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Show PAGE SQ BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 Sec. 9. Care and Upkeeu: Yearly als, shall be filed by him with his quar Fund) There is hereby created a per - ..--.., Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Hansen, Sunday care and upkeep at the rate of $6.00 terly report to the city recorder. It petual cemetery improvement fund by I The conference in Salt. Elwood An Ordinance Relating to the Gty per lot, shall be paid for annually to shall be unlawful to remove the body Tremonton City. All moneys collected Lake, was enjoyed over the radio by a Cemetery, Providing for the Care the city treasurer, and unless paid of a person who has died of a contagi- by the city treasurer for perpetual Mrs. L. S. Mann was' hostess to her large majority of the people here. And Upkeep of the Same and Speci- shall become delinquent on the 15th ous disease within two years after the care and upkeep and for the sale of Mrs. Hyrum C. Christensen went to dub Saturday, April 4th at an fying the Duties of Certain City Of- day of May each year, and on such date of the burial, except such body lots under bection 9 of this or- bridge Lake City last Thursday to atSalt Luncheon Easter served was party. ficers in that Connection, and Set- date the city treasurer shall prepare has been buried in a hermitically seal- dinance, shall be accounted for under Relief Society conference on the tend and oclock at one out East carried the ting up the Cemetery Improvement and file with the city sexton or city ed coffin and is found to be so in- the heading of . "Cemetery Improve er season in and Friday, returning Friand menu Thursday decoration, priz Fund. ment Fund." Upon receipt of all mon manager, a list of lots, giving the cased. es. day evening. block and plat, to be cared for during Sec. 13. Head Boards or Markers eys belonging to this fund the city Wm. Anderson, of Howell, visited Mrs. N. E. Shaw was guest of honor Be it Ordained By the Mayor and City the ensuing year. The city shall as- Requred: The owner of lots or rela- treasurer shall invest same under the old friends here last Monday. sume no responsibility in connection tives of deceased Council: council. McClure James direction of the The in Lake of Salt city City persons buried in Sec. 1. Sexton Appointment: A with the care and upkeep of lots on the city cemetery are hereby terest from said investment to be turM spent the week end with Clare Mann. required organization-me- t city sexton shall be appointed by the which the account is delinquent. The to place head boards or markers at the ed yearly to the general fund for exMr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagstaff and The mayor, subject to the confirmation of price charged shall be full payment heads of graves at the time of burial, pense,, care and upkeep of lots so des- daughters, Ruth, Fern and Jean, of last Monday at the school house of water rates, labor of cutting and with the name of the deceased plain- ignated. the city council. Salt Lake City spent the week end at to discuss important matters pertainSec. 2. Ooah: Bond: The city sex watering lawns, trimming of hedges ly inscribed thereon. Sec. 18. Perpetual Care and Up- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson's. ing to school problems. ton shall, before assuming the duties and shrubs on improved lots, and oth Sec. 14. Fencing, etc: City Sex keep: All lots South of graveled Mrs. Adeline Hansen of Logan of his office, take and subscribe the erwise caring for cemetery property. ton to Direct: No person shall erect street in North part of the official See. 10. Dead Must be Buried in a fence, coping, corner post or other map of Tremonton City Cemetery ia spent the week end visiting her daugh Constitutional oath of office and shall When You Think ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elias furnish bond to the City in the sum of Cemetery: No person or persons shall boundary marks upon any lot or lots, hereby designated for perpetual care Anderson. HARDWARE $500.00, conditioned upon the faithful be allowed to bury their dead in the or grade the ground thereof except un and upkeep. Lots therein shall conMr. and Mrs. Clem Jensen and Cem the in limits the of of duties his the of office except form city, to dimensions location der the direction of the city sexton, performance ard the as provided by ordinance or law. etery, and no cemetery shall be es who shall furnish the true line of lots, shown thereon, spaded and sodded be- daughter, Margerie, of Ogden, were Sec 3. Permit: Before burying the tablished unless by permission of the according to the official survey. The fore being sold. Monuments, shrub Saturday guests at J. Walter Green's. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Tingey and chil Phone 11 JH body of any deceased person in the city council; and no person except the sexton shall prevent and prohibit any bery and grave markers shall be placof Corinne spent Easter Sunday dren, which owner lot interment of the shall be there upon procured city Cemetery, grading that would destroy the sym ed as shown on the map details. Mon- at Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen's. Other from the city treasurer and presented is to be made shall bury in the city metry of the premises. uments shall be placed on concrete to the city sexton a permit to prepare cemetery without first obtaining a Sec. 15. Tombstones: Injury to foundations that have been approved guests were Mr. and Mrs. Christensen and children, of Preston. the grave for the burial of the deceas- written permit from the owner of the and Penalty: Any person who shall by the city engineer. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Johnson came to said be blank furnished forms and Block as in Plat the lot, ed person lot, The City treasurer is hereby emmolest or deface any headboard injure, from Bear River City Sunday to up may be designated. There shall furth- by the city, which permit shall be tombstone, curbing, fence, monument, powered to charge, collect and deposit visit his brother, J. P. Christensen, filed sexton. with said to the the er be procured and presented tree, shrub or flower or any other in the perpetual care fund, at the rate who is confined to his chair with a Sec. 11. When to be Delivered. Dur sexton a permit from the Board of property in the said cemetery, shall, of $100.00 per lot for all lots sold bad leg. We hope for his speedy reHealth. ing May, June, July, August and upon conviction, be liable to a fine in for perpetual care and upkeep in said covery. A radio set was brought to Sec. 4. Salary: The council shall September remains must be delivered any sum not exceeding $100, or to im block. his home by the compliments of J. H. to fix by ordinance or resolution, the at the cemetery at or before five p. m. prisonment not to exceed 100 days or Lots inclusive, Block Keller, that they might enjoy the confor be is interment to if the grave is hereby set aside for ference. to both such fine and imprisonment. , Plat salary of the Sexton. filled in with earth the same day. The dimensale of Lot Sec. 6. Sexton May Make Rules: the single graves. Sec. 5. Duties: It shall be the duty Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Winzeler, Mrs. remaining part of the year remains The city sextion may, with the approv sions, markers and planning to conof the city sexton to take care of the must Chas, McClure, James Bett and Ver-n- a delivered at the cemetery at al of be They mean too much to the City Council, make such rules form to the plat details. city cemetery; to improve the grounds or before four p. m. for interment Getz were Sunday dinner guests at 19. or Sec. of for the Penalty: Any person and regulations government thereof, under the supervision of the if the you. grave is to be filled in with the cemetery, not in conflict herewith, persons violating any of the provis- the L. & Mann home. city council; to dig or cause to be dug, earth the same Mr. and Mrs. George Brough, of day. as shall from time to time prove nec ions of this Chapter to which a pen- East Tremonton were dinner all graves required for the burial of We have the Experience guests on Sec. 12. Removal of Bodies: Re The following regulations are alty is not already attached, upon Sunday at their of to the dead therein, essary. keep a record Mr. home, and Equipment to give you daughter's No shall disinter to be enforced. conviction be fined in any sum not to all burials and removals and to take gulations: buried person and Mrs. Amos Hansen. exin said body any cemetery, not or be exceed Best in Optometric the (to $25 of water for use 1. The imprisoned sprinkling charge of all funeral corteges while Mrs. Emma Ohman and daughter, cept under the direction of the city in the cemetery shall be under the su- to exceed 25 days or to be punished in said cemetery. Ester spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. before this disinterment, of the sexton. The rate and by both of such fine and imprisonment Sec. 6. Require Statement: Before sexton, and the said city sexton shall require a pervisionfor use of water shall be the This ordinance shall take effect up- Bnmice Hunsaker's. Burial: Before burying any body in written Mrs. Wm. JPetersen was hostess to order from the owner of the penalty same as apply to the lawns within the on its passage, approval and publica an Easter the city cemetery the city treasurer on blanks furnished by the city, party at their home last lot, tion. unless otherwise provided. shall require relatives or persons hav23 guests from Brigham City Sunday, such removal; and all such city, authorizing Coun the and Passed City Mayor by ing charge of said body to furnish, in permits, whether for burials or remov-- 2. No animals shall be allowed to cil of Tremonton City, this 6th day of enjoyed the party. be tied in the cemetery. writing, upon blank forms provided by Mrs. J. M. Mortensen has been very 3. No vehicles shall be allowed in April, A. D. the city council for that purpose: A sick with quinsey but is improving JAMES WALTON, Mayor. n the cemetery on Decoration Day bestatement of said death, giving the this at writing. tween the 'hours of eight A. M. and (SEAL) name of the person deceased, with the C. Hansen went to Bear River H. LEWIS Attest: BRENKMAN, twelve A. M. names of his or her parents or other City Recorder. City to visit his brother and family, Sec. 17. Cemetery Improvement relatives, date and place of birth, date and place of death, the cause of death, Many people who retogether with the name of the attendsize outside of if main in town during any ing physician, box, also the plate, block and lot the Winter. leave for where said person is to be buried. The their farm or ranch sexton shall keep a record of and shall in the Spring. One report such information, upon blanks of their biggest confurnished for the purpose, to the City cerns, while there, is Recorder. food, and Sec. 7. Sell Lots: Moneys to Treas where we come in. urer: The City treasurer is hereby store's assortOur of sell rate the to at lots empowered ment is complete. $50.00 per lot, unless otherwise proOur is of the quality and vided for, in the said cemetery the test and you to collect, before occupancy, all will never exper-iene- e arising from such sales. He dissapoint-men- t shall give to each purchaser a certi when taking ficate describing each lot or part ofj couninto the them the with so lot purchased, together to serve. try price thereof, which certificate, when presented to the city recorder, shall We have selected entitle the purchaser to receive from seasonable items for him a cemetery deed to the purchased our Saturday selling lot, the same having been surveyed which every family and staked. Parts of lots shall be sold will need. only in plats that shall, from time to Visit our store and time, be designated by the City Council or someone authorized by it. lay in Spring food Where title to purchased lots is to requirements at our famous low prices. be transferred or reverts to the City, with deed filed be shall the original LARGE the City recorder and before new deeds are issued covering said property, the original deed shall be cancelled and the record so corrected. PIERCES Sec, 8. Charges to be collected by treasurer: The city treasurer is hereMedium size can by authorized and directed to collect the following charges for services ren first-co- st PIERCES dered: For all services specified by law or ordinance and including the digging of Has no equal, Ig can on just as little gasoline as the four. The economy of using Chevrolet a grave exceeding six feet six inches in length, and furnishing, and furSUPERIOR trucks is an actual dollars-andeneconomy (2) That no other trucks of equal capacity nishing of material and installation that shows up, month after month, on the give any better gasoline, oil or tire mileof a vault wherein, of cement con10 lbs. .... struction, $17.50; for Bame without balance sheet. It starts with a purchase price age than Chevrolet. (3) That the cost of vault, $12.50. SUPREME that is one of the lowest in the market for a keeping a Chevrolet in satisfactory running, For all services specified by law or can 13 Jam-ordinance and including the digging of complete unit. It continues throughout order is unusually low. (4) That Chevrolet Assorted flavors a grave over five feet and not exceedChevrolet's long life with an operating cost trucks are exceptionally reliable and ing six feet six inches in length, and FANCY HEIFER long-livethat is unsurpassed I furnishing of material and installation of a vault therein of cement construcof Today, Chevrolet's proved economy is availChoice cuts Consider, for example, the tion, $15.00; for same without vault, $10.00. field. leading national organizations who use able to buyers in every truck-usin- g OUR FAMOUS For all services specified by law or ordinance and including the digging of large fleets of Chevrolets. They prove For Chevrolet's new line of quality bodies a grave under four feet in length and includes a type for every hauling need. truck can operate (I) That the SAUSAGE, lb. furnishing of material and installation of a vault therein, of cement construction, $8.00. SIX (The prices above shall include the CYLINDER replacing of the earth in all graves gtncTfiSft dug by the city sexton and the reFOR LOWEST TRANSPORTATION COST moval of all excess material from the lot) The city sexton is empowered "A Surety of Purity" chassis with 1 31' wheelbase Chevrolet 1 to clear away all rubbish flower deJL (Dual wtraal option, $25 oxtro) sign after ten days from burial. cImmU wtrh 157' whaalba, $590 Cammacttal cltaifU, $S5S ORDINANCE -j- semi-annu- al . - Parent-Teache- rs THINK WILSON Don't Neglect your Eyes LAY IN YOUR FOODS tl. here's ' 5t Fefruit Pork and Beans 17c Catsup Chooso Chevrolet six - cylinder trucks and unsurpassed economy for low $ix-cylin- ts 75c Honey 10c d. Pot Roasts 10c Pure Pork 10(2 . cost-recor- ds six-cylin- OR SICCS rooov TKOCCC: yaons $JAA J W Vi-t- on Ift-to- K (Dual whoaU standard) lllwttratad obovo U (ha Chevrolet I panal truck en 131 whoalboM coatplata wllfc Chovrolol-bulbody, pricad at $760. All ehoub prteo f. a. b. tUM, Michigan. All body prlcM f. a. b. Indianapolis, Indiana. Spatial oqulpiaant antra, low dollvorod pricot and oaty tamu. Your Baby Chicks Cost You a Lot of Money KEEP THEM ALIVE HEALTHY H-to-n lt VIGOROUS AND STRONG 5 PAX QUALITY FEED Your Mortality Will Be Lower Ask Any Hatchery, or User Start With PAX Today Froiuk Chevrolet Co Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah ELEVATORS INTER-OCEA- N Trmoaton Seo your dealer below THE - :: Utah ALSO DIALERS IN CHEVROLET E PASSENGER CARS, S47S b $C34 f. .k.Plktf, |