, all the dead, rich as well as poor, ire buried at public expense. Coffins tad all other necessary articles are fur-aiflh- ed on application to certain undertakers designated by the government. Everything connected with, the interment is absolutely gratuitous, including the grave and the religious service. The graves follow each other in regular order, according to date of burial, in nlform rows, and the dead are all laid tide by side, without distinction as to standing in life or religious belief. corps and the Oregon had expected to accom-pUa- h grand results this year in their hillographlc work were greatly hin-ierby the forest fires. Stations had been made and signals were to pass from the highest peaks of the. Cascade and Sierra ranges to the peaks in Colo- ed rado. Last Mount Hood year with a small glass communicated with Portl- and, sixty miles away, and messages sent from Mount Hood to Hount Adams, which is about the same fiistance. In California, with a clearer atmosphere, hellographing has been nccessful between Shasta and St. Helens, a distance of 192 miles, ere also j has been enjoined revenue marine on the south Atlantic coast for a double purpose; the first place to prevent filibuster- Increased vigilance npon the from the ports of the United and In the second place to States, guard of the introduction yellow fever against from Cuba. After directing tie offl-eof the marine, in addition to their tegular duties under the customs and navigation laws, to pay strict attention to the enforcement of the neutrality laws, the treasury department- directs the officers to send fishing smacks, or tier vessels from foreign ports which .caj be found near the coast with or without the intention of making a port the United StaUs, and not having en board a bill of health, signed by the insular officer of the United States at ti foreign port from which the vessel last sailed, to the nearest quarantine itatlon, to report there to the medical tcer in charge for his action. " ws - - ; , " ' ny Noer. - j .. ; The May-PoCake. . This novel centerpiece for a birthday tableiis sure to please all the little guests. Any kind of simple cake will do, provided it' has plenty of qulrlicues : and sugar plums on the icing. in the center of the table a looking-glas- s plaque, edging It with crimped pink tissue paper, and ferns. le J , j a glass cake-stan- support- d . ; of the cake. ;. ti The. pole, is pressed firmly into the up and down cake, and with a bright nbbon,1 the top ' being a bouquet of bright flowadorned with ers. ; From ' the top of the polei' hang r koktd aa If they were home made. The long streamers of many-colore- d baby tfrl was not more than 18. years old, ribbon, each ending in a little package paper and coni as a crowd of small boys gathered wrapped in pink tissue c ..":ci?.:.':vJ a pre.ttyitoy-around her she looked as If she were taining form a circle on the , These her pneumatic tire was lectured, and she Jumped from her hel, Then it was evident that her Isomers were of a material not much searier than cheese cloth, and they Park row, until , crlsrf-cross- ed . -- Her tire was so eriously Injured that the wheel would kar to be trundled home. Her bloom-- : r costume was not constructed for that aind of work. 'It was so thin as to be 'almost transparent. Her attention was tailed to thl3 fact by several small toys. Miss Bloomers was In despair, the trundled her wheel to a drug store asa rang for a messenger boy. After "s'ng bis name and number, she in- treated her wheel to him and told him ta"i It to a Brooklyn address. Then "ft sprinted "for the bridge. ery uncomfortable. j j j I j j j ; I - - - According to the dispatches, ' the at prayer meeting in a church t Mason, e - jsthe ' last wei appearance of a maiden in r02:er8 at th8 organ. In the vicissl-tu-e- s of fashion one may even comt ccepting bloomers. , Some fathers bothers in Israel can remember wearing of flowers on a hat, confessed use of suspenders, wai just as little. ' t-- ; Ohio, were hoiTified wor-'-pe- r3 - sub-sidewa- rail- lk road, to take the place of elevated roads for rapid transit, has been designed by a Chicago inventor. The road, as its name implies, is to be built under the sidewalk of the street, the space required being only eight feet in width by eight feet in hight. At the curb line a wall is laid from one end of the street to the other. Under the other side of the walk the curb wall is parallel with a stone foundation lor posts and a fence. On this foundation and on the base of the curb wall rails , are laid. Iron columns are set on the inner wall suporting girders level with the top ol the curb wall and marking the line between the sidewalk proper and the area space, A wire fence connects the posts and, separates the railroad from the area space. jThis space will be for stairways and entrances, to basements. With the curb-wal- l, "girders and bases of buildings for support, a prismatic walk is laid for the purpose of admitting light into the space below. Electricity is to be the motive power. The speed, the plan sets forth, will not be less than thirty! miles an hour, and may in some cases be as high as sixty miles an hour. One of the advantages claimed for the road is that It will convert the basements of buildings intc valuable property. This and other it is believed would make the property owners readily give their consent to the construction of the road. so-call- A perfeot fit guaranteed. Repairing ia all its branches. Special attention called to his new style. Universal feed sewing machine does all its work inside of the shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., Nepal. Nikola Tesla's Honors. Although still so young a man, Nikola Tesla is beginning to find the , packages lake.. At table around the looking-glas- s a given signal each guest takes, a ting it; high from' the'table,,tbe bright ribbons' making a pretty curved screen above the cake. With' scissors then cut the ribbons off close to'1 the pole all around the circle, thus leaving ,. i a prize in each little hand. Grace F. Pennypacker. jack-age,!'- Ilf . "Carefully compounded. Mall or express orders promptly attened to. Large Stack at Salt Lake prices. M'NALLY NEPHI, h a - - CAPITAL SURPLUS 350,000 Hani . 837,500 nt. No tiresome layovers, v Close connections: in union depots, And positively the quickest route OSTLER, To the Great" Rivers and Atlantic Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly In which the seats are free to holders of regular train tickets. - Call on or address S. y.DARRAH, COMMERCIAL FREIGHT 'AND AGENT. Salt Lake City, H. C spot casb. V Utaht . TOWNSEND 1 Ticket Agent General Passenger St. Louis, Mo. DE3HRDT. Mill Work a Specialty. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. BROTHERS' GRACE L. : OR I JHO. DEYSHUP, r,icn. um if-- : Mill Manufacturers of and Dealers in Windows, Doors, Mouldings, Mixed Paints, Coal, Hardware, CoGns, Caskets, Pickets, Combination Wire Fenee, etc Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to i j point. 4 . - Grace Brothers, NEPHI CITY, ! with a steady pull at last managed to. extricate the product of their conjugal Office: Court- House, Fillmore, Utah, OSTLER & ALLEN, tenderness."' THEDESERET DAIRY GO. Sixty years ago Joseph Glllott was a " ' HAS FOR SALE"' working Jeweler in Birmingham. One one of he his fine accidentally split; day FULL CREAM CHEESE. steel tools, and being suddenly required to sign a receipt and not finding a quill pen at hand he used the split tool as a Deperet is noted for the fine substitute.. This happy accident led to of its Milk, Butter and Cheese.qualitj Give the idea of making pens of metal.' It was carried out in secret and how the o ur products a tiiaL . name Glllott is found on almost every : N. S; BISHOP, pen.' you use. India rubber used for erasing pencil SUPT. . marks was known In England as early as 1770. ; A cube of it one-ha- lf inch '' , square cost 3s. ; SIRE - Chair Cars Reclining Room 21 Morlan Block, at bottom prices for - . PASSENGER AT THE East Main Street, - modern Equipment and AND PRODUCE DESERET CASH XJteilc Rrorrj GENERAL MERCHANDISE PORK Znn rrrt Irrigation Co. and 'Whit stooped over, and, after securing a good Fillmore Ltno nd Impntion Co. ' Mountain and raised their heads, hold, slowly Dealers in and Manufacturers of mm m 1 i.nARiRss A P 1 f a . 1 HUrPLtb, 1 0 IMUOt 4 A r Ifr rrtiit.es i f""T" OAUI0, LIU. We also carry a fall line of Horse Furnishing Goods Sheep Men's and Cowboys' Outfits, DESERET HOUSE. WE GUARANTEE . ' ' .:.', . "Perfect r.lAC!H00H - . e. m RAILWAY. BANKING GENERAL M. Pacffi UTAH. NEPHI, Goods Butter, Lard, Sausage & OSTLER-00KEY, that rtas The First jNational Baok; spe-5l- al VEAL ST. LOUIS, OR UTAH. Be sure and ask for a ticket y, U KANSAS CITY, ! LUNT, BOOTS AND SHOES. In working hard materials with diamonds set in metal there ..has. always been a difficulty in preventing the stone from ' being ripped out by; the strain. An effective method of doing this haa been devised. A little block of steel, suitably notched to receive the diamond, is Hnsarten far linnilQ rmo. brought to a red heat, the diamond inserted, and the block, is passed through Bonbon Balloons. a small roll. The diamond is thus firmand ounty Newspapers from all pssti A pretty novelty for a young folks in the block, though, pro- dCty imbedded Vlsh. ,. ly . ,r i in bonbon balloons. Buy party is found common' its beyond mid slightly surface, jecting cs Ors Detroit from tad, red toy balloons enough of the the strain of the most exacting vhsra. cpacimons to suit the number of your guests, and defieso work. tie to the end of each floating string a Ersrj thing RESPECTABLE. or "costume cracker." bonbon paper a. jpiMriaff w2X of Jingle. ' While the guests are busy, at the supsaid the "Tour honor," the prisoner, his THE PUREST WATER ON EARTH. per table set the balloons free In head In sorrow bent, to the will rise Of course, they parlor. Ca Ca rreialiea. Ttna T7ater is a CUA3 my word I do declare that I am top of the room, the bonbons dangling "Uponinnocent." ' ANTEKD CUIUS for $2 in the air. case," the Justice said, When the children come back from "If that's theout Diseases of tits Kidneys and Bladder four ninety-ninto them "yotj're that explain the supper-roowill please take down the Testimonial op Application. they may have whichever balloon they The clerk fact five dollars is your fine." can catch. Then set the balloons all in MRS. J. P. GIBBS, Prop. Upton B. Sinclair. Jr. rnotlon with a big-- fan, and ra lively to fccene will follow, each guest trying The man who never praises his wife DESERET, UTAH, nrlie.' otrh.s. comettmes talks very nice in church. ' THua all have been caught let each ; , i SOLICITED TRADE SOUTIIERI! J. Tesla postage stamp. When Mr. Tesla went home to his native land four or five years ago, each of the six morning newspapers in Belgrade saluted his arrival the same day with an jriginal poem. The modest inventor ippreciates these manifestations deep-but he says laughingly.to his friends Oiat he "would go home oftener if there iras less of it." j CHICAGO, re-sen- tly were Jogphants help a pitfall. They NEPHI CITY, UTAH. ging along in the peace of a pachyder- a matous conscience, when suddenly Free delivery to any part of the city. crash caused them to fling their weight oh their haunches. Their son, a hopeful youngster of hardly 5,000 pounds, had stumbled into a wellrconcealed pit. R E. L. COLLIER, C. E. Paterfamilias sized up the situation' and advanced, after giving his spouse an The "youngster's Engineering in all its Branches. admonitory push mother immediately Joined her husband iat the brink of the pit, eund, going down Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty on one knee, tested the safety of the ground before trusting her whole weight Engineer fcr Centrsl LaDd and Irrlgalloa to her front legs. They then both Co., Clear IhVi Land sod Irrigation Cu Diamond Setting for Toole.. and Bologna, If yott are going to DRUGGISTS, Vice-Preside- posts and telegraphs, of printing Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef I Your patronage solicited. honors j shower thickly upon him. He In All Its Branches. las already been made, within the last J. H. Ebicksok, rtarya doctor by Columbia College, and Geo.' C. Whitmobb, President, in M. A. by Yale, while one of the leadW. Y. Armstrong, Cashier. ing universities of the far west has invited him to accept one of Its liplomas. A couple of years ago he received the rare order of St. Sava from C. the King of Servia, and last week news reached him officially that the Order Manufacturer and Repairer of if the Eagle had been conferred upon llm" by the' Prince of Montenegro, who may be said to represent the race from jhich Tesla springs. His own are very proud of this young people All kinds of shoes made to order. genius, Workmanship second to none. iven though he has become an AmeriFirst door south of Tabernaole," can citizen, and not, long ago the unique NEPHI. honor was bestowed upon him by the MAIN STREET, Servian government department of iHjjl Schoolroom Tools'. Choiee Fresh Meats, MoNALLY & LUNT, ed es, st , -- Butchfers, Baby Elephant's Dilemma. In the forests of Burmih the Naturalist Stelzer once saw a couple of ele- Mor. Boot aofl Shoe j OSTLER & 0CKEY, st A. V. HAGUE, HARDY, G-EORG- -E , - i ' A novel plan for a: The red flag is a sign of defiance, and is often used by revolutionists. In our service it is a mark of danger, and shows a vessel to be receiving or disWholesale and Retail charging her powder. The black flag is the sign of piracy. The yellow flag shows; a vessel to be at quarantine, or is the signal of contagious disease. means mourning. A. flag at half-mareturn with a vessels other and Fishing half-maannounce the loss to flag at or death of some of the men. Dipping the flag is lowering it slightly MUTTON and then hoisting it again, to salute a vessel or fort. If the President of the United States -- ALSOgoes afloat, the American flag is carried In the bows of his barge or hoisted at the main of the vessel on board of which he is. ....!',.- , v Railway. lk I flag. j girl on a wheel came to ing the cake, from the middle of which trief in front of the Sun office In New rises the May-pol- e. This may vary in fork the other day. She attracted no size, from a wooden knitting-needl- e' to tjeeial attention as she wheeled- up a bamboo cane, to suit the dimensions j j Sub-Sidewa- ; On this set A bloomer square, to distinguish them from other banners. A "flag of truce" Is a white flag displayed to an enemy to indicate a desire for a parley or consultation. The white flag is the sign of peace, After a battle parties from both sides often goorout to bury the field to rescue the wounded the dead under the protection of a white flat-bottom- ed ! ; i ; j Buff makes Language of Flags. To "srtrike the flag" is to lower the national colors in token of submission. Flags are used as the symbol of rank and command, the officers using them being called flag officers. Such flags are , ; Go Broomie, go! ny mistake; laughs, or even smiles during this saying he must begin it all over again If he keeps quite solemn and serlousj he hands the broom on to the neighbor and retires from the circle to receive back his forfeit, while the next player, holding its handle toward her neighbpr.rep,eats. the rhyme, and so on till the broom is landed with the last child, who hands it in return for her forfeit, or if "Buff" is being played merely as a game the ring is reformed and the next tallest player begins it again with a Buff says Buff to all his men. If - The signal Mazamas who j , ! Deprezln She loves me when she punishes. Hugo A. Li. Jacknmn ...J. T. Sullivan ..D.. W- - Gazier I don't like her to punish me; - V, - I . ana . - 'and CoU4ctOr. . ABaeao' She loves me when I'm glad er mad; She loves me when I'm good er bad; Anappea An' what's a funniest thing, she says h.fB Jodze Selectmen : Can't any boy be good as her! I yUo ClerK good; no sir! v L7kiity: A?rTr.rir II TN,?er - '' : ah! i ..-.J- i ( . A , ... 2 liESTOREDS cure Vegetable l i Ti rif ri n of all ner- you will tloo of a famous Frencn physician, quickly as sfaDhHd such rgrana, disoasea "voa9 of Or the generative fc' TkoKS?!... t v.. rt C3ama1 vilDcrino .nmna Varlcowle aicS. , to JWarry, Exhansting Pra". Prevent Pimples. Unfitness quick. ConstipaUon. 1 1 stops all losses by day or njgrht. -- J-o- 1 DEfSrC ''. c V 7 -- aerr AH bAFTE R nrinary organs of aU imparities. kidneys and the restores smau and 'CUPIDEIIS strengthens 5ninetvBer c?? an iTPD'J wttlj. not mirfid .bv Doctors is " 4 1roaannn ttonffowr? .Tho pi h irSr p u fhponiv known reroedy to carewiinout m uwrauon. oouutestimoni-- . 7- six for $5.00, by mail. Send for jbek circular ana lesumomaia.Cal. Francisco, JhrEaZebV Aires DAVOL MEDICIHB CO P. O. Bos Sn FOR SALD BY McNAL LY & LUNT, DUG GISTS, ' NEPIIL |