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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL, SITES VALLEY LEADEB C2AX Entered at the Pwstoffke at as Second Class Mat Tre-nooto- ter. pasture. Herd $4.00 per head for summer of 5 months. Can take them April 15. Write M. M. Adams Sublett, Idaho. o, - .. PIANO AT SACRIFICE hand in the vicinity of Tremonton, one of our very best pianos. Rather than pay storage or reship this in strument to Ogden, we will sell it to a responsible party at a special price, on easy terms. Or, we will rent the piano with the privilege of buying later and apply rent on pur chase price. In answering, please give full reference in first letter. Address Glen Co., Og den, Utah. James Walton, Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates One Year, in advance. Six Months, in advance Three months, in advance We have on $2.00 $1.00 .50 Bros-Mus- QUECK! 49 J .Relief ic for $1.00 Trees, vines, Plants, shade trees, evergreens, shrubs of all the best sorts. See our agent Lewis Brenkman, or call at our warehouse in Brighani, next to I. C. Depot Anderson Pro- COLDS ROSE BUSHES, 3 To Your Town as well as to your Country duce Co., Phone 506. in lllUllUIJUlPfWWrt Project Work in Box with twenty-fiv- e states. In busine;s since 1903. We teach you how to sell. Good territory and high commissions. Sample display at Temple Square Hotel, Salt Lake City, April 4th, 5th and 6th. If you cannot call Elder Is Reported , 6t3. -1 MEN WANTED Not necessary to be unemployed. Young men of ability are signing up every day. Our line of knit goods and woolens is known PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS (Continued From Page One) a study ct nutrition principles v V then write to Geo. W. Skidmore, Manager, Union Knitting Mills Com pany, Logan, Utah. ' U ana balancing meals for 2 days. In Cache County, the work has been de WANTED Cattle and horses for pas ture, this summer. Call 63.0-- 1, Sam veloped aroung a child development ....Mortensen. program. The clothing project has included color, design, undergarments, outer FOR SALE Russet seed potatoes. Call Ed Holmgren, Garland. garments, and childrens' clothing Jn Box Elder County, while a study of tne clothing budget and economics iri FOR SALE Seed grain, Decklow and Federation wheat, certified last clothing in Cache. cold before your; stops you. Colds are dangerous. They often lead to Flu, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis and other diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. Just a few tablets of Dr. Miles' Aspir-Miwill often break up a cold. "I have used Dr. Miles' ' Aspir-Mi- nt for Colds and would not jeel safe unless I had it in the house, it gives such quick relief." Mrs. Marlow, Red Wing, Minn. Use Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mi-nt for Colds, Headache. Neuralgia.; Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Muscular Pains, Peri- -. odic Pains. STOP your nt t, 1531 main unpaid oa the 27th day of Ap--" ril, 1931 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will b Principle Place of Business, sold on Saturday the 16th day of May, Snewville, Utah 1931, to pay the delinquent assessNotice is hereby given that at a ment, together with the cost of admeeting of the directors held on the vertising and expenses of the sale. 23rd day of March, 1931, an assessWm, Hurd, Secretary. 6 ment of4rWenty-eigper cent (28) was levied on the capital stock of the Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen corporation, payable on the 23rd day of Mareh 1931, to Moroni Arbon, the are happy to add a new grandson to treasurer of the company at his resi- their family, he being born recently dence at Snowville, Utah. Any stock to Mr .and Mrs. Fred Grover of East upon which this assessment may re Garland. SNOWVILLB LAND AND WATER COMPANY Prof. Aaron F. Brack-- " en Gives Wheat Report (Continued From Page One) discing would be preferable to leaving land untilled to grow up to volunteer wheat and weeds. Tillage is the most important single factor connected with the successful operation of the drylands. The type of implement used in tillage seems to have little to do with effect on yield provided the stirring of the soil is of sufficient depth, but the element of time in the factor which depends profitable yields. If plowing or any sim ilar operation can be finished within two weeks, after the soil looses its stickiness and, provided weeds are kept under control on the fallow land, the farmer has bone all that is within his power in connection with tillage to make conditon favorable for a good ht More 5, 4-- H 4-- H WANT COLUMN.. FOR SALE Good buildinir lime $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o Steear FOR RENT OR SALE House rent or sale, See Z. V. White. Co., for 18tfd tf. , WE PAY Highest Cash Prices for SEE Our new wall paper r Garland, Utah Hides, Pelts, and Furs. Garland samples. Hide house, J. W. Garrett, mgr. Bell on flS,$Wrd r hang-'fyour paper :j.?ay t 146 and 26; Valley phone 31. phone, painting, and tinting. ..Wilkin- 3tf son & Son", Phone 3.a-Mr. and Mrs. Golden Frisbey and sons, Joe and Don, spent Easter at WANTED Cattle and Horses for Howell. 3. Free to Public natter any or oroduct caa be obtained Frae mmd Without OMicatiM ia the American rndoatrial Ubrary. Crita for Buaincaa Advertising Matter yon are interested ia; mm will beprompdjr forwarded. AMERICA!! INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY Enin.riaBaJldin. Ckioaao, Illinois Attention Farmers At your druggists 15c and 25c. DR. MILES' Come and see our new. and complete line of J. L Case farm machinery. NOTICE TO POULTRY RAISERS A complete line of Lumber and Hardware for every purpose. Farm and Garden Seeds of every kind Better Vegetables The Standard Chemical Products Co. P. O. Box 1764, Denver, Colo., takes pleasure in announcing a free advisory service, making it possible for poultry raisers of this See Us Vegetables respond wonderfully when they are fed Vigoro, the complete, balanced plant food. It contains all the elements needed for full, vigorous growth and early to receive vicinity, valuable information in regard to breeding, feeding, culling, diseases, etc. of poultry, gained thru years of ..experience and scientific tests. This service is given to promote ..the poultry industry. Do not fail to ask the representative when he calls upon you for any information you may require in regard to your flock. This information does not place you under and obligation. : Utah State Representative, AA Vigoro is clean and odorless. And so inexpensive! Get enough for everything you grow. Result will amaze you. Vigoro is sold where you buy your lawn and garden supplies. "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" Farmers' Cash Union food Complete plant - a product of swift & company phone 35 Tremonton, Utah located 735 Washington Ave., Ogden. C. R. PORTER, - TTD Itresentiiig the smartest new DeLuxe Roadster HE WILSON LUMBER COMPANY, of Tremonton, Utah was organized by Mr. C. C. Wilson and associates in April 1903. jVcw Willys Six mainly sage brush. i First maturity. It was the first business house in the new townsite and for miles around there was ! ! A Tool for Every Requirement SERVICE Z7 fx MILLING CO. GARLAND-TREMONTO- N years of ht TV $1.85 uUloc and TU only pUu la the U.S. wWa bom of boainca ceerm whrertwins 113 1131 Twenty-eig- Cost Milk-Le- ss PURINA DAIRY RATION harvest 3-- Brewer Barley, German year H'ome decoration or management 43.0-1-Call select Orland Hess, centered around home improvement 28tf. Fielding, Utah. with studies relative to room arrange ment, conveniences, colors, finishes, FOR SALE Model 'V Ford ton truck cleaners, pictures, lighting, rug See Walter Ehman, Tremonton. and personal home visits 29t2. and tours. The clubs have included all of four years in foods which are based on FOR SALE Good Milch Cow, just fresh. Phone 28, Tremonton. 27tf. the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and entertainment FOR RENT Furnished rooms, See clothing is based on construcG. V. Allen. 27tf. tion, selection, pattern adaption, clothing inventories of the girls' ward CASH PAID For Dead and Useless robe, and textile studies. Cows and horses. Reverse call Home management deals with prob- Brigham 493J2 41 lems of a girl's room. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1200 capaci ty Buckeye oil Brooder, new last year. Will take wheat or heifer. Phone 7.y.4. 25tf. JkLuxs Roadtltr, $675 . . This striking new sport model gives added brilliance to the reputation of the Willys Six In the twenty eight years that have elapsed this company has grown and prospered and its service has been extended for miles around in every direction. The ideals and policies that founded this business in l903 and have been responsible for maintaining its sition of leadership remain unchanged. The customer's dollar now, as always, has the utmost in purchasing power. Quality however- will never be sacrificed for price. You are always sure of a square deal here. as the fastest, most powerful of all low-price- d cars . . . And the Roadster is as outstanding in appearance as racy lines-t- he it is in performance ... Low. attractive color harmony of two - We thank our hundreds of friends for their past tronage and hope to merit their future good will. .'''t .... y tones of , 11 WiUytSu' Willys Eight Willys-Knig- - Tremonton, Utah Lumber 51 I I. k ri ff Hardware Paint c t ! - f ? i i- If ht .... ; V . . . H-to- n chassis. chassis tletz . . 49Sto8S0 995 to 1095 1095 to 1195 ... AUpric.0.kTUd,Ohio Willys Willys It Will Pay You to See Uslbout Your 2 ... ... priced Ilk a tmmr powinrix BMLLIAXT . "Everything to Build Anything" Phone No. BIG SIX, EIGHT KNIGHT S NEW WILLYS TRUCKS pa- Wilson Lumber Comp f green-t- he gleam o chromium plate BE THRIFTY BUY QUALITY A A A .. ' -- all combine in a smart, stylish ensemble. W H ML Y . . 39s 59s AWTTCLUSWALtllODIU & Winzelcr tTUI TLHDO AT SLIGHT EXTRA COST: Auto Co. KH TREMONTON, UTAH - - PHONE 16 1 |