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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 Collinston I Ti 44 1 r i A -- ims woman in 4 rvccits Lost 1 7 Pounds of Fatl business the past week. Bishop Marble was in Wellsville on business Saturday. We are all pleased to know there is a good supply of water from the well. they have been drilling at the school. A samyle of the water has been sent to the state board of health for an analysis. Miss Norman and La Vera Summers entertained at an April Fools party Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark and family moved to Howell Monday. Mr. Stark has permanent work for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins spent four days at the bedside of Mrs. Hawkins mother, Mrs. Georginia Hill, of Logan, last week. Her condition is slightly improved. Miss Rhea Johnson of Fielding spent the week end with Helen Christ ensen. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson spent Sunday at Bear River City visiting relatives and friends. Fred and Roland Christensen returned from Salt Lake Friday where they have been working the past two 1" i Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen delight(News for Week of April 2) fully entertained the 500 club at their home Wednesday night, April 1st. Mrs. L. D. Miller of Provo is here Easter decoration and April Fool days for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. jokes were the interesting features. Reginald Summers. A delicious luncheon was served to ten oy tws and their much mr; na better Here's a letter written October 21, every way, beside looking couples. K Mav all laro-- wnnlo hnth mpn and u4uulcrs, Mary ana lXrean ana taTl VraA R9rni.n r,f T aui. 1QQ f,c Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hooper of Lo that ought to be women, who want to reduce in an easy ears nd LaVal Anderson of Bear istown, gan spent a pleasant Sunday with rela read bv Montana, " uwu5 raa overwe trht woman in way. eive Kruschen Salts a fair trial. . everv . tives in Collinston. tlves of Mrs. Ellis, Wednesday, T am snro it will A nnvin! anvone." Mr. and Mrs. J. A Bigler and son, lss Maasen and Miss Leola A bottle of Kruschen Salts that Gentlemen: I started taking Kru-- , Clarence, Mrs. Olga Wheatley, of Hon me wee ena at tneir .wt hut R5r at the oecy i Jats, fnr eyville and Mrs. Tressa Venter and anH wantP,! Wallace Drue- Co.. Tremonton. Utah. nome ,n ngnam. r. and Mrs. Henry Newman were daughter, Marjorie, of Buhl, Idaho, mo to rpHnrP Take r in America. or anv drugstore, o- n.U tored to Salt Lake Saturday, where T hfu Monoay, of hot w nw.A 1 on TBusiness, triPd crroinfro on diet but one- half teaSDOon in a elass r n ouu they enjoyed conference and visiting ,ai,M mis. rfimes auramers, sua. o tv,ot rv,,r watir hofnn hivjiHiist pvprv mommir. ,,t,o with relatives. Clarence Summers and Mr. and Mrs, Mit. i out nastrv ToAr.. cwiftiv i,i t and Mrs. Oslen Rryer and chil meats and go light on po- - J.homa? Summe" attended the funer- and "Kruschen trial. Salts" fair a give fatty Sunday with their brother, The . Ti? Bl day I started to take them I tatoes, butter, cream and sugar. na c Xawrence and family, in Ogden. TV reiauve vi uie cars Rafe a wav vu? wav Knisphpn thp weighed 256 lbs. and at present, which Mrs. Maud Brown is having a Pummersnot and if n onA bottlp 233 been Hn,oTrv I has four weeks, weigh visit with her mother, Mrs. Wal lbs. And just l.Mr- - and Mrs- - Vaughn Koford and satisfied monevv back. I must say, I feel better in lovfiillv 0 Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Stark were din- ters at Wellsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White and chilter, Miss Ella Coombs, and Mr. and ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis Mrs. George H. Coombs visited in isunday. dren, of Garland, spent Sunday in nr. Sam Mills returned from Black Beaver Dam, with their daughters, Farmington last week end. Mrs Aileen Simmons and Mrs. Olive PlMS Saturday where he has been on Gam Mrs. Dan Wednesday evening Saturday of last week Mrs. L. W. entertained Durfey. the Gleaner Girls at an and Barbara granddaughter, Standing Mrs. We Hardy, of Fielding, spent Fool" "April party. Fifteen girls wers CaliLos Anderson for left Angeles several days last week with her daugh Various present. games were played! fornia where they expect to visit for ter, Mrs. Kate Saunders. with Miss Thelma Valentine winning Mrs. Iva Thompson, of Wheelon and several months. the prize. Luncheon was served. The anMr. Mrs. Richards Elmer and Mrs. Olive Durfey and children, en nounce the birth of a daughter, Satur- hostess was assisted by Miss Ella joyed a visit with their sister, Mrs. Coombs and Miss Phyllis Wood. Miss Rhoda Thewrer ,of Providence, last day, March 28. Mrs. Grand Snow spent Tuesday in Blanche Wood was in charge of the week. games. The young married ladies club were Ogden at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. Nathaniel Garn enter Packer. GROCERIES Hghly entertained at the home of Mrs Virgil tained at dinner Wednesday evening. Willard Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, afternoon. Delbert Kidman, Saturday Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mrs. Elva Fryer entertained the Re Smith, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith, and daughters, Nona and Vir and of Holbrook, Jr. Smith, children, lief Socety at her home Tuesday. Dain Mrs. Idaho, Mr .and Joseph Smith and ginia. ty refreshments were served. Mrs. Reed Larkin and baby, of Mrs. children and Nanny Ashcroft, Mr. and Mrs. M Y. Simmons spent Mrs. Snowville are visiting with her par their with the mother, spent day sister with afternoon their Thursday and family, Bp. and Mrs. Milton Mar Alice A. Smith, in honor of her eighty ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn. second birthday anniversary. Mrs. Wynn Hansen was hostess to Tale, of BothweU. Mrs. the members of the clio cirlce club Mr. of and last week, .Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Saunders ac Harris entertained at dinner in compli afternoon. '500' was played. ompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods ment to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rigby, of Thursday guests, Twenty including Mrs. Authur who has spent the winter in Collins Matched Slices Newton and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Earl. Nealy, Miss Bessie Hansen, Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs where ton. to Ogden, Mrs. Wallace Bourne had Hansen and Mrs. Jensen, of Logan, and Mr. 2 No. Cans Woelpvill make their future home. as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. were present. Luncheon was served. Mrs. Mvrthe Secrist and Mrs. Kate Ellison and Miss Margaret Sills, of The Social Development club was Saunders will assist their sister, Mrs Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman at a social Thursday after entertained in in Ethel Hooper serving Logan, of Salt Lake City and Horton Bourne noon Mrs. " ,T by " 'BI" Ralph Grover. Preceed- MACAIUlNrfAUHETTI banquet at her home to members of of Farmington. were the wg games arrangements her club (Several ladies from Ogden Miss Virginia Smith, of Salt Lake made Per Pkg by the finance committee to will be in attendance. Thursday af City, spent last week with her parluncheon to the Lions Club, of serve ternoon. STRING BEANS MATCHES ents, Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Smith. Tremonton. Wednesday evening, Mrs. Mr. Dewey Swanger was called to Mr. L. C. Christopherson spent the Gertrude Hansen 2 No. 2 cans Whole having charge of af "Montana to take charge of a Section week end with his sister, Mrs. D. C. fairs. A variety of games were playMiss Edna Kerr, daughter of Mr Mills, of Bliss, Idaho. CHOCOLATE ed under the supervision of the recre Six and Mrs. T. S. Kerr is very sick at Mrs. Mariah Gleason, of Salt Lake ation committee. Luncheon was serv Bakers 2 lb. Cake .... Boxes the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake City, is visiting at the home of her ed to club members and twenty three where she was operated on for appen daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wood. MAYONNAISE Mrs. Thomas Harper. Misses Nona dicitis. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harper and Dinnerette Pint Jar Smith, Thelma Valentine and Blanche 1 Mrs. Gene Bowen was called to children, J. Anne and Donald, are Ferry, Mrs. Chas. Hendericks and Mrs! SARDINES on account of the illness of her guests of Mr .and Mrs. George R. Art Pederson, of Tremonton. Oval Cans mother, Mrs. George Johnson. Coombs. .... each ... Mrs. Sarah Bowen is slowly recov Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Earl and Mr. BAKING SODA erinir from a severe sick spell. and Mrs. Thomas Harris spent the When You Think Mrs. Gertrude Simmons and Mrs J early part of the week with Dr. and Per Pkg HARDWARE. A Bigler spent Friday with Mrs. Olga Mrs. S. E. Nelson, of Preston, Idaho. HONEY i Wheatley in Honeyville, and Mrs. Ven Mrs. Claude Allred and daughter, Glass Jars ter who is visiting her from Buhl, Jean, of Garland, visited with her par"Everything To Build Anything" Idaho. ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Tues SYRUP Phone 11 day. Gallon Cans Mrs. George R. Coombs and daugh' I i ,. I uic - ,u-w- -- a;aa i, Jit drfcent I it I in"1 V 1 a 1 u. t - T' - Fielding Mrs. Roland Allen had for her dinner guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and children of Cleveland, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholer visited and were dinner guests of Mrs. Andy Jensen of Elwood Sunday. Miss Maurine Anderson, who is attending the A. C College this year spent the week end with her parents. Mr. Eli Anderson wos in Brighara on business Saturday, visit in Union. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newman are in Ogden on business and will visit rela tives a few days before return. Elwood (News for Week of April 2) An Easter frolic dance will be held here on Friday, April 3rd. Refreshments and other lively attractions will be added. Everybody invited. Come and join the frolic. The Primary held their monthly officers meeting at the home of the new president, Mrs. Walter E. Fridal on Monday evening with one hundred per eent present American food Stores Inc. TREMONTON, UTAH GARLAND, UTAH MEATS Specials for Saturday, Apr. 11 PINEAPPLE 2i Pounds 39c IOC q CRACKERS Qart ! i , East Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. Ray York finished their work of washing and packing aDDles for L. S. Mann, at the West -y- Gateway Storage in Ogden, last I QTday. Austin .Se.ager broadcast three vo cal numbers over KLO last Wednes day evening. Congratulations. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Abbott, son, Stanlpv and daughter. Danna Jean were Morcan visitors Sunday. Mrs. Jane Abbott went to Salt Lake a City on Saturday and will visit for H. G. Scott Drug Co. kmmimmh Utah Tremonton 2 98c 29c ehbbmb 35c 25c CORN 47c - JfSSEStSKSm STRING BEANS PEAS at a --Jfemler ef pQ . 2 & d agree at tpeed in keeping tcith the at veil at mytelf. ' To keep on the right tide $afety of the road, of offer except tchen ORANGES Urffc patting. To pott only when I knout there it ample time and tpmea the creet or when blind never on ofahilL curvet nearing 4 To go through interteetiont only teken of way. l hate the right To observe all traffic eignalt, To give tignalt mytelf that can be dearly teen and derttoodtbefore turning or stopping In traffic we To drive only when in full poetettion of my faadliet. To keep my braket, light, and horn in good condition. To operate my car on tiret which atturo a positive grip on the road safe tracHonand freedom from ardous Ore failures. Witness Signature QQW DOC Station No. 9, Tremonton - . QC or--. O DC CHEESE Mild aq COC ng, OOC Per Lb. 1A 1 UC 17c A ZJQ, OA. OVC RAISINS pfo- QC Three Packages 1 Ug - 1 fUC 25c . 9Q. tUiQ. 1A 1 i7C WHITE KING liC OCkA tCUK, OATS - Buckeye Bag 07I O Gfls 29C , Large Pkg. 1 39c . LETTUCE Solid MALT SYRUP Blue Pine AQri HtW VIENNA SAUSAGE Libbys 1 1 (H UC Heads TOMATOES 3 No. 2 '2 Cans. QQi OOV 5c PEAS 1 . IOC Palmolive Soap 3 Bars 23c rice Blue Rose rCTI, 1 Package Palmolive Beads FREE With Each Soap Purchase 5J MEAT DEPARTMENT OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE PURCHASED (U. S. Inspected) hai' Blue Light Gas and Oil Didericksen and Golds berry, Proprietors Per Boz r- SALMON - Blue Pine Tall Can - Blue Pine No. 3 Sieve THE S ILVERTOWNS AFETY. LEAGUE 15c . Pound Pkg I PEACHES - Blue Pine I No. 2 yt Can I 2 Pounds ' 19C Poulkg b. 3 No. 2 Cans To dri rnrnA KK 2 Lb. .. Mennens Shaving Cream Mennens Talcum Powder 60c Value Special Price 1 3 Cans PRUNES KODAK only SOUP Campbells Graham CRACKERS NOW ON SALE No. 2 WHEAT Ter Pkg RADISHES - ONIONS 3 Bunches SHREDDED r- OOC b wppk. Mrs. 0. L. Brough returned Friday evening after several days spent in Salt Lake City, in attendance at the State Relief Society Conference. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Checketts and Maltra. visited their with sister, Mrs. Chas. "Monday Peterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson hai as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs and children, of "o,.w ra1rpft.a viiaiigo vhvvvvij Bear River City. M Woodruff and daughter, Ivy visited in Salt Lake City from Thursday until Sunday. Miss Blanche Brough and Ruth Brough went to Salt Lake City Thurssome day and will remain there for time. N. W. Olsen and family were Ogden visitors Sunday. Gus Pierce and family have moved the Washakie farm. We are glad welcome our new neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Iwis Johnson went to Cedar City, Friday for a short visit with their daughter, Mrs. Loren Miles nnd family. E. S. Holman, manager of the State Fair Association and two sons, Sam and Jordan, of Salt Lake City, wero dinner guests Thursday evening of George Abbott and family. Mr. and Mrs. K. H Fridal ed to Salt Lake City Saturday and returned Sunday. Mrs. J. 0. Garfield was a Salt Lak City visitor from Friday until Monday. O. L. Brough attended conference in Salt Lake City Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George Beal and son, Max, returned from Salt Lake City Monday evening after several days visit there. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris and daughter, Joyce, of Boise visited Monday afternoon at the home of 0. A. Seager Miss Maudell Seager was a conference visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. 0. Garfield, Mrs. Ada Garfield, Mrs. Zeb White, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Kay, were business visitors in Brigham City and Ofden, o- o i. SUGAR Q . THINK WILSON Powdered BUTTER n BACON Pure Pork ENDS SAUSAGE Choice Beef ROASTS PER POUND PER POUND PER POUND 19g 15jt 14g |