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Show UH nkM4la OaltejaMttt Uf Uf4tbf Hiet.. BtaWeia, eeM, CUa leftwM Alaanlena, Se Utitthjil tfteWt), WWW HeMWeteaU. fM. 5l IWalMtl. IteMlt, aalii, to wl. Lm flMt ! M rgttaUltflAOtLeWt laWMrX(UUU An Indian Outbreak it a duadut thing undoubtedly caused by the irritating elTccts of dirt. Outbreaks, and crime generally, are never possible among people who are adJicted to the use of KIRKS AMERICAN FAMILY The great soother of angry passions the promoter of health and good-feeling. good-feeling. Cleans everything Injures nothing don't be afraid to use KIRK'S Soap on the most delicate fabrics. JAW. S. KiniC Os CO.. CIUcoco Dusty Diamond Tar bcap A rr: VSSpU" Tho Btandard Dtp nf thfWorM. Uicdon 100,000 000 livery Yror. Iniprovrs tho wool and coudltloaot llork. IL WlllTTAKKU.Tbt.tJ. VUy, UUb, WfltOPOT it, 1)011 'I hav no 1 .lUtLoQ.r.iecommiDdlnir tb O-tcpir fcbwp tup m !& , 1 havf Tir qi1 I Ltra mJ niuafO'l hnlptiur ftodklHiuiall tb pktrol dtp ob tho iDitkii, lot bono of in em giTf tLo iiUafkelioa UittCoopir 1 1 ki done. I cn it tttt life, btnddip, loiTlBC tbf nooUaiiMDlnnr'eabe'.lliy COUIteOU It Itkod MCOld tO DODO. ltd rue nilaii lout) ttlloni AiotiU 1 Alao A I jriui. lift t Ufl Cllf. Jw. cunniE, Assayor, 150 Main Stfoot,Salt LaKo City rrorapt tttcatton g rf la lo all ordtn If miQ oieipriia. Obarin a&lform tod miQnable, W. A. HODGES, Chemist and Assayer, No. 113 SOUTH, MAIN STREET. Cur Oidtn I; ntU rronpllr atlended to SUMOLS ROBERT BONNER Superintending tho shooing of Sujiq! with tho Putnm Nail, liwiprcr IIiil BTflrn Fa Bar. M1U041 A Uliil 1 K miHftirf,VrtivuoLg,lA,i'fcb 13.1333 I U I NAM HULCO, NfiHjrVt.MMaC (Umlkhcmi UvplyltigioourUTorortbo Ilttt lott . Trill itAto tUt I liifo uiexl tbo 1 ut bamNallaM ctlitii, tottt liuj corns to tlo o I ul 1lli m now utitro 1 will not alljw any nthvr ntll to be) uioj tbaq tho l'utnam Hoi OTfuX Nll If I cau J rvvoDt It. t bllo thero way tm othr at uooJ, I know ubat tln.io tuc, tai couttbt ftlTortf to maks uporlmenU. cry ruiflcUullj jgiui, Tho Putnam Noll la tho only ex-cluelvoly ex-cluelvoly Itot-Forgod ond Mom-mcr-1'olntotl nnll. Look In your smith's shooing box, If tho nails havo omooth odcejfor tho who'o longth thoy nro tho PUTNAM, for thoy nro Hnrnmor-Holntocl nd nro not ehoarcd. Tl a aboTo r1lere, from a plioto rtMeaert-InfMr rtMeaert-InfMr lloui).rlnthmitotbKJlniiniimUli arutiiAinBMl,ntUoiu;eiliiUiblliiiitblko. Inf or Buntl lll Iw Kilt lo II lorio ( butt tout, !, til, on lliklc, lilto Hir Mllh wit n fcrglii.on rioclu ol a ccul itunn (gf luiti(, oto. PUTNAM HAIL GO,, Ncrouet, JJostoUi Muss. aS PACIFIC SYSTEM. TUB ipOUOHJiJ USE. tniCTITL r HI. i!l. 18D1. Illli., JtutfHil Krrt'ml ItJ UH CV XV, ut foU&rlt aaniTE. rrem rtlrittira rinu. i 00 a n )rem Bnlt,rortIiBd t&d tta rrlt. " .... ' rron rirk f ItjuJOoH Tlly. Ilu From til tCtiUre jm"'. - II Opta from Ctcbe Vlte ndUd till P m I rum lrcfo ltd latcristdiiU rolli.... 11:11 I Irrrm Mlliorl, Ooib, NtpM, IToto, rinlt ind In'npdlleiirltu..lr1' n 'itBliimiDcitiidTooilt...... toopn DirAKT. Tcr tr)tMirar,iDUH. licit ia ton out, lorlltDd. Bit rrtnclflco ltd Ctcbt tcj Ht m rorctcbt nr toditrtoiir )? I ttica, Ulcraedlita polati tad lllfrtim. n..t TIT1M ItSIPt lor Urilrn a I Inlfrtnldlttt t"ntl tdturnick lliDpm ircrEortia.dittbiidUiirord M lait it lorlrofoatid Isttratdlttt pot&uM StOptt rToctV and Twrlnoa .. IltJa ra '1 atlr, tcDdara txcoptod. ITratna Utwcca Joal tad iiurord do aot rtta fnndafa. till iiriirrnrrirr, em ximt U. L.UUkLEt,utDl.At.l'aalcr Ufpb X. Otcatmoa, OihIL'it- k, U Ionia. U 1'. ! Ateiu jsm;m rio grands gggggg WESTN. bJlAHiVYXI Standard Quija. HammsBD coriwi nut tuu lu lO.fl nv Tltr. Il ItATVI IAIT Ii" t, No.-rfltt"iUndJ"wuand all pomu Vat - l!a.Tn. ho.lror lroto,(irand Jioclioatad allro'Pia yaal.... itSlp-1 ho. l-ror IToto. J ajn,urk and MKrrimr ....J:Mli- ho.eror luii-am, froTO, Wanu, andrallna ...-... ".,J,',1 So. t-1 or oJin and W it. ...U 2 p.". ho. l-lorOOianl tbt wl10 . iriirit fait iitca ycl-Fron IroTii. Utand Jaaetlon and Iba - ...... 19 10 a.m. ho. a-rrom Itoto, Urand Janclloa andtba aa.1 , .,UiSQp.m. ho.7 from Itoto. larion, Knrtka . andtllaiLllT..-. 10 KM a. m. ho. t-From lllnTbain. Itoto. alanlL a aA and fallna , SiWpnu No. t-rrore 0n andtba vl I ' "-la. ho. 4 rioin Oirdon and lbs Wl -. 'I0 P.ai Ontjrllno rnnn n Ibrontb 1 ullmanll ataco Itoablo lirawipff Honin alotpora u DtnTrr la brano Joi fin o and lo Kanaaa CUT and tbloa rnTUColiradoiKlnli and only fm tnaonif lnllman Meatwa ailtl aialon rranclto, hocbanKfaictoioteonnioUona. Batoiy. rjcod and cotntnrl. lltli.iotllro FT!on Mnln lrl u.c.iion.E.i.--wxuir .ji.aaN.iin fata. Hajttar. Ucn. antl. m.r.. "Santa Fe Route." Are You Going lo the WORLD'S FAIR? If io, don't fall lo aocura yoor tlckota roadinjr Rio Grande Western, Colorado Midland, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railways, Toe only lino running rullmau rilcoplng Cart bctneen Ondon, Salt Ijike City and CuIcuko without Cbanvo. Tho Shortest & Quickest Line. Sconory Unoqualocl. Cqulpmont Unaurp-ssod. Train lcaro Itlo Oramlo Wctlorn Do rot, Hall Iko Cltr, ol 7 SI p.m. Tlrkot Ofllco, SUO Main SI. U. C. llUllNirrr.Uon'l A tent 1'auouKir Department, 10 Dooly llulldlnrt ut intiTtn moK WASIIINQTON, O. C, avn it toOAtaD tl Tua McCornick- Richards Bnildibg, Rooms 317 and 318, hero hi will rccelTa perioni baTlcj cooteilcd ctKiUforotbo GCNCnAL LAND OFFICE At U aiblncUn, or wboio sfrLAND PATENTS Aro OeUyeJ from any ctuia. Krrori In Hoiuratcad nnd Other KatrlciCorrcctetl. nlaUtubltuiiiyUz1 II U, RTAVNEIl ti a in ember of tbo IUr ot tb (LUtEllECOUltTof tbo UaHM feUUl, all ot tbe 601 reino Court o( tbo DUtrlcl o( Colum-Ah Colum-Ah anJ arcglitcreJ Atiornty la tbo Depart rucnt ot tbo Interior fto4 all ot IU Ilorciua 11H tttnJlDff u unexcelled. Jlcforcncci, ly crmUnon IIOV. JOI1S T. OA1SC anJ other prominent gentlemen In UUb ftnd aiblDgton, JC. MURPHY & CO., U&uttrturere ot , SSSS.-7 SKIICIl!), SEHIS, STEEl ""?"" Ill RUBBEB SUMPS. No. 2IB SOUTH. MAIN ST. GUNPOWDEH. JCaJt Mm now ttA who nrtrr itVl Cxor. tnd k4mHhQtuvyuhttn9Wi?i(tOHinr HAZkMVtt "Rtnltitij IUW IIAXAltUi "Itftp BbooUDf - nArut'H Dn-.k nbootto. UAZAKn "UIlDf knd Bllitlftf IIABAUD'M brmtli, tbo molt rilllbJo ID tbo tauiet e . MivuTAOiirnio r- THE HAZARD POWDER COUPAHI, Illtnrdvllh, Conn. WaUT PAlfla & LyjiOplmb, ffilmt Many lit lUva t1UM our Boji' "J ClilKlron'o Clothing Department and parobMo.1 grincn'j thUSoAnon that ploncHl thetn rerjr mocb, for which tact oaro Tory proud of And wo have tho oxlrotno gratification ot knowlog ourpatroni nppreclato our cOorta In havtug auch clothing m h up to tho times. Our Spring and Summer ClotlliD roit BOYS an CHILDREN la nnaqualed anjnhtre, and Ii only inalcd In larce eaiUira cltlot, tlieroby citing you tbo tamo rulvanUjtot that thoio Uaro wbo purchaio abroad. Variety of Stylet and auorttnont ot Colon imCQEflSE. Knee Pant Suits, ages 4 to 14 years, $2.25 and upwards. Boys' Long Pant Suits, ages 13 to 19, $4.75 and up. . TUPLE OF FASHION. h ft, 63, 65 Iili S-(DNtLES, S-(DNtLES, GRATES UTILES. A vory largo stock to soloct from. Do not buy until you i liavosoonourflno PORTLAND CEMENT, CEMENT PIPING, FIRE BRICKS, ETC. I DELIAS MORRIS- c Show Room and Office No. 22-23 W. Sooth Temple. FASHIONABLE and HEALTHFUL raoi'f THE OCNUINn "Vh t Jackson W Corset WaistB SUPERB rOKM. PRRrECT TIT. J t (tllKlComt aa4 Walit comUaad. Tanout far III ttyW,rrctful lymfflttrr, lad atkltbrul TUtlOa, l.t,.ttJ .I, IJ, lUi. StlfMml tUH) t W, li I'll. """SeSTSTA,. JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich. 1? YOUK DEALER I1ASN T IT. WRUU TO US. PRACTICAL GUNSMITHS. Ho-Stooltlna:, Xlarluu: uiifl Gununtl Kopatrlnij. Modols and Koya of all Kinds Mado. Safos Ropalrod. DO COaiMEKCIAIi BTKKBT, HAIiT LAKB CUV. ajon ox' zizca- kiut. AMRICAirNATTONAL BAffi, -OF SALT LAKE OITY. Capilal $250,000. Surplus $60,000. Organized October, 1890. Bar- ATiirBsr rjip o.v sam-os uid tiuk deposits -vk r!tOTOl,-Jamii 11. Uacon, IrMHteall II M Iiaroa. Vlcerrulileatl F.I- IIoltan1, C'lblcrl W. U llpllti it, aimiaiit taifauri A X. OraM M J. Urar, 8. M. JanH, J. W. Juilil. U. r. Loollmrroir, t, W. lto, hll) Belli, I). U Tunulclill, T. A. Ilavla, BTllDERSPRPTERSe rjTIK KAOLK )TriA3T!0 TAIU.UTINO COStrO J1TION, THE H1REB? tuttale la tne norMlor making tbe atrongett, molt claitlo, duratle aatl bandtome blsdlna; lorlllll Hoada, BUttrutnli, Rellroad Blanka, ate. At Wait one-halt cheaper tbaj; the old method ot MTfrlni the edata with colored yaper. Ilea no ffeoatTO or nahealtb y odor, ul MM peand nlU do more than two ponnda ot anyot the Liquid prey, anoletit, at much leu cost. I'ot up lu tiro-pound boxea and aald at JUnaUctorera' prtcca, 45 Oenta per pound at the DESEBET NEWS OFFICER t HowlingSuccess, w fairbank's J& OLAiRETTE ii. SOAP m9.sJrIiBEPUTATI0N and SB fBi SUCCESS TO ITS OWN IIIJPvD'VEBITS IT IS PUREUNADULTERATEaANDFOR APID Cleansing Power has noequal, IT IS INVALUABLE IN IITCHEN & LAUNDRY. Sold by all grocers. ST. LOUIS. JAMES-SPENCER-BATEfflAlcd (SuKttiort to David Jamoi A Co, anil Spencer-Iljrwator Co.,) PLUMBERS, TINNERS, Steam and G-as Fiilors. Wu carry a Complete Lino of GEH AHD PENINSULl.il STOVES AND RANGES, Oaaollne and OltStovee, Tlnwaro, Oranlta Ironware and Houee Furntthlns Qoode. ..I ' A -fNo. 07 TrXJSJZN (STREET. JULIUS GAUER, Manufacturer, tportsmen'sy iEIeadqttarters ! BROWllfc-.BROS., 105 S. Hals Gt-, Salt LaU City,UM8i wftngtcn iTe.,0oden, Otah. iholOuni.rtlflii, I THaWll''"''! " rMtJ""'TJ alllnaofr'UhlnjJ Plitolt. Ammutil- vrXTSGmlP" S"" A 8n or! Ing anal lion and a gtner- y$3p Jj &v Athlello Qooda, V)T THOMSON WATERPnOC? BOOTS ANDV. SHOES. Tirf AgtnU for Mltro I'ewdor, Cap. and JTu,l 1'ont Hportlns andTclaalloi Poa dcrBndIetionelTptwrlUn. ctTtiidb Scrrt.iKi.- . mxsb roa oon iLivajiuinp uuioao. wxm to -uiT4 m PHNUimY CURED OR NQ PAY. I I" I''tUamm bualn.... We ref.r 70'J Jj eoo pall.aalatli. Male or Colonulo and li0f ( 1 Uou.I Dutiu U.uxr, alao McCornick ij lu,tl7ml"w'RtMh,rtriJrfllla l"ar,n,M to "'ej J ?uViffil&l4uC'0" MBUftwiittt'eftfj . tUUINATION NtCC. (j I THE O.E. MILLER COMPANY' j, nr,m.f0t,iW1taa, Conitllnllon nioek. Bait LaAalt -T v't'l''Htolla m.JtoSn in. Im gECK'S HOT SPRlk I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAI. Vi aura Infaltitl. for niicumatUm, Goat, Catarrh, utl r0IBoninr. tait alt Uoo t S tail itln dliouo. TmiaturolJ.'. I 'u"",a. a Swimming Fool 250 foot long. .V. Fluigj Bath 70 feat loifRg. Prlvato Flnngo Baths (on Ladles 11 HOTEL AND RnSTAUItANT ATTACHED. A. . . I E, Y. IjAYLOR, Mannfjf r. COATTBI. & SNBLGHnVR d. fP Will Sell You a PIANO, ORQAN, VIOLIN, OUITAI, MHNI)fjIN, BANJO CLAtllONET; In (tot anything In the Muilctl Llnet tt Uv,.r prKi and on Detler Termt than any other (Irm In the Vitrn S.tlt5. C0ALTER & SNELGR0VE, the Silt LaUjnffllC DEALERS - POPULAR (-. Eetablliliod O.Vv' ABenU "F" V TAILORS "F- |