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Show PAGE TWfj .j I I Garland Personals I j . -j- Riverside - Cropley last week to take charge of Brigham on business, Friday. the ward farm there. It has been some time since the Used Car Bargains Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin were stork made a visit to this community with relatives here Sunday. visiting went R. T. and Mrs. Senator Welling but during the last week he left a litMrs. J. W. uumben ana uien raiWeiJ .... TkiimJaw A was here of mliaM Mr. Clyde to Willard, visit Marsh, to Tuesday Brigham w mer weni tle son at the home of Mr. and Mrs- juuiwa, ijucu week ling's mother, who is confined to her for the week end with his family. the of remainder the spent they Fred Grover and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. The family of Geo. Bowcutt were bed, after a fall. mth relatives and friends. Udy are made grandparents by the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tingey and chil visiting with relatives at Wheelon, arrival of a son to their Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Budge, who daughter, of Sunday. Mrs. Ferris Gale. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. dren and Mrs. Mary E. Tingey, with Mr. and Glen Udy and Jack Forsberg were Winters, motored to Salt Lake City Salt Lake spent Sundayreturned home Mr. and Mrs. Wildon Grover are H.S. Mrs. visitors Sunday. They Tingey. Logan last Wednesday. relatives at BothwelL Mrs. Mary Tingey, who The family of Jesse Anderson spent visiting few used cars which we will We still have on haad Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter and Sunday except and Mr. Mrs. James Miller were for a her with here son, remain Malad. will at models are Sunday daughter Mildred were Logan visitors few weeks. in Ogden, Wednesday. dispose of at bargain prices. All the latest and Mrs. Alvin Smith, of Ply- shopping Mr. Friday. in reconditioned mechanical order and appearance: It was no April Fool joke, but a Mrs. A. A. Capener returned to her mouth, were visiting at the T. J. Udy Sargent Streeper of the high school home on of the real surprise, April evening Monday after her recent opera- home Tuesday. faculty, spent the week end in Salt tion at the L. D. S. hospital. 1st, when a crowd of yung people 1 1929 Lake City. called to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Rex Hales of Los Angeles is visit and Elmer Anderson spent Saturday With him eighteen Dean Grover. 2 1929 ing with relatives at Riverside and friends enjoyed playing games and Sunday in Salt Lake City. Corinne. partaking of refreshments with Dean. George Nye, directed a musical pro Miss Annie Nedds, of Providence, Wedstation over KLO, Ogden, atfrom Mrs. Ruel Nielsen and children are A number this place gram large visited wth Peg Capener, Sunday. Salt with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lar in conference Lake nesday evening of last week. tended to City. visiting returned Mrs. Rowane Udy has Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen were son and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Holman, Dr .and Mrs. Wendell Budge motor- her home here after spending the win Mr. Nielsen has been transferred, by in Salt Lake on business, Friday. ed to Logan Thursday. ter in Logan. his firm, from Richfield, Utah to Idamoved a G. Korth F. have of Lake Rich Salt The to Joe family City spent Frank Benson, of Rexburg, called We also have a number of Model T trucks suitable for ho Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Nielsen and chil few days here last week. see his sister, Mrs. J. H. Ward, Wed back to their farm home after spendhim there as soon as he farm work that we will dispose of at prices you can afMr. W. W. Chambers, Supt. of the nesday of last week. ing the winter in Garland. Mr. and dren will join suitable finds a dwelling. occuwho Coombs have Elmer Mrs. a Carbon county schools, was a Gar Miss Lorella Bowcutt entertained ford to pay. Mr. Miss Wanda Robertson, teacher land visitor last Wednesday. large crowd of young people at her pied the Korth home during the winter have moved to the former home of training teacher at the U. S. A. C, visChristensen was a former member of home Saturday evening. ited relatives here on Sunday. W. E. Hansen. an our high school faculty. Norma and Udy gave Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Workman, of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rich had as Easter party at the Udy Hot Springs their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Most of their friends from Burley. Idaho, are spending a few Riverside attended and greatly enjoy- days with Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette M. Oswald of Salt Lake City. ed the plunge and luncheon served by G rover. Other week end guests of Mr school fac Arbon the of T. J. high and Mrs. Grover were the Misses ulty spent Saturday and Sunday in Mrs. Udy. Mac- - Pearl and Stella Petersen, of Penrose. and Beth Ward Misses Irene Salt Lake City. that they are home and Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker and son Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter had as farlane took their Sunday School class ready to do your Joel; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walker, daugh their dinner guests Friday evening, es on an Easter picnic Saturday. on here was of W. C. Parke, Papering Painting Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ault of Logan ter, Bernice and sons, Elwyn and Reed business last week. Tinting Etc. of Syracuse, v.erc Sunday guests of Miss Mildred Bush returned home Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Byington Mr. and Mrs. David Larson. in Salt Lake City, Saturday, after at and children, of Preston, IL.fco, called Mrs. Henry Sorensen and children, spending the week as the guest of on relatives at Riverside and Evans, Utah Tremonton attended the funeral of a cousin in Miss Florence Petterson. Sunday. 3.a-Mrs. re week. 3 last Sorensen Phone Portage Mr .and-MrBlaine Winters of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg and Miss Lake City spent the week end with Ruth Forsberg were Salt Lake visitors mained to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Allen. Mr. Winter's parents, Mr .and Mrs, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover vis 0. L. Winters. The family of Ora Hyer, of Logan, Miss Florence Petterson spent Sat were the Easter guests of Mr. and ited with Mrs. Grovers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of Brigham, urday and Sunday in .Salt Lake City Mrs. J. H. Ward. Sunday. Mildred the of Miss Walker Bush. Glen Mr. and Mrs. the guest spent Mr. and Mrs. Eric Northman and home here. their at end week G. G. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeten were of Garland, visited with their and children, Lorenzo Bowcutt Mrs. Mr. and Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson were parents, and Silvey, Alvin, daughter, President C. E. Smith motored to son, last Sunday. Salt Lake City last Thurf Jay, return Salt Lake visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oyler were in Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward moved to ing home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rich of Ogden, were Garland visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning motor ed to Salt Lake City Wednesday of last week where they attended the L. D. S. Conference. service sysgreat economical Pres. J. J. Shumway motored to his combined efficiencies, gives This, Salt Lake Sunday to attend L. D. S. in a us the for of position places you conference and the conference on child -i- - ;. A. H ! a model, Fordor Sedan model, Tudor Sedans 11929 model, Sport Coupe 11928 model, Sport Coupe 11928 model, Touring Car -I- East Garland UTAH AUTO & IMP. Wilkinson & Son COMPANY AUTO CAMP has invested ANOTHER EXAMPLE F IF O It D VALUE with his TIRE DEALERS distributing and standardized establishing a unusual manufacturing with tem. outstanding tire value history, and SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE YOU BETTER welfare. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Harvey and -,i, ., - c... j-i,.. nturned this week "Most Miles per Dollar" -v- C;.! ornia. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peck and Mrs. Delos Thompson motored to Brigham C MPAKE CONSTRUCTION City Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harold Persson and Delos Thompson were Salt Lake City ors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkham were Salt lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Petersen had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Williams and children, of Og- 4M.lt and QUALITY Special Brand 0o, TIRE Tire ... ..... ...... Mere Rubber Vol. More Wright Marc Width More Thickness More Plies at Tread Same Price Mail Order Tire IbScu. in. tO.SO pounds 4-7- inches 5 ISOcu. in. I $.68 pounds . . inches .$$8 inch 4-- $98 inch o plies 7 S plies S. $5-6- o den. Dr. J..W. Chambers made a business trip to Brigham City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and family spent the week end in Salt Lake City. Mrs. T. W. Innes will be hostess to the members of the Ladies Self Culture club Friday afternoon, April 10. Mr. Alfred Michaelis attended conference in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. P. A. Ballinger was in town Tuesday, on business. Mrs. Warren Sweeten an son, Hugh of Holbrook, Idaho, spent a few days here this week with relativest Mr. Hugh Bennion, of Logan, wa. a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson last Wednesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers have as their guests this week, Mrs. Frank Goddard of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Woodward and family of Corirtne. Mr. G. G. Sweeten made a business trip to Brigham City Monday. Mrs. Lorenzo Smith has returned home from Nevada where she has been visiting for three weeks with her son, I. J. Smith. Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite is entertaining the Daughters of the Pioneers today, April, 9th. A large crowd attended the free dance at the Armory Saturday evening sponsored by the Box Elder Gas and Oil Co., and the Shell Oil Co. Forty eight very useful prizes were given away to those holding the lucky numbers. . Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, of Ogden were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter, Saturday. Bright enduring RUSTLESS STEEL is used for many exposed bright metai parts of the Ford - Mrs. P .E. Ault, Superintendent. Junior Church service 11 A. M. Story sermon "The Poor Rich Man." Special music by the Junior choir. Senior and Intermediate devotional meetings 7:15 P. M. Service of worship 8 P. M. Mrs. D. W. Jenkins, State President of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will speak. Special music by the boy's chorus. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend all services. Strangers in town over Sunday are always welcome. . Alvin R. Dickson, Pastor. . . , AUTOMOBILE Manufacturers do not take chances with special brand tires. Why should you take the risk when you can save money by buying Firestone Quality Oldficld type, our service together with the doable guarantee of Firestone and ourselves? IFe litt below the leading replacement size. a Ford you lanj enduring beauty. The body finish is made to last for the life of the car and practically all exposed bright metal parts except the bumpers are made of enduring Rustless Steel. This Rustless Steel has great tensile strength. It is the same bright metal all the way through. A salt lest equivalent to forty years' service under the severest weather conditions failed to have any effect on its brilliance. It never requires polishing. All you do is wipe it with a damp cldth, as you do your windshield. This is just one of many features that show the substantial worth of the Ford. In speed, com in the rich fort, safety, economy and long life nee 3 of its finish and upholstery it brings you everything you want or need in a motor car at an unusually low price. Call or phone for demonstration. TBI FORD CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLET EPni TIRE MAKE OF CAR Here are the Cold FactS uhy Firestone gives you Greater Values and Better Service at Lowest Prices t Mall Order House Way Firestone Way WHEN YOU BUY They do have . Organization . They do KOT have in tire. Fire-ato- Tires belter. Every em ployee a stockholder. Ttiev do have Rubber a rubber preparation plant or warehouse dependent on others lo bur on the rubber exchange or other markets, paws, ins thru many hands with prof it and expenses of handling. taclr own men select and bar rubber dire t 'from plantations. Ua-their n rubber prepsra-tM- . e i.d wrarchniuc in plant large &4Mtitire. Hav. thetr niMer plantations in .! Tlcy have d .... Cotton their own men select and bur cotton of best staple. Have their own bonded cotton warehouse. Have their own most efficient cord fabric mills. They do have their their on Service Mures. They do have 15,000 expmtneed have They do IS'OT have ... Warehouse ... They do have warehouse, Scrvire-Civin- IVOT a lire factory. They are dependent on those who, for the profits, will risk making Special Braird tires, possibly hoping these tln-- s will not do loo well in compel-lio- n against tires they make ard sell under tbeir own name. most efficient In the world daily caEVERY pacity 75,000 tires TIRE MADE IN THESE FACTORIES BEARS THE NAME "FIRESTONE." They do have They do a bonded cotton warehouse or cord fabric milts dependent on others to buy and manufacture, passing thru many hands, wiih profits and expenses of .... Factory their own lire factories . They do IVOT have lo supplv Dealer and their own warehouses lo supply their retail department stores I I ... Car Owner ... They do have a retail department stores and of expensive mail erser catalogs. Car owner can but ares over ibe counter r erster by mail. Service-Ci- v SIZE 3, Ford Chevrolet- Ford Ford.. Chcvrolet Whippet Erskine Plymouth-Chand- 4.40-2- 1 Special g?l p?, Brand Each Tire ; $4.98 $4,98 5.60 5.69 4.50-2- 0 5-6- 4.50-2- 1 5.69 4.75-1-9 6.65 6.65 4.75-2- 0 6.7S 6.75 5.09-1- 6.98 6.98 ler a special or undivided interest a special and undivided Interest in developing and malting rug Dialers and Service Store where e. ovrci. e buy Fir, oerviea. etosie lui a"1 0 DeSoto Dodge.. Durant Graham-Paig- e 9 Pontiac Roosevelt Willys-Knig- ht Nash-- Marquette Oldsmobile-Buic- 7.1 5.25-1- 8 7.90 7.90 8.57 8.57 8.75 8.75 k 5.25-2-1 Anhnin Jordan 3 Reo Cardner Marmon. Oakland- - 5.50-1- 8 5.50-1-9 8.96 8.90 6.00-1-8 11.26 11.20 6.00-1-9 1146 11.40 6.00-2- 0 11.56 11.50 11.65 11.65 Peerless Studcbaker Chrysler Viking Franklin Hudson.. Hupmobile.. LaSalle Packard Pierce-Arro- 6.00-2- 1 w Smtz I Cadille- eI Lincoln 6.50-2- 0 : 7.10 5.00-2-0 7.00-2- 0 13.16 13.10 15.35 15.35 All we atk lo one thing Come in and Compare A "Special BraaJ" Tire is made hy m maaufaetarer for distributors such as nail order houses, oil companies atid oihets, under a name that does not identify the tire manufacturer to the public, nsnally because he builds his "first line" tires nader his own name. Firestone pats his name on emery tire he makes. - SUNDAY SERVICES: Sunday jSchool 10 A. M. COMPARE THESE PRICES 9 Methodist Church -- i us to LOW FORD 43J0) tto PRICES BSJdD o b. Detroit, pint freight end delivery. Brnmport tail tpare tire extrm of low cotU You may purchmse a Ford car or truck for m $matt down payment, on convenient, economical term through your Fori dealer. (T-- DMhl4 Cumrantte Every tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name "FIRESTONE" and carries Firestone's 'unlimited guarantee and ours. You are doubly protected. UTAH AUTO & IIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIU-IIIIII- I IMP. CO. Phone 28 WINCHESTER SERVICE .::!.r;;::n!!iiiiiiiiiiii; TREMONTON, UTAH Phone 103 |