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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADEB, THURSDAY, APRIL f, 1WI Laws and Regulations, printed on the STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. Muugement, Circulation, Etc, Re-- ; reverse of this ferra, to wit: paired by tk Act of CaaftM of 1. That th name and addresses of August 21, 1912, the publisher,' editor managing editor, and business managers are: Of Bear River Valley Leader, publish-e- d Publisher Jamea Walton, Tremonweekly at Tremonton, I'tah for ton, Utah,.," . Aril 1931. Editor James . Walton, Tremonton, Utah. "State of Utah ) Managing Editor James Walton, ss. Tremonton, Utoh. County of Box Elder ) Business Managers, James Walton, Befpre me, a Notary in and for the Tremonton, Utah. 2. That the owner is:' State; find county' aforesaid, personally Leader Publishing Company, Tre appeared James Walton, who, having bees duly sworn according to law, de- monton, Utah. James Walton, Tremonton. Utah. poses and says that he is the Manager iof Ao Bear River Valley Leader and D. A. Walton, Salt Lake City, Utah, W. S. Muir, Tremonton, Utah, that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true state- N. Newman Reeves, Los Angeles, Cal ment of the ownership, management ifornia. etc, of the aforesaid publication for Eldora Reeves, Los Angeles, Cal the date shown in the above caption, ifornia. Frank Lester, Oakland, California. required by the Act of August 24, 3. That the known bondholders, ,1912, embodied in section 411, Postal , - -- , fo A9 ; f v V I I Y" : X : l",;0 6 t or. X prunes 2 3 lbs. for $ A Sardine cans Large Oval 3 for w V A X Macaroni Bu51bs.,39c : Shoes Men's New ft A 1 Spring Hats New Low Prices ' , . III splenahty I rr k :, m xucaican i Men's OxforHs black or tan, new . lajNLS. ai n now .11 ff 4 !f N-- 0 T-I-C-- emphasize new collar and sleeve treatments This question does sound personal, and it is. We don't want you to tell us now, but we do advise vou to begin the habit of depositing a fixed amount of your weekly income at the Tremon--: ton Banking - Co. each week. In reward for this method or helping yourself toward financial independency we pay you , X Spring Coats An? "Are You Worth? " iX )r MS How Much ..Vr-v- , f &4h - 1 II;; tans and greys 1 J -- - FREE! FREE! A BUiken Toy with every purchase of chiWrens - A I mortgagees, and othr isitiUxity boldi ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort- :" gages, or other securities are; , Western Newspaper Union, Salt Lake City, Utah, ,,. Jos, H. Call, Afton, Wyoming. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holder, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trui tee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for which 6uch trustee is acting,' is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stoclc and securities urn capacity-othe- r than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any- interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as stated by him. 5. That the average number of cop ies of each ftsue of this publication sold or distributed, through- the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur ing the six months preceding the date shown above is 1000. JAMES WALTON, Editor and Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before mc this 2nd day of April, 1931. :f;v LEA DUNN, , .. ' '" "Notary." My commission expires April 6, 1933. (5 $6-9- - and INTEREST E-S - annually so that you will Curlew Irrigation Reservoir Company be worth more than you Principle Place of Business Snowville, Utah have actually deposited. Notice is hereby given that at a Save now and be proud to meeting of the directors held on the answer that oft asked 4th day of April, 1931, an assessment of ten cents (10c) per share, was lev question. ied on the capital stock in the West canal, payable on the 4th day of April 1931, to Jesse Arbon, Treasurer, at his residence at Snowville, Utah. Any stock upon which these assessments may remain unpaid on the 4th day of May, 1931, will be delinquent and ad vertised for sale at public auction, and Mrs. J. D. Harris left Monday for unless payment is made before, will be sold on the 23rd day of May. 1931, Chicago to meet her son, Lloyd, who to pay the delinquent assessment to is returning from the French Mission. gether with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. OUU Wm. HURD, Secretary. $ll9o Tremonton Banking Co. o A St All Brands , e we, Mrs. Ben Winzeler entertained the Wednesday April 1, Mrs. Charles McClure of Salt Lake and Mrs McClure were special guests, Mrs. McClure won high score, Mrs. H. G. Scott consolation, and Mrs. Ruth Wat-lan- d The most important fashions for Spring . . , the scarf, the broad revers collar and elaborate cuffs . , assembled for you at prices that are decidedly less than you would hare paid for these coats a year ago. The materials are soft, new woolens and the styling is exceptionally smart. Be sure to see them , t and toon, . L. L. club, ' ; X y I" j 2 Oysters LargeCans v I 7 1 45c for., 'Cornstarch 11 l Super Eignt ( 8 Z Noodles cut. V if ly Macaroni 71 I C 0 m MAKE GOOD OR WE PO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 21 PENNEY ism j ! II I Lions Dance CO, INC. East Main Street GARLAND Saturday, 1 TremniuJ IS- 8 th - To Secure Big Horn for District School Band CLEAN YOUR HOUSE BEHIND ITS EARS! Spring is here rugs will be taken up pictures and drapes will be taken down. Let us give these and your other domestic dust collectors a thorough cleaning. Faded Charm Restored !: ;;X X ; fll rodered 1 f f ' jTl JTll S r:i i hCh'Cjf 1:'?5TV V Values uo to $1.35. -Nprice, per yard, 89c only X, I " good weight V 1 per yard 12c . i.u iw.'l. ..m viain w -- i llPSpSj 1 J- '51 Qi 1 r. r-- ew 5o vWl 31 1 j; j; x y X fa ' -- J f ' Brilliant; colorful beauty is hidden under the swv face dust and dirt of many a rug. It's our job to restore this faded charm, effecting a rejuvenation that makes old rugs look amazingly like new ones, "We Call for and Deliver fm If'I I Aa. uillv Cleaners yTjrenvonton, Utah H 1 Phone 37 Let new furniture brighten your home and add to your comfort. An elegant line to choose from. Prices were never lower on high grade furniture than now. It is your opportunity to turn your house into a home. r n.A 1 i. POULTRYMEN ! ! BUY HOME HATCHED CHICKS at NEW LOW PRICES Diamond State Accredited See "" Herman Landvatter AT ONCE Asrent for Offden Poultry Farrrt nhH IVEKSOM 1 TKEMONTON . 4 t I x .. V? WnfKL ........ phone 7-0- -1 |